Padilla Holds A Memorial For Caylee -2/10/09

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I really don't understand why so many people put such negative and sinister aspects toward LP and anyone else that may choose to differ with Cindy's point of view and/or actions.

Fact is, I watched every minute of the Church Memorial -- it was very soothing and allowed me the opportunity to "share" in honoring Caylee. The God I know, and the protestant churches that I have been associated with for over 50 years ordinarily welcome everyone - the churches are not exclusively for the righteous, they are also for the non-righteous to find their peace with God. I have to question the ministers thinking in allowing Cindy to ban anyone from the service. And, IMO, it was very immature and self-centered for Cindy to put restrictions on a supposedly PUBLIC event by restricting anyone wanting to pay their respects to Caylee. Security was present and capable of ejecting anyone that tried to interrupt the service. Standing by and loving your child regardless of what they have done is the right thing to do; however, at some point a parent has to accept the fact that their child must take responsibility for his/her actions. Bad taste was shown at the Memorial when the Anthony's asked the people at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL to write to Casey. That should be addressed at a private memorial for close friends and family. It was not in bad taste to ask people to pray for her -- she needs the prayers of everyone for the evil deed she has done and the wrath that she is now, and will be forever, facing.

The Grund family, LP and the public had the right to have their memorial for Caylee at any time they chose. Regardless of whether Cindy agreed with their comments and/or actions, everyone of them had developed a love for Caylee -- deserved an opportunity to honor her and should have been allowed to do so at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL. I did not see, nor have I heard, of any attempt by any of them to capitalize on the Suburban memorial.

Sorry for the rant, but yesterday's PUBLIC service was supposed to be for honoring Caylee -- not for reinforcement of Cindy's vendettas, support for Casey, or for personal publicity for anyone.

VERY well said!!!
Two wrongs do not equal a right.

While I was saddened to hear that the Anthonys spent negative time and energy putting together a list of people they would not allow into the service for Caylee, I am equally saddened that the people who were not going to be allowed into the service for Caylee decided to publically announce their plans to hold another service for Caylee on Suburban Drive.

Seems to me that the Anthonys should have for once focused on nothing but loving and remembering Caylee, instead of taking the time/energy to "disinclude" certain people therefrom, and it also seems to me that these "disincluded" people, who also had the opportunity to focus on nothing but loving and remembering Caylee could have simply gone ahead and done so without announcing it publically-there's nothing prohibiting them from doing something on Suburban Drive, but the announcing of it is what I find sad-if you want to do it, then go ahead and do so.


I certainly remembered Caylee, and I didn't attend either memorial.
I'm sure my little post is going to be blasted sky high, and I don't really mind. That is one reason I like reading here. Even though it may get rough, it seems for the most part a nice forum if you have the proper attitude about being able to take what you dish out, and it never seems to be too hurtful. :)
My comment is that I find nothing wrong with someone who never knew Caylee a day in her life not being welcomed to her memorial service. Sure the "banned" term seems ugly, and maybe they did act in an overly paranoid way about the possiblity of different scenarious today, but I believe it came from a wish for a last respectul moment for Caylee.
If Caylee were my family member, as thankful as I'd be to ANYONE who helped to try to find her, I'd still want her final tribute to be given and attended by those who actually loved her because they knew her personally. I have cried many tears over this little girl. That is no lie. My heart has felt broken, but I don't think that would entitle me to show up at her memorial. I've never been to anyone's memorial, funeral etc. that I didn't have some ties with. I wouldn't want the bereaved to be bothered with me while trying to say goodbye to their loved one. I wouldn't want to risk taking a moment or even a seat on a pew away from someone who actually knew and loved the person who had passed. I'd cry my tears and say my prayers at home, just like I have done for Caylee.
There comes a point when you have to ask, when did someone stop having only the best intentions? When did it become something they just couldn't let go of, even though their services were no longer needed? Even to the point of speculating about what people are thinking with whom they hadn't had close personal contact for quite a while now? I am tired of hearing Mr. Padilla. I'm sure he's not a terrible person, in fact maybe he is a great person, but he needs to go home and do whatever he was doing before he came to try to help this poor little girl who is no longer with us. I guess I just ended this post sounding a bit harsher than I expected to, but I am tired, and it is generally how I really feel, so I'm going with it. Thanks for letting me chime in with my 2 cents.

Dearest Patches,
while I don't necessarily agree with 100% of your post, to blast YOU for your very unoffensive, honest opinion, would be akin to throwing rocks at a kitten. Well said.
I really don't understand why so many people put such negative and sinister aspects toward LP and anyone else that may choose to differ with Cindy's point of view and/or actions.

Fact is, I watched every minute of the Church Memorial -- it was very soothing and allowed me the opportunity to "share" in honoring Caylee. The God I know, and the protestant churches that I have been associated with for over 50 years ordinarily welcome everyone - the churches are not exclusively for the righteous, they are also for the non-righteous to find their peace with God. I have to question the ministers thinking in allowing Cindy to ban anyone from the service. And, IMO, it was very immature and self-centered for Cindy to put restrictions on a supposedly PUBLIC event by restricting anyone wanting to pay their respects to Caylee. Security was present and capable of ejecting anyone that tried to interrupt the service. Standing by and loving your child regardless of what they have done is the right thing to do; however, at some point a parent has to accept the fact that their child must take responsibility for his/her actions. Bad taste was shown at the Memorial when the Anthony's asked the people at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL to write to Casey. That should be addressed at a private memorial for close friends and family. It was not in bad taste to ask people to pray for her -- she needs the prayers of everyone for the evil deed she has done and the wrath that she is now, and will be forever, facing.

The Grund family, LP and the public had the right to have their memorial for Caylee at any time they chose. Regardless of whether Cindy agreed with their comments and/or actions, everyone of them had developed a love for Caylee -- deserved an opportunity to honor her and should have been allowed to do so at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL. I did not see, nor have I heard, of any attempt by any of them to capitalize on the Suburban memorial.

Sorry for the rant, but yesterday's PUBLIC service was supposed to be for honoring Caylee -- not for reinforcement of Cindy's vendettas, support for Casey, or for personal publicity for anyone.
I totally agree!:clap::clap::clap:
From every post I have read it is apparent that the public wants justice for Caylee and will not be swayed by sentiments that are incongruous (sp)to this cause.Being fooled by a murderer is hard for everyone but moreso for the victim. RIP dear Caylee.

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