PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #3

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My DD smokes. She is 20, so I can't forbid smoking entirely. I will not allow it in the house. She hasn't got a "smartphone", so when she goes out to smoke, she not only rarely wears shoes, but she takes her iPod with her instead of her phone since she can use it to get online to check Facebook and stuff, which she can not do from her phone. It also enables her to listen to music while she is outside.

If they were engaging in the type of behavior alleged by others (money being owed for something, etc.) then wouldn't she feel free to smoke in the house.

PD- Did you see the comment at the bottom of the article? What do you make of it?

I'm not PD, but I can say that the comment at the bottom of the article is mostly right. MR, CP, and the people that were with KS that night have not been at all quiet about the case. Immediately after she was reported missing, I knew who she'd been with, where she'd gone, and that her boyfriend was in jail. The only things I learned from the media were about the police calls and search warrants. So in the month since she's been gone, we haven't learned much.

Basically, it's more of the same. . .police have not released much information about this case. We can only speculate as to why. . .and hope that LE knows a lot more than we do.

One thing that I have to suspect is that, regarding searches, the parents must be privy to why LE is not searching more heavily. Because I never see them complain about lack of searches--- they must have been given a reason for it. The rest of us. . .still don't know.
Could it be that LE is searching- we as the public are just not privy to that information?

Andrea- I agree with so much you have posted here. I have a hard time believing a woman who was as agitated as Kortne was that night would not scream like a banshee if grabbed randomly outside her apartment. What are your thoughts about this?
If Kortne was taken out of the apartment deceased or injured...can LE really not wear down the overnight guy to get him to confess? I am having trouble seeing that happening, when as far as he knew, the entire building was awake and on alert for noises coming from her apartment. And even if he waited out the police knocking, how would he know when they actually drove off, or that they were not circling the block regularly?
The "searching" that people are talking about is mass searches through areas where evidence (or a body) can be found. LE cannot do this discreetly, or without help from volunteers. The only reasons I can think for LE not wanting to conduct searches are (what others have previously suggested) that LE may have evidence that she's no longer in the area or that LE may worry that those responsible for her disappearance would try to "assist" with the search. Either way, it's definitely interesting.

I do think KS would scream like a banshee if abducted outside of her apartment. That is why I believe she was silenced inside her apartment ("banging and stomping") by someone (or some people).


The article said she went to the bar with three men, not that she left with three men. CP and MR have not said, in any of their varying stories, that anyone was with them when they were taking KS home. . .
Some of the early reporting mentioned three men but then one dropped off the radar.
If they were engaging in the type of behavior alleged by others (money being owed for something, etc.) then wouldn't she feel free to smoke in the house.


Not necessarily. Few people do these days and lots of leases have a no smoking clause. Mine does.

If her neighbor was OK calling the landlord, her smoking indoors would probably have been reported, IMO.

If you can hear people, you can smell smoke.

I am not saying this will be Kortne but, A body was found today . A farmer went out to do work on his field he and his daugher. He thought a manequin was laying there, but then his daughter got closer and said its a woman with a tattoo on her arm. I live in this area halfway between where Kortne went missing and where they found the body. The body was found in another county but who knows? It's not really that far away, maybe an hour? I just saw this on my TV here on ABC local news which comes out of the Philadelphia area but broadcasts to many Pa counties. I will look for an article and bring it here.

Like I said I don't know who's body this is. But someone's loved one was found ttoday dumped in a famers field, tire marks were left behind. Please pray for whoever it is as someone's family will be hurting.
In addition, two men were charged with underage drinking in connection with the third incident.

I'm confused. Are they saying that these two men were arrested the last time the cops came out? Because they are saying the THIRD incident, so wouldn't that be the last time when supposedly no one answered the doors? Or, are they talking about the actual FIRST time they went out there, when her boyfriend was arrested too? TIA
The "searching" that people are talking about is mass searches through areas where evidence (or a body) can be found. LE cannot do this discreetly, or without help from volunteers. The only reasons I can think for LE not wanting to conduct searches are (what others have previously suggested) that LE may have evidence that she's no longer in the area or that LE may worry that those responsible for her disappearance would try to "assist" with the search. Either way, it's definitely interesting.

I do think KS would scream like a banshee if abducted outside of her apartment. That is why I believe she was silenced inside her apartment ("banging and stomping") by someone (or some people).


The article said she went to the bar with three men, not that she left with three men. CP and MR have not said, in any of their varying stories, that anyone was with them when they were taking KS home. . .

It's pretty common for perps to participate in searches. LE looks for that.

I'm beginning to seriously think something's being withheld.
I am not saying this will be Kortne but, A body was found today . A farmer went out to do work on his field he and his daugher. He thought a manequin was laying there, but then his daughter got closer and said its a woman with a tattoo on her arm. I live in this area halfway between where Kortne went missing and where they found the body. The body was found in another county but who knows? It's not really that far away, maybe an hour? I just saw this on my TV here on ABC local news which comes out of the Philadelphia area but broadcasts to many Pa counties. I will look for an article and bring it here.

Like I said I don't know who's body this is. But someone's loved one was found ttoday dumped in a famers field, tire marks were left behind. Please pray for whoever it is as someone's family will be hurting.

ETA: Tattoo on body
The body in Montgomery County is about 75 miles away from Palmyra via the turnpike according to MapPoint.
It had been reported that Kortne left the bar with others:


Rodriguez said bouncers at the bar asked Stouffer to leave so she and the rest of the group left the bar.

And that others were in the car with Kortne in addition to CP after the MR, Jr. drop-off:


That was the last time he said he saw the now missing 21-year-old, still in the car with others. He said he went inside his house and fell asleep.
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