PA PA - Lauren Pico Jackson, 5, Spring City, 4 Oct 1988

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"Greater Philadelphia Search and Rescue (GPSAR) team took their dogs to the grounds of the former state-run mental facility, which also houses the Southeast Pa. Veterans Center. Their mission was to check the utility tunnels beneath the buildings.
Irvin Lichtenstein is the founder of GPSAR and is a member of, among other emergency service organizations, the International Society of Professional Trackers. Lauren's case was the first emergency call for GPSAR, and Lichtenstein was among those who came to aid in the search."

Quoted from a previous post. Not sure where this information came from. Irv was never a member of the International Society of Professional Trackers. He had a certificate in Search Management from the State Fire Academy, as did I. The search dogs were not GPSR, they belonged to Jim Hosgood. I was the only certified Footprint Tracker on the case. The majority of the GPSR people were grid searchers and EMS. Correcting the record since I was a GPSR member and, at one time, Assistant Chief.
Just took a look at Google Earth and located two red barns outside of the general search area. One is very hard to see. If you start at the apartment complex on Park Road, scroll South past Stony Run and Pikeland, you see the Kolb airstrip to the right. Just below that where Hunting Hill arches up towards Spring Hollow, there is a old red barn deep in the trees. Might take a ride over Spring Hollow and see if I can see it. Don't remember that being in the search area. Then there is another red topped white barn a little further down to the left from Hunting Hill, on the other side of the power lines. Need to be on max magnification. The second barn has a lot of debris outside of it, and it is in a clearing in the woods with a longer thin building to it's left. Like I said, I wish we had this back when Lauren went missing. Probably will try and get a look at both and see if there are "numbers, something orange and dogs".
The area has changed so much since then, I remember the amusement park in Royersford right off of route 422. It was still open at the time of her disappearance I believe. It is now a Giant food store, Marshalls and Kohls. I too used to investigate abandoned buildings as a kid and teenager. Went to Pennhurst, Kinsey (across the Schuylkill from Pennhurst) and several abandoned buildings in the area. I remember standing out on my porch and seeing 2 helicopters flying around the house (I lived on Walnut Street not far from Spring City Elementary School) I can't remember if they were the search helicopters or if they were the ones they used in the filming of unsolved mysteries.
The area has changed so much since then, I remember the amusement park in Royersford right off of route 422. It was still open at the time of her disappearance I believe. It is now a Giant food store, Marshalls and Kohls. I too used to investigate abandoned buildings as a kid and teenager. Went to Pennhurst, Kinsey (across the Schuylkill from Pennhurst) and several abandoned buildings in the area. I remember standing out on my porch and seeing 2 helicopters flying around the house (I lived on Walnut Street not far from Spring City Elementary School) I can't remember if they were the search helicopters or if they were the ones they used in the filming of unsolved mysteries.

I agree the area has changed. I have been through Pennhurst a few times with the approval of the owners. I was called in by former Chief Cote for the unsolved mysteries filming. Never did see if I ended up on film or not. While I do like helicopters in searches (being a former Amy helicopter Flight Engineer) they do create an issue when tracking/searching in that you cannot hear the subject call for help if the helicopter is anywhere near you. There are a few things about this case that just seem out of place. As soon as the Moderators review the clippings and my credentials, I probably will share more information. Thank you for your continued interest in this case!
After talking on the phone with Kimster, here are the theories floated at the time:

1. Abduction by unknown individual (high probability)
2. Wandered off and passed from exposure but body never recovered (low probability given the number of searchers and the population density, unless she fell down a well or something of that nature)
3. Abduction by known individual(s) for the purpose of removal from the home conditions she was subject to (moderate probability). Interstate transport of a minor without parental consent "may" cause any involved parties to keep it under wraps. Not sure what the statute of limitations are for something like that.

One news article noted that one or more individuals at the Vincent Hotel were extended family members. If true I was unaware of that bit of information during the search. Other articles note that the patrons of the hotel were all questioned with no results. Conflicting information. If family members were at the hotel, it gives some weight to theory number 3 when you add it to the tracking evidence from myself and the dog handler.

An additional point that I cannot prove one way or the other is that two older individuals were present during the search. I was told by the PD or FD that they were Grandparents (no idea from which side). I did not see them upset or cry, rather they smiled at me whenever I looked at them which struck me as odd given their Granddaughter was missing. I wish I knew if they were grandparents and if they were the "extended family members" at the hotel.

I will be posting more later as I go over all of the articles again and go do a walk around of the area in the next couple of weeks.

Just to satisfy a "hunch", WS members living in Florida around the time she went missing may want to take a look at her picture.

DISCLAIMER - These are theories only. Please Do Not quote me or reprint outside of WS. Thanks!
I know it's a long shot but did LE get a copy of the guest registry at the Vincent Hotel at the time? If the dogs did truly pick up her scent from the bed sheets I would tend to believe that the track ends at the Vincent Hotel because she was transported by vehicle from that point and would not be in the area.

How far was the hotel from her residence?
I know it's a long shot but did LE get a copy of the guest registry at the Vincent Hotel at the time? If the dogs did truly pick up her scent from the bed sheets I would tend to believe that the track ends at the Vincent Hotel because she was transported by vehicle from that point and would not be in the area.

How far was the hotel from her residence?

The scent and tracks went to the hotel, not into the hotel.

Yes, the PD did have a list of the occupants. So did the FBI.

The vehicle transport from the hotel would explain the tracks and scent ending at the hotel parking lot.

Of course if we "tug this string" we are left with three options:

1.Family Abduction
2.Payment for drugs
3.Stranger Abduction
Hey I have never heard about this case before but it is very interesting. I wanted to say good job to fle who in post 5 to 11 i believe they give a case back ground and it just makes it so easy to really find out about the case and details .I realize it may be one sided or left or forgot some other details but I do think the way this thread started well with what fle wrote just gives you a good in to find out about this case so i say good job and I think if more cases were written like that it would be a heck of alot easier to understand and to follow and maybe get better ideas of what may have happend . Iam curious about a postd just what she ment by the last part of Post#29 from oilPainter..

OilPainter --> Oh, and I once had a reading with Valerie Morrison - I know a lot of people don't cotton to the psychic experience but she was quite accurate in her statements to me - and unlike most people who visit psychics - I really did keep my mouth shut. Maybe contacting her again would spark some interest. Just a thought.

Iam just curious about what she told you that you kept your mouth shut about like was it involving this case and you maybe were afraid to talk because of the drug angle.. And I guess last its a good thing we have Trackergd he seems to have great and reliable info ..IMO and thats all it is just my oppinion I really think that she was likely still right there in that appartment building I would like to know if there were any rso in that building I think it was someone she knew but only knew because of living in a appartment building ..
I have hard copies of all the local area newspaper articles from the search to 2+ years later, my notes and the incident report from GPSR. Kimster is in the process of verifying my information.

I was on site for about 98% of the search and developed the majority of the evidence, so I can say that some of the media information and some web site information being referenced is conflicting and possibly inaccurate.

Verified tracks and scent trail leading away from the apartment all double verified suggests she did not remain in the apartment complex. If memory serves me well, the police and FD did a door to door in the entire complex.

Ms Morrison was adamant about a red building, something orange, numbers and dogs barking. I have no opinion either way with regard to her abilities. I added it to my notes in case I ran into something that met that criteria during the search.
Iam just curious about what she told you that you kept your mouth shut about like was it involving this case and you maybe were afraid to talk because of the drug angle.

I was hesitant to discuss the case as I am new here and wanted to discuss with the Admins before I posted something that "could" be construed as pointing the finger at the extended family as they may be following this thread. I am NOT pointing a finger, just listing the working theories at the time of the search.
You mentioned Florida, is this where some of the relatives where from? Do you have an area of FL in mind?

The hotel being about a mile away makes me think that it was someone Lauren was familiar with. If the dogs tracked her that distance one would assume that she went on foot with the perp and that is quite a distance to go with a stranger without someone hearing her protest.
Also, I could see the hotel being a meeting point, that way no one would recognize the car if they where too close. They checked in the night before, staking out Lauren's home from close range and planned for the right time when the mom was not watching her to get her. She went with the person knowing them personally and they all got in the car and took off when they got to the hotel.
I noticed that Lauren has a club foot and surgery to repair a cleft palate. Also, she needed surgery on her eyes. I don't know if it would help now but I could see back in the day contacting orthopedist shoe specialists, dentists, optometrists to see if anyone had recognized her as a patient shortly after she disappeared.
You mentioned Florida, is this where some of the relatives where from? Do you have an area of FL in mind?

The hotel being about a mile away makes me think that it was someone Lauren was familiar with. If the dogs tracked her that distance one would assume that she went on foot with the perp and that is quite a distance to go with a stranger without someone hearing her protest.
Also, I could see the hotel being a meeting point, that way no one would recognize the car if they where too close. They checked in the night before, staking out Lauren's home from close range and planned for the right time when the mom was not watching her to get her. She went with the person knowing them personally and they all got in the car and took off when they got to the hotel.

Florida was mentioned a couple of times in hushed discussions. Just a hunch on my part if extended family was involved. No specific area was noted.

The reports of her walking towards her apartment seem odd as I have her tracks going from the sand box directly between two buildings and over to Park Road, and then up the far side of park road with a second adult set of prints showing up from time to time. The prints were very obvious from the apartment complex to the road. I started to have a "this is too easy" moment. Tracking up the road was hard and took hours as I was tracking in the dust, some dirt and gravel you find along the shoulder of most roads. There were no signs that she tried to run or pull away. Odd about the club foot as the shoes the PD gave me to look at were average inexpensive little girl sneakers. I did get good wear patterns and marks off of them that helped confirm the tracks. A bit later Jim Hosgood and his hounds showed up and he had them imprint on some of her unwashed clothing, Esmeralda was hot on the same trail I had found and was snorting and huffing like a locomotive...darn near pulled Jim over trying to keep her under control. She followed the same trail up Park Road to 724 and up to the hotel and stopped in the parking lot...started howling like mad..she was darn upset. I am going to review my notes and walk the area again within the next two weeks weather permitting.
Tracker, did you/do you think the mother was involved? This is the first I've heard of this case and the one thing that really sticks out to me is that in the mother's obituary it only lists her as being a mother to one child, and it's not Lauren.

Subtle reference that speaks volumes, in my opinion.
Tracker, did you/do you think the mother was involved? This is the first I've heard of this case and the one thing that really sticks out to me is that in the mother's obituary it only lists her as being a mother to one child, and it's not Lauren.

Subtle reference that speaks volumes, in my opinion.

I honestly don't know. Lots of speculation at the time, but I never got the impression that the PD or FBI had that as a primary theory. I spent most of my time on my stomach looking at prints and chasing down every suspected print the sign cutters and grid searches found, including one about 20' up a concrete drainage pipe.

The mother was weepy/puffy eyed the entire time, had dark circles around her eyes and would occasionally break down in tears for short periods. I have no idea what information the "expert listener" who was assigned to be her "personal aid and communications person" during the search overheard. That person was a female member of GPSR and all the conversations that individual overheard were turned over to the PD and FBI. I have never seen the transcripts. The Chief of GPSR never disclosed that information to the SAR team members.

I know that her father and the FBI Agent or Sgt Cote did take a trip to Florida to follow up on a lead but found nothing. Looking back over the articles, I did find that there were extended family on the mothers side that lived in Florida. If they were staying in the Vincent Motel at the time (as noted in one news article)....well...anyone can do that math.
After I read her obit I started reading more about Mom. Her statements and actions are bizarre and very telling. From what I read, as recently as 2006 her father had enough hope in her being alive that he and an investigator went to Florida to follow up on a lead. Meanwhile, in her mother's open letter she talks about only angels can bring them together now, and how her relatives in Florida "didn't know even about what happened to Lauren then." Huh? Sounds like leakage to me.

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