PA PA - Lauren Pico Jackson, 5, Spring City, 4 Oct 1988

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I remember the way the area was pretty good back then. I am about the same age as Lauren and grew up on Walnut street in Spring City. I was a "Tom boy" and would explore the woods and creeks in the area. The area has changed so much. The elementary school was remodeled, several old and abandoned homes have since been torn down. A CVS and WaWa now stand where 2 of the houses once stood. The big farmers field behind Park Springs and the school now have houses built on it. At least one of the red barns still exist on the property next to the trailer park and the old Whitehall Inn still stands abandoned just like it was in the 80's. I remember them draining a pond located along route 724. The Vincent Hotel has never been a 4 star hotel but it has gotten worse over the years. It haunts me that I may have met Lauren at one time since I was always at the playground and swimming pool down the street.
Thank-you, Mods, for enabling Lauren's cold case to be in the spotlight.

Thank-you to the locals and Tracker for holding down the fort and pursuing the case after so many years.

A few questions:

-Hounds have been mentioned. What other types of dogs were brought in? Did "cadaver" dogs hit at the motel?

-Has an age progression been done?

-Has the Namus database been searched for Lauen?

-3 things make me think her abductor was a teen. The size of feet, weight and mostly Lauren being led with her walking street side. An adult would just not do that.

-The lack of urgency indicated in the strides is very curious to me
Thank-you, Mods, for enabling Lauren's cold case to be in the spotlight.

Thank-you to the locals and Tracker for holding down the fort and pursuing the case after so many years.

A few questions:

-Hounds have been mentioned. What other types of dogs were brought in? Did "cadaver" dogs hit at the motel?

-Has an age progression been done?

-Has the Namus database been searched for Lauen?

-3 things make me think her abductor was a teen. The size of feet, weight and mostly Lauren being led with her walking street side. An adult would just not do that.

-The lack of urgency indicated in the strides is very curious to me

The dogs were ground scent. I don't remember cadaver dogs being available.

I think there is an age progression picture of her.

I have never seen the Namus database. If there is someone here who knows their way around it, I would welcome the assistance.

Teen or adult, both the faint tracks and the scent stopped at the hotel, so I still think a vehicle was involved. Perhaps the abductor used a teen to draw Lauren away as it would not arouse as much suspicion?

I have started putting all these great contributions from WS members on my fishbone matrix.

Lauren, circa, 1988 (left and centre)

Age-progession to age 23 (circa 2006)
-Did Lauren's father have an alibi?

-Is Lauren's case still considered an active investigation?

-If Lauren's hyrdroencephilitis was not corrected with the surgery she needed, would she have gone blind?

-Do you think Lauren is still alive?
Tracker, you need a cadaver dog.
I dont know if they could hit on remains that old....I think they can?
I think you are really close to something. Too many odd coincidences with the psychic's input so many years ago. What is the layout near the dogs pen? Do you think someone took her to go see "the puppies?"
Tracker, you need a cadaver dog.
I dont know if they could hit on remains that old....I think they can?
I think you are really close to something. Too many odd coincidences with the psychic's input so many years ago. What is the layout near the dogs pen? Do you think someone took her to go see "the puppies?"

I will contact a dog team with a cadaver dog when I check out the access road. With the farms I need to be more delicate.

I have an email in to Ms Morrison. Waiting for a reply.
I remember the way the area was pretty good back then. I am about the same age as Lauren and grew up on Walnut street in Spring City. I was a "Tom boy" and would explore the woods and creeks in the area. The area has changed so much. The elementary school was remodeled, several old and abandoned homes have since been torn down. A CVS and WaWa now stand where 2 of the houses once stood. The big farmers field behind Park Springs and the school now have houses built on it. At least one of the red barns still exist on the property next to the trailer park and the old Whitehall Inn still stands abandoned just like it was in the 80's. I remember them draining a pond located along route 724. The Vincent Hotel has never been a 4 star hotel but it has gotten worse over the years. It haunts me that I may have met Lauren at one time since I was always at the playground and swimming pool down the street.

With enough notice, it would be great if you could participate. You have a unique insight of the area.
-Did Lauren's father have an alibi?

-Is Lauren's case still considered an active investigation?

-If Lauren's hyrdroencephilitis was not corrected with the surgery she needed, would she have gone blind?

-Do you think Lauren is still alive?

If I remember correctly, the father was subjected in intense scrutiny and cleared. He followed up every day with the police department for years, far past what would be prudent for misdirection.

I have not ventured to contact the West Vincent Police. I may after I check out the farms and road.

Depending on if this was an abduction to remove her from the family or for other purposes. My medical knowledge is limited to first responder skills. I would defer to a doctor if one want's to comment.

Do I think she is alive? I want to believe she is...I pray that she is and living in Florida (or somewhere) and happy, however when I am in that area...the uneasy feeling creeps back into me with a dose of foreboding. My gut wants to override my heart.
Why wasnt the old Pennhurst children's cemetery searched thats behind King Street...
Why wasnt the old Pennhurst children's cemetery searched thats behind King Street...

I am making a point to go look for it. I have access to Pennhurst and know both the owners and at least one of the security staff.

Thank you for that idea. I think it may have been searched, but a second look never hurts.
I'd be glad to help. I don't live there anymore but I still frequent the area quite a bit visiting friends and relatives. Where is the access road you are talking about? Is it near Park Springs or out on route 724 near the Vincent hotel?

Lauren, circa, 1988 (left and centre)

Age-progession to age 23 (circa 2006)

These pictures are a disgrace. This little girl went missing in the late '80s, and these pictures look like they were taken before the invention of the wheel. That blurry, black-and-white pic looks like the last one on the roll that was always skewed, NOT the picture you put out if you are honestly looking for your abducted daughter. I think LE needs to lean on her sister. I bet she has seen/heard a lot of things over the years that she wishes she hadn't.

Just my opinion.
I'd be glad to help. I don't live there anymore but I still frequent the area quite a bit visiting friends and relatives. Where is the access road you are talking about? Is it near Park Springs or out on route 724 near the Vincent hotel?

It's off either Spring Hollow Rd or Walls Rd. I saw it in passing a couple of times when driving all around the back roads. One barn is on Spring Hollow near Hunting Hill Ln., and the other is on Walls between Pikeland and Hunsburger.

I will PM you in a few weeks when the frost kills all the poison ivy and gives greater visibility with all the leaves gone off the brush. I am doing follow up on some local individuals who lived around the area at the time who may have some additional insight or clues.

Thanks to WS, it looks like there has been more action on this case in the last couple of weeks than there has in the last 25 years. I have a lot of followup to do on a number of interesting leads and ideas. I wish I was retired and could work on it all day.
Tracker, you need a cadaver dog.*
I dont know if they could hit on remains that old....I think they can?
I think you are really close to something. *Too many odd coincidences with the psychic's input so many years ago. *What is the layout near the dogs pen? *Do you think someone took her to go see "the puppies?"

Hello im new to this. My last post was supposed to be a mssg & got screwed up. I didnt read the rules when i signed up so hopefully i wont get kicked off for saying this. We're all here to find Lauren's remains & have justice be served right? So i say this from my heart & am not singling anyone out or arguing with yous & definitely dont want to offend anyone. You guys take the time out of your day to brainstorm & ask the most oddest questions in hopes of finding her. Even out of towners & out of staters. Thats so commendable. Thank you.
My comment, & please dont take this the wrong way- it is just my opinion, is to forget that dam psychic! True, she lived in Philly at the time & had a 'vision' or whatever. Think about it- a missing child case out in a small town suburb. Of COURSE there's barns, of COURSE there's barking dogs, of COURSE there's muddy ditches &..... Holy moly , i think there's something orange! *I mean, come on. A lot of tarps from the '70's were orange. Im in no way discrediting her psychic powers nor am i a psychiatrist but for those of u who are believing this, u should google 'Munchausen'. It's a mental disorder where people (mainly women) have a burning need, addiction, *for attention. Most are attracted to hospitals & police. Some poison or sufficate their own babies to get this attention. 911 shows up & she's the hero. That's Munchausens by Proxy (proxy being the children). Now there's even Munchausens by internet, like the girl who faked being a whole family on Facebook & got ppl to donate $ to the cancer society after her 'twins died of cancer'.*Others, ahem, inject themselves into police investigations, not just for the $ & notariaty she will gain but for the attention of all the police officers & investigators. *Ppl suffering from Munchausens arent in it for the money. They have one goal- attention. It's EXTREMELY hard to diagnose someone with it because they've had it their who lives & learned how to cover it up . Besides that, how do u look a seemingly distraught mother w/ real tears & say 'i think u did it!' Or in this case say 'Welp, we've got nothin & everything u said has been true but uhhh no thanks; we'll wait it out.' *Im mad as hel that so much time, $ & resources were set aside for this woman! I'll shut up now outta respect for the retired E. Vincent chief cuz i cant even begin to understand the responsibility of a child missing, town after town looking at u for answers, staring at that cute little face every morning & night, looking into the anguished eyes of the parents telling them theres still no info, the weight of the world on ur shoulders & the pure desperation for just ANYTHING. I have the utmost respect for him & i may have turned to a 'psychic' too if i were in that dreadful position. *Anyways, im truly sorry if i offended anyone. Everyones entitled to their own opinion & mine is forget the fruit loop but (& i dont want to use the word 'encourage') still search barns of people u know & ditches & anywhere that hasnt just because its normal procedure. Be open-minded & dont shut down that first instinct gut feeling to search that field with nothing near it just cuz u see a barn w/ an orange car & barking dogs. I see some of u bloggers are so so young- DO NOT TRESPASS on private property. I believe it is legal for the owner to shoot you without warning. Unless u get lucky & just go to jail. If u want to search a barn or field, call the police (NOT 911 but the regular police #). Also, ALWAYS go w/ a friend. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE on here for keeping this cold case open.
I can't think of a dirt road between Pikeland Ave and Hunsberger off of Wall st. The only thing I can think of is the access path that the farmer used to use to get between his fields. He no longer farms the fields but would drive his tractor along Wall St a lot and then drive down a path. It separated 2 fields that he would rotate corn, wheat and soy. A little further down Wall street is a big house with a small pond. The guy used to fly ultralights above my house all the time. Just send me a PM when it is time.
Hi Neko,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Websleuths is a great place to have opposing views because everyone is very respectful and open minded about considering all possibilities. We all bring something to the plate. At least this has been my experience participating on this forum.

I agree with you that there are a lot of charlatans out there who prey on people who are desperately seeking help. I used to think very much along the same lines as you. Two things changed my mind. When I was a young teenager I witnessed first hand a psychic being brought in to a missing persons case. The psychic absolutely nailed where the woman's body would be found, and was. A few years later, I became very good friends with a homicide detective. They had one psychic they consulted frequently.
The two psychics in question made their livings by giving "readings" to the love lorn, people trying to predict lotteries, etc. Rather benign stuff. They never charged a dime to families with missing family members. So, my experience has been very positive.

Why wouldn't some people have more fully developed senses? Animals certainly do. I think of it as being similar to building body muscle. This is just building sensory muscle. Makes sense to me that some are better at it than others, just like some folks are better singers, mathematicians, and so forth.

All that said, you are right though. There are a lot of frauds out there. I do not believe the woman who provided insights on this case is one of them.

Anyway, back to our little missing Lauren. I think Tracker is on to something, and god bless him and Julespa for retracing the search. With all my heart, I believe he is on to something. Let's hope and pray so! Thanks again for your post. It helps me consider different viewpoints.
I have verified by two sources that there was an individual living in the apartment complex at the time Lauren went missing who was fixated on young girls and purchased or aquired stuffed animals to try and give them, also verified. The consensus is that Lauren may have known him or at least seen him on a regular basis according to some older current residents. He was a former resident of the Pennhurst mental hospital nearby and was referred to as "slow". He had limited use of his right hand or he held it in a distinctive manner when walking which would preclude holding another persons hand. This dovetails with the track evidence where the unknown individual I think was walking with Lauren held her right hand in his left. He wore boots which would work with the featureless adult prints. I just talked to the former FBI Agent (now PI) who was on the case and he is very interested in this information. He wished he had this back in 1988. Regrettably the individual in question has passed away, however a friend of his is still living and we are developing information as to general areas he hung out or slept when he was not at the apartment complex. It may take us a little while to run all this information down. Fingers crossed.
Tracker - this sounds like a good lead indeed! I hope you and your PI associate can get enough info out of this deceased persons friend to piece it all together. I will not be surprised if you end up finding her remains within a couple miles radius of that apartment complex. If you have access to cadaver dogs I would certainly bring them in. This is a (potentially) amazing advancement. What prompted you to start searching again after all these years?
And here's a random long shot thought....maybe the mention of the dogs barking were related to the future...the cadaver dogs? I know, I'm thinking too deeply here, but couldn't help but throw it out there.
Tracker - this sounds like a good lead indeed! I hope you and your PI associate can get enough info out of this deceased persons friend to piece it all together. I will not be surprised if you end up finding her remains within a couple miles radius of that apartment complex. If you have access to cadaver dogs I would certainly bring them in. This is a (potentially) amazing advancement. What prompted you to start searching again after all these years?
And here's a random long shot thought....maybe the mention of the dogs barking were related to the future...the cadaver dogs? I know, I'm thinking too deeply here, but couldn't help but throw it out there.

I have been looking on and off for 25 years. Every time I get a chance I drive around the area and do web searches to see if anything pops up. I keep adding things to my large 3 ring binder on the case. Now that I am a member here, I have a large group of like minded individuals to draw upon for ideas and insight.

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