Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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Speaking of smug, did you see that smirk on JW's face when the jury was leaving after JSS sent them back to deliberate some more...I wanted to slap her so bad! Especially after seeing Samantha, Tanisha, and Steven in so much distress at the same time. Also, I'm sure she said something to KN about Samantha...Not a lip reader, but I could swear she said Samantha's name to him as the jury was leaving...Right after that, she asked if they could approach. Probably to complain about the jury seeing Samantha "prejudicial", dontcha know?

ITA with you. I saw that and I too think JW said something about Samantha crying.
Had to redo this, but it will make us feel better.... Enjoy!


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can say ANYTHING she likes as can her lawyers but not the victims. Of, no, their statements are circumscribed so as to not appeal to the passions of the jury. They cannot indicate what punishment they prefer.

But JA gets to appeal to their passions. :stormingmad:
UGH. :banghead:
Why did Steven and Samantha not say directly that they want JA to get the death penalty? Were they not allowed?

that is my understanding...they were not allowed to. Nor were they allowed to speak to her directly .
hln: "we've got a hold of another interview,take a look at this!" *sigh* I can't take more of her talking, talking,talking. Taking a break. I'm loving the posts here though :)

I need a cocktail. Any suggestions?

Premeditated extremely cruel murder sounds like DP to me.

as a recovering drunk, i say you should have a good, cold vodka martini straight up, with 3 olives.

that's what I'D have!!!!!!
That happens with me and my mom too. She only watches FNC and when I come over and change the channel it throws her. A couple weeks ago I was over and put on this show about choosing wedding dresses. She came in the room and after a bit said, "This is a WEIRD segment."


Yeah.. It's like old sayin' 'Rip the knob off' but TV's & Radios don't have knobs anymore so they hide the remote :floorlaugh:

My Dad's 71 maybe it's an age thing too??? ;)
4 month old and 7 month old lost their lives in OK tornadoes.

Oh my goodness.
ITA. I have a female relative who has had several incarcerations in both jail and prison due to drug addiction related crimes.
Jail and prison are a WORLD of difference, my friends.

Jail = people waiting for their trials and possible release or transfer to prison. The inmates are there for shorter times;
*bonded out quickly
*released after trial (time served) or found not guilty
*transferred to prison after conviction.
The majority are in for "non violent" crimes; like drugs, shoplifting, dui, financial crimes, etc.
Most just want to get their cases decided and move on with their lives.

Prison= Many who have been there a LONG time already. They don't take well with a "newbie" coming in thinking they are the queen diva or gonna change the status quo.
She will be mixing with many who are violent and, if they are in for life, have no real reason to reign that in. They have little to lose if they already have life. Yes, they can go to "seg" for a stint if they assault another inmate but honestly, many of the long-timers appreciate the occasional solitude and break from the chaos of the dayroom.
It is true that there are inmates who have done horrific crimes that are actually quite docile and meek once in jail, but the majority would rather hurt you physically than allow you to feel "above" them or to have anything they perceive as "special".
My relative was in jail with Marilyn Lemak (docile, meek and very self-protective) but most were more like Jacqueline Annette Williams who doesn't "look scary" but is a very cruel, mean and violent person toward other inmates.
JA is in for a very RUDE surprise. (although for the first few years she will be alone until she earns a lower security level and if given, DP she will never truly mix with them).

Thanks wasn't enough.

JA will have the smirk wiped off her face within hours of going to prison.

She actually may never smirk again.

I thought that was the Starship Enterprize at first.

Yep, Ted didn't have official visits. He won a lottery among the prisoners. They pooled their money and bribed the guards to let him take his wife behind the water fountain in the visitors room.

Freaking gross! Wow.
NO, No, NOooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did I quit this past January?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I will "vape" for the cause, and ignore you enablers!!!!! :floorlaugh: mmmmmm, "Peanut Butter cup" Ejuice, yummy, and you kids have to suck stinky sticks, he, he, he!

First post : ) I quit almost two years ago. Vaping Black Cherry Marshmellow right now LOL!
Agreed. Completely agreed. There were NO mitigation factors. None. You weigh that against the cruelty of the murder and there should be a verdict of death. Someone on that jury isn't comfortable with the DP.

If someone on that jury is anti-DP, they should be disqualified and replaced.

18.5.i Deliberations in a Capital Case:

In the event a deliberating juror is excused during either the aggravation or penalty phases due to inability or disqualification to perform required duties, the court may substitute an alternate juror, choosing from among the alternates in the order previously designated, unless disqualified, to join in the deliberations. In the event that an alternate or alternates are substituted during the aggravation or penalty deliberations, the jurors shall only begin anew for the phase of the sentencing that they are currently deliberating. The jurors shall not deliberate anew about a verdict already reached and entered.
Just heard on HLN that if a hung jury & new penalty trial, it might have to be held somewhere besides AZ. If so, We here in TEXAS would like to volunteer.

Hell yeah! Send it on over here. I'd love to be on the jury and let it pull it's passive-aggressive, game playin crap.
OMG that is disgusting. I did not know that happened. What is wrong with people????? AND why would anyone want to have a baby with this man?

You can scour the annals of human history and you will never find, no matter where or when, a place where people aren't trying to get it on.
I think I finally get it, thanks to Mr Pizza

1 The Jury gets 2 choices, Life or Death

2 The Jury is split because ultimately on the Life decision the Judge will decide on LWOP or Life which includes parole.

I think the majority wants Death and that majority cant accept the possibility of parole.

Who ever wants death just can't compromise the possibility of her getting out in 20 years.

Does that make sense? I'm sure you all have this down by now, but I'm just logging on since this all happened.
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