PA - Grace Packer, 14, murdered, Abington, 4 July 2016 *Killer died*

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As distorted as both Packer and Sullivan are individually and collectively, the equivalently polluted human service industry/system should be addressed as publicly as thePacker/Sullivan proceedings, IMO.

I found interest in the suggestion that Packer didn't think that the case would be followed-up upon by the authorities. I am of the belief that her perspective was driven by her human service background... wherein things are not pursued diligently... so she was of the mistaken assumption that the balance of the world worked that way as well.

Also, recent reports that I've seen make lite reference to a review of the human service industry/system... but make it clear that those actions are not being made public. To me, that is a problem. [Kinda reeks of elements of the Catholic church sexual abuse scandal.]

BBM. When a system is filled with people who receive low pay and have high volume caseloads, it is a no brainer (to me) that they will have all sorts of things fall through the cracks. Add to that the turn over rate is high and there is a lack of a standard of care, Packer was right--little followthrough would be present.
BBM. When a system is filled with people who receive low pay and have high volume caseloads, it is a no brainer (to me) that they will have all sorts of things fall through the cracks. Add to that the turn over rate is high and there is a lack of a standard of care, Packer was right--little followthrough would be present.

And because it's filled with morally corrupt individuals who are willing to stay in the system because of their ulterior motives.
Jim Melwert


Sara Packer has entered a guilty to 19 charges, including 1st degree murder for killing her 14 year old adopted daughter Grace Packer. Sentencing will begin soon.

Jim Melwert


After facts of case were read, Judge Diane Gibbons asked Packer why she was smiling. “I smile when I’m nervous.” Judge didn’t believe her, asked her what’s funny. She said, “nothing your honor.”
Sara Packer sentenced to life and then some for killing daughter with boyfriend. "Evil attracts evil," judge tells her.

At a news conference after the sentencing, Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub said he will give local authorities permission to release a report investigating Grace's death. He said it will be up to legislators to fix the system that "enabled Grace to be fostered and adopted by a monster like Sara Packer and to be fed to a predator like Jacob Sullivan."

"I don't know what Grace's law would look like," he said. "I would love to read it someday."
Weintraub said the outcome of the Packer and Sullivan cases are the "best we can do in the justice system."

Earlier, Sara Packer was asked to look up and listen while statements were read in court. Asked why he took that unusual step, Weintraub said he felt prosecutors were Grace's voice. "For the first, and for the only 14 years of her life, that woman ignored her and treated her as an inanimate object, as a paycheck," he said.

"I wanted her to listen and know Grace for the first time as people who truly loved her knew Grace," he added. (edited)
Sara Packer sentenced to life and then some for killing daughter with boyfriend. "Evil attracts evil," judge tells her.

March 29, 2019

"More than two years after the horrific details of the rape and strangling of 14-year-old Grace Packer emerged, the only mother the girl ever really knew was called “evil” by the judge who sentenced her Friday to a life behind bars.

Bucks County Judge Diane E. Gibbons added 52 to 104 years to Sara Packer’s sentence, ensuring the 44-year-old former Northampton County children and youth case worker would never leave prison....

“Evil attracts evil,” Gibbons said at sentencing. “Evil recognizes evil. This is what happens when two evil people with similar evil interests get together. People like Grace Packer die.”..."

Sara Packer sentenced to life and then some for killing daughter with boyfriend. "Evil attracts evil," judge tells her.

And because it's filled with morally corrupt individuals who are willing to stay in the system because of their ulterior motives.
The people I know who work in Social Services work hard and have good hearts but the pay and the stress are awful. I am not sure the field is full of morally corrupt people who have bad motives.
‘There is no cure for people like you.’ Mom gets life in prison for murder, dismemberment of Grace Packer

“The use of the word ‘mother’ out of your mouth is a profanity,” Gibbons said, staring down at Packer as she sat shackled in an orange prison jumpsuit. “It is profane.”


Packer answered the judge’s questions calmly Friday, and chose not to address the court.

“You have nothing to say?” asked Gibbons.

Packer shook her head, saying “No, your honor.”

Gibbons said she did not believe Packer’s testimony that Sullivan dominated her, nor did the judge believe that Packer had been the mastermind.

“Evil attracts evil, and in Jacob Sullivan you found one of your own” Gibbons said. “This is what happens when two evil people with the same evil intentions get together.”


To ensure such horrific crimes never occur again, Fioravanti said Packer would make herself available in prison to be interviewed by mental health experts and academics.

But Gibbons said she hoped no one took Packer up on that offer.

“There is no cure for people like you,” the judge said. “You didn’t become this. This is who you are.”
Thank you to the people who have been posting the tweets for the hearing and the newspaper. Living in the UK i cannot read most of the articles.
I've followed gracie's case from the beginning and I'm so glad that these two monsters are where they need to be.
gracie's family should be so proud of her young brother that was a beautiful statement he made and lots of fantastic things are being done to help children and families in her name On gracie's wings.
Sara Packer sentenced to life and then some for killing daughter with boyfriend. "Evil attracts evil," judge tells her.

At a news conference after the sentencing, Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub said he will give local authorities permission to release a report investigating Grace's death. He said it will be up to legislators to fix the system that "enabled Grace to be fostered and adopted by a monster like Sara Packer and to be fed to a predator like Jacob Sullivan."

"I don't know what Grace's law would look like," he said. "I would love to read it someday."
Weintraub said the outcome of the Packer and Sullivan cases are the "best we can do in the justice system."

Earlier, Sara Packer was asked to look up and listen while statements were read in court. Asked why he took that unusual step, Weintraub said he felt prosecutors were Grace's voice. "For the first, and for the only 14 years of her life, that woman ignored her and treated her as an inanimate object, as a paycheck," he said.

"I wanted her to listen and know Grace for the first time as people who truly loved her knew Grace," he added. (edited)

Sara Packer had a history of isolating and mistreating Grace. During her testimony at Sullivan’s sentencing she called Grace a “non-entity” and admitted to coldly watching as Grace pleaded for her mother’s help while Sullivan was raping her.

This just boils my blood!! She is worse than a monster that she can call a sweet girl whom she raised for 11 years a "non-entity" even after her death and during the trial. It is obvious that she has no heart in her at all! Thank you to the judge for understanding the depth of the depravity of these two!
I'm glad that the media seems to be putting attention on DA Weintraub's statement about the system needing to be fixed to keep this from happening again. It would be easy for that to be lost in the coverage a murder this disturbing.

Packer would probably end up at SCI Muncy, right?
Grace Packer's death could bring system changes to save abused children

APRIL 8, 2019

The release of a report investigating the failure of children and youth agencies to protect former Reading teenager Grace Packer from abuse and murder has given lawmakers added urgency to improve the system.

Packer's adoptive mother, Sara Packer, and the mother's boyfriend, Jacob Sullivan, carried out the 2016 kidnapping, rape, murder and dismemberment of the 14-year-old. Their criminal court cases recently concluded, prompting the release of a highly redacted report on Grace Packer's death authored by the state Department of Human Services.

It shows there were signs of abuse through the family's interaction with children and youth agencies in Berks, Bucks, Montgomery and Lehigh counties...."

Grace Packer's death could bring system changes to save abused children

Grace Packer Report

"Pennsylvania Department of Human Services report on the rape and murder of former Reading resident Grace Packer."

Grace Packer Report | Child Protective Services | Child Abuse

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