Deceased/Not Found PA - Elizabeth “Beth” Capaldi, 55, last seen by husband, phone & car left behind, Sellersville, Bucks Co, 10 Oct 2022

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What, "How to control your dark impulses" doesn't qualify?!

Methinks this dude thought he was Batman or something, when in reality he was more like Darkwing Duck.
Not if I were on the jury. I tend to think he read somewhere in the results for "How to get away with murder" an entry which likely mentioned something about behaviors/actions that will help create a good insanity defense. MOO
That's really ghastly. Probably (MOO) unplanned ... brief premeditation (MOO), the horrid scramble to conceal (MOO).

Dusmemberment is a whole other level.

Heart broken for the daughter....

I'll never understand how a person can love another person, be with them for years and then just decide they will murder them and cut them into pieces!

It's ghastly! I mean maybe the murder was "a crime of passion", heat of the moment kind of thing but the dismemberment and disbursesment of body parts was clearly thought out. He's an absolute monster!
I'll never understand how a person can love another person, be with them for years and then just decide they will murder them and cut them into pieces!

It's ghastly! I mean maybe the murder was "a crime of passion", heat of the moment kind of thing but the dismemberment and disbursesment of body parts was clearly thought out. He's an absolute monster!
Can it be considered a crime of passion or a heat of the moment kind of thing when he killed her while she was asleep?
So: He was having an affair, had an apparent addiction to overspending on comic books, and because his wife didn't support his "dream" of opening a comic book store with his brother, he murdered her.

IMO only but I bet Beth was tarred with the "unsupportive spouse" label by SC and his family, which may account for the...odd attitude some members of the Capaldi clan seemed to take towards Beth's disappearance.
Spot on! I just knew he was having an affair! Brains below the waist Freak.

12/15/22 -- Bucks County DA Powerpoint

Criminal Complaint --

Daughter reported the victim missing. The defendant alleged to his daughter that they had an argument after the victim disclosed to him she'd been having a 3-year affair.

12/8/22 -- During an interview with detectives, the defendant admitted to detectives that he killed his wife on 10/10/22 and disposed of her remains.

Grand Jury Report ---

GJ did not believe the victim was having a 3 yr affair but instead believes the defendant was having a 6-month affair.

12/8/22 -- Defendant's attorney approached the DA's office looking to proffer an agreement.

Under the terms of the proffer entered into with the DA, the defendant agreed to plead guilty to 3rd-degree murder, abuse of corpse, possession of an instrument of crime, tampering w/physical evidence, and obstructing justice and will receive a negotiated 20-40 years incarceration.

No bail, waives his PH, and appellate rights.


12/15/22 -- Bucks County DA Powerpoint

Criminal Complaint --

Daughter reported the victim missing. The defendant alleged to his daughter that they had an argument after the victim disclosed to him she'd been having a 3-year affair.

12/8/22 -- During an interview with detectives, the defendant admitted to detectives that he killed his wife on 10/10/22 and disposed of her remains.

Grand Jury Report ---

GJ did not believe the victim was having a 3 yr affair but instead believes the defendant was having a 6-month affair.

12/8/22 -- Defendant's attorney approached the DA's office looking to proffer an agreement.

Under the terms of the proffer entered into with the DA, the defendant agreed to plead guilty to 3rd-degree murder, abuse of corpse, possession of an instrument of crime, tampering w/physical evidence, and obstructing justice and will receive a negotiated 20-40 years incarceration.

No bail, waives his PH, and appellate rights.

Thank you for this @Seattle1 . So the deal is in fact in motion. The DA surely consulted with family on this, and there will be no new charges. MOO.
From Grand Jury report (I am copying directly from the report for people who might be unable to open the links on their own computers/devices):

"Emma Capaldi reported that her mother, 55 year old Elizabeth "Beth" Capaldi, was missing. She stated that her father, then 56 year old Stephen Capaldi, told her on this date that her mother had been missing for a few days. Stephen Capaldi stated to Emma Capaldi that he first observed that Elizabeth Capaldi and some of her belongings were missing from the home on October 10, 2022. He told her that he noticed additional items missing from the residence on October 11, 2022, including approximately $13,000.00 cash, some cosmetics and some clothing.

Upon learning this news, Emma Capaldi left work immediately and traveled to her parent's home in search of clues. Emma Capaldi told her father she would be calling the police and his response was, "Do what you think you have to do."

"Many interviews were conducted with Stephen Capaldi, the first of which was on October 12, 2022. During these
interviews, Capaldi maintained that his wife of thirty years left on her own accord and that he had no idea where she could be but guessed that it was probably a beach or somewhere warm. He stated that she was unhappy in their marriage and was doing this to "prove a point." He claimed that a week prior to her disappearance, his wife was sobbing in the kitchen and told him that she had been having an affair for the past three years.

He claims that he was "interested" in this disclosure but didn't ask any questions of her; not even who this alleged affair was happening with. He claimed that immediately following this conversation they went about their day as planned and worked on the patio together. A neighbor corroborated seeing the couple laughing and joking with one another-no hint of discord.

Mr. Capaldi then stated that the week went on as normal and they had a great week together with no hint of something wrong. The night before his wife disappeared, he described holding hands on the couch with his wife watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer together before bed."

More from Grand Jury report:

"When asked to recount his whereabouts on the day his wife went missing, Mr. Capaldi stated he went to Lansdale to look at rental properties and then went fishing and came home. He specifically offered that he had not met with anyone or had any appointments. This story was maintained over the course of several interviews. It was later uncovered that Stephen Capaldi had actually traveled to Lansdale that day to visit with his mistress. When asked about his relationship, he maintained that they were strictly friends and nothing sexual had occurred. This statement was a lie as it was determined that Stephen Capaldi had been having an emotional and sexual affair with this woman for approximately six months.

Stephen Capaldi was asked to surrender his cellular phone for examination multiple times for police to better obtain a timeline of events to assist law enforcement in locating his wife. While Mr. Capaldi eventually handed his phone to police, he did so after delaying multiple times and only after he deleted its contents. A forensic extraction was able to recover many of those deleted items which included (but were not limited to):

o how to get away with murder
o how to delete Facebook messages
o can you avoid police detection by turning off your phone
o can a polygraph be skewed
o how to control your dark impulses
o how to disappear and never be found
• Specifically in the days after his wife's disappearance:
o Quikrete cement
o Reciprocating Saw
o DIY blacklight1
o FBI Handbook of Crime Scene Forensics


"Mr. Capaldi initially testified consistent with his prior police interviews except for
admitting that he lied about his affair. He also admitted for the first time, despite the numerous interviews he had given, that he never went fishing on October 10, 2022 and the elaborate story he gave police repeatedly about his fishing trip was all a lie. Aside from those two points, he maintained that he had nothing to do with his wife's disappearance and evrything else he told police was truthful. Mr. Capaldi agreed to submit to a polygraph test, which was administered
during a break from testimony by a highly qualified polygrapher. During said test, he was asked ifhe killed his wife and answered in the negative. Mr. Capaldi unquestionably failed that test.

Subsequent to the failed polygraph test, testimony resumed and Mr. Capaldi was confronted with some damning evidence, some of which was detailed above. It is the opinion of this Grand Jury that Mr. Capaldi was unraveling and had been caught in numerous lies."

Blames her, considered blaming the daughter.

20-40 years. Please give him 40. Then charge him with every other anything. Never let him out.

Yeah, right. SHE had a lover and is on a beach somewhere. No doubt with DPeterson's wife/gf, BMorphew's wife. Yup, amazing how they're all on beaches somewhere. With the imaginary money.

After they had a perfect evening.

Oh, and he went fishing, too. As one does. Hello, SPeterson.

I can guess what the quickset cement was for.

What an absolutely horrid human being.

There goes his illustrious career losing money on comic books.

I can't wait to forget his name.


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