Pair Claims Buffet Restaurant Banned Them For Hearty Eating

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The restaurant sounds like they are obviously cheap. Why not only serve certain "more expensive" seafood dishes at night only (many Chinese buffets here do that).
Also, if those two men were in there 3 times a week, why would they want to say such rude things to such good customers?? That's no way to do business.
It's all you can eat, and when i go, i head right for the crabs legs and seafood, too. I love seafood.. and i eat it ;)
I love oriental too - but have to go pretty far to get it. The places here are on the board of health lists every week. We use to have a Shoney's here and if I went right after work, they were just putting the food out (before anyone pilfered through it). My first plate would be a spoon of this and a spoon of that at the salad portion - second plate a spoon of this and that at the food portion. All in all, I don't eat large quantities but love to have small portions of everything. Cleaning one's plate is a habit of mine unless the food is no good. So I am full and satisfied, worth the price for me. I do see large eaters load up plate after plate - but all you can eat is what brings the customers in. People handling food, kids going through stuff with their hands, people taking large portions instead of going back if wanted - these are things that drive me nuts. I do like the all you can eat platters are Red Lobster, they bring it to you.

I think the owners made a big mistake in this case. Their profit margin shouldn't change that much because of small eaters who just go for variety - but their public image being ruined - priceless.
This is more than the issue of "overeating". The restaurant has a sign about paying 20% more for wasted food... it probably was a misunderstanding, or, they were tired of this man coming in 3 times a week and eating all their high priced items out from under all the other patrons and tried to use this "rule" on him.

The restaurant and man had an argument, the police were called, and restaurant doesn't want this patron back in their place of business. This man apparently didn't like that fact and decided to make the issue to be bigger than it should be, after all, there goes his cheap meal. This restaurant has the right to refuse service to anyone... including this man.
This incident reminds me of that skit that Chris Farley did about his trip to a Chinese buffet. He said he didn't think three hours was too long to spend at a buffet until the owner came out and said "No more meat! You eat rice and vegetable! You very large American man! No more meat!"
A simple solution would be to have the all you can eat buffet with a lot of items on it, but have the expensive items like the frog legs or crab legs on a separate table that you can pay a little extra for. Or maybe have a worker putting those items on the plates. Those workers don't make a lot of money and if it is an expensive item, the restaurant could come out ahead by having someone in charge of those items. People do take advantage of these buffets. I have seen people pile a plate high with nothing but chicken or catfish. Most people will balance it out with vegetables or fruit and only take a reasonable portion of the meats. If they were going to charge the men extra, a quiet warning should have been given first. There is no need to embarrass people.
The restaurant sounds like they are obviously cheap. Why not only serve certain "more expensive" seafood dishes at night only (many Chinese buffets here do that).
Also, if those two men were in there 3 times a week, why would they want to say such rude things to such good customers?? That's no way to do business.
It's all you can eat, and when i go, i head right for the crabs legs and seafood, too. I love seafood.. and i eat it ;)

That's what most do around my part of the world. We used to go to one where you paid extra if you wanted the crab legs.

And call me a wasteful Willy. I fill my plate with a little of this and a little of that and finish the things I think taste great. Love orange chicken, but if it taste bad that day, I aint finishing it...
My husband would be in hog heaven at a buffet with crab legs (not so much for the frog legs though:crazy: ) Him being from the Northwest he was brought up on it.At 6'3 and 215 pounds he can put away crab legs only because he loves it so.

Has anyone been to "Dicks Last Resort" in San Diego?That place is crazy hehe people throwing napkins the wait staff are smart butts.If you give back as good as the wait staff gives it then it is great fun.

We went on a night when it was all you can eat crab legs night.They give you this huge bib and a bucket of crablegs.When you ran out of them and wanted more you have to raise your hands in the air and do your fingers like pinchers.Felt silly the first time but after my first "Big *advertiser censored** Beer" Thats what it says on the menu and the glass (which is about a 20 oz) It turned from silly to fun.

Heres a link to their website:

I know they have other places all over but the one in san diego was the best one with the most fun ect.

ETA:I have been to 3 of their places.So in my experience of those three San Diego was the best one.Though they all were great fun.If you are near one go :)
Why are people assuming this was an "all you can eat" buffet? Kind of scary how we as Americans are trained this way.

In my opinion, the original purpose of any buffet is so you can sample many different things, as opposed to just selecting a single dish. Americans have seem to have twisted this around to thinking they can eat more than a reasonable amount.

I've never had the stomach to eat more than 2-3 platefuls of food at a Chinese or an Indian buffet, and even then I am completely full and guilt-ridden. I suppose in my case I did have "all I can eat", and even then some, but it sounds like these men were taking advantage of this place, seeing as they patronized this establishment 3 times a week.

Because Buffets are all you can eat.
I don't know the history of a buffet ... I am thinking it probably originated with the Church get together. (like a pot luck)
Whatever the origination.... If a restaurant touts itself as an all you can eat buffet then that is what they should be and not discriminate against hearty eaters...
Don't serve high dollar items on "all you can eat" or limit it to "X number of trips to food bar for X dollars" I've seen that in some places. This guy eats there (or used to) 3 times a week? While it was handled poorly, at some piont they should have changed their policy, buffet or both.
Once bad apple spoils the barrel. The restaurant will probably take high dollar items off of the buffet menu. The "normal" person does not head straight to the most expensive items and eat only those over and over and over again. They probably came to management's attention because this fatso and his partner probably emptied out the container in one visit.

I've seen a lot of "big" people at the buffets. I am a hefty eater; however, if I ate what these people were bringing back on their plates, I would explode. :eek:
Short story.
Years ago my parents would take us to one of those all you can eat.
My 3 older brothers had hollow legs....
Between the 6 of use we ate about 80 per cent of what was out.
Was to funny.
We'd get dirty looks from the owners.

Next time we went there (went about 2-4 times a year) the price of the all you can eat went up 2.00....That's a lot for those years...

All you can eat MEANS all you can eat.:twocents:
Once bad apple spoils the barrel. The restaurant will probably take high dollar items off of the buffet menu. The "normal" person does not head straight to the most expensive items and eat only those over and over and over again. They probably came to management's attention because this fatso and his partner probably emptied out the container in one visit.

I've seen a lot of "big" people at the buffets. I am a hefty eater; however, if I ate what these people were bringing back on their plates, I would explode. :eek:

Why not?? If that is what I like and its all you can eat??
I see nothing wrong with it and the persons weight has little to do with it except that heavier people get noticed when they are eating.

We have a Brazillian Steak house buffet here.. 41$ per person ... I certainly do not feel at all bad that I eat more of the Shrimp and Fillet Mignon over the salad and soup...
Nor do I feel bad about trying something and not liking it so I don't eat it.
If the buffet is typical and billed as "all you can eat," the restaurant has to mean it and honor that. Which doesn't stop some of us from being grossed out by the greedy burp and fart crowd often seen at these buffets! But a buffet restaurant is a buffet restaurant. Unless it says, "Two trips only" or something, they have invited people to engage in unlimited eating, they can't then complain or punish those who take them up on it.

We used to take the kids to buffets sometimes because they could always find some things they loved. Easier than dealing with a menu at times. Honestly, I don't think a restaurant could be in potential financial straits because of hearty eaters, there are so many who do not eat much or are picky, it surely balances.

Don't be a buffet restaurant if you are not ready to deal with the natural consequences!

While I was in school I worked for a buffet type place here in Nashville. I swear people would come in and eat 8 plates of food and carry some out in their purses. ALL the fried food would be carried out in grease stained purses EVERY SUNDAY by 6 old ladies who proudly wore their *First African Baptist Church* buttons on their hats. I never understood why they would STEAL something yet proudly show off their church affiliation.The manager confronted them yet he had to call the church and complain to the minister about the problem!! LOL! The manager finally put a stop to it but then they would come in and their kids would be carrying backpacks or such and take the food away in that.

You can only imagine how the workers felt about those people who made their work harder to do because they had to cook more and prep more ect...put it this way, I wouldn't go near the buffet during the time those people who stole came in. No way would I ever eat there again!!
It seems to me that if it said "All you can eat" then that's what it should have meant. And, if there was a problem with these patrons, they shouldn't have set the waitress loose on them to insult them publically. It sounds from the article like she was pretty rude.

I agree with this.. All you can eat means just that and no one should be talked to like that by anyone. My goodness, the waitress was out of line.
When I go to an all you can eat buffet, and it isn't often, I eat until I'm full and I can sure put the food away and I'm not over weight. There are times I waste food because I don't always care for the taste of some of these foods. I won't know it until I taste it. I don't pile my plate high the first time, I take samples then go back for more if I like it.

Is this going to be like the airlines where you can charge an overweight person for 2 seats? should an all you can eat buffet charge an overweight person more?
Based on ANY standards - age, height and the fact that at least one of the men and maybe both are currently "on disability" and NOT working (they may have been doing physical work when they were working, but they aren't now) both men in this story are OBESE. A proper weight for a 6' man is 160-165. There wasn't a picture but the one waitress said they looked really "pregnant".

The men admit they went after the most expensive seafood - filling their plates with so much that the restaurant had to refill these items MULTIPLE TIMES during their visits AT THEIR REQUEST. These men appear to eat excessive amounts AND have "all you can eat" mentality" meaning that they feel they must eat (or waste) enough food to "beat" the restaurant - ie: eat MORE than *advertiser censored* $$ (whatever the price is) food to "win".

What is telling to me is that the staff was berated by these men for refilling the specific foods they wanted too slowly and based on the reaction (signs etc) the employees probably received complaints from OTHER CUSTOMERS. The men weren't denied the items and the restaurant filled the items several times while these men were eating and they still demanded more. Wanna bet they stood at the buffet (after several previous trips) waiting and descended on the fresh items like vultures and TOOK ALL OF THEM before giving less "devoted" diners an opportunity to have ANY.

Eating a LOT or having a healthy or heart appetite is not the same as gluttony. No one (even all-you-can-eat restaurants) begrudges people eating well and enjoying their food. What is objectionable is wasting good food, taking ALL of any item before others get ANY, not once but multiple times, and taking advantage of the establishment day after day by repeating this behavior. The behaviors didn't just affect the restaurant, they affected every OTHER customer (3 days a week) who also liked the seafood and didn't get any because these men took ALL that was served.

The million dollar question here is how much these guys eat when they have to PAY for each plateful - like at a normal restaurant?

My Opinion
...My goodness, the waitress was out of line.
I thought that the waitress was being kind with the words that she used. ;) If he looks that bad in clothes, can you imagine what he looks like right after he gets out of the shower?? :eek:
Why not?? If that is what I like and its all you can eat??
I see nothing wrong with it and the persons weight has little to do with it except that heavier people get noticed when they are eating.

We have a Brazillian Steak house buffet here.. 41$ per person ... I certainly do not feel at all bad that I eat more of the Shrimp and Fillet Mignon over the salad and soup...
Nor do I feel bad about trying something and not liking it so I don't eat it.
That $41 per person covers the expensive items, IMO. I also do not fill up on salad and soup. I'm talking about way over-the-top gluttony, like emptying out the shrimp bin.

I take small samples of food because I have learned throughout the years that this is the best way to limit food waste. I like shrimp, too, and may take more of that that the other stuff. However, I don't empty out the shrimp bin, leaving nothing for others. I try to leave something for the others that are waiting behind me to sample what I am trying.

It sounds like these guys think that they are in one of those food contests. It reminds me of those guys who cram a zillion hotdogs down their pieholes in five minutes. I just don't get it...and I am a big eater...:o
Based on ANY standards - age, height and the fact that at least one of the men and maybe both are currently "on disability" and NOT working (they may have been doing physical work when they were working, but they aren't now) both men in this story are OBESE. A proper weight for a 6' man is 160-165. There wasn't a picture but the one waitress said they looked really "pregnant".

The men admit they went after the most expensive seafood - filling their plates with so much that the restaurant had to refill these items MULTIPLE TIMES during their visits AT THEIR REQUEST. These men appear to eat excessive amounts AND have "all you can eat" mentality" meaning that they feel they must eat (or waste) enough food to "beat" the restaurant - ie: eat MORE than *advertiser censored* $$ (whatever the price is) food to "win".

What is telling to me is that the staff was berated by these men for refilling the specific foods they wanted too slowly and based on the reaction (signs etc) the employees probably received complaints from OTHER CUSTOMERS. The men weren't denied the items and the restaurant filled the items several times while these men were eating and they still demanded more. Wanna bet they stood at the buffet (after several previous trips) waiting and descended on the fresh items like vultures and TOOK ALL OF THEM before giving less "devoted" diners an opportunity to have ANY.

Eating a LOT or having a healthy or heart appetite is not the same as gluttony. No one (even all-you-can-eat restaurants) begrudges people eating well and enjoying their food. What is objectionable is wasting good food, taking ALL of any item before others get ANY, not once but multiple times, and taking advantage of the establishment day after day by repeating this behavior. The behaviors didn't just affect the restaurant, they affected every OTHER customer (3 days a week) who also liked the seafood and didn't get any because these men took ALL that was served.

The million dollar question here is how much these guys eat when they have to PAY for each plateful - like at a normal restaurant?

My Opinion

It sounds like these were two fat, rude guys (to be blunt). BUT, I think these buffet restaurants kind of ask for it. I don't think you should open one if you are not ready to deal with their ilk. Personally, I wouldn't go to one thinking I would not see such boorish behavior. Which is why I rarely go to one. Also, I have seen people who are underweight with terrible table/restaurant manners, too.

I must add that the most grotesque food glutton I ever witnessed was in one of the best restaurants in Paris. He was a renowned food critic. The wait staff were fawning all over him. I have never ever seen anyone consume so much food in such a repulsive manner, even though his manners were probably technically impeccable. He licked his fingers and smacked his lips and so forth. He was enormous, around 6'7" and probably 400 lbs.

I thought that the waitress was being kind with the words that she used. ;) If he looks that bad in clothes, can you imagine what he looks like right after he gets out of the shower?? :eek:

I understand what you are saying but it's still not her place to be rude. I'm sure she has her flaws, too... :)

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