Patricia Garrido

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
well keep working on and i got that northeaster stubborness afterall ;)
Still wondering about the girls...and remembered 2 children there so I wanted to back track a bit...
I still have my eyes on the molinos but cant put my finger on it.
Still wondering about the girls...and remembered 2 children there so I wanted to back track a bit...
I still have my eyes on the molinos but cant put my finger on it.

the minute i saw cm claim on tv that garrido 'was not a monster' i wanted to ring her neck.
@my2sisters: Thanks. You should do a post. I know Patricia Garrido is elderly and is currently suffering from dementia, but she should be held accountable for what she did. There are special prisons for such inmates, where they are cared for. More importantly, everyone who committed a crime against Dugard or her girls should be publicly declared guilty. I can't stress the importance of a jury, acting on behalf of the public, finding a criminal guilty of their crimes. It's important not just for society, but for the victims especially.

You're so right and I don't want her to die without paying for what she did to Jaycee. There are members here much more qualified than myself to write this and I imagine it's being worked on. Thanks
time-I totally agree with you in the need for looking at all the angles. Where is this other Franzen person and did he know anything. If Patricia Franzen has Alzheimers and they did not say that, they say dementia, she couldn't be that sharp now in her answers. I don't think anyone lives for 20 years with severe dementia
There are many causes for dementia. Alzheimer's is one type of dementia. You can also have it occur with Parkinson's disease, or get it from too much head-trauma, like some boxers have happen. Noone said that she's had it in severe stage for 20 years. We don't know when those interviews were given.
I think the data on veromi and most of those kinds of sites report what age that person would be now

The Veromi site lists him as 52 and 53 in separate entries, but he is actually 58, so I don't think it is necessarily accurate.
The Veromi site lists him as 52 and 53 in separate entries, but he is actually 58, so I don't think it is necessarily accurate.

Hey Natal... I know those are often not correct so you are right. My post was in reference to a Herschel Frazen who is listed as 39 on Veromi. Same name as Garrido's step dad, but his step dad would not be way older than that. Other were saying that was the age of Garrido about the time be kidnapped Jaycee - I think speculating that the 39 year old Frazen could have been an alias for Garrido (actually, I might have been the one raising the whole issue of who this person was and if that name was an alias Garrido used since it is very fishy that name come up with that age unless his stepfather had a son named after him). I was then responding with my message that the ages listed on Veromi would be the age of a person in 2009 (whether it's ever been correct or not). If Veromi had been around the ear Jaycee was kidnapped it would say that same Herschel Frazen was 21 in 1991.
Hey Natal... I know those are often not correct so you are right. My post was in reference to a Herschel Frazen who is listed as 39 on Veromi. Same name as Garrido's step dad, but his step dad would not be way older than that. Other were saying that was the age of Garrido about the time be kidnapped Jaycee - I think speculating that the 39 year old Frazen could have been an alias for Garrido (actually, I might have been the one raising the whole issue of who this person was and if that name was an alias Garrido used since it is very fishy that name come up with that age unless his stepfather had a son named after him). I was then responding with my message that the ages listed on Veromi would be the age of a person in 2009 (whether it's ever been correct or not). If Veromi had been around the ear Jaycee was kidnapped it would say that same Herschel Frazen was 21 in 1991.

It depends on where they are getting their info from and how its updated. If they do the age update themselves it would update automatically, but if it is taken from something like a voter registration list or something like that they may be picking the ages up from a third party, so when that person disappears from that source list for whatever reason their age would freeze. For example, Nancy and Patricia's ages are given correctly by Veromi, but PG has two ages, neither of which is correct. Also, if you do a country wide search on Herschel J Franzen, with or without the middle initial, only the Antioch address pops up (even though at least one of them is dead)
She was a licensed real estate agent and did the rental contract on the house next door in 2006 (?) so she wasn't just some dumby.

This also tells an important piece of the puzzle. For 15 years of Jaycees captivity patricia was well enough to continue driving, transacting real estate deals and interacting with those around her. This was supposedly a woman with dementia severe enough to require a full time caregiver? The disease just doesn't work that way!

The article says that the Shelton's lived in that house from 1996-1998. But I'm unless I'm missing something, it didn't say that Patricia Garrido handled the transaction. Can you please post that link? Because it's pretty obvious that if Patricia Garrido was able to handle real estate transactions in 1996, then she sure as heck didn't have dementia then! Thanks.

I now thad to go to this link to get the article :)

time-I totally agree with you in the need for looking at all the angles. Where is this other Franzen person and did he know anything. If Patricia Franzen has Alzheimers and they did not say that, they say dementia, she couldn't be that sharp now in her answers. I don't think anyone lives for 20 years with severe dementia and PF certainly doesn't have that with as lucid her comments are. Paul Bernardo certainly was arrogant and PG is as well, so I don't think he's as smart as people seem to be saying he is. Bernardo committed his crimes in a small area, but LE was too stupid to catch him in spite of having him handed to them on a silver platter. I think there are people out there who know plenty. It's a matter of finding them and talking to them and unraveling what they are saying. Is LE capable? I'm having my doubts.

I am so happy that this is now being discussed. Back on page 1 when I brought up the subject I know some people disagreed with me, but after 18+ years in health care patricias claims of dementia smacked of lies. There is no way that patricia should get a green light from being prosecuted. Saying she didn't know what was going on in her home is impossible. This is a.true case of someone faking a type of mental illness (dementia), to avoid prosecution and humiliation. Either that, or she is as dumb as a brick, which is something that would be very hard to convince me of..

I have thought about what her motivation could have possibly been for allowing this evil, deviant crime to occur on her property for 18 years. It had to be selfishness. If she allowed pg to live out his sick fetishes in her backyard, he would never leave. It would strengthen the sick bond they had cultivated throughout pgs lifetime. It would ensure that for as long as she lived she would have a devoted daughter in law to care for her. Ha Ha witch, life sucks, doesn't it!

I wonder how patricia treated ng? She freely admits that ng took good care of her, stated that they were all a family and that she misses the girls, but in her sick and twisted existence, I am sure she was a dictator who was willing to destroy a little girl to have what she wanted.

The far reaching evilness of this woman astounds me!!

This post is my opinion, and my opinion only. I have no proof of my beliefs, but I have a hinky feeling that I hit the nail on the head with this one! Disclaimer: If I am wrong my intention was not slander, but came from disbelief and anger in the claims this case has evoked within me and with my knowledge of dementia and its ravishes of a persons mind.
This also tells an important piece of the puzzle. For 15 years of Jaycees captivity patricia was well enough to continue driving, transacting real estate deals and interacting with those around her. This was supposedly a woman with dementia severe enough to require a full time caregiver? The disease just doesn't work that way!

I am so happy that this is now being discussed. Back on page 1 when I brought up the subject I know some people disagreed with me, but after 18+ years in health care patricias claims of dementia smacked of lies. There is no way that patricia should get a green light from being prosecuted. Saying she didn't know what was going on in her home is impossible. This is a.true case of someone faking a type of mental illness (dementia), to avoid prosecution and humiliation. Either that, or she is as dumb as a brick, which is something that would be very hard to convince me of..

I have thought about what her motivation could have possibly been for allowing this evil, deviant crime to occur on her property for 18 years. It had to be selfishness. If she allowed pg to live out his sick fetishes in her backyard, he would never leave. It would strengthen the sick bond they had cultivated throughout pgs lifetime. It would ensure that for as long as she lived she would have a devoted daughter in law to care for her. Ha Ha witch, life sucks, doesn't it!

I wonder how patricia treated ng? She freely admits that ng took good care of her, stated that they were all a family and that she misses the girls, but in her sick and twisted existence, I am sure she was a dictator who was willing to destroy a little girl to have what she wanted.

The far reaching evilness of this woman astounds me!!

This post is my opinion, and my opinion only. I have no proof of my beliefs, but I have a hinky feeling that I hit the nail on the head with this one! Disclaimer: If I am wrong my intention was not slander, but came from disbelief and anger in the claims this case has evoked within me and with my knowledge of dementia and its ravishes of a persons mind.

i was kinda ambivilent about pg when this started. but as the evidence mounts here in this thread, kinda hard to deny the truth isnt it?
and to think that when garrido, nancy and the girls went to san fransico this winter, poor jaycee got stuck with the task of taking care of this woman....
just impossible to think of what was going on at that house and how many people either knew, or didnt care what she was going thru for 18 years. and patricia's permissive attitude towards garrido's evil deeds is no better then nancy's, only nancy cant excuse it away with dementia can she? oh maybe that will be her next excuse. 'i caught patricias dementia'. sounds stupid i know...........but i wouldnt put anything past these 3! :sick:
This is very weird or else I'm overlooking something. When I go here and search for Franzen, I get zippo on Patricia

Are you in the right years? Here's some of the info out there.

25-JAN-1999 001991700 R FRANZEN PATRICIA L APN 073-081-018 GRANT DEED

Record Date Document Number GrantoR GranteE Name Cross Reference Name Document Type
07-SEP-1999 023839800 R FRANZEN PATRICIA APN 073-112-013 GRANT DEED

Document Number Reel Image Doc Type
07-SEP-99 023839800 GRANT DEED
( E ) APN 073-112-013

And, I'm guessing this one is to Homestead the property, which I think is usually done when your're afraid of being sued.

Document Number Reel Image Doc Type
28-APR-97 006908100 DECL HMSTD

Like I said, I don't know much about this sort of thing. And the main reason that I'm bringing this stuff up, is the dementia thing, if some of these were real estate deals she was "handling", then she obviously didn't have any dementia going on then.

Does anyone know on these forms, does the R mean Realtor? I don't know what the R & E stand for, anyone out there in real estate?
I don't know if this is here already, but here's Patricia Garrido's real estate license info. It expired in 1993. Now does that mean she was still out selling homes in say 1990 - 1993??? That I don't know, but am trying to determine.

License information taken from records of the Department of Real Estate on 10/16/2009 10:18:25 AM

License Type:

Garrido, Patricia Lucille

Mailing Address:

License ID:

Expiration Date:

License Status:

Salesperson License Issued:
05/26/77 (Unofficial -- taken from secondary records)

Former Name(s):
Garrido, Patricia Lucille

Franzen, Patricia Lucille Garrido

Employing Broker:



>>>> Public information request complete <<<<
the minute i saw cm claim on tv that garrido 'was not a monster' i wanted to ring her neck.
I wish you had...
I knew from the start this woman was full of chit.
I even hate to post on this thread as I hated to post on CM's thread and I am leaving it... I do not care who owns her house; (that is just me) I know investigators are searching its history and ownership and that is enough for me.
I have a bone to pick with LE and PO over there...
I only care why the LE and PO did a lousy job.
I wish you had...
I knew from the start this woman was full of chit.
I even hate to post on this thread as I hated to post on CM's thread and I am leaving it... I do not care who owns her house; (that is just me) I know investigators are searching its history and ownership and that is enough for me.
I have a bone to pick with LE and PO over there...
I only care why the LE and PO did a lousy job.

corruption and criminal behavior and incometence in LE and PO in garrido's area. picking a theory of a crime and sticking to it in the case of the FBI. john walsh mentioning on oprah tuesday, that you need to investigate the family but yuo need to explore all other possibilities too. i swear he was reading my posts here lol. (he was actually referfing to another case as a reference point, but it works here too)
corruption and criminal behavior and incometence in LE and PO in garrido's area. picking a theory of a crime and sticking to it in the case of the FBI. john walsh mentioning on oprah tuesday, that you need to investigate the family but yuo need to explore all other possibilities too. i swear he was reading my posts here lol. (he was actually referfing to another case as a reference point, but it works here too)

this is true, I do not live there, cant go to the clerks office to get records.
I think we already referenced all the names that were used whether they are fictitious, or are being used criminally. I cant investigate from here.
I cant stand the old F ing B...she is a lie a minute. and I'll move on from here as I did from CM...
Both of them are suspect in my mind.

I am glad Walsh is reading here...I would love to work for that man. Don't think I have the strength to deal with that much sorrow....:(
It depends on where they are getting their info from and how its updated. If they do the age update themselves it would update automatically, but if it is taken from something like a voter registration list or something like that they may be picking the ages up from a third party, so when that person disappears from that source list for whatever reason their age would freeze. For example, Nancy and Patricia's ages are given correctly by Veromi, but PG has two ages, neither of which is correct. Also, if you do a country wide search on Herschel J Franzen, with or without the middle initial, only the Antioch address pops up (even though at least one of them is dead)

Thanks for the info - anyone I know well always has the correct age on those sites... except for one guy I dated, but then again I think I verified he had already lied to me about his age and was 2 years older than what he told me. On veromi, he also showed up as 4 years younger than he told me. I think in many cases the ages that are not correct on those sites are because the person has lied on an application (or someone has lied about that person) - I think the second reasons, but doesn't happen as often, is clerical mistakes. Could be why PG comes up with 2 different ages.

I'll keep a lookout for any info on whether the ages freeze or not though.

I couldn't find another HF either, too bad we don't what record that 'age 39' came from.
Hey Billie... yes, I was in the right years and I did find that info when searching another time. It's there, I'm not questioning that, but this is the third time I've searched and it doesn't come up... I just can't figure out if it's the way I enter the site or what! I know I missed the info the first time, then it was posted here, then I was able to search and find it myself, then I couldn't get it when I went back. Not a big deal as long as it's been found, I just got this "Twilight Zone" feeling!
Billie said

And, I'm guessing this one is to Homestead the property, which I think is usually done when your're afraid of being sued.

Document Number Reel Image Doc Type
28-APR-97 006908100 DECL HMSTD

from Wiki:

Homestead exemption laws typically have three primary features:

1. They prevent the forced sale of a home to meet the demands of creditors;
2. They provide the surviving spouse with shelter;
3. They provide an exemption from property taxes which can be applied to a home.

For purposes of these statutes, a homestead is the one primary residence of a person, and no other exemption can be claimed on any other property anywhere, even outside the boundaries of the jurisdiction where the exemption is claimed.
posted by Billie

"Does anyone know on these forms, does the R mean Realtor? I don't know what the R & E stand for, anyone out there in real estate?"

NO it does not mean Realtor... I forget what the actual letters stand for but in legal cases you can tell who brought a suit and who it was brought against by these. I think it is this way, but have to check - E is the person getting rights assigned to them (such as name on a deed or lien on a deed) and R is the one assigning the rights to someone or giving up rights/claims to something (such as an individual taking their name off a deed). Although that could be backwards and better phrasing might help
this is true, I do not live there, cant go to the clerks office to get records.
I think we already referenced all the names that were used whether they are fictitious, or are being used criminally. I cant investigate from here.
I cant stand the old F ing B...she is a lie a minute. and I'll move on from here as I did from CM...
Both of them are suspect in my mind.

I am glad Walsh is reading here...I would love to work for that man. Don't think I have the strength to deal with that much sorrow....:(

i didnt say he was actually reading here i was saying he sounds like me lol.
i guess i just have the same mindset as him, which is cool by me :)

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