Patsy Ramsey

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No, the quote wasn’t taken out of context, but here it is in ever more complete fashion than you provided:

the killer could have come from a small circle of friends around the Ramsey home in Boulder

the circle would include family, neighbors, and employees of the Ramseys.

Ressler's analysis is further strengthened by an excerpt from a letter of resignation that Detective Lou Smits, a veteran investigator of 32 years' experience, sent to District Attorney Alex Hunter:

"The case tells me that there is substantial, credible, evidence of an intruder and lack of evidence that the parents are involved."

Anyway, Ressler isn’t telling us anything new here. You start your investigation with the parents, then other family, then friends, employees, neighbors, etc...



Your point is lost on me. The article did take it out of context. The article FAILED to detail his entire opinion.

What Lou said in his resignation letter is a totally different topic IMO
Just because Lou selected a small portion of what Ressler said in no way diminish Resslers opinion.

IMO the problem is...the Ramsey's made it impossible to move past them.

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Your point is lost on me. The article did take it out of context. The article FAILED to detail his entire opinion.

What Lou said in his resignation letter is a totally different topic IMO
Just because Lou selected a small portion of what Ressler said in no way diminish Resslers opinion.

IMO the problem is...the Ramsey's made it impossible to move past them.

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Oh, okay. It seemed to me that you were saying that Mama2JML had taken the quote out of context. Sorry.

I don’t know that Smit had anything to do with this, I think that article is saying that the Smit quote supports Ressler’s opinion.

Patsy denies reading books often, denies viewing movies on their home theatre and denies watching television.


TT: Okay. Do you, do you get to the movies at all? Have you been out to see any shows at all?&#8232;

PR: Oh, I have . . .&#8232;

TT: I, I know it’s difficult in the last couple of months. . .&#8232;

PR: Right.&#8232;

TT: . . .because of, of what’s (inaudible).&#8232;

PR: Right.&#8232;

TT: Let’s say before December, what kind of movies have you and John gone out to see?&#8232;

PR: Well, actually we didn’t go out to movies very much, because we had a home theatre . . .&#8232;

TT: Okay.&#8232;

PR: . . .so we would usually we’d see everything about a year after it came out.&#8232;

TT: Once it came out on video.&#8232;

PR: Yeah, but we, you know, the kids liked to watch movies up there . . .&#8232;

TT: Um hum.&#8232;

PR: . . .we watched “Forrest Gump” and . . .&#8232;

TT: Do you and John watch movies at all up there?&#8232;

PR: Uh, yeah, but I usually fall asleep. He, he usually goes, gets the movies and they’re not my favorites and I usually fall asleep.&#8232;

If they rarely went to the movies because they had a home theatre, and PR usually fell asleep during the movies JR did she come up with favorites? :waitasec:
If they rarely went to the movies because they had a home theatre, and PR usually fell asleep during the movies JR did she come up with favorites? :waitasec:

Hola! It’s an expression – not my favorites. It means that they had separate taste in movies, it means he rented a genre that she wasn’t interested in.

Hola! It’s an expression – not my favorites. It means that they had separate taste in movies, it means he rented a genre that she wasn’t interested in.


Bueno. Gracias.
Didn't JonBenet's pediatrician also prescribe medication for Patsy?

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TT: Okay. Patsy, I need to go through a couple of things here. What medications are you on right now? Are you still on Paxel?&#8232;

PR: I’m on Paxil, um hum.&#8232;

TT: How often do you take that?&#8232;

PR: In the evenings once a day.&#8232;

TT: Just a bedtime?
PR: Um hum.&#8232;

TT: And, what’s the dose on that?&#8232;

PR: 30 milligrams.&#8232;

TT: And, are you taking anything else right now?&#8232;

PR: I just started Monday taking something for this sinus infection. I know your going to ask me the name of it.&#8232;

TT: Is it an over the, I’ll start (inaudible).&#8232;

PR: No, it’s a prescription.&#8232;

TT: Okay.&#8232;

PR: You take it once a day for five days. Dr. Beuf prescribed it.&#8232;

TT: Okay. And, are you taking anything else right now?&#8232;

PR: Um, no.&#8232;

TT: Any over the counter medication, vitamins . . .&#8232;

PR: Vitamins. I’m taking vitamin C.&#8232;

TT: Okay.&#8232;

PR: (Inaudible) vitamin C.&#8232;

TT: Just for that sinus infection?&#8232;

PR: Right.&#8232;

TT: Is that an ongoing type or just . . .&#8232;

PR: Well, I just. . .&#8232;

TT: (Inaudible)&#8232;

PR: I just, since Monday started taking a lot of it.&#8232;

TT: Okay. Okay. Um, any, any other uh, any other drugs, originally you were taking Paxil and what was the other drug you were taking? Lorzipan.&#8232;

PR: Ah yeah, right.&#8232;

TT: Are you still taking that at all?&#8232;

PR: Uh, occasionally. Kind of as, on an as needed basis.&#8232;

TT: When was the last time you took the Lorizpan?&#8232;

PR: Uh, I took one last night about 6:30.&#8232;

TT: How’s that, how’s that one make you feel. I mean, out of the two do any of them effect you at all that you can notice?&#8232;

PR: I mean I don’t really notice anything, but I, usually I take the Adavan if I’m, I start getting, evenings are difficult for me.&#8232;

TT: Um hum.&#8232;

PR: When I start getting tired and I feel the onset of this, not feeling real good. Last night I was pretty, I just been missing JonBenet a lot lately.&#8232;

TT: Okay.&#8232;

PR: And uh, you know, it, it seems to, to kind of quell that . .

&#8232;TT: Takes the edge off a little bit.&#8232;

PR: Takes the edge off a little bit.&#8232;

TT: What kind of dose are you taking on the Adavan when you take it?&#8232;

snip TT could have improved his interrogation skills

TT: Okay. When did you start the Paxel?&#8232;

PR: Uh, I don’t know. February maybe.&#8232;

TT: Okay. Beg…towards the beginning or the end of February?&#8232;

PR: I can’t remember exactly.&#8232;

TT: Okay. And the Adavan, did you start that about the same time?&#8232;

PR: Simultaneously.&#8232;

TT: Okay.

&#8232;PR: One’s kind of a, I think one, is the way she explained it to me, one kind of works, takes awhile to start taking effect and the Adavan is kind of an on the spot, doesn’t last very long, but helps you.&#8232;

TT: Okay. Now is Dr. Beuf still prescribing all that?&#8232;

PR: No. Uh, Rebecca Barkhorn, that’s my doctor (inaudible)&#8232;
They said that the first day and at that time had no hours in the case. really not the same thing as after the case, after finding the body and after all they know now.

They always look at parents. That is nothing new. I would love to know who that quote comes from too.

special agent ron walker, after jonbenet was found:

walker's bio:
Does anyone know if PR was a movie buff?
The Ramseys had framed movie posters in the home. In the CS video released by Kolar two of them can be seen in the basement (Officer and a Gentleman and Murder on the Orient Express ?)
:lol: my son who is 12 showed me that video several months ago. I was off by 2 when counting the passes, yet I immediately saw the big hairy guy...what does that mean? :lol:
Uhhhhhhhh... :dunno: ...that you have an eye for big hairy guys, but sometimes miss when a pass is being made?
I was wondering about being movie buffs for knowing the lines from movies in the RN. I must live under a rock, I didn't know all the movie references from the RN.
I was wondering about being movie buffs for knowing the lines from movies in the RN. I must live under a rock, I didn't know all the movie references from the RN.

I never "got" people that quote other people all the time.

I know 3
Show me the money
You can't handle the truth
Say hello to my little friend~ said in thick poorly done Colombian accent.

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I never "got" people that quote other people all the time.

I know 3
Show me the money
You can't handle the truth
Say hello to my little friend~ said in thick poorly done Colombian accent.

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Ever watch NCIS? :lol:
Uhhhhhhhh... :dunno: ...that you have an eye for big hairy guys, but sometimes miss when a pass is being made?

:floorlaugh: IDK what that says about me :scared:

My son was so annoyed!!!!! :floorlaugh:

I said, "13 passes...but what's up with the gorilla?"

And FWIW, "big, hairy guys" ain't my thing!
Did you ever see the following clip from the movie Ruthless People?

Part of the inspiration for the ransom note? - YouTube

Wow, otg. That's wild. Right down to the instant crowd and media circus. Damn. If you didn't see + hear it yourself, you wouldn't believe it!

At least the kidnapper in the movie says, "If you deviate from our instructions..." The RN has "Any deviation of my instructions," which is incorrect - and rare. I've often wished we could find even one document in which either parent uses this construction :please:
Really? I actually only began watching new episodes regularly after stumbling onto the never ending marathons aired on USA.

I've only watched one episode of CSI too.

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:floorlaugh: IDK what that says about me :scared:

My son was so annoyed!!!!! :floorlaugh:

I said, "13 passes...but what's up with the gorilla?"

And FWIW, "big, hairy guys" ain't my thing!

I had no idea how many passes, hairy I noticed...

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