GUILTY PA - Frank Bonacci, 24, Dunmore, 20 July 2013

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I wonder why he would be at that park at 3 a.m. unless he was just walking through there on the way to someplace else. I don't know the area to know what's right there.

The only things I can think of to do in a park at 3 a.m. are not good things. We know there is a dui history, I wonder if there's any history with drugs.
It appears that someone has access to his FB page. 20 hours ago he became friends with about 10 people. I assume that some could have been old requests from him that the other person just accepted, but I doubt that was the case for all of them.

Reminds me of Matthew Royer who was traveling home from college in RI and took a detour down south without notifying his parents who subsequently reported him as missing. He was later found safe, but I had noticed the same kind of activity on his FB page too.

Hopefully Frankie just needed a break from something and voluntarily took off for a few days.
As in most missing men cases, there isn't much news interest, but he sure has a lot of locals and family/friends out searching for him.

The reporting isn't very thorough either. Just 1 station has had decent coverage in the beginning, and all they have really shown is a group of people milling around a parking lot.

Frankie's phone pinged on a tower along Route 81, and no reports of anything since. I wish some news would explore that or go talk to cops or SOMETHING.

I've been trying to scan the families search page on FB for any updates, but it's so overrun with bickering and trolls, I don't see how it's helping anyone. Unfortunately, the admins aren't removing these people either :(

It's a shame because it appears he has a great support system of family and friends who want to help too.
I've been trying to scan the families search page on FB for any updates, but it's so overrun with bickering and trolls, I don't see how it's helping anyone. Unfortunately, the admins aren't removing these people either :(

It's a shame because it appears he has a great support system of family and friends who want to help too.
I couldn't agree more RexManning. I am from Dunmore, PA and we are all sick over this. I just tried to catch up with information on the FB page and I can't make heads or tails at this point. I wrote the administrator of the page on Thursday and gave her Marc Klaas' web site. I urged her to show it to the family and maybe they can contact him for some help and advice, especially in the fields of organization and communication. I feel terrible about criticizing their efforts, I know they are just doing the best they can in this terrible situation.

As many as these cases I have followed over the years, now that it has happened right here, I seem to be paralyzed by fear and cannot concentrate enough to think back on people who can help them. I believe Tim Miller does this type of search, as well. I know Tim recently had some problems and wasn't sure if he could go on, so I'm hesitant to suggest this. If anyone has any ideas or suggestion, please let me know. I hope to stop by the search headquarters later today. Thank you, Websleuthers, I know you are the best at what you do.
I've been trying to scan the families search page on FB for any updates, but it's so overrun with bickering and trolls, I don't see how it's helping anyone. Unfortunately, the admins aren't removing these people either :(

It's a shame because it appears he has a great support system of family and friends who want to help too.
Having followed here the disappearance and subsequent recovery of Chad Rogers and seeing how the townspeople in that case pulled together to offer anything to assist in the search (including organizing a call list to contact local companies about their camera footage), I am ashamed of my fellow Pennsylvanian's behavior on Frank's facebook missing page. :facepalm:
That happens so often on missing persons facebook pages. Admins have no idea of what will happen, and are often unprepared with the time to actually admin... which -in this case- really means deleting. There are several good postings there, but unless someone actually spends the time supervising that page it will continue.
Official FB search page is reporting that police have located a vehicle that had gone over an embankment in the area where Frankie lives. No official confirmation yet on whether the vehicle matches his, but it's not looking good.

ETA: His mother confirmed on the FB page that it was his Jeep that was found. No word on whether or not he was found with it.
That FB page seems to be gone...

Yeah, it's strange. Admins posted that the local police wanted the FB group shut down (something I haven't experienced on other missing person pages), so they made the group secret and then promoted like 20 people to admins who went through and removed everyone one by one. I got deleted about an hour ago and haven't found any MSM coverage, so not sure what has been developing.
"Scranton Police Saturday night said they found a vehicle teetering on a ledge overlooking Roaring Brook, fueling speculation among a crowd of family and friends of missing Dunmore man Frank Bonacci.

Lackawanna County Coroner Timothy Rowland was called to the scene, a step typically taken when a body is recovered.

"The vehicle is in a very precarious position and can't be approached safely," Scranton police Lt. Martin Crofton said. "We are very early in the investigation, but this appears to be accidental."

Police have spent several hours on the recovery effort, but darkness, rain and the position of the vehicle may make recovery impossible before daylight Sunday, Lt. Crofton said.

At 9:50 p.m., Lt. Crofton ushered Mr. Bonacci's family members to a private truck to update them. Afterward, he told the media that the vehicle was approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the command post set up near Jacobson Hat Co. and the University of Scranton tennis courts.

Lt. Crofton declined to say whether a body was found. He also declined to identify the make of the vehicle, saying he "wasn't there," but just relaying information. As those involved in the search for Mr. Bonacci know, he was last seen driving a silver 2006 Jeep Liberty."
The guy who said "by order of the local police" well, I think he was not exactly being honest. I can't see police saying to shut down a fb page for a missing guy. Especially due to a tragic accident.

My best guess is that they were trying to protect the Mom. She has posted "Tell me" in regards to if it was Frankie. So very heartbreaking. Mom is disabled due to a car accident and Frankie was a caretaker for her.

They started removing posts, but seemed to panic, added a boatload of admins and deleted 7000 fans lickety split.

Silly and what a shame no one in the area now has a specific source. FB pages can really be a great tool when used correctly.

But they didn't know. I feel for them. It is hard to admin anything even when you're experienced.

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