PA PA - Lauren Pico Jackson, 5, Spring City, 4 Oct 1988

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DNA Solves
Hey Trackergd Im just wondering if she had as many problems as listed exspecially a clubed foot how was she able to leave foot prints .She was young i wouldnt think she would have had enough surguries and physical theroapy for her to learn to walk . I also wonder and I don't know if there are any statistics on it but isn't it rare for a stranger abduction that a stranger would take a disabled child but again just wondering as i have no idea to the awnsers i just asked thanks for the help..

Even her "missing" pictures make me weary about whether Mom really wanted her found. Honestly, is this the best you could come up with for people to be on the lookout for your abducted child?
Hey I have never heard about this case before but it is very interesting. I wanted to say good job to fle who in post 5 to 11 i believe they give a case back ground and it just makes it so easy to really find out about the case and details .I realize it may be one sided or left or forgot some other details but I do think the way this thread started well with what fle wrote just gives you a good in to find out about this case so i say good job and I think if more cases were written like that it would be a heck of alot easier to understand and to follow and maybe get better ideas of what may have happend . Iam curious about a postd just what she ment by the last part of Post#29 from oilPainter..

OilPainter --> Oh, and I once had a reading with Valerie Morrison - I know a lot of people don't cotton to the psychic experience but she was quite accurate in her statements to me - and unlike most people who visit psychics - I really did keep my mouth shut. Maybe contacting her again would spark some interest. Just a thought.

Iam just curious about what she told you that you kept your mouth shut about like was it involving this case and you maybe were afraid to talk because of the drug angle.. And I guess last its a good thing we have Trackergd he seems to have great and reliable info ..IMO and thats all it is just my oppinion I really think that she was likely still right there in that appartment building I would like to know if there were any rso in that building I think it was someone she knew but only knew because of living in a appartment building ..

An RSO or pediphile predator was my first thought. Timed to military precision, and carefully knowing schedules. He knew her. He removed her from the vicinity and disposed of her outside her immediate area. Those are my first impressions. I would look first to those who work around children; perhaps from the school.
Hey Trackergd Im just wondering if she had as many problems as listed exspecially a clubed foot how was she able to leave foot prints .She was young i wouldnt think she would have had enough surguries and physical theroapy for her to learn to walk . I also wonder and I don't know if there are any statistics on it but isn't it rare for a stranger abduction that a stranger would take a disabled child but again just wondering as i have no idea to the awnsers i just asked thanks for the help..

She could walk, and by the time of the search, she was mobile due to surgery. We did find it odd that there were very few available pictures of her. There was a lot more side wear on one shoe than there was on the other. When Tracking we use a number of measurements such as Stride (distance between the heel of of the leading foot to the toe of the lagging foot, the Pitch (angle in or out from center) of each foot and the Straddle (distance between the inside of the feet) in a normal walking speed. We use a "tracking stick" or ruler to record and then document these measurements. Besides the wear, the pitch on that foot was also more pronounced.

I would agree with you that abduction of a somewhat disabled child would appear to be out of the norm. All reports were that she was a very happy child, but was shy of strangers.
After I read her obit I started reading more about Mom. Her statements and actions are bizarre and very telling. From what I read, as recently as 2006 her father had enough hope in her being alive that he and an investigator went to Florida to follow up on a lead. Meanwhile, in her mother's open letter she talks about only angels can bring them together now, and how her relatives in Florida "didn't know even about what happened to Lauren then." Huh? Sounds like leakage to me.

Dad called the FBI office and Police department every day for around four years. I did talk to the dad a couple of times as well as Sgt Cote well after the search. Finally dad gave up on the PD and accused them of forgetting about the case due to the drug angle. I "think" Cote had left the department by the time the TV show was filmed. I really liked Cote. He was very driven to solve this case. I need to see if I can locate him and reconnect. Same with the FBI agent.

I would hazard a bet that the family in Florida would have known in rather short order....why would she not call and tell them? If I had a family member missing, my whole extended family would know within 2 hours, even if we were not on normal speaking terms.
An RSO or pediphile predator was my first thought. Timed to military precision, and carefully knowing schedules. He knew her. He removed her from the vicinity and disposed of her outside her immediate area. Those are my first impressions. I would look first to those who work around children; perhaps from the school.

I am wondering how many teachers and staff from the school from 1988 are still in the area. Interesting concept.
She could walk, and by the time of the search, she was mobile due to surgery. We did find it odd that there were very few available pictures of her. There was a lot more side wear on one shoe than there was on the other. When Tracking we use a number of measurements such as Stride (distance between the heel of of the leading foot to the toe of the lagging foot, the Pitch (angle in or out from center) of each foot and the Straddle (distance between the inside of the feet) in a normal walking speed. We use a "tracking stick" or ruler to record and then document these measurements. Besides the wear, the pitch on that foot was also more pronounced.

I would agree with you that abduction of a somewhat disabled child would appear to be out of the norm. All reports were that she was a very happy child, but was shy of strangers.

That's really fascinating. So based on those measurements you can tell if someone was running or walking leisurely?
That's really fascinating. So based on those measurements you can tell if someone was running or walking leisurely?

Fact: I can read between 85 and 105 indicators in each footprint. I can tell how fast they are moving, their mental state, if they are carrying something, if they have a physical injury and a few things more. These indicators change somewhat in sand, damp sand, dirt, grass, snow etc. Depending on conditions, you can track across a parking lot, concrete walkways, wood and carpet.

Lauren was walking. My opinion is she was walking with someone else.

Can you tell if Lauren and her abductor were walking leisurely or quickly?

Based on the footprints, are you able to guess if it was a man or a woman? Does the distance between the print give you any indication of the person's height? Was the abductor wearing tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes???
Also, Lauren was holding the person's hand? Did they appear to be walking side by side? Or did the abductor appear to be hurrying her along?

Can you tell if Lauren and her abductor were walking leisurely or quickly?

Based on the footprints, are you able to guess if it was a man or a woman? Does the distance between the print give you any indication of the person's height? Was the abductor wearing tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes???

Normal if not slower pace judged by stride.

Smooth bottom shoe, between a men's size 7 and 9. Mostly the font half of the shoe, so they were not a heal walker. The prints were in the dust, gravel and dirt along the side of the road, but I would say the unknown person was about 120-160 lbs. Softer ground gives a much better weight indicator.

The dust and dirt were not deep enough to get good pressure releases for M/F indicators, however the width of the shoe seemed to me to be more male.
Also, Lauren was holding the person's hand? Did they appear to be walking side by side? Or did the abductor appear to be hurrying her along?

I am going to say that it appeared that the unknown individual was holding her hand as her prints were a tad lighter on that side and the spacing between Lauren's and the individuals were close. To me that said the other person was tall enough to be reaching up to hold their hand. Interesting that Lauren was on the individuals left, putting her against the road and the individual against the trees and brush.
This case reminds me a little of Haylee Cummings case. If the mother had drug issues, the child was probably exposed to a number of unsavory characters. Further, if the mother had drug issues, I would guess the child may have been left to play outside unsupervised while the mother partied or slept it off.

I am leaning toward the abductor being an acquaintance of the mother, someone who had met Lauren before.

I am leaning less toward a relative abduction. I think she would have turned up by now if that were the case.
I am going to say that it appeared that the unknown individual was holding her hand as her prints were a tad lighter on that side and the spacing between Lauren's and the individuals were close. To me that said the other person was tall enough to be reaching up to hold their hand. Interesting that Lauren was on the individuals left, putting her against the road and the individual against the trees and brush.

Thanks is not enough for your fascinating insight! It makes me realize just how much LE knows that is not released to the public.
Fact: I can read between 85 and 105 indicators in each footprint. I can tell how fast they are moving, their mental state, if they are carrying something, if they have a physical injury and a few things more. These indicators change somewhat in sand, damp sand, dirt, grass, snow etc. Depending on conditions, you can track across a parking lot, concrete walkways, wood and carpet.

Lauren was walking. My opinion is she was walking with someone else.

Track, I had no idea you could glean this much information from a footprint. That is really AMAZING. How can you tell if someone is carrying something? Would you already have to know that person's weight in order to determine if they're carrying something? I am sooo intrigued!
does anyone know anything about this case i saw it on unsolved and pulled up her doe flyer.. and nothing new was listed on doe. was she ever found? did they have any solid leads

Normal if not slower pace judged by stride.

Smooth bottom shoe, between a men's size 7 and 9. Mostly the font half of the shoe, so they were not a heal walker. The prints were in the dust, gravel and dirt along the side of the road, but I would say the unknown person was about 120-160 lbs. Softer ground gives a much better weight indicator.

The dust and dirt were not deep enough to get good pressure releases for M/F indicators, however the width of the shoe seemed to me to be more male.

If you believe the abductor to be male, then the shoe size and weight projection suggest a teenager to me.

Regarding the perp being associated with the school and who still lives around there, I would be equally interested in knowing who moved in that timeframe.

Your insights are truly incredibke and fascinating. Thank you!
I am going to say that it appeared that the unknown individual was holding her hand as her prints were a tad lighter on that side and the spacing between Lauren's and the individuals were close. To me that said the other person was tall enough to be reaching up to hold their hand. Interesting that Lauren was on the individuals left, putting her against the road and the individual against the trees and brush.

The perp was close to the bushes to jump for cover if disturbed?
As an aside, I ponder that her birth defects might have been a result of her mother's drug usage.
As with all these cases, so very sad. I believe this little one left this earth not too long after she disapeared most likely. How nice if I am wrong.
Funny enough, despite the time lapse, I just think this one will get solved.
And I think maybe the Mom might have had a good suspect list.
Tracker, did LE have any good potentials they were eyeballing?
As an aside, I ponder that her birth defects might have been a result of her mother's drug usage.
As with all these cases, so very sad. I believe this little one left this earth not too long after she disapeared most likely. How nice if I am wrong.
Funny enough, despite the time lapse, I just think this one will get solved.
And I think maybe the Mom might have had a good suspect list.
Tracker, did LE have any good potentials they were eyeballing?

If you read the open letter that Mom wrote, it's obvious that she knew this little girl was gone. I think you have a good point about drug use in utero. Maybe all of Lauren's health problems were a constant reminder of what she did to her for those 9 months, and the burden her care put on Mom's extracurricular activities was too much of a punishment. She even blames the disappearance for her "downward spiral" into drugs, when from all other accounts this was going on for years prior. What a heartless thing to do, considering she had a loving father that wanted her desperately. Even when she refers to her missing daughter as "the happiest little thing" made me cringe.

Not searching for her when alive and not acknowledging her when dead tells me everything I need to know.
Sorry, got a little tied up with work.

I am going to start a thread in the techniques forum to answer Tracking questions in the next day or two. I would like to keep this thread all about Lauren. But, yes, you can tell if someone is carrying something. I'll elaborate later.

If LE had suspects, they did not share it with me. I will ask if I can get in touch with the FBI agent (now working the next town over) and if I can find Sgt. Cote.

Teenager...possible, but I would lean towards an older thin male. Just a hunch. From what everyone told us Lauren was not one to wander off, so in the end, I suspect it was someone she knew enough to be comfortable with.

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