Pageant/showbiz moms show?

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Sep 18, 2003
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Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I believe I saw a promo ad for an upcoming TV news program about kiddie pageants/showbiz moms, etc. -- now I can't remember what network, night and time it will be on. Can anyone enlighten me? It was probably one of the cable networks. thanks!!!
Hi Regina,

It was on last night (Tues). I didn't see it but I remember seeing the promos and wanting to watch it -- but then I forgot about it. I'm sure there will be a repeat. Sorry can't remember what network.
Sounds very interesting. I hope it will lend some insight in to this case, for me, anyhow.
A&E did a story about pageant was sad to see how many of the parents both moms and dad want fame via their children. I would never spend the thousands of dollars it takes to be a contender in a show. Many of these families can't afford it and take on several jobs or loads of debt.....CRAZY
Mystery, I saw that one too! They were trying to talk me into letting my daughter either do that or child modeling. I chose not to. I don't mind so much the "cute baby" contests, but when they start putting makeup or tons of hairspray on little girls, it creeps me out.
MysteryMomma said:
A&E did a story about pageant was sad to see how many of the parents both moms and dad want fame via their children. I would never spend the thousands of dollars it takes to be a contender in a show. Many of these families can't afford it and take on several jobs or loads of debt.....CRAZY

People bring that up, how much it costs to be in the pageants, then justify Patsy's desire to put JonBenet in them as something which was just fine because the family had the money to compete with. But that brings up a dichotomy Ramsey defenders do not want to deal with. There was no need to put JonBenet in pageants so she could win big prizes, so the money spent on her was not an investment the family would hope would pay off in profit of cars and money. The other justification offered is that pageant participation helps children gain confidence in themselves in get over being shy, but JonBenet was completely confident in herself and had no problem with shyness. So what real reason was there for JonBenet to be in the pageants, competing against children who arguably needed to win more than she did, except to inflate Patsy's ego even more than it already was?
From what I've read the 'real" reason JonBenet wanted to be in the pageants was because she enjoyed being in them.
tipper said:
From what I've read the 'real" reason JonBenet wanted to be in the pageants was because she enjoyed being in them.
Precisely, she even did them at home, insisting that John Ramsey say "Presenting JonBenet" as if it were a real pageant.
As with many of the former contestants who attended the reunion dinner, Patsy brought her children and JonBenet loved the pageant and wanted to do it. So they indulged her, just as they bought a gerbil cage, mathematics book, etc. and did all the other stuff parents do in similar situations.
Toth said:
Precisely, she even did them at home, insisting that John Ramsey say "Presenting JonBenet" as if it were a real pageant.
As with many of the former contestants who attended the reunion dinner, Patsy brought her children and JonBenet loved the pageant and wanted to do it. So they indulged her, just as they bought a gerbil cage, mathematics book, etc. and did all the other stuff parents do in similar situations.

Excuse me Toth but I do recall what John said in DOI regarding the pageants. He told a tale about a newspaper article JonBenet was "reading" about pageants and then deciding she wanted to participate.
tipper said:
From what I've read the 'real" reason JonBenet wanted to be in the pageants was because she enjoyed being in them.

Actually, if you read everything said about JonBenet, you will know that she never wanted to be in competitive pageants. She liked to dress up, but she did that at home for free until Patsy made her start to compete for her approval. There is not a person on earth who has said that JonBenet ever, in her short life, said she wanted to win anything by dressing up. Winning was Patsy's priority, not JonBenet's. Even John Ramsey disapproved of the pageants except for the talent performance portion, which required demonstrable skills.

JonBenet also wanted to be a pediatrician, but Patsy did not take JonBenet to a children's hospital and let her help make sick children feel better. I suspect that was because there was nothing in it for Patsy; nobody gives out awards and pretty crowns to a child who makes other children laugh and forget their troubles. JonBenet loved to make other children feel good (for an example, see the cupcake-at-school story); Patsy only helped people other than herself when she was amply rewarded for it. So when you observe that JonBenet wanted to do the pageants, be honest in saying also that JonBenet only participated when Patsy decided she could win.
Toth said:
Precisely, she even did them at home, insisting that John Ramsey say "Presenting JonBenet" as if it were a real pageant.
As with many of the former contestants who attended the reunion dinner, Patsy brought her children and JonBenet loved the pageant and wanted to do it. So they indulged her, just as they bought a gerbil cage, mathematics book, etc. and did all the other stuff parents do in similar situations.

It is a good thing you no longer present yourself as an upholder of truth, because it has escaped you. John Ramsey never played the "Presenting JonBenet" game; it was Patsy who did. John has gone on record of disapproving of the pageants in every way except for the talent portion, which requires demonstrable skill. And so what if JonBenet saw Patsy walking the runway at the pageant reunion? I have news for you; there was no competition at that reunion. Patsy did not have to try to convince a panel of judges that she was the Prettiest Former Contestant, only to lose to Miss West Virginia 1991. Patsy did not have to have her mother Nedra pay fifty dollars to submit a picture of Patsy so that Patsy might win Most Photogenic. All JonBenet saw at the reunion was Patsy dressing up and being applauded. That is what JonBenet wanted. That is all she wanted. Everything else, the crowns and the trophies, JonBenet did not want. They were imposed on her.
Patsy did to JonBenet what Nedra did to Patsy and Pam.

Nedra was an intrusive narcissist.

Patsy has a srewed up sense of self and did what MOM did.
Again, I say that the pageant interest is very cultural. There are signs everywhere I go announcing upcoming pageants of every type, for all age groups. I have never been in the pageant circuit, but have friends who have been and who are--they, and now their daughters. I can't claim to know anything about Patsy's true personality but I do know that her interest in pageantry can be normal to her southern culture. I really don't see it any differently than my husband/I spending thousands of dollars over the years for our sons to have private batting lessons, attend baseball camps, basketball camps, football clinics, etc... We allowed those things because our sons had those interests, and because they and we wanted them to be the best. Did it make them the best? Not always. They aren't professional athletes nor did they ever win any money to repay us for all we spent. It was a family-thing~~something to be involved in as a family, something to rally around, something to help build their self esteem, something to spend all the extra money we had that we needed to get rid of (NOT) LOL.

Perhaps Patsy is a narcissist; I don't know her. I do know other people personally who could be catergorized as such. I'm sure that if I were put under a microscope I would have many personality flaws and characteristics that would come to light. JBR is portrayed by her parents as being a certain way. That may not even be accurate. In reality, she may have been a selfish bratty little girl who loved the limelight and wanted all the attention for herself. People have a way of idolizing loved ones in death.

I think it comes down to the fact that Patsy's hobby was pageantry. This flowed over onto JBR, who also liked pageantry, for whatever reasons. They spent lots of time and money on it for whatever reasons. Unless we know them personally, then I don't think we can truly know for what reasons.

why_nutt said:
John Ramsey never played the "Presenting JonBenet" game; it was Patsy who did. John has gone on record of disapproving of the pageants in every way except for the talent portion, which requires demonstrable skill. .... That is all she wanted. Everything else, the crowns and the trophies, JonBenet did not want. They were imposed on her.
I knew I could get you to admit Patsy said that at home at JonBenet's insistence and that therefore the pageants were not imposed upon her but were things she liked to do.
Crowns and trophies were not imposed on her at all, by the way. Judges select winners, JonBenet merely desired to be an entrant.
note: Do you think Cowboy's Sweetheart would go over well at a pediatric ward?
Pageants are culturally alien to me and I have always refrained from commenting on them. I don't feel it's my place any more than I would welcome comments from others about me allowing my son to risk having his face mutilated in a game of shinty (a Scottish sport which is kind of like hockey without the rules).

I think that one of the factors is that these are changed times we live in. 20 years ago, the old man who lived next door to us was such a hit with the kids in the neighbourhood that they used to call at his house to see "Is Davie coming out to play?". He never sought the kids out, it was always they who came looking for him. He was a prize-winning gardener you see so he was always pottering about in his garden and the kids would gather round to watch him. He was just a lovely old man and indeed a good friend of ours. He adored children and was a wonderful grandfather and honorary grandfather to our children. He died about 10 years ago but even since then, he would be treading on thin ice to even talk to the neighbourhood children. Someone would be bound to see a sordid motive.
Toth said:
I knew I could get you to admit Patsy said that at home at JonBenet's insistence and that therefore the pageants were not imposed upon her but were things she liked to do.
Crowns and trophies were not imposed on her at all, by the way. Judges select winners, JonBenet merely desired to be an entrant.
note: Do you think Cowboy's Sweetheart would go over well at a pediatric ward?

Playing with ordinary dresses at home in a non-competitive environment for fun and for free does not equal wanting to compete for financial profit against unfamiliar other little girls and their manipulative parents by being ripped away from a familiar neighborhood to travel across the country solely for the purpose of wearing dresses which, sadly, were too valuable to be allowed to play with at home.

I see nobody, yourself included, saying that Burke's whittling at home was Patsy's cue to put him into woodcarving competitions, even though there are such things. Burke loved playing videogames, yet Patsy did not try to get him into various videogame contests which existed. Would you like to know what the difference is between how Patsy treated JonBenet's desires and how she treated Burke's? The difference is that Patsy had no interest in woodcarving and videogames. Her ego was not boosted by being associated with Burke's interests and loves. Therefore her son could go climb a tree for all she cared about encouraging him to do what he loved.

Note: I think JonBenet performing Cowboy's Sweetheart in a pediatric ward would have been a fine thing, much better than performing it only for purposes of being judged by adult men and women, with the opinions of her fellow children counting for absolutely nothing. In the ward, she could have taught the other children the song and had them sing and dance along as best as they were able. Even better, given her generous nature, JonBenet would probably have let all the children dress themselves up in her hat and boots if they wanted to. Because that is the best kind of play: the kind that is shared. Tell me what the competitive pageants taught JonBenet about sharing, Toth.
BrotherMoon said:
Patsy did to JonBenet what Nedra did to Patsy and Pam.

Nedra was an intrusive narcissist.

Patsy has a srewed up sense of self and did what MOM did.
Exactly, BrotherMoon.

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