PA PA - Lauren Pico Jackson, 5, Spring City, 4 Oct 1988

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I haven't heard anything new on her case unfortunately. I think at the time she went missing she was scheduled to have surgery on her eyes. She was born with water on the brain and it had effected her eyes. It is just so sad. I am a few years old than her but I remember playing at the playground that was on the school yard that buts up against the Park Springs property the day she went missing. There used to be a little marshy area where I used to catch butterflies, and near there was a little building that teenagers would hang out in and drink and look at dirty magazines they found. Also I vaguely remember a large tree with a huge manhole cover nearby that we used to use a "base" while playing tag. I think after work I will take a walk up to the playground and see if anything still exists. The school has built softball fields in the area. I can see her playing at the playground as I am sure she did since there really isn't much in the area to do when you are young (probably why she was last seen digging in the dirt with spoons) so the playground was "the place" to play and hang out.
I am a newbie so I hope it is ok to post a reply to my own thread. :)
I just wanted to post this thread to try and keep this case alive. It will be 20 years since she disappeared this October. For now I still live near where she did (will be moving away soon) but I wanted to get opinions on something I thought up last night while I couldn't sleep after reading about Tawni (Maricopa Jane). I was tempted to make fliers to hang around town, with maybe the help of the police. I am a graphic designer but I do not have web design experience. I would like to make fliers that just list the day she disappeared, 10/4/88 and underneath say something like "Do you remember this day?" and then have a website made up by someone that has all of her information. I was thinking that if the flier was vague that maybe people would be interested in what it was all about (kind of like the commericials the drug companies use nowadays) and visit the website and read about her. Only thing is I have no idea where to start. Would anyone have any insight? Thanks :)

That sounds like a great idea. I'm not that great at designing but I would love to help put out the flyers if you are able to make them. I recently moved to Montgomery County and work in Chester County...I drive through this area quite a bit :)

And, welcome to Websleuths, JulesPA! :)
I'm very close to the area and have discussed this case with people who remember it well. The consensus was she traded/sold the child for drugs. However, most of these people just knew what they read in the papers and weren't cognizant of the myraid possibilities these cases hold.

If you need any help I have free time and I'm close. It's better to use the PM system here as I seldom check email.
Hello Gina
I would love to have some help. Fortunately I am on the LI's good side here in Spring City so I feel comfortable to approach them with this idea. I will give them a call today and see if they can offer any help. I'll keep you and everyone else posted. :)
Placed an email to East Vincent police. Asked them to give me a call and see what we can do. I have to make sure there are no ordinances on placing flyers around town, I don't think there are since I see yard sale posters from July still hanging on telephone polls. I will post when i receive a call, hopefully soon.
This is one of those missing persons stories that always stays with you. I remember seeing this for the first time on Unsolved Mysteries.

For those near that area, I have a few quick questions...

1. What was the area like at the time? Was the apartment building conducive to illegal activity? Or was it a "homey" atmosphere where everyone felt safe?

2. Were there any abductions around that time? I hesitate to say any "other" abductions because I'm not completely convinced that Lauren was abducted. I'm not saying anyone sold her for drugs or cattle but there's always the possibility that Lauren wandered away. Just taking that idea a bit farther - suppose she had wandered away, someone accidentally hit her, panicked and buried the body. As farfetched at it has happened before.

3. What about the people living in the complex at that time? Was there an extensive check on the occupants? Their visitors? Again, just wondering because that too has happened in the past. You really don't know who your neighbors are and perhaps one of them had a past that would coincide with the disappearance of a young child.

4. And how reliable was the woman who 'swore' she saw Lauren's mother pass the child into another car at the time of Lauren's disappearance? She didn't sound like a crackpot but then again, going back to my third question I guess you never know.

Well, that's just a few questions I have about this case. As much as I'd like to have an optimistic outlook - I have a feeling we'll never know about Lauren.

Oh, and I once had a reading with Valerie Morrison - I know a lot of people don't cotton to the psychic experience but she was quite accurate in her statements to me - and unlike most people who visit psychics - I really did keep my mouth shut. Maybe contacting her again would spark some interest. Just a thought.
Since I lived and still live less than a mile from where Lauren disappeared I can say that no the apartment complex was not a safe place and still to this day is not. Park Springs and the Vincent Motel (which is where the bloodhounds traced Laurens scent to) have always been a place of illegal activity. There were no abductions or attempted abductions around the time of Laurens disappearance. A little more about the area is that there used to be a mental hospital facility in Spring City, it was called Pennhurst. In the 80's it shut down and let many of the patients out on the streets to fend for themselves. As a kid I remember waiting at the bus stop and they would walk by and talk to us. Some kids were scared of them and there were a few that gave me the creeps but I have chalked it up to not understanding what those people had gone through in their lives. I very vividly remember an elderly man who would walk his dog (one of those small dogs with the smashed in looking faces) I was a safety in 5th grade and he would make the rounds talking to all of us.
I am still waiting for LE to get back to me on this case. I know the chief of police so I think I will try and give her a call this week just to see if she knows anything that wasn't publicly released. I'll keep you all updated.
Would the hydrocephalic forehead have gone way down with age?
Did she have a space between her 2 front teeth?
Is the cleft palate genetic?
Was the brain functioning normal? IQ
Would she have stood with rather splayed legs?
Would there be noticable difference in the eyes?
Were the eyes brownish?
Was one foot a slight smaller size?
Did spinal bifida run in the family?
Did she have any funny things she did?
Was she afraid of ovens?
How tall were the parents?
Was she very fair complexion?
Please tell me about Lauren


We only have the same info that is on the doenetworks website about Lauren. There was someone who posted a message on this thread back sometime ago that claims they are her cousin. Maybe they can answer your questions.

Do you know Lauren?
Is there someone to compare a photo?
Unable to find younger ones at this time but have one from 4 years ago.
I can send fax.
There was no facial scar on the cleft?
Is the cleft genetic?
The artist drawing really does not look like the one we are thinking of.
The little girl does though.
This womans(now age 26) birth cert. has her name crossed out 3 times.
The woman looks nothing like her mother.
The woman is smart.
Around the missing time there is a weight problem that shows up with DHS, girl weighs signifigantly less in a short time.
The womans son has cleft.
Name crossed out on birth certificate can indicate that the person was adopted. Can the names that where crossed out be read? This does not indicate however that she is Lauren. But if there is a strong resemblance we can compare the two pictures. Do you have a scanner? If not I believe office depot or kinkos will do it for a small amount.

Genetics can play a factor in aproximately 22% of cases where someone has a cleft palate according to my research on line. I have a cleft palate (minor) and one of my cousins has one also, hers required several surgeries and she has a terrible scar on her lip up to her nose.
It is only the first names that have been crossed out on the birth cert.
It has been a long time since I saw it.
The mother(drunk) told me a werid story once about her baby dying.
Other times the mother has stated she could only have 1 child.
There have been odd statements through out the years.

Printed off the Lauren poster pic and her pic.
I do not know if it means anything but the faces match up when put on the light table.

I vaguely remember when the daughter was pregnant something about a previous lower abdomen sugery?

It could be that family is just so dysfunctional and I do not like them that I think the worst easily about them.So I hope nobody takes this too serious.
I am sure there are a lot of people with the same resemblance.

Also I do not wish to post the picture of this daughter online and be wrong
and cause harm.

Just wishing someone with training could peek at the pics.
This is exhausting for me it is such a delicate situation as it is,but
I would really like more info.
Did Lauren have a space between the 2 front teeth?
Does any of the rest of the family have photos online?

Maybe this is just a can of worms that should not be opened.
There is so much to lose.
Is Laurens real family dysfunctional? What will they want?
Maybe it not even her.

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