Padilla NOT revoking Casey's bond - Increasing Security

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That's right. Make no mistake. Tony Padilla made this decision.

Leonard was ready to pull bond YESTERDAY. He planned to start the revocation process today, and have her in jail by Saturday.

When I point-blank asked Tony four times last night who would make the decision whether or not to revoke bond, he 1) ignored me and then finally 2) answered me with this: "Probably both of us."

Leonard says it's costing him $1000/day to provide security. Leonard was fed up yesterday.
And that's assuming that Leonard and at least Rob are donating their time.

Now that they're going to increase security, the costs will likely run somewhere in the neighborhood of $75,000+ just to protect Miss Casey's bony butt unless she's re-arrested.

My guess is that since Tony is so hot to keep her out of jail, those costs are no longer going to come out of Uncle Leonard's pocket.

It's Tony's money, Tony's risk now.

Good luck, dude.

What to think......:waitasec:

what to think :waitasec:

Casey has a way of getting what she wants. She may not have had anything to do with it, but still......:waitasec:
Quess we will just try to look on the bright side...

Hopefully by "thinking" she might go back to jail, it gave Casey a few moments of "uncomfortableness!"
Hi, I keep hearing about a protest, or sit-in, or rally. All I see is the thread saying do not organize it here, and then one with pink balloons, which might be a real balloon launch somewhere, or might be here on the internet? I don't know what is going on.
Well isn't that just peachy??? and what's up with Casey carrying a tray of brownies to att's office? What does she think this is, a freakin party? Grrrrrrrr

Yep, she does and the attention is feeding her cravings---big time.

I can't believe she's being allowed to stay all comfy at home while her baby is decomposing to nothing but bones.:mad: :furious:

real nice.................and totally weak. :puke:
Hi, I keep hearing about a protest, or sit-in, or rally. All I see is the thread saying do not organize it here, and then one with pink balloons, which might be a real balloon launch somewhere, or might be here on the internet? I don't know what is going on.

I think that the balloons are another "honor" Caylee. There is a thread here for those who want to to do. It has nothing to do with the/a protest.
Here's one little thought that just occured to me:

With a holiday weekend coming up, Casey can't escape from her house to her attorney's office. She has to sit there...with her parents going crazy. With the circus getting crazier outside. With protests increasing.

If Casey doesn't snap by the end of the weekend, SOMEONE will. I wonder who?
Jbean, I'm on the same think track as you. Even in chat, when asked, and up til today I knew that Tony Padilla didn't want to revoke her bond. He said it wouldn't look good for business. Leonard wanted to, Tony didn't. Tony is the bail bondsman and guess what? He isn't revoking her bail. Period.

Leonard can "Want" to revoke til pigs fly, but Tony had the last word.

What I hate is how between Cindy and Casey they have made a lot of people look like idiots. From the media to the LE to the Padillas everybody even scientific forensic testing is called what now?

Hocus Pocus

My god, Casey might be have commited the crime of the century and in the meantime made a mockery out of our police and courts and media and whoever else's lives have been destroyed in the process. (That wasn't dripping with sarcasm just to be clear!)

No wonder she thinks she's a "Celebrity"

I need some pink balloons on my siggy now...
aye, I've not read of any protests on this board. I've read where some want to do a search, a tribute etc...but even that is directed not to be in WS name. *shrug*
Here's one little thought that just occured to me:

With a holiday weekend coming up, Casey can't escape from her house to her attorney's office. She has to sit there...with her parents going crazy. With the circus getting crazier outside. With protests increasing.

If Casey doesn't snap by the end of the weekend, SOMEONE will. I wonder who?

I doubt Casey will ever snap... she's too much into herself to worry about anyone else. But I do think Cindy is on the brink... she is struggling to keep her head above the water, IMO. As for the Padilla's increasing security: while I loathe their decision to let her stay out of jail, I do think they need the security bumped up, because there are some really pi$$ed off whacko's out there that will probably try to cause trouble. This is turning into a HUGE mess.
I think Tony told her he wasn't going to revoke it no matter what Leonard said. I am sick of all of them and I revoke my supportive comments about them.

He said he wanted to revoke her bond and was trying to do so.He said he was starting the process to revoke. He just was not successful.
Cindy told us is wasn't going to be revoked so we should have believed her.
Cindy said Casey isn't going back to jail, Cindy KNEW Casey wasn't going back to jail. I don't give a rats patooty what ANY Padilla says. Their word is mud to me now.
Here's one little thought that just occured to me:

With a holiday weekend coming up, Casey can't escape from her house to her attorney's office. She has to sit there...with her parents going crazy. With the circus getting crazier outside. With protests increasing.

If Casey doesn't snap by the end of the weekend, SOMEONE will. I wonder who?

Come on, have a little faith in the endless drive to BOW TO THE WONDERFUL CASEY....

Is it so hard to imagine Baez working all weekend so Miss Casey will have somewhere to hang out & relax during the days? I mean... it's just soooooo boring being stuck in your mommy's house all day & all night.... a girl's got to get outside for some fresh air. :furious:
Leonard had to put up $500,000 in assets as collateral in order to get the insurance company to cover the bond. Tony got the 50,000 and never has to give it back. But remember, there is another bondsman involved. Estes. He didn't do this out of the goodness of his heart. He was also paid something. Usually the bondsman gets the 10% and keeps it as his fee. However in this case, anything could go. Maybe TP and LP have an agreement to split the 50,000 and there must be some agreement to give the other guy some money (estes). But it was Leonard to put up the 500,000 in assets to cover the bond. IF Casey doesn't show up in court he stands to lose the whole 500,000. But apparently the rules is they have 90 days to find the person and bring them back before losing the money.

The question I have asked and can't get an answer to is did it really cost THEM 50k?

LP put up the 50k but TP was the Bondsman

Here is the Point!

If LP put up assets to cover the entire 500k then Tony keeps the 50k (premium)

If an Insurance company is covering the 500k then Tony makes a percentage of the 50k for writing the bond.

This is what I have gathered so far

Does this make sense?
I don't understand why. Anybody have any insights?
I wasn't a big fan of those guys to be honest with you, but I did believe LP when he said that he was revoking bail. Now, I'll go back to my original thinking that they're not credible and they'll continue to work this for publicity and publicity only. Sorry, I won't be fooled twice.
Cindy told us is wasn't going to be revoked so we should have believed her.
HAHA that last statement made me laugh.. Since we all know that Cindy is always so truthful and honest?
HAHA that last statement made me laugh.. Since we all know that Cindy is always so truthful and honest?
I don't find her to be dishonest. Not at this point anyway.
jmho of course.
This is a good example. She was labeled a liar yesterday because she said Casey wasn't going back to jail. I don't think she was lying I think it was her understanding.
ha! like LP really put up 50,000? They are family, it was a nut and shell game, jmo. It's all just my opinion, but honestly--I don't see any truthful solid word.
jmo, jmo

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