PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #6

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Thank you for your posts Snoop. I have always valued what you posts here. I stand corrected as to the SS being-a-suspect question.

We are on the same page now about the two burglaries. When I first read the LDNews story, I was a little surprised that they included the line about the burglary. We have to assume that the paper would know about the cash counter burglary since it was in their paper, and they were just referring to the floorboard rumor. Maybe I'm mistaken about the post mentioning both, it could have only mentioned the alleged floorboard burglary. In my mind, the fact that we could find one documented burglary supported the credibility of the post. Now that I look for it, I can't find it, just the reference to the floorboard rumor on the other blog. This is why it's best not to reference anonymous posts, it ends up being references to rumors on top of rumors.

Thanks also for calling the tipline about the trip to CA. More and more I get the feeling that LE is aware of everything that has been discussed online, they've interviewed everyone they could connected to the credible leads, and they don't have enough to make an arrest.
And, at least in this case, LE reads Websleuths, too, Eagle. I found that out when conversing with them.
Don't forget .. she wasn't reported missng until Monday .. he could have taken her out that night (early morning) and had all day Sunday to take her body somewhere after he sent that text that still showed him in the area at that time.

Just a thought. It would be interesting to look at a google earth view of her "place last seen" and the surrounding area. When disposing of a body, individuals tend to use the path of least resistance, meaning an access road, pathway, convenient drainage ditch, pond/mine shaft/well. Rare that they backpack a body any distance through rough terrain. Also interesting would be code department knowledge of any excavation, construction, concrete pours etc. The time line would also have to include time to dig a grave unless a convenient spot was available. Also, left handed people tend to circle to the left or take a road/path to the left. Right handed people tend to go to the right. Under stress, more so. That's the Tracker in me talking... :twocents:
I haven't had a lot of time to post lately but I do frequently read what everyone else is writing. Thank you all for caring and doing whatever you can to find the truth and bring Kortne home to her family. Don't give up and keep seeking.
I might be pointing out the obvious, but has a search been done in the large coal strip mine along Ridge Road?
who knows, LE has been rather tight lipped as to any searches and where they were...but here is some info
this was one of the first articles about searching, and as I recall it raised a few eyebrows stouffer/index-2.html

I don't recall there ever being a (large) organized search ever being done
I'm sorry, but I still just see no way CP knows nothing. Whether he's involved or not, he was there, there was a relatively small window for anything to happen and I just find it difficult to believe he doesn't know something. Hopefully, whatever that is, he has passed it along.

He is another one at the top of the suspect list. Can't believe LE hasn't broken him by now.
who knows, LE has been rather tight lipped as to any searches and where they were...but here is some info
this was one of the first articles about searching, and as I recall it raised a few eyebrows

I don't recall there ever being a (large) organized search ever being done

I am very surprised that it was a limited group of 50 searchers. Should have been more like 100-150 given the area. With the number of SAR teams in PA, there should have been a SAR Manager and team on site with trained SAR Grid Searchers, Sign Cutters and Trackers, including Ground Scent and Air Scent Dogs within 4-6 hours. I was not able to tell if the searchers were trained or not, or if the Police K9 was a trained air scent dog. If no to both, a huge opportunity to gather evidence or eliminate the surrounding area has been lost. In my experience, PD's tend to hold some information close to the chest if they suspect foul play, but generally start releasing information within 48 hours, unless they have very good leads to a specific individual. This looks more like a media/public blackout..which is curious. Also no note (unless I missed it skimming the links) of any helicopters or overflights by the Civil Air Patrol in fixed wing planes. I confess I am a little confused by how this is being handled...not critical of the just seems that a little "off".
I see five containment ponds/bodies of water within a mile of her home. Guessing no divers ever checked them? Other than Swatara Creek, those five ponds and the strip mine look like the best prospects. Palmyra is right next door to Hershey Park.
Does anyone question why the boyfriend's dog was not at the house and when was it taken and by whom. I think it was stated his father had the dog I can't remember
Does anyone question why the boyfriend's dog was not at the house and when was it taken and by whom. I think it was stated his father had the dog I can't remember

The whole dog thing does not make any sense as it was reported.

"Scott clarified an earlier report that a dog was missing from Stouffer's apartment. He said there were two dogs in the apartment at the time of Stouffer's disappearance - one Stouffer's and one her boyfriend's. The boyfriend's father picked up his dog, and Stouffer's family has her dog."

The only thing that makes sense to me would be this: The boyfriend is arrested and LE calls the boyfriend's parents as they called Bowman's and Burdge's parents. The father comes over and takes the dog. K does not inform her family that this has happened. WS comes over on Monday and only one dog is there and reports one of the dogs is missing. Later, they find out that the dad came over and got the dog when the boyfriend was arrested. Now they know why one of the dogs was not there. This scenario makes sense to me. Getting the dog after the disappearance and before WS arrived does not make a whole lot of sense and doesn't seem accurate. How would he get into the house and why would he have left the door unlocked? Let's say the door was unlocked and he just came in and took the dog. Why would he leave the door unlocked when nobody was home?
The whole dog thing does not make any sense as it was reported.

"Scott clarified an earlier report that a dog was missing from Stouffer's apartment. He said there were two dogs in the apartment at the time of Stouffer's disappearance - one Stouffer's and one her boyfriend's. The boyfriend's father picked up his dog, and Stouffer's family has her dog."

The only thing that makes sense to me would be this: The boyfriend is arrested and LE calls the boyfriend's parents as they called Bowman's and Burdge's parents. The father comes over and takes the dog. K does not inform her family that this has happened. WS comes over on Monday and only one dog is there and reports one of the dogs is missing. Later, they find out that the dad came over and got the dog when the boyfriend was arrested. Now they know why one of the dogs was not there. This scenario makes sense to me. Getting the dog after the disappearance and before WS arrived does not make a whole lot of sense and doesn't seem accurate. How would he get into the house and why would he have left the door unlocked? Let's say the door was unlocked and he just came in and took the dog. Why would he leave the door unlocked when nobody was home?

And why call someone to come and get the dog? K is there right?
Or was something else going on between the two.

Now What if KS did not go missing the night of the fight with the neighbors?
What if she went missing sometime the next day. What if she went out that morning early to do something and was not there when C got up.

Was her bf in jail that night?
When did he get out?
And why call someone to come and get the dog? K is there right?
Or was something else going on between the two.

Now What if KS did not go missing the night of the fight with the neighbors?
What if she went missing sometime the next day. What if she went out that morning early to do something and was not there when C got up.

Was her bf in jail that night?
When did he get out?

I said that a long time ago. What if K was still there. There are two floors in the apartment, apparent both with bedrooms. Was the entire apartment checked room by room to verify that she was not there?

Her boyfriend was in jail, not sure how long.

WS said she texted K "all day Sunday" and didn't get a response.
Why wouldn't anyone answer the door when police came back, if they were there? And also, there is the possibility that the last complaint that made the police return could have been related to Kortne "leaving" in some manner. So I don't think it was the next day when she vanished.
Why wouldn't anyone answer the door when police came back, if they were there? And also, there is the possibility that the last complaint that made the police return could have been related to Kortne "leaving" in some manner. So I don't think it was the next day when she vanished.

I think she chose not to answer the door,
Why were these neighbors awake when she came home?
Were the dogs barking and she was not home?
Sometimes I'm not so sure that Kortne didn't answer that last knock on the door...
Why wouldn't anyone answer the door when police came back, if they were there? And also, there is the possibility that the last complaint that made the police return could have been related to Kortne "leaving" in some manner. So I don't think it was the next day when she vanished.

Depending on what the "noise" was, it could have been an argument just before a violent act, the noise of the act itself and/or a body being knocked about trying to get it out a door and down the hallway in haste....or all of the above.

She may not have answered the door because she may not been there or unconscious/deceased and removed after the LEO's had left.
This is the weirdest case ever. What if Kortne answered the door and acted crazy and the police tried to calm her down but accidentally killed her wheb they were trying? MAYBE that is why CP said what happened to you in the text message bc he heard something but was also drunk and probably not too with it at the time. Maybe he also wont reveal anything because it seems like LE has a way of twisting things to their own advantage.

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