Parents of third graders outraged at diversity tape

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GlitchWizard said:
Boy is THIS relevant!

My kid just sent me text messages that she was trying not to cry. She had a gay male friend commit suicide last year, and she told one boy at school. He said "Good for him, all gays should kill themselves!" Others chimed in and they said the gay boy probably raped people, and other things, then spoke and pointed to her on occassion, but still were full of hate and teased her for crying. It was heart wrenching to me - my kid was crying. :-(

She is not a victim and doesn't cry easily. She believes in tolerance of other beliefs and other lifestyles, but was sitting there being taunted for it. I messaged her that people have been shot, cruicified and other things for standing up for what they believed in, and even though it wasn't easy to do - I was proud of her.

These kids... they are ALL in the Microsoft Information Technology Academy. Supposed to be the cream of the crop students - our future.

Lord, help us all.

And again, this is why the tape is relevant. The whole problem with the tape is that it shows same-sex relationships. Doesn't anyone seem to get that it also shows interracial relationships? Why are those okay? Those used to be "immoral" too.

I think the crux of the argument is this. We want children to treat each other with respect for one another's backgrounds. It doesn't have anything to do with the "mechanics" of the practices and it doesn't even need to be brought in. What is wrong with saying that there are different kinds of families and you should not treat anyone different because their parents do not look like yours? Is that really such a bad thing???
:banghead: That's ALL the relevant content in the tape. They have shown in on the news and I swear, that's all that's in it. Heck, they don't even show two women/two men standing together holding hands or anything when they talk about it!
Linda7NJ said:
I bet their behavior would have made their parents proud! ANd that's exactly why this tape needs to be viewed by 3rd graders!
Honestly? I think their parents would be, should be, APPALLED. I'd rather my daughter get her feelings hurt than to actively try to hurt someone else's.

I don't know that a tape back in third grade would have made any difference, though. I mean - these kids supposedly heard from their teachers back then to play nice, don't be mean to others, etc. Didn't they?
What do you think 8 year old boys should be doing?

I think Linda7NJ thinks that 8 year olds should be exploring their sexuality instead of playing.
Princy said:
Of the things "NOT TO DO" in life, I think telling someone how to raise their kids is #1. ...
At 8 yrs old most boys are just beginning to go thru hormone changes, and that they don't completely understand. It's different for every child as is their level of comprehension on such a complex subject.
What is complex about telling eight year olds to be respectful to people, even if they are different?

Read the kid the Star Bellied Sneeches by Dr. Seuss. They can understand that.
What is complex about telling eight year olds to be nice to each other?

Read the kid the Star Bellied Sneeches by Dr. Seuss. They can understand that.

If all they were doing was reading the sneeches there would be no problem with that at all!!! But they want to read "the gay sneech" and THAT is where the problem comes in!
Originally Posted by GlitchWizard
Boy is THIS relevant!

My kid just sent me text messages that she was trying not to cry. She had a gay male friend commit suicide last year, and she told one boy at school. He said "Good for him, all gays should kill themselves!" Others chimed in and they said the gay boy probably raped people, and other things, then spoke and pointed to her on occassion, but still were full of hate and teased her for crying. It was heart wrenching to me - my kid was crying. :-(

She is not a victim and doesn't cry easily. She believes in tolerance of other beliefs and other lifestyles, but was sitting there being taunted for it. I messaged her that people have been shot, cruicified and other things for standing up for what they believed in, and even though it wasn't easy to do - I was proud of her.

These kids... they are ALL in the Microsoft Information Technology Academy. Supposed to be the cream of the crop students - our future.

GW- How old is your kid?

The situation described above is very sad, I do not disagree with that. But I really don't think that you can guarantee that showing a video to a 3rd grader will make them more tolerant. What if it backfired? If the child came home and described to a homophobic set of parents that they watched a video on diversity that included gay marriage, and the parents were so outraged that they took it out on the kid, then don't you think there is a possibility that that child will turn around and take it out on anyone he or she presumes to be gay? Or his gay parents?

What about kids who are adopted? What about kids whose parents are dead? What about the kid whose parents beat them and they had to go live with another relative? What about the kid whose parent is an alcoholic?

These are all very different circumstances in which a child could be raised and some are far more common then being raised by gay parents, however I do not believe that the school systems have yet decided that this is important enough to put on a diversity tape. And I gaurantee that a lot of those kids are being made fun of.
GlitchWizard said:
Honestly? I think their parents would be, should be, APPALLED. I'd rather my daughter get her feelings hurt than to actively try to hurt someone else's.

I don't know that a tape back in third grade would have made any difference, though. I mean - these kids supposedly heard from their teachers back then to play nice, don't be mean to others, etc. Didn't they?

Yes, but if you read this thread, you can imagine what they were hearing at home.
Princy said:
BTW............ I think age 8 is a little too old for Hotwheels.

Kids mature at different ages. I think if you expose them to more mature topics too early, and 8 is a bit early, they may not understand what you or the school is trying to say. Which is why it should be at the PARENT'S discretion as to when to teach them such mature topics, such as lifestyle choices.

What do you think 8 year old boys should be doing?
I think they should be in one organized activity that takes in account their own talent. I think they should be social and play with friends. And by friends I mean black, white, Mexican, Chinese and GASP even the children of gay parents and that pesky Catholic kid up the street! They should be playing board games and watching Animal Planet or American Idol with their family AND friends. They should be eating dinner once in awhile at a friends and hosting them too. Riding bikes, shooting hoops, skating, pinewood derby' reading. Shoot my son even volunteered & talk two friends into helping dish out food for the homeless on the street with the church his school is connected to. I want him to know the world and his place in it.

You can't learn that sitting on the floor alone pushing around a little car.
Kitty5001 said:
What is complex about telling eight year olds to be nice to each other?

Read the kid the Star Bellied Sneeches by Dr. Seuss. They can understand that.

If all they were doing was reading the sneeches there would be no problem with that at all!!! But they want to read "the gay sneech" and THAT is where the problem comes in!
...And the difference between being gay, black, handicapped or deaf is what? It's okay to be disrespectful if someone is gay, but not if they were born blind?

The kids will see gay people in their lives. If you tell them about it, then they will be ready when the time comes, and will have YOUR point of view on it (whatever that may be) and can treat others with respect, even if they don't agree with it. If they don't know it exists, they will not be ready to see it when they do - and might just believe that it's okay without your permission to think so.
Kitty5001 said:
What do you think 8 year old boys should be doing?

I think Linda7NJ thinks that 8 year olds should be exploring their sexuality instead of playing.

That's ridiculous and not at all what Linda said.

It is you and those who agree with you who are inserting sex into this issue. The video neither portrays sexual relations nor discusses such for gays or straights.

Is there anyone more sex obsessed than the religious conservative who insists that everything gay people do is "really about sex"? I think not.
Princy said:
Originally Posted by GlitchWizard
Boy is THIS relevant!

My kid just sent me text messages that she was trying not to cry. She had a gay male friend commit suicide last year, and she told one boy at school. He said "Good for him, all gays should kill themselves!" Others chimed in and they said the gay boy probably raped people, and other things, then spoke and pointed to her on occassion, but still were full of hate and teased her for crying. It was heart wrenching to me - my kid was crying. :-(

She is not a victim and doesn't cry easily. She believes in tolerance of other beliefs and other lifestyles, but was sitting there being taunted for it. I messaged her that people have been shot, cruicified and other things for standing up for what they believed in, and even though it wasn't easy to do - I was proud of her.

These kids... they are ALL in the Microsoft Information Technology Academy. Supposed to be the cream of the crop students - our future.

GW- How old is your kid?

The situation described above is very sad, I do not disagree with that. But I really don't think that you can guarantee that showing a video to a 3rd grader will make them more tolerant. What if it backfired? If the child came home and described to a homophobic set of parents that they watched a video on diversity that included gay marriage, and the parents were so outraged that they took it out on the kid, then don't you think there is a possibility that that child will turn around and take it out on anyone he or she presumes to be gay? Or his gay parents?

What about kids who are adopted? What about kids whose parents are dead? What about the kid whose parents beat them and they had to go live with another relative? What about the kid whose parent is an alcoholic?

These are all very different circumstances in which a child could be raised and some are far more common then being raised by gay parents, however I do not believe that the school systems have yet decided that this is important enough to put on a diversity tape. And I gaurantee that a lot of those kids are being made fun of.

Actually, the tape discusses single parents, older parents (like grandparents who took custody, etc.), and adoptive/foster parents.
GlitchWizard said:
...And the difference between being gay, black, handicapped or deaf is what? It's okay to be disrespectful if someone is gay, but not if they were born blind?

The kids will see gay people in their lives. If you tell them about it, then they will be ready when the time comes, and will have YOUR point of view on it (whatever that may be) and can treat others with respect, even if they don't agree with it. If they don't know it exists, they will not be ready to see it when they do - and might just believe that it's okay without your permission to think so.

Glitch, please tell your daughter a LOT of people are proud of her. (And not just because the issue this time had to do with a gay kid.)
GlitchWizard said:
What is complex about telling eight year olds to be respectful to people, even if they are different?

Read the kid the Star Bellied Sneeches by Dr. Seuss. They can understand that.
ooooooooooh I just LOVE that book!!!! and watching Animal Planet or American Idol with their family AND friends. They should be eating dinner once in awhile at a friends and hosting them too. Riding bikes, shooting hoops, skating, pinewood derby' reading. Shoot my son even volunteered & talk two friends into helping dish out food for the homeless on the street with the church his school is connected to. I want him to know the world and his place in it.

Letting your kid watch American Idol is just teaching them that its cool to be mean and make fun of people, you'll make a ton of money!
Not so much, you saying that I think contradicts everything you've been talking about on this whole post.
And hot wheels is an awesome way for a boy to spend some free time.
GlitchWizard said:
Boy is THIS relevant!

My kid just sent me text messages that she was trying not to cry. She had a gay male friend commit suicide last year, and she told one boy at school. He said "Good for him, all gays should kill themselves!" Others chimed in and they said the gay boy probably raped people, and other things, then spoke and pointed to her on occassion, but still were full of hate and teased her for crying. It was heart wrenching to me - my kid was crying. :-(

She is not a victim and doesn't cry easily. She believes in tolerance of other beliefs and other lifestyles, but was sitting there being taunted for it. I messaged her that people have been shot, cruicified and other things for standing up for what they believed in, and even though it wasn't easy to do - I was proud of her.

These kids... they are ALL in the Microsoft Information Technology Academy. Supposed to be the cream of the crop students - our future.

Lord, help us all.
Chicklet, your living in the wrong part of FLORIDA!!
You need to move down here to the Keys...
Its very tolerant... and diverse. There is no need for films... as these kids live it.
I will admit that I was a bit shocked when my 15 yo said his friends mom had a GF.
IMO the proof was in the pudding... whoever she dated .... she raised a well behaved wonderful child. The GF is a mechanic and we called her when our car broke down... What do I care whom someone else sleeps with?
My other teen has a friend who is gay.. He is very "out" and its ok in their HS.
I cannot imagine anyone teasing him.. But then again they would have to deal with my two teens... LOL
You can't learn that sitting on the floor alone pushing around a little car.

MAN you take things literally don't you? That is not all he does- I was making a point but I guess you didn't quite understand that. My son plays basketball with all kinds of racially different people -heck in fact last year his best friend William was african american, he is in Kung Fu class as well with ....ooooohhh get this.... Koreans! SO don't go off on your soap box trying to make people seem like they are prejeduce when they are not.

My daughter is 14. Most of the kids are older. I totally agree that one video wouldn't have helped, but hate needs to stop.

I have my own beliefs and predjudices - but NO ONE is ever made to feel like they are less of a person because of my beliefs. I hope my daughter learned that from me. You don't have to be a gay lover, a black lover, a disabled lover - to treat people with respect.

If parents can't teach their children tolerance, I don't think I have a problem with the schools doing it for them.
Nova said:
The Fluffer isn't actually gay *advertiser censored* (though it might do if one lacked the real thing). It's a serious, independent film about a guy caught up in the *advertiser censored* industry. If you watched all the way to the end, it isn't even a positive picture of that industry.

(BTW, I will go to my grave with a mental image of your "girls" set free at 60 mph. Not that the image disturbs me, mind you, but it is unforgettable.)

I tried, but things got too hot and I had to jump my husband. :cool:
Amraann said:
Chicklet, your living in the wrong part of FLORIDA!!
You need to move down here to the Keys...
Its very tolerant... and diverse. There is no need for films... as these kids live it.
I will admit that I was a bit shocked when my 15 yo said his friends mom had a GF.
IMO the proof was in the pudding... whoever she dated .... she raised a well behaved wonderful child. The GF is a mechanic and we called her when our car broke down... What do I care whom someone else sleeps with?
My other teen has a friend who is gay.. He is very "out" and its ok in their HS.
I cannot imagine anyone teasing him.. But then again they would have to deal with my two teens... LOL
I live in redneck country where my nice straight teeth and clean clothing and little Honda car set me up to be looked at weird. I do have a gun and the right kind of dog, though - and I'm forgiven since I happen to be single. :-)
Nova said:
Now if we could just get the message to your party leaders...
I just spewed coffee all over my screen reading this!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one, Nova!

Maybe we should send them all their own copy of this Diversity tape! I guess they must have missed it when they were in 3rd grade given their parents didn't want them to see it because of their deep convictions on the subject. Think they could possibly understand it by now though?! Naw, probably too late for them! ROFLMAO

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