GUILTY PA - Holly Grim, 41, Wescosville, 22 Nov 2013 #1 *Arrest*

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A local explained earlier that olly and her mom are very, very close and mom would often drive her to work (mom worked at the same company before retirement, so this was a habit). But she went to the home on this day because Holly was not answering the phone and Mom knew she had a cold - and thought maybe she 'slept in'

So from that, can we work out what time mom might have called the house? Late enough that Holly would be back from the bus stop, but also late enough for mom to worry Holly wouldn't get to work on time?

I am wondering what time work at Allen's Organs would start, and how long it would take Holly to drive there normally.

There are a couple of times given in media for the sighting of Holly on her drive; 6.33/34am. But they are SO precise. I'm back to thinking of mail deliveries again - a passing postal worker is the only person I can think of who might have a to-the-minute time in their head like that. Also, although they might be familiar with the homes and numbers and occupants when they are in the homes they might not have been able to name another person on the drive with Holly, even if they recognized they were from somewhere in the park?
I think our local mentioned upthread that it had been thought Holly drove to the bus stop, but then family amended that to her walking. I'll check.

Some people have an affinity with another person. This could have been between Holly and her mother. i can relate to that. Having a feeling that something is wrong and being right. My husband used to say I was crazy. But I was right so many times. Even though there was nothing that I could point to that had me this feeling this way. Just intuition.

I just hope she can be found to give peace of mind to her family. Any indiscretions whether real or suspected should have nothing to do with trying to find her. LE would be checking everything out.

I am hoping Christmas brings good news to all those families who are awaiting news of their loved ones.

Holly is the only daughter amongst all those boys. I am sure you are right and there is a special bond there.
Didn't find what I was looking for yet, but found this;

From that, if someone can work out how long it would take to drive from the bus stop near Red Maples to the workplace in Locust St, Macungie, we can work out what time she would have got there to arrive an hour early, and then work back from there?

I'm liable to get confused here, that's why I'm not attempting the math.

ETA: Ignore me. We have already been told Holly started work at 7.30am.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - PA PA - Holly Grim - 41 years old - Wescosville - 22 Nov 2013
I can't find any mention of Holly walking, not driving, to the bus stop. I must be getting confused with where it was clarified that Mom had not arranged to drive Holly to work that day.

Holly did have a cell but it has not been found. If it was her cell mom was calling and there was no answer, then that call has to have been made at the time Holly was being - or had aready been - disappeared. I think she would probably have taken it with her on the drive to the bus stop.
I am wondering what time work at Allen's Organs would start, and how long it would take Holly to drive there normally.

Zwie, Thanks for all your research.

Two nitpicky things:

1. It took me a while to find Holly's employer's website. For clarity's sake: The phrase "Allen Organ's" is used on their webpages when speaking of things that belong to the company, as in "Allen Organ's factory," etc. However, the actual name of the firm is "Allen Organ Company". No "s" at the end of either of the first two words.

2. What time Holly was expected to arrive at work would depend on whether she worked in the office, on the sale's floor, at the museum, or in the factory. Do we know her job at the company? For sure? Apologies if this question has been addressed before.


ETA: Zwie, we posted at the same time. Find the Why, where did you get the job start time of 7:30 am for Holly? From MSM, LE or SM? There's no link attached to your post on the WS thread page Zwie furnished above. Double Thanks!
I can't find any mention of Holly walking, not driving, to the bus stop. I must be getting confused with where it was clarified that Mom had not arranged to drive Holly to work that day.

Holly did have a cell but it has not been found. If it was her cell mom was calling and there was no answer, then that call has to have been made at the time Holly was being - or had already been - disappeared. I think she would probably have taken it with her on the drive to the bus stop.

So she did have a cell phone and they haven't retrieved it yet... that's interesting. Obviously they've been calling so if it wasn't charged it'd be dead by now more than likely. Wonder if Le tried pinging and that's why they concentrated a search in the junk yard???

To me the neighbor supposedly seeing her having an altercation and someone seeing an older model car has to be the most likely source or disappearance. I mean she has an altercation she goes missing let's find that person. Blargh.. drives me batty. :tantrum:
Would she have taken her BFs car to the bus stop? Every time I read Holly's thread a get a hinky uncomfortable feeling about someone close to her. The FB item about her being dragged across the yard is pure, dramatic BS IMO. I don't post much but lurk a lot and follow the social media. It seems in most every case someone is spewing something unfounded on FB.!1e1!7m7!3b1!7i1!8e0!11m3!1m1!1e1!2b1&fid=0

Interactive map of Holly's home to Allen Organ Company...

Am still trying to find the school bus stop Holly would have taken her son to on the morning she disappeared...

HTH... :seeya:

Case of another missing / found from the area:

O/T: We've spent many a day and night at the Velodrome there on Rt 100. Nice area.
Case of another missing / found from the area:

O/T: We've spent many a day and night at the Velodrome there on Rt 100. Nice area.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - PA PA - Holly Grim - 41 years old - Wescosville - 22 Nov 2013

Thanks for the update incase others are not aware that Zwiebel posted on this thread yesterday about Alexis Doll being found.
I have alerted a mod in regards to my post about the cellphone, so perhaps we will find out if we can use the cellphone info even though it is not in main stream media.
I think...(not sure) that we have a new thing in WS where locals who are not insiders can post sort of ish, inside info without being verified? As none of findthewhy's posts were deleted, I think it may be correct?
I think it is highly likely Holly had a cell phone myself. The only person I know personally, (over age 10) who hasn't got one is me.

And in fact I have two. I just hid them as people kept calling me, and now I haven't seen my phones for 18 months. This policy did not work out well when my hubby had a bad accident and I couldn't access his phone to call emergency though, so I don't recommend it.
I think it is highly likely Holly had a cell phone myself. The only person I know personally, (over age 10) who hasn't got one is me.

And in fact I have two. I just hid them as people kept calling me, and now I haven't seen my phones for 18 months. This policy did not work out well when my hubby had a bad accident and I couldn't access his phone to call emergency though, so I don't recommend it.

I don't doubt Holly has a cellphone. She probably does. It's just that it is a little confusing about the details that if a poster posts something that is not in the main stream media, that the rules seem to say to me that they must be verified, particularly because they have info that has not been reported in main stream media. I have not read anywhere that Holly has a cellphone and it cannot be found.
With info that the mods will let us use, then we can gather more ideas and clues perhaps. Clarification would help.
I'm going to ask a nice mod if they can clarify this for us.
I think...(not sure) that we have a new thing in WS where locals who are not insiders can post sort of ish, inside info without being verified? As none of findthewhy's posts were deleted, I think it may be correct?

Sometimes mods are busy and have not read every thread for a missing person. I found that out about the Susan Jacobson case, when a mod told me that mods are volunteers and they can't moderate every thread, every page, because there aren't enough mods to go around, so it's possible that mods haven't seen every page, and that's why mods say if there is a problem with a post then use the alert button to alert a mod.
So, I alerted a mod to my own post, so maybe we can get an answer to the cell phone question so that it can be added into the info for Holly and there won't be any question about the validity.
Well whoops, I alerted a mod to your post too, to help explain what was causing the confusion ( I was not COMplaining, hasten to add).

I'm sure we will sort this out....eventually. :)
Well whoops, I alerted a mod to your post too, to help explain what was causing the confusion ( I was not COMplaining, hasten to add).

I'm sure we will sort this out....eventually. :)

:) I wasn't complaining about myself either when I alerted a mod to my own post, although sometimes I have said about myself I can't believe I just said that or did that. LOL! :)
I know that feeling!

But you did explain your points so well in your post, it made it so much easier to just alert on yours, rather than explain it all myself!
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