Found Deceased PA - Linda Stoltzfoos, 18, Bird-in-Hand, Lancaster County, 21 June 2020 *kidnapping arrest* #3

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The police comment about the cell phone pinging in the area of Harvest Drive on the day of the disappearance is becoming more interesting to me. Upthread it was mentioned that basic cell phone tracking technology gives you approximately a twenty mile location radius of the location of phone...but wouldn’t all of JS’s cell phone activity during the time in question be within 20 miles of Harvest Drive? We aren’t talking about some sprawling crime scene; the abduction was within 20 miles, the suspect’s apartment was within 20 miles, etc. So why call out the Harvest Drive location at all - unless perhaps they have his movements pinpointed more accurately than currently publicly known? And if they are able to use technology to pinpoint him more closely to Harvest Drive, it might also explain why they’ve been looking carefully at one particular location for her remains.
Cell phone data collection has come a long way and under most circumstances considered highly accurate. The FBI's CAST (Cellular Analysis Survey Team) works with data from multiple sources to establish user location. An excellent example of this is in the location of the remains of Lori Vallow's children. An excellent summary of how the technology was used can be found in the 6/29/2020 Affidavit of Probable Cause (Idaho vs Lori Vallow). I don't know if I'm allowed to provide the link. The cell phone tracking information begins in item #26). They indicate accuracy within a 6 meter radius.
Cell phone data collection has come a long way and under most circumstances considered highly accurate. The FBI's CAST (Cellular Analysis Survey Team) works with data from multiple sources to establish user location. An excellent example of this is in the location of the remains of Lori Vallow's children. An excellent summary of how the technology was used can be found in the 6/29/2020 Affidavit of Probable Cause (Idaho vs Lori Vallow). I don't know if I'm allowed to provide the link. The cell phone tracking information begins in item #26). They indicate accuracy within a 6 meter radius.
How many feet is that ? Around 90 plus ? I'm old school Bucksharbor. Meters, liters, I could care less. If I want a bottle of soda, I just buy the size I want.
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6 meters is about 20 feet.

But that's assuming he had a cell phone with him. I think a lot of people know you can be tracked with a phone. He could have traveled without it.
Absolutely! LE has said already that they were tracking his phone. my comment was regarding the accuracy of that tracking. BUT... you may well be correct... We don't know if he took it everywhere so it may not provide us with answers about where he left Linda. If he were smart, he would not have had it with him while committing crimes.
Absolutely! LE has said already that they were tracking his phone. my comment was regarding the accuracy of that tracking. BUT... you may well be correct... We don't know if he took it everywhere so it may not provide us with answers about where he left Linda. If he were smart, he would not have had it with him while committing crimes.

Have police searched the area with cadaver dogs? (Sorry if this question has been answered earlier, but I don't have time to read the entire thread.)
Absolutely! LE has said already that they were tracking his phone. my comment was regarding the accuracy of that tracking. BUT... you may well be correct... We don't know if he took it everywhere so it may not provide us with answers about where he left Linda. If he were smart, he would not have had it with him while committing crimes.
There is another way to avoid being tracked but I'm not saying how. I am not giving any criminals (not intended towards you) any info to help them commit their dastardly deeds. I'm a real stickler when it comes to abiding by the law. :). That rule applies to my relatives as well.
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Age of criminal (34). He is not likely to go anywhere without his phone. That's my own opinion based on people I know in that age group. Impulsive crime would mean he had his phone with him (because he always had his phone), and it may or may not have occurred to him until after the fact that he could be tracked, and then drove around thinking it would confuse anyone searching. I don't know if he thought that far, or that critically, honestly.
If he was driving around that Sunday because he was bored (or because it was Father's Day, which may or may not have been significant to him as an adoptee in a positive or negative way) and happened to see Linda walking and then ambushed her, I'm going to speculate that his only thought was rape. Single-minded. Then he had to think what to do after. Unless the strangulation (MOO) was part of the assault and not an afterthought.
Now if he had taken Sunday drives before, or any aimless 'bored driving around drives', and had seen Amish women walking alone of the roads, this was a crime of opportunity, where he may have thought 'now's my chance' when he saw Linda on Beechdale.
True, and I believe she's dead too, but do I know for sure? No.
I believe that LE believes she is dead too, but if they knew for sure that she was, and that he was responsible, he would be facing Murder charges, and not Felony Kidnapping charges.

Morning Rocky!

Maybe or maybe not.

I respectfully say no they wouldnt based on many prior abduction missing body murder cases in particular... although LE in cases where the victim is found LE is also using this same strategy to arrest the suspect on other charges first.

The same thing happened as in Linda's. LE at first arrested the suspect on other charges. Felony kidnapping is a very serious felony charge itself.

Meanwhile the suspect is held on those charges while the ongoing investigation continues, including trying to locate the victim's body.

Finding the body is their top priority now for two reasons. LE always strives to locate any missing victim's body because they sincerely do want the families to have some semblance of peace knowing they can be given a proper burial where they can rest in peace. Contrary to some beliefs LE does care deeply about the victims, and their shattered families.

Then of course the location of the remains is very important to the investigation itself because of what evidence the body itself may yield or what may be found in the area of the disposal site.

It's become pretty commonplace now for the murder suspect to be charged with other offenses first. Imo, it's actually a good strategy for it allows time for the murder investigation to continue whether it's trying to locate the remains or building a solid circumstantial evidence case to arrest them for murder.

Imo, they used the word 'harmed' out of respect for Linda's family plus they do not, and will not ever divulge the evidence they already have showing them this to be true, and to what degree of severity.

However its painfully obvious the evidence they already have is why they are searching areas that would be a recovery instead of rescue mission.
We've seen these same things play out sadly in other missing body murder cases.

Imo, they will charge him with first degree murder.

It's not a matter of IF it will happen, but WHEN. There is simply no need to do so at this time nor any need to rush since as you know murder charges have no statute of limitations.

LE will carefully continue to compile all of the powerful CE together to ensure a first degree murder charge can be proven BARD just like other LE jurisdictions have done in the past when they have had missing body murder cases.

Imo, So with or without finding Linda's body he will be charged with first degree murder.

In fact at the moment I can't recall one missing body murder case in the past 5 or 10 years or even longer where a DA wasn't sucessful in getting a conviction of first degree murder even when the victim's body was never located.

Times have changed. No longer do juries fall for the tired often used line that the victim is alive, and could walk through the door at any time.

CE is powerful evidence even more so at times than direct eye witness testimony which can be faulty. DE cases are successfully appealed more often than CE cases which are the least likely to be overturned on appeal.

Justice is coming for Linda, and her grieving family. The wheels of justice are turning. It just takes time, but it's coming, and the offender knows it too, imo.

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Follow Andrew Forgotch @AndrewABC27 for on-scene information (Charlestown and South Forrey Road, west of Lancaster). So far it's investigators on a rural road with cornfields on either side. I've asked him if it is or is not related to Linda.
Trying to catch up a bit.. Has JS provided any information or comments to LE that we know of?

I'm not aware that he has done so, but it's highly doubtful.

I find him somewhat similar to Sierra Lamar's kidnapper, rapist, and murderer.

He never gave up the location of her body either, and she's never been located. The searches for Sierra's remains was/is the largest longest search ever done in CAs history. Searches are still being done even though her evil predator is serving LWOP.

Imo, offenders like these who refuses to disclose the location of those they have murdered... do so because it's a way they know they still have tremendous power, and control over the victim/s families leaving them to twist in the wind without ever having any semblance of peace.

It shows time, and time again how diabolically evil these kind of cold heartless murderers truly are. Not only do they destroy all of the lives of the defenseless innocent victims in the most heinous ways imaginable, but they continue to destroy the lives of all of the living families, and dear friends, and even the communities where it happens.

The ones who refuses to give up the location where they have discarded the body (even when knowing the evidence against them is overwhelming or even after they have been convicted) are the very worst of the worst.

It shows they don't have one ounce of any remorse or compassion for any other human being.

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