PA - infant Leon Katz murdered, twin injured, allegedly by babysitter, Pittsburgh- June 24, 2024

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...In the case of LK, the bouncer could have been on a table or counter. I didn't see anything in the PCA about where the bouncer was, just that the seat measured 18 inches from the floor. If the bouncer was on the floor, then yeah, a skull fracture is not consistent with that. But if it were placed on a table or counter, that's different...​

I thought the same-- what if that bounce seat, Moses basket, bassinet, whatever it ends up being, was on a higher surface. The injuries to the baby's head would be much more damaging. The injuries would probably be in a different location of the head and be a lot worst in severity.

We still do not know if she had infant care experience or if she was inept, inexperienced sitter trying to help out.
My own imaginings here-- She admitted to falling asleep while LK was still in the seat. She must've been possibly exhausted, experiencing jet lag, a long day with the family, not expecting to still be there so late, but ended up alone with LK. Heck, she isn't normally in charge of caring for babies. They were still at the hospital with AK. What was taking them so long? Is it possible she made some other stupid negligent mistake she didn't want to admit to?

What if she lied saying the baby seat was on the floor, but it was really on a table? She might've thought she would be blamed for being criminally negligent so she said floor, but...

Would she stick to a lie? See, that's where I doubt she would stick to the floor story. She was questioned (interrogated) by LE enough that if she was lying about the baby seat being on the floor she should've broke and told the truth because now it's much worse than criminally negligent charges.

All MOO and my own pondering thoughts.


I thought the same-- what if that bounce seat, Moses basket, bassinet, whatever it ends up being, was on a higher surface. The injuries to the baby's head would be much more damaging. The injuries would probably be in a different location of the head and be a lot worst in severity.

We still do not know if she had infant care experience or if she was inept, inexperienced sitter trying to help out. My own imaginings here-- She admitted to falling asleep while LK was still in the seat. She must've been possibly exhausted, experiencing jet lag, a long day with the family, not expecting to still be there so late, but ended up alone with LK. Heck, she isn't normally in charge of caring for babies. They were still at the hospital with AK. What was taking them so long? Is it possible she made some other stupid negligent mistake she didn't want to admit to?

What if she lied saying the baby seat was on the floor, but it was really on a table? She might've thought she would be blamed for being criminally negligent so she said floor, but...

Would she stick to a lie? See, that's where I doubt she would stick to the floor story. She was questioned (interrogated) by LE enough that if she was lying about the baby seat being on the floor she should've broke and told the truth because now it's much worse than criminally negligent charges.

If that was in fact the case, that the bouncer seat was high up on a table but she was afraid to admit that, hopefully that information will come out in talks between her and her attorneys. Perhaps it already has, as her attorney did state that there was information that the public doesn’t know about.
Curioser and curioser. When this story first broke I was ready to execute NV myself. The more info comes out - and the more my logical brain takes over my primal instinct - the more I am baffled. This is one case where I can't find Occam"s Razor.
I very much experienced the same, and you’re correct: Even Occam’s Razor is difficult to apply here!
A thought just popped in my head...

It has been questioned that such injuries to babies would probably cause wailing/crying...
I wonder about this, too.

Perhaps the babies were drugged in some way?

I know there has been no mention of this in MSM...

But... could this be a possibility?

Just a thought...
A thought just popped in my head...

It has been questioned that such injuries to babies would probably cause wailing/crying...
I wonder about this, too.

Perhaps the babies were drugged in some way?

I know there has been no mention of this in MSM...

But... could this be a possibility?

Just a thought...
This would only be likely if she intentionally hurt the babies, and with premeditation. And likely only the first baby. Presumably the hospital officials would have noted if he seemed drugged.
This would only be likely if she intentionally hurt the babies, and with premeditation. And likely only the first baby. Presumably the hospital officials would have noted if he seemed drugged.

I am wondering if possibly the doctors DID recognize drugging...
And this is why the P seems so adamant in his claims of criminality.

Of course...
We are not privy to all information...

I am not saying NV is guilty... at this juncture...

But am just considering different scenarios...

ALL... JMO...
I’m guessing a reclined glider/bouncer - example below. Not a “bounce-a-roo” for an older infant with trunk control and not a bedside bassinet or “play ‘n play.”

Thanks for providing a picture.

I still find it hard to believe that a 6-week old baby would fall out of one of those, if he/she was strapped in properly. And if he/she wasn't, then that would be on the caregiver, in this case NV.


I’ve raised a child and grandchildren and have babysat for other family members. Plus babysitting for neighbors since I was eleven, including for a very young infant.

I don’t recall if a baby bouncer seat even existed when I was 11, but it certainly did when I had a baby in 1981. That baby is now 42, and back then the baby bouncer had safety straps.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby seat or baby bouncer that did NOT have straps to keep the baby secure.

If Leon fell out of his baby seat, the entire seat must have fallen over. Unless, of course, NV did not strap him in. Which would be negligence.

Those straps do fit around the crotch area to hold the legs in, but they are soft and IMO, it would be difficult for a newborn to exert enough force to injure himself against it.

Plus, the baby with genital injuries is NOT the baby who died.

To me therefore, this whole thing about Leon dying from a fall does not ring true, unless he wasn’t strapped in properly.

I would give NV grace to think this was an unbearable accident if it were not that BOTH babies under her care were injured, and each in a different fashion.

I am wondering if possibly the doctors DID recognize drugging...
And this is why the P seems so adamant in his claims of criminality.

Of course...
We are not privy to all information...

I am not saying NV is guilty... at this juncture...

But am just considering different scenarios...

ALL... JMO...
At this point, anything is possible. We are missing a lot of information.
1725233188464.png This is part of the message NV sent to her Airbnb before she got there. Note-- she must've checked in, most likely just getting into town, late night 11:30 p.m. June 13th. Did she see the family on the 14th? She was on an outing with them on the 15th, and that night is when all this happened.

"Court papers state that after the 911 call for Leon, the dad, Ethan, rushed home, arriving just as paramedics pulled up. As Leon was transported to the hospital by ambulance, Ethan and Virzi drove to the hospital separately."

"The accused killer didn't stay there long. The Airbnb surveillance footage shows Virzi arriving back at her rental at 12:53am on June 16 a little more than 90 minutes from the time paramedics were called."

1725232099231.png *Remember please, we still have no idea what type of baby apparatus LK was in when he fell, nor do we really know if it had a strap to secure him in. The description of the apparatus has run the gamut from bouncer seat, Moses basket, bassinet. There's a type of baby seat on the side of the couch, and I've included a image, but again, not sure. Looks like the a/c that maybe you can see from the outside of their building?

1725232872803.png Their bldg. has a lot of windows. Not sure if there's separate apts. within the bldg.

Video exclusively obtained by shows Nicole Virzi returning to her Airbnb rental in Pittsburgh shortly after midnight June 16, appearing distraught and anxious (pictured) as she struggled to unlock the door after she allegedly killed a six-week-old boy

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*Remember please, we still have no idea what type of baby apparatus LK was in when he fell, nor do we really know if it had a strap to secure him in. The description of the apparatus has run the gamut from bouncer seat, Moses basket, bassinet. There's a type of baby seat on the side of the couch, and I've included a image, but again, not sure. Looks like the a/c that maybe you can see from the outside of their building?

This is very true. We don’t know for sure what kind of baby contraption Leon was in.

However, a bassinet doesn’t need straps because it is for tiny babies like these, who cannot yet sit up nor have the motor control and strength to get up. They cannot at this age fall out of a bassinet by themselves.

A baby seat or bouncer that places a tiny baby in a more upright position must have straps or the baby could slide right out.

My daughter had one of those sleepers that hook up next to her bed so she could more easily breast feed, but once a baby can stand or even sit up independently, they need safety straps with a buckle.


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