GUILTY PA - Matthew Mancuso for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Pittsburgh, 2003

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SadieMae said:
NO, NO, NO BillyGoatGruff, I would much rather have him spend his time in prison in GENERAL POPULATION!!!! That would be real punishment, IMO.
I agree. Him and his social phobia....throw him to the wolves!
Maddy's Mom said:
So he should have been sentenced today. Did anyone hear what happened?

I'm wondering, too, but I don't know his full name to do a google search. Maybe someone who does will be so kind as to check it out for us.
This monster needs to be in prison for life. I certainly hope that rape charges are brought against this guy, and the little girl has the strength to testify against him. I also hope that she is receiving therapy. I can't imagine how traumatized this girl is. Thank God she is now in what appears to be a loving home.
I could not find anything in the Pittsburgh news, but in Florida this came up:

"The man accused of taking and posting lewd pictures of his adopted daughter on the internet is convicted on 11 charges today, including incest and rape.

A jury in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania convicted 47-year old Matthew Mancuso"

I am surprised this is not a bigger story in PA.
Maddy's Mom said:
I could not find anything in the Pittsburgh news, but in Florida this came up:

"The man accused of taking and posting lewd pictures of his adopted daughter on the internet is convicted on 11 charges today, including incest and rape.

A jury in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania convicted 47-year old Matthew Mancuso"

I am surprised this is not a bigger story in PA.
PA has the Lancaster County Romeo & Juliette/Starkweather & Fugate saga unfolding right now, so this was no doubt given short shrift. Give it a day or two.
A possible 140 years + 15 years.
Sounds fitting.
Should be a fun time for him when the other inmates find out what he did to that poor child.
He should be tortured; hung up by his "manhood", rip his toenails out one by one, brutalize him the same way he did to her. And someone should take pictures of every single thing and post THAT all over the net!
Maddy's Mom said:
He should be tortured; hung up by his "manhood", rip his toenails out one by one, brutalize him the same way he did to her. And someone should take pictures of every single thing and post THAT all over the net!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
A 10-year-old girl has told of being victimized by a pedophile who repeatedly raped her and peddled sex pictures of her on the Internet.

"It's like he stole my childhood," she said.

The girl, Masha, was a native of Russia, living in an orphanage after being taken from her abusive mother, when a man from Pittsburgh named Matthew Mancuso adopted her, she told ABC News in her first public recounting of her ordeal.

She said Mancuso sexually abused her from the beginning. She had to put up with it, she said, for five years while waiting for someone to rescue her.
mysteriew said:
A 10-year-old girl has told of being victimized by a pedophile who repeatedly raped her and peddled sex pictures of her on the Internet.

"It's like he stole my childhood," she said.

The girl, Masha, was a native of Russia, living in an orphanage after being taken from her abusive mother, when a man from Pittsburgh named Matthew Mancuso adopted her, she told ABC News in her first public recounting of her ordeal.

She said Mancuso sexually abused her from the beginning. She had to put up with it, she said, for five years while waiting for someone to rescue her.
The whole sad story was on tv last night.
I recorded last night & watched it today on Primetime... she seems like such a strong little girl, especially after all she's gone through. It was also horrible hearing from his own daughter and how he did the same things to her. :( :furious:
Here's a link to the Primetime story:

Lots of interesting info there, incl info from perp's ex-wife (Doreen McDade) and bio daughter (Rachelle, who was also abused by the perp), info about his sentence (minimum of 35 yrs beginning after he serves his first 15 yr sentence), and info about how FL is going to prosecute him too.

poor sweetheart. :( she sounds like she is old/wise beyond her years. i hope she has a TON of support,, and that somehow her experience will allow other kids to be helped and other child-abusing monsters to be jailed-- no, wait-- make that executed. that would be a beautiful day, if we would ever pass THAT law.
hoppyfrog said:
Here's a link to the Primetime story:

Lots of interesting info there, incl info from perp's ex-wife (Doreen McDade) and bio daughter (Rachelle, who was also abused by the perp), info about his sentence (minimum of 35 yrs beginning after he serves his first 15 yr sentence), and info about how FL is going to prosecute him too.

The woman with the young daughter who posted here about dating this man dodged a bullet.
That mother was indeed very lucky. Did he sense something in her or her child that made him stand off from her child? If I remember correctly, it was his idea for her to not bring her daughter around. Very odd indeed.

What amazes me is that we had heard nothing about the atrocities this man had committed, until LE found an unidentified girl they wanted to identify and were unaware that she was already connected to a child *advertiser censored* case. And even after she was identified, and the case was known, very little info has come out. This is the type of case you would think MSM would jump on and cover. Yet very little is actually published. It is very possible that other children were victimized by this , yet it is not in the news enough for other victims to even be aware of it.
mysteriew said:
That mother was indeed very lucky. Did he sense something in her or her child that made him stand off from her child? If I remember correctly, it was his idea for her to not bring her daughter around. Very odd indeed.

What amazes me is that we had heard nothing about the atrocities this man had committed, until LE found an unidentified girl they wanted to identify and were unaware that she was already connected to a child *advertiser censored* case. And even after she was identified, and the case was known, very little info has come out. This is the type of case you would think MSM would jump on and cover. Yet very little is actually published. It is very possible that other children were victimized by this , yet it is not in the news enough for other victims to even be aware of it.
From what the woman posted, her daughter may have alrady been too old for this perv's tastes, since she was 9. Mancuso picked a 5 year old to adopt. These pervs have decided age preferences. She was probably getting too old for him when LE stepped in. It makes one shudder to think what he would have done to get his hands on another victim of the right age--and what he would have done to the one that was too old to amuse him anymore.
I think one of the reasons we haven't heard too much more about this is because it may be part of a larger ongoing investigation.

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