Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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Hangin' in there...

:seeya: I hope you can hang in there for me, too ! I may need to take a break :innocent: ... IYKWIM ?

I am so upset and :scared: right now ...

:please::please::please: that this Jury "gets it right" -- DP !

:please::please::please: Justice for Travis's Family !

:please::please::please: Justice for Travis !
I don't usually post but snuck in here from work to see if a verdict was reached -- perhaps this has been asked or stated but do you think perhaps the Jury hadn't reached a verdict and have just been reviewing the mitigating factors presented to them and before they actually take a vote just wanted to clarify what would happen if they were unable they were unable to reach an unanimous vote? Am I just grasping at straws or is this possible?

Oh that is a possibility! Thanks! Do post more often. :seeya:
The thought of CMJA ever being eligible for parole, even the slightest possibility, is just awful. The fact that the Alexander family would have to go up against a parole board every year fight to keep her where she is and deal with JA, see their brother's murderer, hear from her, deal with her bull, her legal team, and the whole parole process... it's terrible.
It's clear she will do everything she can to make their lives hell on top of what she's already done. To cut her off from the world and put her in that death row cell 23 hours a day and make her wait for her execution in isolation is to really give the family the most peace they can get when it comes to the killer.
From The State vs. Jodi Arias FB page:

I just got a message from Travis's close friend saying that they are all (family included) upset, but hold out hope that the Jury will return with Death.

In the meantime, remember, this has happened in many DP cases. In those cases the jury returned with Death.

Lets hope and lets stay positive.

she's a killer, a cold calculated killer, she is extremely dangerous, I am afraid of her, I am afraid of her getting out and killing again, maybe not being caught...50 ish is not old, especially now days...she will find something to kill, animals, lovers, strangers,

she will, she is willful and will count the days until she gets out...

Not to mention all the manipulation she can cause from prison....if given LWP. Scary to even imagine.
I hope it's OK to bring over Mormon Attorney's whole post, so that it isn't lost in a closed thread:

We need to be fair. I have posted this several times, but it applies more than ever now. All of us who believe in the death penalty would be death penalty qualified jurors. That is an ENTIRELY different thing than putting someone to death. The difficulty is that you and I (and probably everyone of those jurors) can sit behind our screens and ask for the death penalty, but it is VERY different being one of the twelve in a small room knowing that you are part of taking someone's life. I think we know enough about this jury by now to know they were truthful, that they have weighed the evidence, and that they are strong. They have faced many hard decisions and made the difficult choice presented to them.

I have been jury coordinator on several death penalty trials. I have had one jury deadlocked. It was as painful for the one holding out as the ones who were for the death penalty. There were many tears and heartache. A jury who goes through this type of trauma together is bonded. They likely trust one another. To be a 'hold out' is a difficult thing - it rests on personal conviction about the case.

Keep in mind two things:
1. Being death penalty qualified does NOT mean you have promised to give the death penalty. Please give these jurors credit. They have sacrificed much and have deliberated carefully on all matters. If one or two believe she is too young to be put to death, they have to live with themselves later. It is important to respect the process. As much as we all sit here begging for what we want, please keep in mind that these jurors are in a much different position. They know that their individual votes will cause life or death. It is a weighty matter for ANYONE with a conscience.

2. Just because they asked what will happen does not mean they are deadlocked. They may be asking what to do.

I trust this jury. I trust the process. I am grateful to know that we have 12 strong jurors on this case. This isn't a decision to be made lightly. I promise you that even if all 12 agreed on death, no one goes home rejoicing. It is one thing to say you want the death penalty and completely another to leave the jury room with the weight on your shoulders that you just put someone to death. Entirely different. I have witnessed it.

I have deep compassion for this jury. They have been through much. My prayers are with them. I pray for the Alexanders that this can end without further trial.
J got home and finished some of my chores,,,where are we? Is she going to get what???
She looks perky and happy when I left work, smiling with the baliff and talking????
I do not believe this judge would EVER sentence her to LWP. Nope, no way. So IMHO the 'best' she can hope for is LWOP. And those who think she'll be let out or will somehow escape to randomly kill people are just watching too many movies. She will be in maximum security.

I completely agree. Also, I don't think anyone on the jury was "conned" by her, or undercover for the defense or anything. This is simply a tough decision, one that I can't understand unless I've been through it. This jury has been through a lot, and whatever decision they come to I won't fault them. Ideally a verdict of death would be as close to fair as JA's punishment can get, but if not, then hopefully she drops off the face of the earth and back into obscurity. She's already been convicted so it's still a victory in the grand scheme of things.
I think JA might be happier on death row than in the general population. JSS is up for "retainment" in the next election, where voters will check YES or NO to keeping her on the court by her name. I don't think she'd give JA LWP in any case, but certainly not this year. Death row women are relatively rare, which makes them quasi-celebrities sought out by media and crazies ready to join their case. Right up JA's alley. She could spend her quiet days reading, writing, and cultivating lovelorn, loony penpals, without having to report for work, constantly watch her back, try to pretend to care about others, etc. LWOP is not necessarily a let-down imo.
OT - but the 18 month old who had an Amber Alert issued earlier today has been found:

Courtney Zubowski ‏@czubowskiKHOU 2m
KHOU 11 NEWS ALERT: 18-month-old Luke Towner, the focus of an Amber Alert, has been found safe #khou #houston
If I have to watch the reruns of Jodi's jovial exchange with the bailiff? one more time I think I might stroke out!!

Well this should make you laugh! I did on 9th of May and I'd rather do that than her smugness get any more of what she wants !!! She is Evil . I think it will be Death or Hung.
OT - but the 18 month old who had an Amber Alert issued earlier today has been found:

Courtney Zubowski ‏@czubowskiKHOU 2m
KHOU 11 NEWS ALERT: 18-month-old Luke Towner, the focus of an Amber Alert, has been found safe #khou #houston
I do not believe this judge would EVER sentence her to LWP. Nope, no way. So IMHO the 'best' she can hope for is LWOP. And those who think she'll be let out or will somehow escape to randomly kill people are just watching too many movies. She will be in maximum security.

the max security is debatable by some. I only say that based on a local news interview of someone I think (but could be wrong) works in the penal system in AZ who said that she will be in max for a few years than after that if she has been on good behavior can be downgraded to medium security but never minimum. hopefully that person was wrong...

he also said she will not have the opportunities to ever implement any new programs nor teach other the AZ penal system already has that stuff in place.

wish I had the video...not even sure where to find it :/
I think that they took a working lunch is a good sign, they aren't fighting, it isn't heated.
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