PA - Panera sued by parents after daughter Sarah Katz, 21, died of cardiac arrest after drinking Charged Lemonade, 2022 - Philadelphia, 23 Oct 2023

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The Panera location I visited today had a caffeine warning sign on a large sign board on the coffee counter. They are already serving the Charged lemonade from behind the counter, probably they will be moving the coffee behind the counter next so we won’t be able to serve ourselves coffee or to get free refills.
I've sat on this for a while and there are a lot of factors here.

-Panera at the time (& still) have a "Sip Club" where, for ~$11/month, you can have a cup anytime at any location and fill it with any beverage of choice. At the time, the Charged lemonade were placed next to the regular iced teas.

- The Sip Club was marketed to teens/young adults on insta/etc and there was a lot of chat on TT about the drinks, including the charged lemonade. (But no corporate warning per se about these lemonades.)

- It's a bargain. Drinks at 7/11 run $1-3 per visit so Panera was offering quite the deal. The first month was free, as I recall.

As a mom of a teen I definitely leaned about these late in the game, my 15 yr old wanted the lemonade and he did drink one. He felt really uncomfortable afterwards and that's when I realized wait this is 5 cups of coffee worth!?!?! He doesn't have any health conditions, thank goodness.

Also I think at the time it was like 30 tablespoons of sugar, In their biggest cup.

Anyway, I'm torn about personal responsibility vs marketing on this, I don't think any beverage should have a concentration of 5 cups of coffee in that much volume & be served cold- AND BE UNLIMITED FREE doesn't make sense and definitely puts anyone at risk. You just can't drink hot coffee that quickly and get that same jolt of caffeine at the diner. It being a colorful "lemonade" is also a bit deceptive.
The Sip Club was first offered for coffee and tea only. For a monthly fee you could get unlimited coffee or tea, a maximum of once every two hours.

Then about 6 months later they added other drinks, including soda, lemonade, and Charged lemonade to the Sip Club.
There are no Paneras in Oz but my question is: why the need for a drink with so much caffeine (and sugar)? Going by the name I was expecting maybe a pink lemonade with ice and cherries/strawberries and sliced oranges/lemons
I am sorry for both families that lost loved ones (Sarah and David)
There are no Paneras in Oz but my question is: why the need for a drink with so much caffeine (and sugar)? Going by the name I was expecting maybe a pink lemonade with ice and cherries/strawberries and sliced oranges/lemons
I am sorry for both families that lost loved ones (Sarah and David)
Why the need for energy drinks in general? People like caffeine. I know people who drink Bang energy drink, 300 mg of caffeine in a 16 oz can which is more than the Charged lemonades.
There are no Paneras in Oz but my question is: why the need for a drink with so much caffeine (and sugar)? Going by the name I was expecting maybe a pink lemonade with ice and cherries/strawberries and sliced oranges/lemons
I am sorry for both families that lost loved ones (Sarah and David)

Because it's an unregulated drug that makes people feel good and be more productive. I think decades from now, we'll finally accept (we already know they exist) the health compromises we make with horrendous amounts of caffeine. JMO
Why the need for energy drinks in general? People like caffeine. I know people who drink Bang energy drink, 300 mg of caffeine in a 16 oz can which is more than the Charged lemonades.
Never been to Panera, and do not drink coffee or tea. But I am a diet coke fiend. And Redbull sometimes. It seems a lot of people like "energy" drinks, jme. A sugar free pep up imo. I am very sorry for those who passed away.
Why the need for energy drinks in general? People like caffeine. I know people who drink Bang energy drink, 300 mg of caffeine in a 16 oz can which is more than the Charged lemonades.
I have a (too) high caffeine tolerance, and I need to consume a LOT (like, a LOT) of caffeine in order to feel any notable effects. At this point it is more like a placebo effect for me. (Example - I was on a trip out of state to visit family. On the day I headed back home, I consumed a large energy drink, two coffees, a large Dr. Pepper and a black tea and was still out cold most of the day. I could barely drag my butt through the airport! And I slept very well the night before too. Smh.). After 10 years of daily energy drink consumption, mostly Red Bull, I feel like I "emotionally" need one (or several cups of coffee, lol) to start my day even if the caffeine doesn't hit. I will chug a Bang and take a nap right after if it's the weekend and I'm not working. My history w/ caffeine is why I truly didn't realize how negatively caffeine can affect folks with certain health conditions until my father had a heart episode.
We don't know what Sarah's medical history was or her symptoms or if she routinely drank large amounts of caffeine. Some of that my come out during the lawsuit. But I will say that now and again, patients will come to me and say they drink a lot of caffeine because even with loads of it, they're still tired/fatigued/can't pay attention. I always explore sleep and if there's nothing that jumps out, I send them to one of my sleep medicine colleagues because there are some sleep disorders that's only symptom is feeling tired or sleepy (hypersomnia, in medical terms).

I say this to suggest that, IMO, we, as a society, have made caffeine the cornerstone of all symptoms related to reduced energy when there could be medical causes and a medical workup and actual (regulated) medications with monitoring is the safer answer in some cases, both in the short-term and in the long-term. Don't know if this applies to Sarah, but I just wish we wouldn't glamorize caffeine as much as (IMO) we do.
We don't know what Sarah's medical history was or her symptoms or if she routinely drank large amounts of caffeine.

Katz had a heart condition called long QT syndrome type 1 and avoided energy drinks at the recommendation of her doctors, according to the filing.
“She was very, very vigilant about what she needed to do to keep herself safe,” Conroy said. “I guarantee if Sarah had known how much caffeine this was, she never would have touched it with a 10-foot pole.”

I have a (too) high caffeine tolerance, and I need to consume a LOT (like, a LOT) of caffeine in order to feel any notable effects. At this point it is more like a placebo effect for me. (Example - I was on a trip out of state to visit family. On the day I headed back home, I consumed a large energy drink, two coffees, a large Dr. Pepper and a black tea and was still out cold most of the day. I could barely drag my butt through the airport! And I slept very well the night before too. Smh.). After 10 years of daily energy drink consumption, mostly Red Bull, I feel like I "emotionally" need one (or several cups of coffee, lol) to start my day even if the caffeine doesn't hit. I will chug a Bang and take a nap right after if it's the weekend and I'm not working. My history w/ caffeine is why I truly didn't realize how negatively caffeine can affect folks with certain health conditions until my father had a heart episode.
You sound exactly like me. Thankfully (I guess), I have a genetic predisposition to low blood pressure so it hasn’t affected me negatively in that way yet. But between nursing school and my career I developed both a physical and emotional dependence on caffeine that is just SO hard to quit!

I also never realized how bad it can be for your heart until I started doing clinical work. I think extreme caffeine consumption is very normalized, due to the fast pace of the world we live in. I know some people who went their whole lives not realizing that many soft drinks have caffeine in them! Unfortunately, that means that those who need to avoid it can definitely have a tougher time navigating through everything.

Katz had a heart condition called long QT syndrome type 1 and avoided energy drinks at the recommendation of her doctors, according to the filing.
“She was very, very vigilant about what she needed to do to keep herself safe,” Conroy said. “I guarantee if Sarah had known how much caffeine this was, she never would have touched it with a 10-foot pole.”

Thank you for reminding me. I had forgotten we already knew that.
You sound exactly like me. Thankfully (I guess), I have a genetic predisposition to low blood pressure so it hasn’t affected me negatively in that way yet. But between nursing school and my career I developed both a physical and emotional dependence on caffeine that is just SO hard to quit!

I also never realized how bad it can be for your heart until I started doing clinical work. I think extreme caffeine consumption is very normalized, due to the fast pace of the world we live in. I know some people who went their whole lives not realizing that many soft drinks have caffeine in them! Unfortunately, that means that those who need to avoid it can definitely have a tougher time navigating through everything.
Same with here genetic predisposition to low blood pressure. Maybe that has something to do with it - I never thought of that! I honestly wish I was more sensitive to caffeine so it'd have more of an effect.

Definitely true about many people not realizing about caffeine being in everything and it being so normalized.
Same with here genetic predisposition to low blood pressure. Maybe that has something to do with it - I never thought of that! I honestly wish I was more sensitive to caffeine so it'd have more of an effect.

Definitely true about many people not realizing about caffeine being in everything and it being so normalized.

When I worked in clinics and recorded patient medication lists, often patients would tell me that Excedrin or generic Excedrin was the only thing they could take for headaches that worked.

Many people don’t realize that Excedrin (and the generics) contain caffeine. Each tablet contains 65 mg caffeine, so if you take two tablets at a time you are getting 130 mg caffeine.
When I worked in clinics and recorded patient medication lists, often patients would tell me that Excedrin or generic Excedrin was the only thing they could take for headaches that worked.

Many people don’t realize that Excedrin (and the generics) contain caffeine. Each tablet contains 65 mg caffeine, so if you take two tablets at a time you are getting 130 mg caffeine.
I would sort of disagree with this. Those that take Excedrin usually do so specifically for its caffeine. It is popular in the migraine suffering world. Otherwise, I'm not sure it a very popular pain reliever any more.
I would sort of disagree with this. Those that take Excedrin usually do so specifically for its caffeine. It is popular in the migraine suffering world. Otherwise, I'm not sure it a very popular pain reliever any more.
Just my own experience with patients in the clinics where I used to work full time and work PRN now. Excedrin is definitely the most commonly mentioned medication by patients for headache, and many have mentioned to me they don’t know why it works when ibuprofen or Tylenol does not. When I tell them about the caffeine some have no idea. Not everyone reads labels on meds like they should.
Well FWIW I just saw someone on SM who decided to go to Panera and buy the lemonade to "see how they feel after drinking it" :rolleyes: She took about 5 sips and threw it out. Stupidity IMO all the comments were saying how stupid and risky, why are people doing this nonsense?! Making a mockery out of someones' death.
Well FWIW I just saw someone on SM who decided to go to Panera and buy the lemonade to "see how they feel after drinking it" :rolleyes: She took about 5 sips and threw it out. Stupidity IMO all the comments were saying how stupid and risky, why are people doing this nonsense?! Making a mockery out of someones' death.
I can understand someone going and trying it after all the publicity. But posting on SM is a bit crude. But that is SM.
It will be interesting to see if Panera keeps the product in the long term or at least keeps it in its current form. I would think Panera appeals to a bit more health conscious people and that staggering sugar content of the lemonade would seem to be unappealing to those folks. So it may ultimately be the sugar, not the caffeine, that dooms the charged lemonade. But also, that is WAY too much caffeine for me.
I can understand someone going and trying it after all the publicity. But posting on SM is a bit crude. But that is SM.
It will be interesting to see if Panera keeps the product in the long term or at least keeps it in its current form. I would think Panera appeals to a bit more health conscious people and that staggering sugar content of the lemonade would seem to be unappealing to those folks. So it may ultimately be the sugar, not the caffeine, that dooms the charged lemonade. But also, that is WAY too much caffeine for me.
One variety of the Charged lemonade has no sugar.


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I have not been into a Panera in quite some time. There is a local location but its a bit out of the way and while I really like their soup, i'm not a fan of the sandwiches and prices. But, regardless, is there a non-caffeinated lemonade option? I am going to try to swing by our local franchise to look.
Caffeine Free?
.... is there a non-caffeinated lemonade option? I am going to try to swing by our local franchise to look.
snipped for focus. @PrairieWind --- Found a caffeine-free lemonade for you. It may be Panera's only one. Note: "Items shown may not be available or may vary by café."

Then... MENU

"Agave Lemonade
Your price $3.29
200 Cal per 20 fl oz"

"About This
"Crisp lemonade made with lemon juice, sugar, agave nectar and water. Nutrition reflects beverage with no ice.
Please note, this beverage is self-serve upon pickup."

"Detailed Ingredients
"Agave Lemonade - 20 Fl Oz (Water, Agave Lemonade Base (Water, Sugar, Lemon Juice, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Agave, Natural Flavors)"

"Nutrition & Allergens"...."Caffeine...0 mg"

Here's to your health. :) Drink Up.

JUST FOR GRINS, here's info re one of Panera's
CHARGED bevvies.

"Mango Yuzu Citrus Charged Lemonade
$4.29 .... 210 Cal per 20 fl oz"

"About This
"Crisp lemonade made with lemon juice, sugar, agave nectar and water. Nutrition reflects beverage with no ice.
Please note, this beverage is self-serve upon pickup"

"Nutrition & Allergens"..... "Caffeine... 157 mg"

"About This
Naturally flavored, plant-based. Contains caffeine. Use in moderation. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR children, people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant or nursing women."

"Detailed Ingredients
Mango Yuzu Citrus Flavored Charged Lemonade (Water, Caffeinated Mango Yuzu Citrus Flavored Syrup (Water, Apple Juice Concentrate, Sugar, Citric Acid, Caffeine, Coffee Extract (Source Of Caffeine), Guarana Extract (Source Of Caffeine), Acerola Powder, Ascorbic Acid, Natural Flavor (Mango, Yuzu And Citrus Natural Flavors With Other Natural Flavors), Beta-Carotene (Color)), Agave Lemonade Base (Water, Sugar, Lemon Juice, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Agave, Natural Flavors), Water"

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