Paternity Test pending

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The we went to lawyer story of CA is *GASP* another lie- attorney denied consulting or drawing up papers concerning Caylee. Who knows what they were really at the attorneys for.
There's something very fishy with this father stuff. There is a video of a smiling LEE who tells us he knows who the father is and he is not telling.

hmmm. Well, you would think this person would have stepped forward. Cindy lied about the father and george claimed to not have asked. Of course, I do have to give casey credit, she was ahead of them all and told the family it was jesse. Poor guy was used. cindy threw george out and lee moved out while jesse was the pretend daddy. After jesse was gone, GA came back. It appears Lee wanted nothing to do with Caylee. Why?

Funny friends have ever asked who the father that's just too weird. I say she didn't really have any close friends and that is why. The only person who claims kge is LEE. He wanted nothing to do with casey or caylee, YET he is the one that knows who the father is. This is mind-boggeling!
whoever Caylee's father is/was one thing is forsure: He wasnt there to protect Caylee.

that's a father's first duty.
His name does have C Lee in it, so I guess there is that to throw into the mix. However, to put it politely (and hopefully modsnip-proofily) his face is bleakly devoid of any of Caylee's charms.
I found this link while searching the web:

That is Christopher Lee Umberger, he is an inmate in SC.

Just read the article, guess I missed this guy somehow......this says he's 49 yrs old?!? He looks more like late 20's or early 30's to me....I could see KC being w/someone like him though....older, bad boy, drug dealer and oooops along comes Caylee, certainly can't bring this guy home to meet Cindy as the use what has always worked in the past, lie. KC tried to pin it on Jesse but he didn't bite so make up a story that the guy is dead. Or maybe, Cindy did know and that's why they went to the attorney and all the cover stories, can't have anyone knowing that her Princess would have a criminals baby. Even if this guy is not Caylee's father, could be there is another man that is her father that is locked up somewhere.
His name does have C Lee in it, so I guess there is that to throw into the mix. However, to put it politely (and hopefully modsnip-proofily) his face is bleakly devoid of any of Caylee's charms.

ITA...was going to comment on that very thing but I couldn't find the right words, lol.
Just read the article, guess I missed this guy somehow......this says he's 49 yrs old?!? He looks more like late 20's or early 30's to me....I could see KC being w/someone like him though....older, bad boy, drug dealer and oooops along comes Caylee, certainly can't bring this guy home to meet Cindy as the use what has always worked in the past, lie. KC tried to pin it on Jesse but he didn't bite so make up a story that the guy is dead. Or maybe, Cindy did know and that's why they went to the attorney and all the cover stories, can't have anyone knowing that her Princess would have a criminals baby. Even if this guy is not Caylee's father, could be there is another man that is her father that is locked up somewhere.

It will be really interesting to see how the paternity test works out. He does look much younger. I thought the same thing about Casey....he does fit the type of bad boy she seems attracted to.
If he is Caylee's biological father, he definitely can sue her. I know that grandparents have no rights, but he will. :twocents:
I wish they would leave things be....Caylee Marie never got to know her father, and if he is known it was the choice of FCA and CA to keep him an unnamed father. CA did not want to share Caylee Marie with any paternal side of the family. I think that CA knew early on that FCA was pregnant. She liked to hide things too.
It will be really interesting to see how the paternity test works out. He does look much younger. I thought the same thing about Casey....he does fit the type of bad boy she seems attracted to.
If he is Caylee's biological father, he definitely can sue her. I know that grandparents have no rights, but he will. :twocents:

Please refresh my memory, I don't recall who Casey dated that would be considered a 'bad boy'. Thanks.
I am in this category myself so I am not casting stones. I don't understand why we pick one little thing out of Casey's thousands of lies and run off on a wild goose chase to find somebody who's deceased and could be the father of Caylee. She doesn't have any idea who the father is and that's probably why she made up the lie about him being dead. Rest assured, if he was in fact dead, she would have file a social security survivor's claim for monthly benefits. I worked for that agency for a long time and I have had to determine paternity! Sometimes they come out of the woodwork when a young person dies.

This is what have always said too. Especially since Casey didn't even have a job. I am sure too CA would have made her persue it also if that was the truth.
I have always believed Mark Hawkins to be the father. That's what MCA was going to "tell him" in that phone call, probably hoping she could high tail it to California on his dime to all finally live together as one big happy family. The fact that he had a wife at the time was why she made up the car crash story.


Out of all the guys, he is the one that to me could pass as Caylee's Dad. He and Caylee look alot alike. (eyes, chin, nose, little thing between lips and nose) But from what is being said, FICA and MH didn't know each other when Caylee would have been conceived. It's just too weird how they look so much alike.
I was listening to a local radio talk show last week. S Daley from Cast iron Tattoo called in and he said he's convinced that J Ortiz is Caylee's father. I would love for JO's family to find out.

Hi,I think he is wrong. I checked a lot of pictures and I'm not alone thinking father is an exfriend.....Chatt IMO.:banghead::seeya:
Wasn't Caylee already gone when Casey said those things to Mark? If so, how would they be together as one big happy family?

I agree that Casey was hoping Mark would pay for her to go to CA. It would solve all her problems. She could tell George and Cindy that her and Caylee had moved to California and were doing just fine.

Yes Caylee was already gone. But according to MCA, Caylee was only "missing". Not deceased. I think she was going to tell Mark that he was the father and that she needed his help re: finding the "nanny", in hopes that he would take pity on her, and to pony up the resources to take care of her in her time of need, so to speak. And then when Caylee was found, they could all be one happy family.

I think she was figuring that by the time the remains were found, he'd be so hopelessly in love with her he would believe whatever came out of her mouth, or she'd forever more be known as the poor grieving mother who had her child kidnapped. A lot of guilty mileage could be taken out of that one.

And I *do* think Mark looks A LOT like Caylee.

If I could paternity test any one human being in the universe, it would be him.
Hi,I think he is wrong. I checked a lot of pictures and I'm not alone thinking father is an exfriend.....Chatt IMO.:banghead::seeya:
IIRC, Chatt was never a friend of CFCA's. He was a friend of a friend.
And he couldn't stand the sight of CFCA and never was 'with' her.
I don't think CFCA even has a vague clue of who Caylee's father is herself.
If she had an idea, she would have gone after child support from him.
Yes Caylee was already gone. But according to MCA, Caylee was only "missing". Not deceased. I think she was going to tell Mark that he was the father and that she needed his help re: finding the "nanny", in hopes that he would take pity on her, and to pony up the resources to take care of her in her time of need, so to speak. And then when Caylee was found, they could all be one happy family.

I think she was figuring that by the time the remains were found, he'd be so hopelessly in love with her he would believe whatever came out of her mouth, or she'd forever more be known as the poor grieving mother who had her child kidnapped. A lot of guilty mileage could be taken out of that one.


I think Casey would have told Mark that nasty old Cindy had told all kinds of horrible lies about her and managed to steal custody of Caylee, so Casey wanted to move to California to get away from it all. Once she was there, she'd continue telling her California friends that Caylee was with Cindy, and she'd tell Cindy that Caylee was there with her in California, if she talked to Cindy at all. I wouldn't put it past her to make crayon drawings to send to Cindy or even to scour the internet for pictures of girls who looked similar to Caylee and email them to Cindy claiming they were pics of Caylee.
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