Found Deceased PA - Paul Kochu, 22, Allegheny County, 17 Dec 2014 - #2

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We have a verified insider on here now. Please can you confirm.
I'm not a verified insider. I'm a 50 year old SAHM who simply lives in Pittsburgh. I've looked at the insider requirements. Websleuths no longer require locals to verify they are locals. If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll gladly verify I'm a local.

But I didn't figure this out from being a local. I figured this out via the newspaper reports and looking at google maps.
No, Paul's aunt has become a verified insider.
Ok, just going to step in here too.....I am also blown away to learn Paul was heading home in the video. Thanks MM for the fabulous discovery. So, this has been out that for how long now, 2 1/2 months? Why hasn't the family clarified this to the public? I don't get it. Surely they know that he was heading home in the video. Why let everyone out there think he was heading away? To me, it changes everything.
Newspaper articles state the roommates are not suspects. Perhaps LE isn't releasing that PK was last seen a block away from his home heading towards it because LE doesn't want to tip off the roommates that they are person's of interest. I'll bet LE is waiting for a body before laying in hard on the roommates.

Is the media reporting the 1900 block of Wharton Street location of his apartment accurately or inaccurately?

Can anyone find an exact address for his residence?

I'm searching for a more definitive address. I want to verify what I determined is accurate and not just go by reports stating 1900 block of Wharton Street since the media is often vague in reporting important details.
MM, if you would read the complete thread discussion, you would see that I wrote his address a long time ago. People need to be careful about what they believe. Paul's address is 2115 Wharton. He was walking away from his apartment.
No, Paul's aunt has become a verified insider.
Awesome! If his residence was really located at 19th and Wharton, I'm sure they figured out he was heading towards his house. While I'm exceptionally good at maps, they've been dealing with many professionals over the past few months who would have figured this out.

The reality is knowing he was heading home doesn't point towards where to find PK. If his body was disposed of via a car, he could be anywhere. It seems the family's focus right now is finding him, not figuring out how he died, and if he was killed, who killed him.
I want verification from someone else who isn't so nasty about my joining the thread two months later.

I did read the previous thread. I did not see that address. If you posted it, I missed it.

Now, please explain how YOU know his address is 2115 and Texas Equusearch and all news reports continue to say he lived at the corner of 19th & Wharton or in the 1900 block of Wharton.

I have seen it on a flyer in a video with 2115 Wharton.
Let's see if I can find that or a still of that, because it was in the media.

I have seen it on a flyer in a video with 2115 Wharton.
Let's see if I can find that or a still of that, because it was in the media.

That would be awesome. I'll look at the flyers. I've seen them and know where to find them. Thanks!

Why the hell would Texas Equusearch and the media state otherwise? How can this important fact go uncorrected by LE and the family for months?
Look at the location of the camera on the map. News reports say his apartment was located in 1900 block of Wharton, and the camera was two blocks away near Giant Eagle. Go to street view on google maps, and you'll see that he was walking towards his apartment. In the video, he is BETWEEN the Giant Eagle and his apartment, heading towards his apartment that is less than 2 block away.

The articles stating he was heading towards the 10th Street Bridge were just using the 10th Street Bridge as a directional description instead of north, south, east, west. Since the 10th Street Bridge is about 10 blocks past his apartment, there's no reason to believe he was heading to the bridge when his house was less than two blocks away.

The question is where was he prior to heading home?

Instead of going home from Smokin Joes, he could have went to Ruggers Pub. The video could be catching him walking home from Ruggers afterwards. Last call is 2am, but people don't leave bars at 2am. Back in my drinking days, we didn't end up at restaurants for breakfast until 3am.

If that's what happened, that would mean his roommates time for their encounter with him at home wouldn't be accurate. They could have used a prior trip to McDonalds as their alibi by establishing seeing him before leaving for McDonalds as the last time they saw him, when they really saw him later at night.

Or, he could have simply left for Ruggers Pub to catch last call after they left for McDonalds.

Understanding that he's actually heading home in that video makes it easier for me to eliminate suicide, falling into the river, and going to the hospital type scenarios.

I'm so glad you joined in Miss Muffet
That would be awesome. I'll look at the flyers. I've seen them and know where to find them. Thanks!

Why the hell would Texas Equusearch and the media state otherwise? How can this important fact go uncorrected by LE and the family for months?

In this link in the video at 50 seconds there is a clipboard with a flyer of Paul Kochu and under the photo of his face,
it states:
Last Seen 2115 Wharton Street

It doesn't state that on all of the flyers, though.
In the video it goes quickly, so you have to put the video on full screen and stop the video for the still.
It is around the time that the reporter says "Since then...."

In this link in the video at 50 seconds there is a clipboard with a flyer of Paul Kochu and under the photo of his face,
it states:
Last Seen 2115 Wharton Street

It doesn't state that on all of the flyers, though.
In the video it goes quickly, so you have to put the video on full screen and stop the video for the still.
It is around the time that the reporter says "Since then...."

So is "last seen" at his apartment, at the bar or on the video?
I'm so glad you joined in Miss Muffet
Thanks, but I made a mistake because the information about the location of his residence that was reported in the media and Texas Equusearch for over 2-1/2 months has been inaccurate. And somehow that's my fault. :eyeroll:
This instagram for Paul says that he was last seen at his residence around 1:30am.
It would be nice if the media and searchers released this information accurately.

Texas Equusearch says he was last seen at 1:00 AM. And then there is a video of him at 2:46 AM.

It's hard to know what to believe with all of the conflicting information coming from sources that are supposed to be reliable.
After mulling the detective's post, I'm trying to figure out how'd he get in the water but I'm also trying figure out what else could have happened to him.

When is the st Pat's parade? I'm not wishing to ruin someone's day, but the area will be packed. Maybe someone will find him? Has there been a landfill search? What if he got roughed up and thrown in a dumpster. To me, that's too much like a movie.

I am hoping for the same. It's on the 14th, This Saturday.
When you google both addresses the only one that comes up the 2115 is on here. Everything else shows the 19th street address. still looking...
From the 'Find Paul' facebook page

states his address/home on the flyer as last seen roughly 1am at 19th & Wharton Street:

Dated 6th March: 'New flyers going up in Pittsburgh tomorrow.'
It seems the 19th and Wharton address may be accurate after all. If so, he was walking towards his house.

I'm hoping we can get verification. This is important information we can't trust just anyone here to confirm.
Look...I'm telling you his address. Part of being a good sleuth is knowing what information to believe and where to get it.

Can you provide a link please Detective Klimpt? I saw the flyer in the you tube video, but to me it doesn't look like it reads 2115. I have a rather large screen, and enlarged the video, but it still doesn't look like 2115 to me. I'd love to see another source. TIA!
Maybe the roommates met up with someone near that McDonalds , or at that McDonalds.
Maybe that's why Paul didn't want to go?? Just speculating here...
There was a disagreement earlier it was said, but with whom??
Your questions have been in the back of my mind since reading them.

Then I came upon this portion of a previous post from PK's aunt:

"The family waited on the hope that Paul would show up for work. They, too, I am sure, believed that boys will be boys, and maybe Paul was holed up with another friend or a woman while tempers cooled. " ~halaliphone, post #517 in the first thread. BBM

PK's father stating he didn't go to McDonalds because of a prior disagreement, and halaliphole stating they hope he stayed somewhere else while tempers cooled, indicates to me that his disagreement was most likely with his roommates.

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