penalty phase #11

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It can take at least 15 years of being on Death Row before the sentence is actually carried out. From what I've read, it's even a longer wait for a woman who is given the DP.

The last time a woman was executed in Arizona, she was hung. That gives you an idea of how long ago it's been.
donovan is kinda dressed up, for her. Is she going to testify for? lol
It's sickening to me that I can't google pictures of Travis (I wanted a new one for my signature line) without having to see pictures of his mutilated body and Jodi's nether regions. Ugh.

Have you tried the strict nsfw filter? In Settings, depending on browser. Not sure how good it is ...
:maddening: I am so conflicted. I almost feel as the death penalty is too good for CMJA. Life in complete solitary sounds more like it.. do they still do that??

I wish. It would be perfect for her, especially if they could take away the ability to draw, paint, or write.
I really think she can't understand why his family is so upset. Didn't she say they'll get over it eventually? Wow.

Oh, my. Did she really say that? I missed that. When - was it during that last interview? Unbelievable. She's so smug and defiant and cruel. Wish the jury could hear her say that.
I don't think its fair their using her "artwork" as a mitigating factor...I mean some of it, if not all, is not even original. I know people can draw off of a picture without tracing but original artwork is not based off of a picture.

Reminds me of a Lockup episode where one man in jail actually painted landscapes or another where a man made sculptures and painted them! I would call those original. Jodi Arias as an artist is just a big joke :/

you mean the ones of JUAN and like that?:scared:
Another "strategic" move by the DT - can't put Mama Arias on the stand if you plan on having her friend talk about the parent's abuse. Regarding Daryl Brewer, maybe JM can ask him how that DVD player is working out ?

So now it's trash MOM time. Good God can she not take the responsibility for anything? She has wrecked so many lives and now it's time to wreck hers!
Dear Mr Cameraman

Thank you oooooh so much for these lovely zoomed in shots of Juan. A full screen just of him. *love* Screensaver here I come

I know I haven't heard what he is going to say yet, but I say shame on you, Darryl. There is no way he did not see any of her strange behavior. Plus, he testified she wanted gas cans to go to Mesa!! Standing up for JA now is just unbelievable. What a fool he is.
Originally Posted by BetteDavisEyes
"If this had been the only time that Jodi did the subtle throat-slit gesture, I'd agree with you. But, Jodi has made this gesture several times during the trial, and I see it for what it is: Off with (his, her) head - just like Jodi's final blow to Travis."


BTW She had a tissue in her other hand. Also, while watching the VSs replayed with camera only on JA, I saw she did it a few minutes earlier also....missed the screen shot. JJ
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