Patsy and the 911 Call

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Wasn't it SS who said that it was FW who mistakenly called 911? I thought that was the excuse she gave.

..might have been,but then I recall reading somewhere that it wasn't true that he was even trying to get any meds to his mother that night..I'll see if I can find that.As far as I know,FW hasn't made any public comment on it,one way or the other.So it may very well be untrue.
..might have been,but then I recall reading somewhere that it wasn't true that he was even trying to get any meds to his mother that night..I'll see if I can find that.As far as I know,FW hasn't made any public comment on it,one way or the other.So it may very well be untrue.

Yes, I had read the FW/sick mother/medication story, too. But then I also read that his mother wasn't sick at all- that she was, in fact, on vacation. But who knows if that was true, either. There are so many versions and so many lies surrounding this case; not just the actual murder, but the Dec. 23rd party, too, and incidents before and after as well.
I don't know,in DOI,Patsy says FW dialed 911 by mistake,then she goes on to say that the 911 call was still 'somewhat of a mystery'.Either it was or it wasn't..just more meaningless junk they threw in to add to the mix of nonsense.

I don't recall Patsy saying it,but I think the housekeeper said it (too?)?

In one her police interviews she not only said Fleet called his mother who was in the hopsital but that he had passed the phone to Patsy and she has spoken to her also.
In one her police interviews she not only said Fleet called his mother who was in the hopsital but that he had passed the phone to Patsy and she has spoken to her also.
right,but that was at the White's party on the 25th,not the R's on the 23rd.
In one her police interviews she not only said Fleet called his mother who was in the hopsital but that he had passed the phone to Patsy and she has spoken to her also.

I would tust Fleets version not Patsy saying later she had spoken to her also.
I would love to see FW notes that he took that morning. There was obviously some strange things going on around there I just re-read LA depo and this really stood out-

19 Q. When did you first arrive at this opinion

20 relative to the incident?

21 A. Which opinion?

22 Q. As to who killed JonBenet?

23 A. When John Ramsey came up with the steps

24 with JonBenet in his arms.

25 Q. I didn't hear that. I'm sorry. When John

Page 24

1 Ramsey came up the stairs with JonBenet -

2 A. In his arms.

3 Q. That's when you formed the opinion?

4 A. That's when many things that had not made

5 sense and were disturbing during the morning made

6 sense.

7 Q. All right. So you formed the conclusion he

8 had done it?

9 A. It was clear that John had killed JonBenet.

Combine Fleet White's assessment of the morning's events, with the 911 enhancement, together with all inconsistancies and red flags in the R's statements and actions and you can understand how many came to an RDI conclusion.

"With this latest enhancement, they were able to hear two voices on the tape one of which sounded like a juvenile male, and the second one appeared to be Patsy. The first words seemed to belong to the juvenile, and then Patsy is heard to say, "Help me Jesus, help me Jesus." The voice again appeared to be the "juvenile male saying, "Please, what do I do?'' Hickman and Roeder agreed to meet again in the morning to continue enhancing the tape.

When Hickman returned to Aerospace the next morning to meet with Roeder, he said that he had continued listening to the disk after Hickman had left for the evening. He and another engineer had played the original version of the 911 call that had been transferred to the JAZ drive and found that to be the clearest recording. Both engineers had heard three distinct voices on the tape and written down that they thought was being said. The tape
was then played for Hickman. After listening to the tape three or four times, Hickman heard John Ramsey say “We’re not speaking to you”. In what sounded like a very angry voice. Patsy then says, “Help me Jesus, help me Jesus,” and finally Burke is clearly heard to say, “ Well, what did you find?”, with an emphasis on the word “did.” After Hickman told the engineers her impression of the conversation, Roeder handed her a piece of notepaper containing the conversation heard by himself and his fellow engineer – the conversation as written down was exactly as Hickman herself had just heard."

From Forums for Justice website-

Burke's Interview adds to the unanswered questions- It was beyond bizarre.
the 911 call is the most phony call i have ever heard.

it is just patsy acting

it isnt natural- it is an actor on stage

when she cant come up with a quick answer she pretends she cant hear the question. something john was also very good at. it gives them a little more time to think of an answer or to actually get the question Lost and hoepfully the person asking the question will move on to another question

the 911 call is the most phony call i have ever heard.

it is just patsy acting

it isnt natural- it is an actor on stage

when she cant come up with a quick answer she pretends she cant hear the question. something john was also very good at. it gives them a little more time to think of an answer or to actually get the question Lost and hoepfully the person asking the question will move on to another question

I agree,and the phony hyperventilating is something anyone can do.
It's not in the transcripts,but if you listen to the tape,at one point Patsy starts to say "It's a ran....". She was obviously going to say 'it's a ransom note'.But she realizes how absurd that sounds,so she quickly changes it to 'there's a note here and our daughter's gone'.
not a mistake that someone telling the truth would make.
I agree,and the phony hyperventilating is something anyone can do.
It's not in the transcripts,but if you listen to the tape,at one point Patsy starts to say "It's a ran....". She was obviously going to say 'it's a ransom note'.But she realizes how absurd that sounds,so she quickly changes it to 'there's a note here and our daughter's gone'.
not a mistake that someone telling the truth would make.

yep, the phony hyper ventilating is WAYYYYY over the top :mad:
i know that the "enhanced" 911 call has not been released to the public, but the audio is available online "unenhanced," and if you are so inclined (and technically savvy), you can try to hear what people are talking about. the audio is here.

i have some rather advanced audio software as i am a musician, and i did an experiment. i'm sure my abilities and equipment is not quite the FBI or NASA, but i could definitely hear more talking towards the end of the tape. for my experiment, i tried to enhance what sounded like talking and then played it over and over again to try and decipher what was said. once i decided what i thought was said, i looked up online what others say was said. i'll use schiller as an example...

from PMPT:

"Help me Jesus, help me Jesus." That was clearly Patsy’s voice. Then, in the distance, there was another voice, which sounded like JonBenet’s brother.

"Please, what do I do?" Burke said.

"We’re not speaking to you," Hickman heard John Ramsey say.

Patsy screamed again. "Help me Jesus, help me Jesus."

And then, more clearly, Burke said, "What did you find?"

my account differed slightly. there seems to me to be 4 segments of speech. i will discuss each of the 4 and relate the times at which they occur.

#1@1:19 - this sounds like either burke or patsy because it is higher-pitched than the other voice(s) on the tape. i heard it as "What did you do" or "what did i do"

#2@1:20 - this is a deeper voice, i think john. to me, this is the clearest one. it sounds like "what did you do?"

#3@1:22 - this sounds like the same voice as #2. it again sounds like "what did you do?" but it's not as clear.

#4@1:23 - this sounds like a higher pitched voice again. maybe the same as the first, but definitely not john. i hear "wasn't me."

all together, my guess is this...
patsy: what did you do
john: what did you do?
john(louder and angrier): what did you do?
burke: wasn't me

does this get us anywhere? not really other than the fact that the ramseys lied about burke being awake. anyone care to take a crack at the decoding?
This is a post that piqued my interest, because #1, the poster is a musician with some advance software, and #2, because he doesn't rule PR out as the softer voice and hears her saying something beside 'help me Jesus'. I'm going to go listen again, (yes I'm a glutton for punishment), and see if I can make anything out. But like this poster, I didn't hear the 'we're not talking to you', unless I'm very liberal with the inflections. moo
This is a post that piqued my interest, because #1, the poster is a musician with some advance software, and #2, because he doesn't rule PR out as the softer voice and hears her saying something beside 'help me Jesus'. I'm going to go listen again, (yes I'm a glutton for punishment), and see if I can make anything out. But like this poster, I didn't hear the 'we're not talking to you', unless I'm very liberal with the inflections. moo

Eager to hear what you thoughts are about this, since I've not been able to hear anything besides "Help me Jesus". Just when one is comfortable in an interpretation, another thought comes intruding. If what folks report about JR’s voice being very angry is correct, another idea occurred to me. Was JR furious at PR for jumping the gun with the 911 call and it spilled over onto BR who was present (if he was)? Of course this is all just an opinion, but if JR were furious, one might not want to be home alone with a spouse who was either really angry at someone in the family or who had just been responsible for the death of a child, especially if there were another child in the home. Since LA sensed how menacing JR looked that morning, he may indeed have been very scary.

As support and backup, PR may have felt that having some friends come over would be a good idea too. to contaminate the R house crime scene and add confusion, or to add another layer of protection for PR and BR, if the other parent were “icy menacing.” moo

From JR June 1998 interview
LOU SMIT: Was she asking you any questions?

2 JOHN RAMSEY: What should we do, what should

3 we do. And if we should call the police. And there

4 was a (INAUDIBLE) that says not to call the

5 police, so I called the police anyway. But she

6 did; she called 911. And then she also called the

7 Whites and the Fernies.

8 LOU SMIT: Why would she? Why did she do that?

9 JOHN RAMSEY: They were close friends. And

10 I remember her just screaming, (Come over, come

11 over.̃

(Blast from the past.)
Is it known for certain that PR didn't hang up the phone properly in the kitchen, allowing the conversation within the home to be recorded, or is it possible that someone had another phone off the hook to listen in? JR? BR? There must have been other landlines in the home. Does anyone know or have information?
Is it known for certain that PR didn't hang up the phone properly in the kitchen, allowing the conversation within the home to be recorded, or is it possible that someone had another phone off the hook to listen in? JR? BR? There must have been other landlines in the home. Does anyone know or have information?

The phone company records will record not only the time length of the call but the time difference between the end of talking and the time the phone receiver was put back on the hook, thereby terminating the call.

It's possible someone else could listen in on another phone, but why bother if all the residents are in the same room?

Burke Ramsey's voice heard on the 911 call along with that of John Ramsey suggest they were all present in the same room?

Is it known for certain that PR didn't hang up the phone properly in the kitchen, allowing the conversation within the home to be recorded, or is it possible that someone had another phone off the hook to listen in? JR? BR? There must have been other landlines in the home. Does anyone know or have information?
From crime scene photos, I’ve seen landline telephones that are exactly like or very similar to the kitchen nook wall phone in the breakfast room, basement, sun room, John’s third floor office/study, and in the first floor den/study where he was “awaiting” the call from the “kidnappers”.
@UKGuy and @Cottonstar,

Thank you for your replies. I have spent a little time listening (again) to JR, PR, and BR being asked about the 911 call enhancement and they are so full of qualifications with their answers that I began thinking maybe the conversation took place somewhere other than the kitchen. The call sounds like Patsy hung up and yet the sounds continue so I thought perhaps it was another phone in the house. It could also explain why JR and PR were so surprised when they found out about the call not being hung up properly. In the grand scheme of things it isn't earth shattering either way but I think it would add to the circumstantial evidence.
I will go back and look at the layout of the house again now that I know where the phones were located.
After listening to the Ramsey 911 call when Patsy thinks she has hung up the phone you can hear someone say "what did you do!?" And it sounds like Burke says "are they going to arrest me?" You can find this on Youtube.

After everything I've read and heard I am convinced the brother killed her and they staged it to look like she was killed in the home, then they had a change of heart and wrote the ransom letter so they could possibly get rid of Jon benets body later on.
After listening to the Ramsey 911 call when Patsy thinks she has hung up the phone you can hear someone say "what did you do!?" And it sounds like Burke says "are they going to arrest me?" You can find this on Youtube.

After everything I've read and heard I am convinced the brother killed her and they staged it to look like she was killed in the home, then they had a change of heart and wrote the ransom letter so they could possibly get rid of Jon benets body later on.

I tend to agree....while I don't think much of this case makes sense, it seems to me that this conclusion gets the closest.
There is a lot of evaluation done on the end of the 911 call but I have read no discussion about the very beginning.

When you listen to the complete call there is some hysterical Patsy mumbling at the beginning.

I am interested in views on what you hear. To me it sounds like Patsy is saying ‘I’m ringing..’

I visualise Patsy is talking to John and when she hears the 911 Operator answer she then switches focus to tell the operator what emergency service she needs “police!’.

If this is right Patsy has the same hysteria when talking to the Operator as talking directly to John. Act or genuine?
they had a change of heart and wrote the ransom letter so they could possibly get rid of Jon benets body later on.
Calling the police, though, means they won't be able to get rid of the body later on.

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