PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #5

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Just to set the record straight JJ, Im not confused nor have I ever been. Im just pointing out that nothing's in stone yet. I just think earlier the way you put Ray had a car in May is confusing others. You have corrected it, thanks!

Just to say this about it, being the one who asked about the May car moment. I wasn't "confused" about it at all. Questioning that was merely a matter of seeing something new...

The two of you are interesting to read through.
CB, you seem to lean heavily toward foul play, at the hands of the girlfriend is that right?
CB, if that Southfield witness is correct, there is evidence that RFG walked away. Obviously, if he was alive on 5/27/05 in MI, he didn't commit suicide or was the victim of foul play in April 2005. The question is, what is the likelihood of that witness being correct?

1. Well, the witness himself is credible. He lacks any motivation to be dishonest and his sighting is supported by his daughter.

2. The witness, of all people, is someone by both experience and training, someone who could identify faces. The contact was prolonged; the witness had minutes, not seconds, to identify the person.

3. The police, unlike other purported sightings, including some in MI, were not able to find some other individual who could have been mistaken for RFG. Nobody who sort of looked like RFG came forward and said, **I was there with Aunt Gertrude on the 27th. That was probably me.**

4. If this was RFG, would there be logical reasons for him to be there at that time? The answer is emphatically yes. Disposing of a car, getting a visa to an area of the world where he had previously traveled are both possibilities. Doing that where he could quickly exit American jurisdiction and on a day where, if reported, there would be limited news coverage also fit in nicely.

Now, that said, there are some problems and I give the likelihood 50% that this was RFG. I'll hit some of the potential problems in the next post.
There are also some limitations to the Southfield sighting.

1. There is no reported (and I don't know of any) independent corroboration. The retied cop talked with his daughter prior to e-mailing the police, but after he said it was RFG.

If more than one witness independently put RFG in the same place at the same time, that would boost the likelihood of being accurate.

2. There is no reported (and I don't know of any) physical evidence. While things like DNA or fingerprints might be unlikely, either video or a document record may not.

For example, one explanation was that RFG disposed of a car in MI, one that was acquired in Central PA. There would be a document trail of the purchase and possibly the disposition. There will be very few cars purchased around 4/15/05 in Central PA that were sold around 5/27/05 in MI. Finding one from a fictitious person or someone close to RFG would dramatically boost the likelihood the sighting was accurate.
Didn't someone here say that there's no way Mr. Gricar would have walked away without letting his daughter know where he was? I used to be big on the suicide theory, but I've often wondered whether he didn't meet someone online who promised him exciting things but harmed him instead. Also -- what were everyone's thoughts on his cash flow? Secret bank accounts elsewhere, perhaps?
Just to say this about it, being the one who asked about the May car moment. I wasn't "confused" about it at all. Questioning that was merely a matter of seeing something new...

The two of you are interesting to read through.
CB, you seem to lean heavily toward foul play, at the hands of the girlfriend is that right?

Thanks SuperKyle! I lean toward foul play for many reasons. Ray's girlfriend Patty may know more than as stated, but LE may have directed her to only say what was furnished publicly. I don't believe she had anything to do with a foul play scenario. I have reached that conclusion during my profiling of the case. I have come to the point that most of the walk away being pushed was used to convince the mystery woman LMW that Ray walked from his life, it is a hidden agenda not in plain sight (meaning hard to see). IMO that's why the body was hidden. I also hold that only the mystery woman would know where Mr Gricar is, if she looked at foul play. If she would just realize what a child means to a parent, only then could she realize what truly happened. The laptop IMO takes on a whole new meaning than most think. The possibilites begin to shape into a makes sense form.
Didn't someone here say that there's no way Mr. Gricar would have walked away without letting his daughter know where he was? I used to be big on the suicide theory, but I've often wondered whether he didn't meet someone online who promised him exciting things but harmed him instead. Also -- what were everyone's thoughts on his cash flow? Secret bank accounts elsewhere, perhaps?

One thing to look at is what set Ray's laptop apart from a everyday laptop? It had a capability that most everyday laptops don't have. Then look at why a LMW or other would need that capability.
We have exhausted the laptop into scenario's but no one has looked at what sets Ray's laptop up from everyday laptop owners. Meaning its capability. Your laptop or mine if we have one would be different in some way than the one Ray had from the county. Rays was more capable then ours. Its a missed clue IMO.
Also -- what were everyone's thoughts on his cash flow? Secret bank accounts elsewhere, perhaps?

From the outside, or as Tony Gricar once put it, "from a forensic accounting standpoint," RFG assets seem low. For a guy making what he did, and with his lifestyle, there should have been more money. The can, however, be alternate explanations.

The obvious reason not to tell his daughter is because she probably will have to swear under oath that she hasn't heard from him. Of course, RFG being dead is another reason he wouldn't call.
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