Patsy Answers Questions About Burke

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BlueCrab said:
When I come across more about Burke, and it's appropriate to post, I will post it.
Come on, BlueCrab. If there's more re Burke, please oh please share :)
BlueCrab said:
When I come across more about Burke, and it's appropriate to post, I will post it. If not I will make something up.

:liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar:
BrotherMoon said:
:liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar: :liar:

That's pretty funny BrotherMoon, but I respectfully deny it. If I make up something it will be clearly identified as an opinion or a theory.

Is it just me or is Patsy kind of mouthy in the LE interviews? A southern woman should have heard you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I sure would want LE on my side if my child was missing.

About Burke I get this almost borderline autistic impression of him. Maybe it is because he is sheltered from the questioning world but it seems he would have had something to contribute. My daughter is the age he was and she always seems to want to participate in a dilemma usually with a useless piece of information :) but a contribution none the less.
BlueCrab said:
That's pretty funny BrotherMoon, but I respectfully deny it. If I make up something it will be clearly identified as an opinion or a theory.
I admire your sense of humor in dealing with people like BrotherMoonie.

BlueCrab...I know you have copies of the interview let the cat out of the bag months before.

Anyhoo, I believe BlueCrabs posts regarding the interviews and I am angry that the NE did not publish the entire interviews. Seems like they are squeamish when it comes to Burke.
Shylock said:
I admire your sense of humor in dealing with people like BrotherMoonie.

Unlike you, Shylock. That wasn't amusing in the least, witless in the most.

BC deals with me with patience, as he has the ability to think and delay gratification. They don't call it knee"jerk" for nothing.
PATSY RAMSEY: "Because he was not raised in a family of violence. We are a very loving family."

TOM HANEY: "Could it have been an accident?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "I -- don't know."

TOM HANEY: "Well, you and I don't know because we weren't there?"


TOM HANEY: "So do you think it could have been, he could have pushed her down the stairs -- "

PATSY RAMSEY: "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it."

TOM HANEY: "How do you know that, though? I mean, have you talked to him about it?"


I have never understood this part of the interview when TH asks if this could have been an accident. Patsy says she doesn't know? In looking at this through her eyes (intruder did it), why would she say she doesn't know if it were an accident? Her child is murdered by a small foreign faction...and she doesn't know if it is an accident? Excuse me, she has a ransom note that states her child may be beheaded....

On the other hand, if Burke were involved, she could easily say she doesn't know if it were truly an accident. Of course she rectifies this by telling Tom to get off this line of questioning.

I can't imagine her finding her beloved child murdered in cold blood and not adamantly screaming that "no, it was no freaking was a murder!" or something to that effect.

Nehemiah said:
PATSY RAMSEY: "Because he was not raised in a family of violence. We are a very loving family."

TOM HANEY: "Could it have been an accident?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "I -- don't know."

TOM HANEY: "Well, you and I don't know because we weren't there?"


TOM HANEY: "So do you think it could have been, he could have pushed her down the stairs -- "

PATSY RAMSEY: "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it."

TOM HANEY: "How do you know that, though? I mean, have you talked to him about it?"


I have never understood this part of the interview when TH asks if this could have been an accident. Patsy says she doesn't know? In looking at this through her eyes (intruder did it), why would she say she doesn't know if it were an accident? Her child is murdered by a small foreign faction...and she doesn't know if it is an accident? Excuse me, she has a ransom note that states her child may be beheaded....

On the other hand, if Burke were involved, she could easily say she doesn't know if it were truly an accident. Of course she rectifies this by telling Tom to get off this line of questioning.

I can't imagine her finding her beloved child murdered in cold blood and not adamantly screaming that "no, it was no freaking was a murder!" or something to that effect.


Good point Nehemiah, and note how Patsy delayed her response. She thought about it, as if picturing several possible BDI scenarios before answering "I don't know". Without realizing it, Patsy seemingly locked Burke into the killing, but not knowing "for sure" whether it was an accident or done intentionally by Burke.

BlueCrab said:
TOM HANEY: "Could it have been an accident?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "I -- don't know."

TOM HANEY: "Well, you and I don't know because we weren't there?"


TOM HANEY: "So do you think it could have been, he could have pushed her down the stairs -- "

PATSY RAMSEY: "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it."

Reading this for the first time, it seems fairly obvious that she knows what happened, even if Burke really didn't have anything to do with it. When she says "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it" she seems very confident. But the lines above that about the 'accident' and about 'not being there' she seems very dodgy and confused, like she's not exactly how she should answer the question given her actual knowledge of what happened (assuming she knows.) But then again, it would help to hear a recording of this interview to read the stress in her voice during those sections. It's kinda hard to tell with just text, but that delay in " I... don't know" seems very telling.
John and Patsy Ramsey were separately interviewed for three days on June 23, 24, and 25, 1998 -- and Burke Ramsey had been interviewed for three days one week earlier. Burke's interview is not available, but here's excerpts from some of Patsy's responses to questions asked by Tom Haney about Burke:

TH: "What have you told Burke about the murder?"

PR: "To date?"

TH: "To date."

PR: "Well, just that we are going to try to find out who did this to JonBenet. I haven't told him anything about how she was murdered or the details like that."

TH: "What details would he know or had you talked with him about?"

PR: "To be quite honest, we really haven't talked to him much about it. It's too hard, you know, it's hard to talk about."

TH: "Has he volunteered information?"

PR: "No."

TH: "Has he had questions?"

PR: "No."

TH: "Never 'what's going to happen, who did it'?"

PR: "No."

TH: "Did he ever mention getting up at any time during the night?"

PR: "No."

TH: "So he slept through until -- I believe it was John that ultimately got him up to take to the Fernies?"

PR: "Yes, to my knowledge."

(At that point the Ramseys had not been informed they had Burke's voice on the enhanced 911 tape. The question was formed to lock in Patsy's lie about Burke being in bed asleep during the 911 call.)

TH: "How about with the moving and all of that, has that caused some problems for him, change of schools?"

PR: "Yeah. And I have been in touch with the counselors and the teachers and everybody, alert to this. And they said that -- they are remarkably surprised at how well he is doing. He just makes friends and gets good grades."

TH: "So his adjustment's been pretty -- "

PR: "Been pretty good."

TH: "You mentioned I think when I asked you yesterday, had you seen an interview from last week with Burke. You said no?"

PR: "No."

TH: "There were like three days, and the first two days were pretty basic questions, but on the third day there were questions where the discussion was around JonBenet and death. And I am no psychologist, psychiatrist, but immediately noticed a change in Burke and his demeanor. He's curled up in his chair something like this, not sitting like this, but in a chair like this, and he's half in a fetal position and it seems to be a real struggle, a real difficult time. I am wondering if you noticed anything similar, any changes?"

PR: "Well, I may have -- I have had him in therapy just for this reason."

TH: "Does it seem like he knows more than he is saying, and obviously he's not saying much?"

PR: "Right."

TH: "Like he's keeping something in?"

PR: "As far as something about who did it, I don't think he knows. I mean, he would say."

TH: "Is that something that you have asked the doctor to explore?"

PR: "I don't know if I have directly asked him that."


I am surprised Burke didn't have any questions right away. He didn't wonder about Jonbenet at all. I would have had many questions. If they were as close as everyone stated.

The only reason he would have quietly gone to the Whites was if he already knew something.
TOM HANEY: "Could it have been an accident?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "I -- don't know."

Reading this for the first time, it seems fairly obvious that she knows what happened, even if Burke really didn't have anything to do with it. When she says "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it" she seems very confident. But the lines above that about the 'accident' and about 'not being there' she seems very dodgy and confused, like she's not exactly how she should answer the question given her actual knowledge of what happened (assuming she knows.) But then again, it would help to hear a recording of this interview to read the stress in her voice during those sections. It's kinda hard to tell with just text, but that delay in " I... don't know" seems very telling.

PATSY RAMSEY: "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it."

TOM HANEY: "How do you know that, though? I mean, have you talked to him about it?"


In a normal conversation, to the question "have you talked to [Burke] about [whether he did it]?" I would have said, "What? No. Why would I do that?" if I had truly found a RN. Asking child wouldn't occur to me. I would be more concerned about telling him someone had been creeping around their house while they slept.

The innocent explanation for her saying "yes" is if her attorney instructed her to keep the answers brief. When I was disposed once, my attorney educated me for an hour about how this is not a normal conversation. Only answer exactly what they ask. If I requires any speculation, don't speculate. Say, yes, no, or I don't know unless the question calls for more. If she were following similar legal advice, I could see how it be easiest to say "yes."

As a more scientific person, I would be inclined to ask what "it", have I talked to him about what? If the answer is whether he did it, I would say no. If they asked how I knew I would say the I didn't think him capable of writing the note and putting her in the basement.

If we take PR's "yes" at face value that means she saying she woke up, found a RN, and they later found her daughter's body tied up in the basement, and some point after that she asked BR if he had anything to do with the crime.
In a normal conversation, to the question "have you talked to [Burke] about [whether he did it]?" I would have said, "What? No. Why would I do that?" if I had truly found a RN. Asking child wouldn't occur to me. I would be more concerned about telling him someone had been creeping around their house while they slept.

The innocent explanation for her saying "yes" is if her attorney instructed her to keep the answers brief. When I was disposed once, my attorney educated me for an hour about how this is not a normal conversation. Only answer exactly what they ask. If I requires any speculation, don't speculate. Say, yes, no, or I don't know unless the question calls for more. If she were following similar legal advice, I could see how it be easiest to say "yes."

As a more scientific person, I would be inclined to ask what "it", have I talked to him about what? If the answer is whether he did it, I would say no. If they asked how I knew I would say the I didn't think him capable of writing the note and putting her in the basement.

If we take PR's "yes" at face value that means she saying she woke up, found a RN, and they later found her daughter's body tied up in the basement, and some point after that she asked BR if he had anything to do with the crime.

PATSY RAMSEY: "Burke Ramsey did not do this, okay. He did not do this. Get off it."

TOM HANEY: "How do you know that, though? I mean, have you talked to him about it?"


BBM: IMO it is simply the subject of JonBenet's death, which from memory the R's said they did not discuss much with BR, so not to burden him. Meanwhile BR was telling his best friend DS how JonBenet was whacked on the head by a hammer.

Patsy is patently rolling with the questions, she knows BR never wrote the RN, Haney knows this too, so its obvious it was not BR, that's why Haney has to get off the subject!

In my family it wouldn't be normal for a child not to ask a gazillion questions, especially about such a shocking tragedy, so it seems odd to me that Patsy says Burke had no questions. Then again, all the kids in my family were early talkers and we've never stopped talking since we started.

If he had Asperger's or mild Autism that could explain why he asked no questions. I do know a child with Autism (several years older than Burke was when JonBenet was killed) and he would not likely ask questions. If someone told him his sister died and was in heaven he very likely would accept this at face value and go out to play because he normally asks few, if any, questions about any situation. He's highly intelligent but has little curiosity about anything other than mathematics and computer programming at this point. He cannot make small talk and is not interested in why people say or do the things they say or do. It's possible he would not connect the murder of a sibling to any fears for his own safety either; it simply wouldn't occur to him to relate her fate to his own.

Although I belong to the camp who believes someone in the Ramsey family killed JonBenet and have expressed my views that Burke might be the perpetrator, something along the Asperger's or Autism spectrum could explain his lack of emotion and strange responses in the interview.
Anyone know what happened to BlueCrab? (the OP)
I am surprised Burke didn't have any questions right away. He didn't wonder about Jonbenet at all. I would have had many questions. If they were as close as everyone stated.
Nobody "wondered" about JOnbenet that's one of the things that makes her death so tragic. Each member of her family got the hell out of dodge as soon as humanly possible. The nanosecond she is officially found, John and Patsy practically run from the crime scene yet you expect the 9 year old son to be above this level of dysfunction?

Had I been her parent, the cops would have had to physically remove me from the scene because I'd have never left her body there all alone.

To a certain degree it is not surprising he wasn't talking about her to them. Children pick up on things fairly quickly. Regardless of his level of involvement in anything he would notice that she is NOT a subject being discussed. If his parents aren't talking to him about his murdered sister, why is he going to bring it up? It's over, she's out of sight, out of mind. Time to move on with their lives.
John and Patsy Ramsey were separately interviewed for three days on June 23, 24, and 25, 1998 -- and Burke Ramsey had been interviewed for three days one week earlier. Burke's interview is not available, but here's excerpts from some of Patsy's responses to questions asked by Tom Haney about Burke:

TH: "What have you told Burke about the murder?"

PR: "To date?"

TH: "To date."

PR: "Well, just that we are going to try to find out who did this to JonBenet. I haven't told him anything about how she was murdered or the details like that."

TH: "What details would he know or had you talked with him about?"

PR: "To be quite honest, we really haven't talked to him much about it. It's too hard, you know, it's hard to talk about."

TH: "Has he volunteered information?"

PR: "No."

TH: "Has he had questions?"

PR: "No."

TH: "Never 'what's going to happen, who did it'?"

PR: "No."

TH: "Did he ever mention getting up at any time during the night?"

PR: "No."

TH: "So he slept through until -- I believe it was John that ultimately got him up to take to the Fernies?"

PR: "Yes, to my knowledge."

(At that point the Ramseys had not been informed they had Burke's voice on the enhanced 911 tape. The question was formed to lock in Patsy's lie about Burke being in bed asleep during the 911 call.)

TH: "How about with the moving and all of that, has that caused some problems for him, change of schools?"

PR: "Yeah. And I have been in touch with the counselors and the teachers and everybody, alert to this. And they said that -- they are remarkably surprised at how well he is doing. He just makes friends and gets good grades."

TH: "So his adjustment's been pretty -- "

PR: "Been pretty good."

TH: "You mentioned I think when I asked you yesterday, had you seen an interview from last week with Burke. You said no?"

PR: "No."

TH: "There were like three days, and the first two days were pretty basic questions, but on the third day there were questions where the discussion was around JonBenet and death. And I am no psychologist, psychiatrist, but immediately noticed a change in Burke and his demeanor. He's curled up in his chair something like this, not sitting like this, but in a chair like this, and he's half in a fetal position and it seems to be a real struggle, a real difficult time. I am wondering if you noticed anything similar, any changes?"

PR: "Well, I may have -- I have had him in therapy just for this reason."

TH: "Does it seem like he knows more than he is saying, and obviously he's not saying much?"

PR: "Right."

TH: "Like he's keeping something in?"

PR: "As far as something about who did it, I don't think he knows. I mean, he would say."

TH: "Is that something that you have asked the doctor to explore?"

PR: "I don't know if I have directly asked him that."


Blue Crab - I wish you were here again.
Blue Crab - I wish you were here again.

I agree. I think he/she would be happy to know that the evidence we are now seeing supports what he/she was trying to tell WS long ago ... wow, that was over 12.5 years ago. This is so sad.

It also makes me want to point out that all this information was available. We didn't have the missing pieces of the puzzle until BR spoke to Dr Phil. Why is Lin Wood threatening to sue CBS for "In the Case of"? What an idiot - he should tell his clients to shut up and stop with the lawsuits. They all just look silly now.
Pretty funny that Burke said on camera that he had gone downstairs after everyone had gone to bed, to play with a toy. WOOPSIE, he just admitted he was in the scene of the crime about the time the whole thing started. Yeah, Lin Wood, that was a brilliant idea, to let him go on camera in front of the world and admit that he wasn't sleeping all night peacefully in his room after all....

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