I've been trying to find that *advertiser censored* statement for 36 hours! Do you have it bookmarked??
I found this excerpt from his book. Here is the link, look on page 77. (correction, it is on page 79)
http://books.google.com/books?id=8-...q=ron carpenter *advertiser censored*&f=false
Apparently his best fiend as a teen was a boy whose father was a *advertiser censored* dealer and had 10's of thousands of *advertiser censored* tapes in the basement which he "watched for years". Then he discusses the fact that Hope (if I am reading this right) was raped as a teenager. Ok so if she was raped as a teen, that can be a huge revelation, as well as his *advertiser censored* obsession during his formative years.
I just feel so bad for her. he just comes off as an pompous @$$. If I was her, i would want to escape too, and have a whole other life, as he described. The pressure he puts on her for the sake of his image and a "world renown evangelist" is unimaginable. he described that when he supposedly found out about her infidelity in 2004 that he had a panic attack, threw uo and slept in the barn
He claims that he courted Hope in a lily white, devout, saining-themselves-for marriage kind of relationship for over 3 years years before they finally married on June 23, 1990. For the next 14 years, he claims they had a blissful marriage. Then in 2004, on Easter Sunday, he discovered a “very different woman.”
“I went home to a person that for the next 10 years I did not marry and I had not known,” he said. “Many of you were here during that time, and you saw erratic behavior. You saw changes. I tried my best to hide them. I did not know what was going on, and I did not know what to do, but I knew I had great love for this lady.”
"Carpenter said they went through two years of “grueling therapy,” and he kept believing in a miraculous healing while she withdrew herself his church and stopped attending church.
He admitted he didn’t know where she was most of those Sundays.
“What you do not know is that week in the therapist’s office, she confessed a five-year
inappropriate relationship to me,” Carpenter said. “And I thought I was going to die. I about lost my mind.”
Carpenter said he had a panic attack later that night, threw up and slept in a horse stable. He knew he had a decision to make as a minister who speaks all over the world. He knew it was a public relations nightmare".
So his big concern about his wife having an "inappropriate" relationship was his fear for what others would think and how it affected HIS image. Gee, no wonder she wanted a life and identity away from him. Who wants to live life on a stage, being judged by your husband and people from all over the world. Hell I wouldn't do it.
Run Hope Run, I hope you have a chance to have a life where you can shed that awful perfect stepford wife image and we can one day see you with a REAL smile on your face, casually dressed and living a life that YOU want without regard for how others feel you should live.
EDITED to add link to book where *advertiser censored* addiction is mentioned