Deceased/Not Found PA - Karen, 11, & Michael Reinert, 10, Ardmore, 22 June 1979 *W. Bradfield guilty*

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Mazama, you have to enlarge the Pa. Police photo but there is lots of wire not twine that is shown in the photo...There is some at the right bottom of the rock, and several other places...The best view of the wire is in the lower left corner of the photo...

I have enlarged the photo, all that is visible to me is the stone, leaves, bushes/trees in background and what looks like vines of some sort. Respectfully, I do not see any wire.


Maz, please go over to page 2 and check the photo that Ihadcabinfever has posted..That's the best one that shows the wire once you enlarge it..The wire starts in the lower left corner and you can see several more pieces of it...It also shows where it was connected to the rock at one time (bottom right side of rock)...I enlarged the photo to about 400%...
Sorry I'm joining this thread late...a side discussion here...

I'm not clear on something. Is the suggestion being made there is an ACTUAL hooded figure in this pic? A devil worshipper? Or just that the rocks and trees look like one?

An earlier post made reference to Old Clinton Road in NJ, infamously rumored to be "haunted" and frequented by satanic cults, the KKK, etc. True, if you're there at night and looking for spooky things, you could start believing the rumors are true. One example is a furnace said to be used for human sacrifice. Of course, no actual evidence of this has ever been given. (Like all good scary stories, it's always something you heard from a friend.) In fact, there is a furnace, and it was part of an old estate. There's even the ruins of an old mansion. See some more here:

But what there has never been is a scrap of hard evidence of an satanic cult holding sacrifices out on an otherwise innocent country road in Passaic County, NJ. (Though Weird NJ's website is full of really entertaining "reports" about all kinds of strangeness there. And I suspect alot of the stories should start off with "We were getting high and..." )

So, yeah, I guess you could see a hooded figure. Or a nun. Or an elephant, if you are looking for one. But our eyes see things and our brains make connections. And our minds play tricks on us. It happens. I see a rock that looks sort of human (after it was talked about and I was looking for it), and some trees. Maybe I'm missing the satan worshipper for the trees, but I don't think so. :innocent:

Sorry if it's a bit off-track from the rest of this bizarre story.
It is a figure. If you blow it up. Myself and folks all thought so.
The figure also has long dark hair.
There is a face *behind* the rock. I circled it. Eyes, nose and mouth are visible, grayish pale skin, slightly blurred. The photo is a closeup, aimed at a low angle toward the bush-covered face, with the upper torso covered with leaves and the rock placed on top, center chest. Was the rock used in the crime? A blow to the head?

Who snapped the photo? Bradford? Smith? An unknown accomplice? Was it the same person who did it?

Was to be used as proof? Or was it a memento.


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I too can see a black figure to the right. Can´t see long hair though and no wire either. And what about the yellow thing at the top of the picture, something red and black there too. Looks like a man made object of some sort.
ChuckMaureen: I see the face too. That is very creepy.
ChuckMaureen: I see the face too. That is very creepy.

There is also something spread out immediately in front of the base of the rock. And closer to the foreground, it looks like some leaves might be stained with blood ... but that also could be autumn-colored foliage.

Why did PSP release that photo? It's of such a narrow point of view you'd have to have already been to the location, with it in that current state (leave pile, branch twigs, whatever) to properly identify it. Is there anything written on the back?

I'm guessing PSP is trying to tickle the 'probable' accomplice out of the woodwork.

One also wonders how long WB had that photo in his possession (in his prison cell? ) .. and what other photos might exist elsewhere? Aren't personal items screened in prison?
A combination of the two PSP photos on this thread with various photoshop views. Bright, Levels, Contrast, lab color, etc. Perhaps there is more there?


Back in 1978 and 1979, when I was 10 years old I played with both Karen and Michael at PWP meetings/events. I also meet Susan Reinert and went to Upper Merion in my teen years.

Jesus Christ is the Truth and the truth will set you free

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life ; no one comes to the Father but through Me.


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Respectfully, I believe a lot of this is like those who swear they see images of Mary in tortillas, pancakes, a water stain on a wall, etc. All I can see is a stone marker of some sort, looks like it could be an angel or of Mary with a hood on that I've seen a lot of pictures of. And that's it...nothing more, nothing less.
i can't believe these ppl were allowed in the school system. how did that happen?
i keep coming back to this case as i was growing up in nj i remember hearing about this on the news. the one guy said he was in cape may and used that as an alibi...i wonder if this is from near cape may. also, i wonder if anyone has posted this at like weirdnj? there are people there that go hiking all over the pine barrens looking for strange things and one of them might recognize this.
i keep coming back to this case as i was growing up in nj i remember hearing about this on the news. the one guy said he was in cape may and used that as an alibi...i wonder if this is from near cape may. also, i wonder if anyone has posted this at like weirdnj? there are people there that go hiking all over the pine barrens looking for strange things and one of them might recognize this.

If you're interested in pursuing that angle, this may be the guy to contact--

Stu's hobby is documenting his explorations of the Pine Barrens.
yeah plus there is another guy that hikes all over nj and i believe pa. mike is his name i believe. i've been looking thru his pictures most of the night to see if i see anything. so far nothing.

i figure these guys might be the ones to ask. they explore places in the area that most people wouldn't ever go to. its worth an ask.
The statue looks like a pagan or Druid representation. Could be wrong on that, but I dated a Druid, style is familiar.
Also have survey companies, utility companies and railroad shipping offices been contacted? Even if it is way way off the beaten path, those are the people that might have legitimate reason to have seen it in the past.
TO ME, the picture of the marker looks like an odd shaped piece of granite that someone sat upright in the woods, with this picture taken sometime at the begining of or during the fall before the fall foilage is at its peak, and is between some trees, which you can see in the background behind the remaining green ground brushes... No demon idols, no hooded figures, just the good old marvels and mysteries of Mother Nature and God.... However that is just my opinion.
They found him with acid in his car. But....... He didn't use acid on Susan's body..... So why would he have used it on the children but not on her? Was it because he "Meant" to kill Susan and was willing to get in trouble for that, but not willing to get in trouble for the children too, because he claimed he didn't mean it for the kids? I dunno.... Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
I think for me after reading Echos in the Darkness, the question is did one kill all three or did one kill Susan and one kill her children.
They found him with acid in his car. But....... He didn't use acid on Susan's body..... So why would he have used it on the children but not on her? Was it because he "Meant" to kill Susan and was willing to get in trouble for that, but not willing to get in trouble for the children too, because he claimed he didn't mean it for the kids? I dunno.... Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I don't remember what type of acid it was, ( I should go look.) But I can say that children's bodies are more easily dissolved in acids because they are smaller and the bones are usually a bit softer. Adults,don't really fully dissolve for quite some time, because of the bone density and size.
Could be an explanation for not using it on Susan, but making it possible that he could have used it on the kids. And even if he did use acid, the stone may still be a burial marker, since he would had to do something with the sludge if he did dissolve the bodies.
But even on the kids, it would have taken awhile, so I don't see him using it to dissolve, he might have tried, but still would have had a lot to dispose of, so if he did use the acid, it probably would have been for making fingerprints unidentifiable or something of the sort.
Circumstances: On July 10, 1979, the skeletal remains of a white female and of a white male were found near Hwy. 20, West of Willits, in Mendocino Co., CA.

The estimated date of death is 12/8/1978.

Jane is estimated to be 14 years old and was about 5'5-1/2" in height. She was wearing the pictured hoop with a pearched-bird earring (pierced-ear type).

John is estimated to be 13 years old and was about 5'5" in height. It is possible these children were related, perhaps brother and sister.

The photographs are computer-generated facial reconstructions done by a forensic artist at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Features such as eyes color, nose, size of lips and ears are the estimations of the artist to complete the image and should not be used as a significant marker for identification.

How in the world did they come up with an actual DATE of their deaths when the bodies were found seven months later? (if the date is true) You can kind of see the forensics folks saying "seven months ago" or "approximately December of last year" but a DATE?
The statue looks like a pagan or Druid representation. Could be wrong on that, but I dated a Druid, style is familiar.
Also have survey companies, utility companies and railroad shipping offices been contacted? Even if it is way way off the beaten path, those are the people that might have legitimate reason to have seen it in the past.

Druids were known to make human sacrifices in Gaul and Celtic cultures. Druids also were known to revere nature and to possibly have a belief in animism. There might be a connection somewhere.

Neo-druidism has a component that involves the worshipping of nature.

Druidism evolved out of the tribal cultures of Britain, Ireland, and western France more than 2,000 years ago. In the 17th century it experienced a revival, which has continued to this day. Contemporary Druids can now be found all over the world, and Druidry’s appeal lies in its focus on a reverence for the natural world and its belief in the value of personal creativity, and of developing a sense of communion with the powers of nature and the spirit. Druidry’s startling recent growth lies in its broad appeal: some treat it as a philosophy, others as a religion, still others as a path of self-development. Druids can be Pagan, or can be followers of other faiths, and a Druid ceremony might include Christian and Buddhist Druids alongside Pagan and Wiccan Druids.
from: What Do Druids Believe? (What Do We Believe?) (9781862078642): Philip Carr-Gomm: Books

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