Penalty Phase #12

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ja probably coming out crying saying 'i'm sorry, don't kill me, it will hurt!' and more cleavage
If Nurmi or Wilmott stage a walk out could they be thrown in the cells for contempt of court?
The court is right when they say they can only GUESS why the witness will not tesify in Jodi's behalf. The witness could be lying about being threatened there is no proof, maybe she changed her mind didn't want to go through with it, maybe she was scared because she really doesn't know her that well, she could have given the court any excuse. That is not a cause for a mistrial Jodi's mother can go up there and talk about Jodi as a child, her brother, her sister any one of those people could give the court a FULL PICTURE. This could be just a defense set up for a mistrial.

I love how they were prepared with responses for every ruling the judge gave.

If she denies the mistrial, then we will quit, if she doesn't let us quit then we won't allow any witnesses and if she still wants us to go on we will not let Jodi speak which will then make it seem like the court didn't care about her life. MO
i smell a big fat rat.

they KNEW who patti womack was. they knew she was an addict. and they knew she had legal problems. how is that the state's fault????

this looks choreographed to me, to get us to the very point we find ourselves now. we want off the case. we're taking our marbles and going home. we're not calling anyone since you've been so mean to us. JM's been mean to our experts. waaaah waaah waaah!!

Completely agree....dirty tricks.

Quitters!! They have not helped their client, but they just might have tanked their careers. Just how far will they go attacking judges?

Let me remind them it was a prosecution witness that had their home broken into!!!!!!!!!!
smartest move the defence has made all trial, whatever the sentence she will have a chance to appeal for a new trial on ineffective counsel issues
She would get an automatic appeal anyway--whether LWOP or death.
Wow - I really want to hear what our verified attorneys have to say about this!

I believe this to be entirely intentional on Wilmott and Nurmi's part and that they are actually CAUSING a mistrial today, but I cannot believe this is ethical.

Verified attorneys please weigh in:please:.
The good news... Jodi looks beyond pissed!
Hope Willmont's writing implement is accounted for and the dude with his finger on the stun belt button stays alert!;)

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Nurmi is pissed, judge is pissed. What's the excuse for DB not being there. :waitasec:
I have to say I love the way JSS straight out told Nurmi his motions were denied. Goooo JSS!

Oh yes, she is NOT happy with the DT! Nurmi basically threatened her with calling no defense witnesses, and she called his bluff.
Wow, talk about good timing! I just happened to turn on HLN just now, and Little Missy's defense is KAPUT! That is unless she throws herself on the floor crying and apologizing over and over, in a most sincere manner.

Judge seems a little annoyed

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okay, on a serious note, is Nurmi setting this all up for an appeal? I know he's having a 2 year old tantrum right now, but is there any basis he can take up with a higher court?



Might it all be a ruse to keep from revealing there ARE no witnesses. Perhaps better to say "court has tied our hands" rather than "no one wants to testify for Jodi?"
I agree with everyone who thinks this was all orchestrated ahead of time by CMJA and Co. Every single motion, witness, argument, and event --in court and outside of court. They've had time and the Judge has been fair to the defense all along. No surprises here.
last straw....approach, withdrawal from case,

How many "last straws" will the defense keep grasping at.
defense needs to act like professional attorneys and stop with the "well if you won't go with my latest mistrial motion - then I'm taking my ball and going home" carp.

Geez ... The defense has turned this trial into the circus it's became.
Their fault ... Judge has bent over backwards to give the murderer a fair trial.
oooh some "I wanna kill ya biatch" daggers Jodi is giving the judge. damn. gonna get a screen shot. wow.
I also believe they just stabbed the judge in the back. And they need to continue their careers in these courtrooms.
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