GUILTY PA - Sherry Leighty, 21, Altoona, 1 October 1999

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
We don't have any dental records on Sherry and as far as DNA, both our parents are deceased now; the detective did say we could use one of her children and her siblings if dna was needed but they haven't said anything further about that.

You can also contact to get her entered on there. I would offer your dna if possible. When entered into the database, it checks against all the others (IIRC). The more info you get out there, the easier it is to find her.

Best of Luck

Why was she not reported missing until 2012? Where does the ex live now? Did he remarry? Does he still live in the same area?

Thank you shellbellz216 for being here and I hope we can help. So very sorry about your sister. You must feel a terrible void all these years not having any answers.

My father reported her back in Sept. 1999 but they (police) didn't actually report her as a "missing person" until this past Sept 2012.

Her ex still lives in the same place (house) where he did back then. No he's not remarried.
My father reported her back in Sept. 1999 but they (police) didn't actually report her as a "missing person" until this past Sept 2012.

Her ex still lives in the same place (house) where he did back then. No he's not remarried.

Well thank goodness she is now designated as a missing person. Do you have a detective you are working with? Do you have an opinion or other clues you can share without jeopardizing her case?
My sister would have never left her children & family. She was having marital issues with her husband at the time. Her estranged husband & parents were the last to see Sherry on the day when she was supposedly dropped off at her work but never showed up according to her employer. The police were told that friends of Sherry's said she was leaving town with a boyfriend. But yet there were no names of these so called friends that said this so no one was ever interviewed by the police. Sherry didn't have a boyfriend at that time. None of this added up to us. We tried to tell the police this but they said she's an adult & can leave on her own. They didn't want to help us then & it feels no different now. They only started looking into her case for the past several months because I got another article put in our local newspaper.


(BBM) Unfortunately, I know central PA all too well. Did her ex and/or his parents have connections with the local police (e.g., relatives, longtime childhood friends)? I wish I had more faith in LE around here to do anything other than write parking tickets and arrest drunk teenagers. There are so many missing and/or murdered women whose cases have never been solved. I truly hope we can help get some momentum behind solving your sister's disappearance. Sherry deserves the truth, as do you and her kids. Are her ex's parents still alive?

we have a detective on the case but I feel they aren't doing much of anything. It seems like if it wasn't for my brother & I calling them at least once a week & giving them as much information as possible & people they can talk too, they would do nothing. It's hard to trust a police dept. that has let us down from the beginning. They don't return most of our phone calls & I have to resend emails several times before finally getting a reply back, it's rediculous. I've called the State Police to see if they could help but they told me that the APD is a different entity & they can't come in and take over the case. I even called the FBI & they told me that the police dept would have to contact them if they needed assistance with the case. I would feel much better if someone else was helping on the case that I could trust. This all is very frustrating.
(BBM) Unfortunately, I know central PA all too well. Did her ex and/or his parents have connections with the local police (e.g., relatives, longtime childhood friends)? Are her ex's parents still alive?


I don't think they have any connections to the APD. And yes they are still alive.
Unfortunately Chris, I don't trust anybody and I believe people know more than what they are saying.
Have you looked in to UID's? I know that's a terrible thought but we do have an extensive forum on WS just for that.

If you have any questions as far as resources that may aide in helping you please ask.

There is a drop down box on the bottom right called "forum jump" that leads you to many many topics and resources that may help also.
How long had her and her husband been divorced? Was there any custody issues? Was it usual for her to get a ride to work with her ex's parents? Did anyone else ride with them that morning, like her kids?
How long had her and her husband been divorced? Was there any custody issues? Was it usual for her to get a ride to work with her ex's parents? Did anyone else ride with them that morning, like her kids?

He filed for divorce after she went missing. As far as I know the kids weren't with them.
They said they dropped her off a block away which never made sense to me.

I thought I read that but couldn't reference it. What was the weather like that night? I agree, that makes no sense at all. Reminds of a story I saw today on ID where the father didn't like his daughters husband and offed him over custody issues that weren't an obvious at the time.

Do you know what sort of relationship she had with his parents?
I thought I read that but couldn't reference it. What was the weather like that night? I agree, that makes no sense at all. Reminds of a story I saw today on ID where the father didn't like his daughters husband and offed him over custody issues that weren't an obvious at the time.

Do you know what sort of relationship she had with his parents?

She was dropped off in the morning hours & I don't know what the weather was like but it was in Sept. As far as her relationship with his parents, I know there was some issues there too.

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