Pastor of mega church says wife has gone away for 1 year...

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Don't forget about all the books and DVDs that he sells and the paid appearances that he makes at other churches all over the country.

I went back and looked at a portion of his speech today. U.S. Sentator Tim Scott was in the audience today. He is an evangelical who normally attends a church in Charleston. He was appointed to be a senator. Today they were going to have lunch together after the service. Ron said they are good friends. Very scary, imo. Too bad Hope couldn't join them for lunch.
I believe you're correct Beginners Luck.

And Panthera, you're also correct IMO. I searched the Greenville County property records and located a couple more pieces of real estate. One was land valued at over 200,000 and the other was a home that sold for 400,000 with a 40,000 profit.

They were spending a small fortune on real estate considering they owned some of these at the same time. moo

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To everyone, if I have not personally "thanked" all of your posts, it is because I get so wrapped up in all that I am reading. Everyone has so much to offer the case and I appreciate all of it.

I can only imagine that Ron's posse of conspirators may decide to stricke out at us like they did with the Pajama blogger. So when you are searching this case and making comments elsewhere, please use discretion and do not reveal anything that could identify you so that they may come after you on a personal basis.

I am continuing to have issues with logging on. WS will not load in my normal browser and I have to use another blogger for WS and another to do my searches and save my links and research. But I am here and will give a few trusted WS friends a way to contact me in case I can't get in WS,

Again, thanks everyone for carrying this case so far and providing so much info that people can use to get the truth about how these churches operate. I think the world of you guys! :loveyou:
Don't forget about all the books and DVDs that he sells and the paid appearances that he makes at other churches all over the country.

I went back and looked at a portion of his speech today. U.S. Sentator Tim Scott was in the audience today. He is an evangelical who normally attends a church in Charleston. He was appointed to be a senator. Today they were going to have lunch together after the service. Ron said they are good friends. Very scary, imo. Too bad Hope couldn't join them for lunch.

Yes....too bad Hope wasn't able to join them. So it appears life just goes on and she isn't missed at all.

Don't forget about all the books and DVDs that he sells and the paid appearances that he makes at other churches all over the country.

I went back and looked at a portion of his speech today. U.S. Sentator Tim Scott was in the audience today. He is an evangelical who normally attends a church in Charleston. He was appointed to be a senator. Today they were going to have lunch together after the service. Ron said they are good friends. Very scary, imo. Too bad Hope couldn't join them for lunch.

Hmmm...the Senator must have made his rounds this morning.

I see he mentions another church on his twitter but not RWOC. lol

I agree...very scary
Simpsonville is near Greenville and their Sunday service is at 10 am so its possible he was able to attend both.
I'm not sure if this has been linked already.

Tithing Linebacker

WOW .... that video is terrible (from a Christian perspective) .... they are using a psychological brainwash of guilt to make people think they are robbing God by not tithing to the redemption church.

Donations are certainly required to run a church and do missionary work .... but if the proceeds are being used for the leaders to live a Hollywood lifestyle there is something amiss.

I see nothing "Christian" about the theatrics used in that video. They are using the tactics of a cult .... scary stuff going on in that group ... !!!!!
WOW .... that video is terrible (from a Christian perspective) .... they are using a psychological brainwash of guilt to make people think they are robbing God by not tithing to the redemption church.

Donations are certainly required to run a church and do missionary work .... but if the proceeds are being used for the leaders to live a Hollywood lifestyle there is something amiss.

I see nothing "Christian" about the theatrics used in that video. They are using the tactics of a cult .... scary stuff going on in that group ... !!!!!

churches really milk that 10% for all they can and sheep eat it up as if their life literally depends upon it.

yes "donations" are needed to run a building, etc etc as I had attested to earlier...however, the OT is the only place that talked about tithing which means 10 percent. that 10%was for the social, religious, economical and agricultural issues during THAT time in Israel. not NOW. there is no mention of it in the new testament which was written for Christians AFTER Jesus' resurrection. the bible, esp the NT does NOT tell Christians to tithe nor how much. man has brought it upon himself to take a little portion of the bible which is not meant for us, but ancient Israel at the time it was written, and use it for his gain.

donations are one thing. tithing is a scam, IMO. if we are to follow the OT word for word than we should not be eating certain foods, nor mixing certain fabrics and the list goes on for things that we should not do today, but do.

with that said.....the Bible is OBVIOUSLY subjective and subject to personal interpretation...and some may not agree with mine and vice versa.

id suggest anyone interested in that specific topic to do a lot of research for yourself.....quite interesting, IMO.
There is no church around that follows the true Apostles or early Christians. They were actually supporting poor members who couldn't work, widows over age 60, orphans, sending missionaries to spread the gospel, etc. They sold extra properties then distributed the money, and met in various places instead of trying to get more and more. Things probably got corrupted pretty quick though.
Where the he** is this woman's family and close friends?

Perhaps afraid they'll get thrown under the bus like Hope?

Not liking that he's made all of this public (whether there is any truth to it or not) and choosing to handle it more appropriately?

I'd guess they're supporting her privately, personally. But that's just my suspicion. (And, frankly, I'd think it is the wise course of action!)
This is what I have meant by Hope having 'friends' but not having FRIENDS She may seem social and strong, many abused women do, that doesn't mean they have resources or the strength to escape and it doesn't mean they don't live in constant fear, walking on eggshells every moment of their lives

It's very hard being in ministry.

I'm a PK who also was in full-time ministry.

It's like living in a fishbowl, whether you're at a small church or a large church. And I've been in - by attendance, because of family, and because of my own work - the gamut.

It's very hard to feel you can be real with people, even if what you're dealing with isn't potentially of the scale of what Hope may (or may not) have been dealing with.

It's hard to know who are your friends for real and who is befriending you wanting to get close to those they may deem important or who is befriending you wanting "inside scoop" or...what.

In many cases, people expect those in ministry to have it all together - though that's far from what I believe is Biblical. In many cases, when you're in a visible ministry position, you're put on a pedestal - which I also think is far from Biblical - and that tends to be even more true when you're the wife of the senior/main/whatever-they're-called-at-a-particular-church pastor.

And, in many cases, you find people in ministry feeling like they're either having to be inauthentic and wear a 'mask' or else be considered less than spiritual, etc. because, especially as a pastor's ______ (fill in the blank of any relative) or even being the one in ministry yourself, then there's often an expectation that your life can be wrapped up with a pretty little bow.

But that's not real life. In ministry or otherwise.

I was in a very visible position at a very large church. Everyone knew who I was and expected to know all about my life (not that I let them, but that was the expectation).

People feel entitled to give their opinions on everything. If you're single, who you are dating; if you're married, about your spouse and your marriage; if you're parents, about your kids and how you're raising them or how they behave.

I had many real, genuine heart-friends, people who knew the good, bad, and ugly about my life...and about the 'work' side of my life.

But only two of whom were at that church at that time. And that was, in many ways, intentional.

Although many, many people at the church considered themselves one of my good or very close friends, and yes, several were friends of mine, and even ones I would say were good friends, I could never be honest with them about much of my life, especially anything work related. And yet I could never even say that to them.

Of my two very close friends who were at that church, one had been a friend long before I was in that position - or before either of us were at that church. Like me, she grew up in a 'church mafia family' (And by that, no, not one of those twisted churches like stories have been recounted here, but one who grew up in the church, with family on staff or very visible in the church, going back generations - meaning church was sort of 'in our blood.') She knew that being in ministry doesn't mean that you've got everything all together, that your life is wrapped up with a pretty little bow, and she understood that being in ministry is hard.

Being in full-time ministry great and also so incredibly difficult, something so hard to understand from the outside. So often, just attending a church, even being a member and being pretty involved, you just get to see the good/fun/enjoyable side of church, ministry, and all those who work there.

But people in ministry are just like everyone else. People. Imperfect, sinners saved by grace. And that means being in ministry you're just as apt to be hurt as you are in any other situation. But, being in ministry, you also can't share that side of things with most people. And if you do, you often find yourself burned.

It can be an incredibly, incredibly lonely place to be.

The rest of my really close friends? People far, far outside my church 'world.' Yes, nearly all of them shared my faith, because when that's a central part of your life it can be hard if they don't, but they also weren't entwined in the realm that was both my place of employment and my place of fellowship. They weren't people who added to the 'fishbowl' effect of being in a visible ministry role, but they were people who knew the intimate details of my life because of my choice to let them really know me and speak into my life.

When life gets hard, even when you're in ministry in a visible position, you find out a lot about who your real friends are.

And sometimes you find out how few most of those you thought were actually really are...whether life gets hard because crap happens, as it does to everyone, or because of physical illness, or mental illness, or emotional illness, or because of consequences of your own decisions.

I have no idea what's really going on with Hope, but I hope that, like me, she had other real friends outside of her church 'world' where she could be honest about what was going on in her heart, her marriage, her ministry, all aspects of her life.
It is possible that some of the FB friends are fakes. I recently heard about buying fake FB friends and Twitter followers to make one look more popular. Who knew LOL!

One business example:

That's becoming quite an epidemic, especially among formerly very popular bloggers who want to try to keep themselves relevant. A crazy, scamming, formerly very popular "Christian" (as she calls herself, little about her life aligns with any real Christian principles, though) mommy blogger is notorious for doing that. It's really crazy.
So in essence he has a 2nd mortgage and no equity in the home? Have to wonder what is going on, however, to afford such a home, a wife in a year-long rehab facility, his son's rehab last year, etc, etc. That mega-church building itself would require a lot of upkeep as well as all other legitimate expense associated with the church. Where is he getting all this personal money?



Whereas in the 'old days' many pastors lived in a parsonage, and thus there housing was provided by the church - and that does still happen, especially in smaller towns or smaller (and typically more traditional) churches - nowadays most pastors have their own homes, which they can help afford because they get a tax break or housing type credit as pastors.

Obviously, some mega pastors live in huge homes and I'm sure that helps allow that for many of them, and is likely helping Mr. Carpenter.

But most pastors work far, far more than they are ever paid for, and it's things like that (the tax benefit) that allow some of them to afford any sort of home for their family.

Very few people go into ministry because of the money... Obviously that is entirely the WRONG motive anyway, but really, most people are in ministry because they feel God called them to it, and they pay the price - in every sense - for doing so.

Unfortunately, those aren't the kind of stories of pastors or people in ministry that typically are in the news or get the attention. It's the power or money or attention hungry ones that people like to talk about and follow and it puts a horrible light on the vast majority of genuinely good people.

People like Mr. Carpenter do a tremendous disservice to the community of people who serve in ministry, nearly round the clock, often sacrificing their own needs and their own family (till they realize that has really bad side effects and isn't healthy! Fortunately more and more are learning by the bad examples of others...or those who learned it the hard way!).
churches really milk that 10% for all they can and sheep eat it up as if their life literally depends upon it.

yes "donations" are needed to run a building, etc etc as I had attested to earlier...however, the OT is the only place that talked about tithing which means 10 percent. that 10%was for the social, religious, economical and agricultural issues during THAT time in Israel. not NOW. there is no mention of it in the new testament which was written for Christians AFTER Jesus' resurrection. the bible, esp the NT does NOT tell Christians to tithe nor how much. man has brought it upon himself to take a little portion of the bible which is not meant for us, but ancient Israel at the time it was written, and use it for his gain.

donations are one thing. tithing is a scam, IMO. if we are to follow the OT word for word than we should not be eating certain foods, nor mixing certain fabrics and the list goes on for things that we should not do today, but do.

with that said.....the Bible is OBVIOUSLY subjective and subject to personal interpretation...and some may not agree with mine and vice versa.

id suggest anyone interested in that specific topic to do a lot of research for yourself.....quite interesting, IMO.

The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible: A. J. Jacobs: 9780743599337: Books is a fascinating look at a guy who did just that. Interesting, funny, and kind of irreverent all at once!
Actually, a book that some of you might like as kind of a look at mega-churches from an interesting perspective is The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University: Kevin Roose: 0971494342917: Books.

Personally I think it's far worth listening to (because it was narrated by the author - and heck, if you've never used Audible, you can sign up and listen to it free) but it's also under $6 now to buy it on Amazon.

It's written by a guy who makes no bones about the fact that he was convinced all Christians were basically crazy and misinformed and staunch right-wingers, etc. and so he transferred from Brown to Liberty (of Jerry Falwell fame) and studied 'undercover' for a semester there. Given the ties to Falwell's church, you get an interesting take of his perspective as a total outsider who tried to blend in and become 'one' with the students at Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church (Southern Baptist mega-church).

Very, very interesting and probably one of my very favorite audiobooks. Whether you attended church at any point in time or are a total church avoider, there are parts anyone would find interesting or enlightening, I think. He points out some of the ugly sides of church - and Christians - things many 'on the inside' (at any church) would probably acknowledge as troublesome to them. But he also finds things that he totally did not expect, saw the genuine heart and things in common with people he believed he could have nothing in common with or who he thought were closed minded.

While I didn't attend Liberty, am far from a Falwell fan, and have never visited Thomas Road church, I have to say it's a pretty fair look at Christian communities on the whole, what it can be like on the inside of a mega-church, but also some of the stereotypes or misconceptions.

Worth a listen or a read, in my opinion, especially for those following this case - though obviously Thomas Road (and Liberty) are a very far cry from Carpenter's church itself.
That's becoming quite an epidemic, especially among formerly very popular bloggers who want to try to keep themselves relevant. A crazy, scamming, formerly very popular "Christian" (as she calls herself, little about her life aligns with any real Christian principles, though) mommy blogger is notorious for doing that. It's really crazy.

Gosh, now am going to be wondering who she is. I don't read very many mommy bloggers but I do read Get Off My Internets and Free Jinger once in a while. I was surprised at the amount of scammers that take advantage of charitable readers.
Thank you for bumping this up Tulessa. I am committed to ths thread and exposing the ugly side of the churches and the pastors who are behind all of this.

Sp please forgive me if I submit post that are on the corruption that i have found if they make you wonder if I have totally gone off of the topic or finding Hope.

Indeed, I have not. My sole focus is to find Hope but I need to expose the truth of the world she lived in and the people who support Ron and are his closest freinds and how they operate. There are some disturbing practices that are most unchristian acts and are more like criminal acts.

We have to cast our net of searching far and wide to give us clues to where Hope is.

I can only hope that she has broken free and is safely hiding somewhere because i am sure she has been bullied and stalked and threatened.
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