Paperwork Details Elisa Baker’s Involvement In Investigation

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My take on this along with confirmation is the lawyer is using the bond reduction hearing (not expecting it to be granted.) She is getting out in front of the news of dismemberment and yes it is gruesome but the lawyer is getting the dismemberment word out there and will continue to do so as a tactic in hopes that the dismemberment word won't have as much impact when trial comes.

Th more you hear it, the more it just becomes a word at trial.

Originally Posted by gitana1 View Post
Except the woman who reported seeing Zahra at the furniture store in late September? did not report that Zahra looked ill or anything. If it was a recurrence of cancer, for example, it would take more than a couple of weeks for her to die from medical neglect. The woman reported that Zahra was standing there watching the t.v and turned and smiled brightly at her. Just doesn't sound like a sick kid to me.

I have to say that a relapse of cancer in children is usually very swift and can be fatal in days. It can be in anyone but this is especially true of a child (and lung cancer even more so). It certainly can happen in two weeks if not in a matter of DAYS.
I have to say that a relapse of cancer in children is usually very swift and can be fatal in days. It can be in anyone but this is especially true of a child (and lung cancer even more so). It certainly can happen in two weeks if not in a matter of DAYS.

Her primary cancer was bone cancer; huge difference, and it is never days..there is always time to seek medical treatment. And if this was true (and I don't think it is) she should have been under medical care. The pain alone of dying of cancer is horrendous; this would have been a fate worse than being beaten to death. Both her "father" and the "step-mother" should have ensured she was seen by a doctor. Nope, I'm not buying this line of thinking one bit. And I'm a stage 4 cancer survivor.
You mean beyond the recovery of the body from multiple locations and the dishonesty of the last people to see her alive? Well, if you put that aside I guess there's not much...

My reply, dismembering a dead body is not murder
You mean beyond the recovery of the body from multiple locations and the dishonesty of the last people to see her alive? Well, if you put that aside I guess there's not much...

My reply, dismembering a dead body is not murder

The need to dismember one strongly suggests it however!
Where is the evidence of murder? Just have not seen any.

With all due respect, for what reason do you suspect he/she/they went through the huge amount of effort to dismember a body?? It would a very messy, smelly, time consuming task. Why not just bury her, put her in a lake, or contact LE/coroner??
She said in her letter "we didn't really kill her", she isn't admitting to murder. She's admitting to helping with a cover up.....she's admitted to knowing about dismemberment and dispersal but not to actually dismembering the body herself, so........ HOW you would live with someone who did what she claims AB did IF she was only invovled in cover-up. How could you physically live in that house??? Would you really close your eyes at night????????????? Would you drink from a cup he handed you????? NAH, she's totally involved in all aspects of this crime. She didn't obviously have any fear of AB personally.
You wouldn't IMO you would take the first opportunity to run and get to the nearest safe phone call 911 she has too many intimate details to not have been involved remember the Melanie McQuire case? She dismembered her husband and disposed of him alone she was tiny so I don't necessarily buy into EB not being able to act alone she was the one who was familiar with the dumping sites evidence was found in MOO
More than likely it will not come into evidence in court, contaminated and no chain of custody.

We now know why all the later warrants have been sealed. The defense has now prejudiced its client tremendously, most likely suceeding in gaining a pretty much automatic change of venue for this trial, when it occurs.

I hope they can find a jury on the moon because everyone in the US and Australia are probably going to have heard about this case. You know what I say??? SO freaking what???
Where is the evidence of murder? Just have not seen any.

How about the removal of the wall behind the bed and the floor beneath it??? I can see neglect leading to a body decomposing on the bed, and thus the mattress not being evidence of "murder" - but the freaking wall BEHIND the bed and the floor underneath??? Something horrendous happened in Zahra's room IMHO.... I would LOVE to have someone on here explain to me that they needed the wall behind the bed and floor beneath the bed for some other reason. I am all ears.... :furious::furious::furious:
Just thinking about all of this is mindblowing. I do not doubt that "he" is AB. But has she actually named AB?
Her primary cancer was bone cancer; huge difference, and it is never days..there is always time to seek medical treatment. And if this was true (and I don't think it is) she should have been under medical care. The pain alone of dying of cancer is horrendous; this would have been a fate worse than being beaten to death. Both her "father" and the "step-mother" should have ensured she was seen by a doctor. Nope, I'm not buying this line of thinking one bit. And I'm a stage 4 cancer survivor.

What her primary cancer is/was isn't really relevant. The fact is she did have lung cancer. And you are incorrect that it is never days. My grandfather had liver cancer. Chemo. Nearly 14 months in "remission" and lung cancer popped up. More chemo. He did very well for two years. One day he reported feeling a tightness in his chest. He wasn't in any extreme pain..... but thought maybe a bad cold or something was coming on. The next day he reported feeling light headed. With his history I decided to take him in. His lungs were COVERED. He was placed on a resp. and within 24 hours it was obvious there was no hope. Less than 72 hours total from the first sign of not feeling well.

I worked in veterinary oncology and while much trickier than human medicine (they can't tell you if they aren't feeling well).... I saw it happen ALL the time. Owner brings animal in... just stopped eating... not sure he was fine yesterday. Testing reveals cancer and the animal is gone within days.
I know an attorney is supposed to represent his client to the best of his ability regardless.... but quite honestly if I were EB's attorney (assuming the attorney is court appointed, idk) I would so not be a very "good" attorney.
Maybe her attorney's aren't demented, just sick of her. I can't imagine they would actually expect any kindness from the judge.

We had a case here over a decade ago where a young man, David McClure, knifed his dad and stepmom to death, totally admitted it. It was a gruesome scene. This is a small town, his court appointed lawyer didn't fight very hard for him, just did the basics. McClure is on death row, where he belongs.

DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE THIS ATTORNEY! And yes, I shouted that...for a reason. I live in Caldwell County and I am telling you this lady lawyer will represent anyone (ordered by court or not) and she is very good at what she does.

She recently represented a man that the LE truly believed guilty but once they went to trial the DA realized the man might walk free so they dropped the charges so they could bring him back up on them if they ever felt the evidence to be more d@mning. He is free but still open to be prosecuted for murder one charges again.

This attorney is not to be underestimated. Please know that.
I agree that cancer could have killed Zahra, but that doesn't feel right in this case. If cancer had been the problem, I just don't understand the need to dismember, and the need for LE to take the wall behind the bed and the floor beneath it. The actions of LE and the evidence we have seen lead to a logical conclusion that is as horrifying as anything we have ever had on WS's. And that is saying something. God Bless Zahra!
I wish she would have told WHEN Zahra died. I don't know, it just matters. She was a person, a precious little soul...not just made to sound like a body that all this hideous stuff happened to after the fact. She deserves at least an official date of death :-(
My take on this along with confirmation is the lawyer is using the bond reduction hearing (not expecting it to be granted.) She is getting out in front of the news of dismemberment and yes it is gruesome but the lawyer is getting the dismemberment word out there and will continue to do so as a tactic in hopes that the dismemberment word won't have as much impact when trial comes.

Th more you hear it, the more it just becomes a word at trial.

Maybe so, but I think that strategy will fail. The prosecution will make sure of it.
She recently represented a man that the LE truly believed guilty but once they went to trial the DA realized the man might walk free so they dropped the charges so they could bring him back up on them if they ever felt the evidence to be more d@mning. He is free but still open to be prosecuted for murder one charges again.

This attorney is not to be underestimated. Please know that.

I think LE is aware of this problem, and that is why AB is still out walking among decent human beings. LE doesn't want the monster brought in and possibly walking back out. A very special collar of justice is being prepared for this guy, IMHO.
I believe EB has been telling enough of the truth that they were led by her to evidence and to partial remains of Zahra. Which leads me to believe there is some truth in her claims against AB. I don't believe for a second that all the parts referring to AB are all just made up and he had no knowledge or participation of any kind, thats for darn sure! Now do I believe everything she says....of course not, of course she is trying to make herself out to be the less guilty of the two, "he did this , I saw him do this, he made me do this" Why would she be telling info but just throw AB's name into it if he had nothing to do with it......don't see that logic. How long was Zahra really gone before the 911 call...........when was the last time AB gave his little girl a kiss goodnight?

I am beginning to think he might be just as big a bullshiXXer as EB, even convincing her family he's just as clueless as everybody else. Oh come on test results, come in so LE can make some firm arrests!!!!

*** copied this over, posted in wrong thread****
I would like to add that not all cancers are the same. Zahra had plenty of time to receive treatment, yes..thats why it's called medical neglect. They neglected to get help or treatment. I can, without a shadow of a doubt, tell you that I saw a woman who was on minimal meds (sugar pills, etc) needing morphine 24/7 to ease the pain within 4 days. Walking on Sunday and in little/no pain to full blown morphine on Thursday. They alternated between the morphine and another pain med that I cannot think of a this time. This tells me that dying of cancer must be one of the most painful thing possible without the drugs.

I feel so sorry for her if it had been medical neglect. They had time to get help but it would have hit hard and fast. I know this for a fact. I saw it with my own 2 eyes. I signed the hospice papers myself. Cancer can be years or months in the making, but it can take days to die. She may have looked alright to others but it was a slow deterioration. They could have slowly watched her die. Then when it came around for its last could have very well only been a few days of being bedridden before death.

So sad on so many levels. Neither choice is a lesser of 2 evils. Medical Neglect = Physical Murder (to me they are both practically the same)

In a nutshell : Cancer relapse can in fact take days without chemo/radiation. The cancer itself has been trying to kill you from day 1 so they had plenty of time to seek help. BUT, the tell-tale Captain Obvious signs can show up a mere couple of days before death. Immediate family should have seen it coming for weeks though if they were attentive :(

I think some of the 911 call is telling. They hadn't at the time seen her for days (not that particular time but when she passed) They let her relapse and they let her die in her room..and the left her there. By AB saying she only comes out when she wants something, we checked on her because she was coughing, etc. These things probably really happened. They didn't kill her, remember those words?

Zahra most likely died from medical neglect which I feel is murder.

ETA~ Zahra had bone cancer and then developed lung cancer
How about the removal of the wall behind the bed and the floor beneath it??? I can see neglect leading to a body decomposing on the bed, and thus the mattress not being evidence of "murder" - but the freaking wall BEHIND the bed and the floor underneath??? Something horrendous happened in Zahra's room IMHO.... I would LOVE to have someone on here explain to me that they needed the wall behind the bed and floor beneath the bed for some other reason. I am all ears.... :furious::furious::furious:

Maybe in relation to the dismemberment? Remember they also took the tub and bathroom sink and garbage disposal under the kitchen sink.

Not saying whether I believe she died in any way that could be considered natural. Just floating a possibility why the floor, ceiling, and wall could provide evidence for something other than the murder, itself.


ETA: I was mistaken about the tub being missing. In the photos, I see it there, but the bathroom sink is gone. Also, apparently there has not been confirmation of there having been a garbage disposal in the house. I am conjecturing that there was, based on the missing section of pipes between the kitchen sink and the wall.

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