Identified! PA - Philadelphia - 'Boy in the Box' - 4UMPA - Feb'57 - Joseph Augustus Zarelli #4

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Does anyone remember anything about the cat that was found nearby? I'm reading Jim Hoffman's book about this case and he mentions that a piece of blanket was found wrapped up with a dead cat in an old gray sweater. The piece of blanket was similar to the blanket found with Joseph, but not an exact match.

The foster home that had the estate sale had several similar blankets. I just wonder if that dead cat had anything to with Joseph. It struck me for some reason in a different way when reading about it in the book. I wonder if the cat was his and was also killed with him. Wish they would've kept the blanket and sweater.
Wait what. A cat?
As no POI/suspect has been named by LE, attempts to identify the parents or family is covered under our policy of not sleuthing anyone who is not officially named a POI/suspect.

This thread is open again with zero tolerance for posts that sleuth or attempt to identify the parents or the family until such time as LE releases that information.
Some schools accepted pregnant girls, like in Hawaii. But I see no mentioning of Philadelphia.
"Trouble-maker" and pregnant girls would not be housed together. The pregnant girls would have been seen as a "bad influence" on girls whose families were trying to to avoid getting them pregnant. (I know. I know)
Does anyone remember anything about the cat that was found nearby? I'm reading Jim Hoffman's book about this case and he mentions that a piece of blanket was found wrapped up with a dead cat in an old gray sweater. The piece of blanket was similar to the blanket found with Joseph, but not an exact match.

The foster home that had the estate sale had several similar blankets. I just wonder if that dead cat had anything to with Joseph. It struck me for some reason in a different way when reading about it in the book. I wonder if the cat was his and was also killed with him. Wish they would've kept the blanket and sweater.
Would you recommend that book? I was considering purchasing it, and the poor deceased cat is not something I had heard before and I wonder if this is a book that digs deeper into facts unknown to some of us.
My post was to address the dead cat found at the scene of Joseph's body, but I see that someone else has already shared the quote from America's Unknown Child which I shared in my post too. Sorry for the repeat.
Would you recommend that book? I was considering purchasing it, and the poor deceased cat is not something I had heard before and I wonder if this is a book that digs deeper into facts unknown to some of us.
Respectfully, I don't think the cat is involved in any way. The location where JAZ was found was a dumping ground. The cat was found 1/2 a mile away, also in a dump site. Like maybe someone ran over the cat then wrapped it in a sweater and discarded it nearby. You would think if it were someone's pet, they would have just buried it in the backyard. I guess, sadly, the same could also be said for little JAZ. If the person who killed and discarded him didn't want him to be found, I wonder why they didn't just bury him? Hmm.
"Trouble-maker" and pregnant girls would not be housed together. The pregnant girls would have been seen as a "bad influence" on girls whose families were trying to to avoid getting them pregnant. (I know. I know)
It's in that essay i attached.
Respectfully, I don't think the cat is involved in any way. The location where JAZ was found was a dumping ground. The cat was found 1/2 a mile away, also in a dump site. Like maybe someone ran over the cat then wrapped it in a sweater and discarded it nearby. You would think if it were someone's pet, they would have just buried it in the backyard. I guess, sadly, the same could also be said for little JAZ. If the person who killed and discarded him didn't want him to be found, I wonder why they didn't just bury him? Hmm.
Because they ran out of time.
Respectfully, I don't think the cat is involved in any way. The location where JAZ was found was a dumping ground. The cat was found 1/2 a mile away, also in a dump site. Like maybe someone ran over the cat then wrapped it in a sweater and discarded it nearby. You would think if it were someone's pet, they would have just buried it in the backyard. I guess, sadly, the same could also be said for little JAZ. If the person who killed and discarded him didn't want him to be found, I wonder why they didn't just bury him? Hmm.
I think the ground was pretty hard that time of year
Replying to @Ontario Mom's post on previous thread.

This is EXACTLY how I feel. Thank you so much. The ONLY reason for wanting to identify either parent is IF it's going to somehow lead us to WHO had Joseph at the time of his death.

Imo, and I guess it's just a gut feeling, his bio parents did not cause his death and did not know the BITB was their boy. My feeling, moo, is he was with his bio mom for a while and then *something* happened. And somehow, possibly through the foster system or the agency they worked with, or in an unofficial way, he ended up with an abusive guardian who murdered him.

More interesting for me is that his body was dumped over at Fox Chase, which was a well-known dump site. Now I know dump sites in my area, but I don't know dump sites 40 minutes from my home. So that tells me that whoever dumped his body must know the area, come from the area at some time, work in that area.
I am so curious about this. All of the MSM documentation that I have found likewise says they found her credible but were simply unable to verify.

However, posters here and elsewhere have also stated things with great confidence such as: M had a changing story, they were inconsistencies in M’s story, or that she tried to insinuate herself into other cases.

If these allegations about M and her account are documented and published it would go a long way toward allowing us to rule M’s parents out as suspects and focus on other scenarios. The other thing I can’t seem to find is MSM documentation about the neighbors in Lower Merion being interviewed and stating they did not believe there was a young boy in the house. I am so on the fence about M and the possible validity of her account. It would help so much if we could fill in some of these details!

I will keep searching for this information and post it if I find any of it, I would love it if some other sleuths do the same! Also want to thank @J. J. in Phila for all your local and historical information! There could be a tiny clue in the historical record that seems unrelated that spurs an older adult’s memory or establishes a link that could be really valuable.

Edited for some typos, and to clarify that I don’t disbelieve M, I just feel like we need a lot more detailed info to decide whether her account is something to keep taking seriously or not.
Excellent and thoughtful post!
"At the time of Zarelli's death in 1957, he was living in the area of 61st and Market streets, police said.

Given the publicity that the case received at the time and ever since, police are unsure why no one from the family or Zarelli's neighborhood came forward with information. It's unclear how long Zarelli had been living in West Philly. "

Same article says the bio mom birthed 2 other siblings all between 1954 to 56. Might be a combination of the birth certificates that gave them the assumption he was living with the mom during those years in the vicinity. Maybe that combined with utility records. They also say they don't know how long he lived in west Philly, but have suspicions of who might be responsible.

Seems reasonable that they don't want to name anybody till they dig deeper.
I feel some of the information was given by the mother's hobby genealogist relatives. I don't think she was from Philly, perhaps rural PA. Further why is the current image substantially different? Looks like a photo that has been turned into a sketch.
I feel some of the information was given by the mother's hobby genealogist relatives. I don't think she was from Philly, perhaps rural PA. Further why is the current image substantially different? Looks like a photo that has been turned into a sketch.
Different reconstruction artists work in different ways. I think most digital artists these days work from mortuary photos if they have them, and build an image from that. Reconstructing from a skull is different, because you have to work out how the flesh would have sat on the face as the foundation. I am not someone who has ever done this, but there are a couple of folks on websleuths who do work in this field, who would be able to explain better how different recons may have been created. I think one of them even did one of the more recent recons of Joseph, @CarlK90245 .
Different reconstruction artists work in different ways. I think most digital artists these days work from mortuary photos if they have them, and build an image from that. Reconstructing from a skull is different, because you have to work out how the flesh would have sat on the face as the foundation. I am not someone who has ever done this, but there are a couple of folks on websleuths who do work in this field, who would be able to explain better how different recons may have been created. I think one of them even did one of the more recent recons of Joseph, @CarlK90245 .
And now he has dark eyes.

Why would they go to that trouble? No one was going to take a look at his malnourished, bruised body and say, "well look at those nails, he must have really been taken care of!" What was the point? To make him unrecognizable? To remove evidence? Because of regret?

And why didn't they put clothes on the poor child?
IMO the bath, hair cut & trimmed nails is more for the destruction of evidence than out of care/concern for JAZ. If it was really care/concern, I don’t see that he would have been left naked.

Although DNA wasn’t yet on the radar, blood-type and hair/fiber analysis was (I believe). Perhaps JAZ scratched his killer, drawing blood, so he was cleaned up to eliminate this evidence.

We know police made great efforts to trace the box & blanket JAZ was found in, as well as the hat that was found nearby, so it is likely police would have also tried to trace any clothing he would have been re-dressed in - which could be why he was left naked. Also, clothes may have also contained the killer’s hair or hairs of any pets in the home which could possibly been traced back to the killer.

This makes me wonder if someone involved in the death may have ties to LE or at least been interested in LE/crime-solving.
I think it's possible that the cut nails and hair, and the bath, were deliberate attempts to hide evidence. But I always come back to the fact that Joseph was beaten to death. It's hard for me to imagine that someone who is capable of killing a preschooler in such a brutal way would also be so meticulous about covering their tracks in the aftermath of such an awful episode. If there were signs of systematic abuse over time (the injuries were inflicted all at the same time, as opposed to Joseph having suffered a long period of escalating abuse resulting in death), it would make more sense to me that Joseph's killers were thinking that clearly about removing evidence. They obviously wanted to hide something but was it very organized and deliberate? I don't know. It just seems incongruous to me but we have no idea who killed Joseph, or what his life was really like, whether the person raising him was the one who killed him, etc., and of course anything is possible.
I think it's possible that the cut nails and hair, and the bath, were deliberate attempts to hide evidence. But I always come back to the fact that Joseph was beaten to death. It's hard for me to imagine that someone who is capable of killing a preschooler in such a brutal way would also be so meticulous about covering their tracks in the aftermath of such an awful episode. If there were signs of systematic abuse over time (the injuries were inflicted all at the same time, as opposed to Joseph having suffered a long period of escalating abuse resulting in death), it would make more sense to me that Joseph's killers were thinking that clearly about removing evidence. They obviously wanted to hide something but was it very organized and deliberate? I don't know. It just seems incongruous to me but we have no idea who killed Joseph, or what his life was really like, whether the person raising him was the one who killed him, etc., and of course anything is possible.
Long time lurker, first time poster here. Reading through the discussion here about JAZ's injuries and the way his body was cleaned immediately made me think of the case of Sylvia Likens, where she was regularly tortured, but at the end was cleaned up properly and given new clothing, despite the fact that her body would have evidence of what had happened to her. I wonder if it's the same case here, where the people involved realized that the poor child was not going to be alive much longer and may have tried to clean him up anyway out of sheer panic and wanting to make the situation look (in their minds) less awful in the event they were ever caught.

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