Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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Hey ALL!

Here's some food for thought...

The convicted killer formerly known as the defendant may very well become the new Oprah of the Cell Block but...

I'm heading out to happy hour with friends...
Some of us will have a lovely evening with a glass of wine and a bubble bath ...A delicious dinner in or out..
This summer we will all attend weddings and graduations and take beach vacations and take our kids to amusement parks ...
We will watch our children and loved ones grow and thrive and enjoy life and the freedom to do whatever they want. They and we will have babies... get engaged and fall in love ... go fishing ...rescue stray dogs and cats ... We will love and be loved... and choose our own destiny.

Pasty Opruh will do none of it!
Does anyone else see the IRONY in this?

CMCHJA denied HLN request for interview because she's so smart.. But now they've gotten their hands on ALMOST ALL the interviews she did & playing them :floorlaugh:

Guess'n it's more tape time than the 90 mins they could've been granted minus her camera off stand infront of lens primp time from the original time alotted.

Seriously that's classic! :floorlaugh:

Not only that but ALL of the stations are showing her in jail stripes and dishing about what a friggin prima dona she acted like, demanding this and requiring that. And everyone is laughing at her or hasn't picked their jaw up from the floor due to her absolute stupidity.

She has NO idea what a bug under a microscope she is. But all this, "I feel so loved...blah, blah, blah." It's all just so much fantasyland BS. She damn well knows how hated she is. If she didn't she wouldn't have asked RO if he was a hater.

It's all about saving face for her. And she's so stupid she contradicts herself within her own statements and doesn't even realize it.

I say let another jury come in and decide her fate. Her desperate need for attention and approval is not going to help her with anyone who has seen her unabashedly begging for the spotlight. Much less the fact that she did it right after her G1 verdict and while the jury is deliberating penalty.

Just MHOO.
Sadly, JA is probably standing on her head in the holding area right now. sigh
she may benefit from not really putting on a case. Because she didn't present witnesses, Juan was not able to put any on and have an opportunity to present just have depraved and hideous she is. Can you imagine if the jury was able to know that she had threatened to drag Travis thorough the mud if she didn't get a light sentence and a plea deal? Don't you think the jury would find that relevant to whether she should be allowed to live in an environment where she can continue to manipulate people and the system?

I understand why certain evidence can't be presented in the guilt phase but once they're guilty and an aggravating factor found, the gloves should be off. A jury has found she is a danger to society and that jury should know everything about exactly who they're dealing with. To do otherwise is to expose society to harm at the expense of a clearly guilty individual who is considered the worst of the worst.


IF JA does NOT get the Death Penalty it will be a "win-win" for her and her DT ... and the thought of that is absolutely sickening !

The Alexander Family wants the Death Penalty, and Mr. Martinez asked for the jury to come back with a Verdict of DP !

All 12 jurors voted 1st Degree PRE-MEDITATED Murder and all 12 jurors voted that the murder was EXTREME CRUELTY ... so what is so hard about coming back with the DP because the Sentencing should be equivalent to the CRIME !

Aslo, there were NO mitigating factors and NOT ONE PERSON -- NOBODY -- spoke on behalf of Travis' murderer ... and that right there speaks volumes, IMO !

The only person to speak on behalf of the convicted murderer was herself -- who has already lied to the jury -- AND -- the jury knows it !

Geez ... this is just a "no brainer" IMO ...

:please::please::please: for Travis and his Family !
Been away from computer for a bit. So I'm seeing that the jury statement may have been really a question and the judge read it as if it was a statement. I can not see how they can possibly let this jury go and get a new jury who has not already made their decision up already. I have got to have faith that this jury will come to one decision that they all will be good with. They took a bit longer then many thought with every part so far. I think this jury is smart they want to know all the ins and outs of this verdict. Still got to have faith here.

I feel that if they have to get a new jury then it will be very easy for Jodi to get a mistrial. Verdict over turned by another judge and given a lesser sentence.
Please excuse me as I rant.
Alright, I don't get it. At all. The interviews. I don't get any part of it. I don't get the interest in talking to the interviewers who spoke with her, or what went on when the cameras were off.

I don't care what questions she was asked, for the most part. She's never going to answer honestly, she's always going to be manipulative, she's always going to blame everyone else. Travis is always going to be vilified, she's going to trash his family, she's going to glorify herself and talk about her legions of fans and how fantastic she thinks she is and what a crusader she is for all sorts of causes. She's going to attack anyone who "challenges" her.

Nothing will ever be different with this felon. She will always be a lowlife. She will always be a narcissist. She will always be a liar. She won't ever feel empathy. She won't ever feel regret, compassion, or any other human feelings. She won't be honest about what happened or what she did. She will always exploit everyone and everything she can. She will always use those around her. She will always be a psychopath. She does not care who she hurts but she cares how much she hurts them and hopes she can inflict more and more pain.

I haven't seen the interviews and don't intend to. I don't care if others do, but I really don't understand it. I don't understand the reporters and news stations tripping over themselves to interview her or taking the interviews when she has her felon friends set them up. This is someone who will always be willing to talk. She will never refuse the opportunity. She's not a special person. She's not an exclusive interview. She doesn't have any big revelations. There is no value in what she says. It's purely self-promoting and hurtful for a lot of people who love Travis and infuriating to those who are sick of this beast. She is boring, unsophisticated, vain, lacking insight, and she's cold. She has no charisma. She has nothing to offer. She is unremarkable. She is pathetic and desperate and should not be rewarded or given a platform or a stage.

I don't understand the supply or the demand for interviews with the murderer and I never will. There is nothing that could come out of her mouth that I want to hear or will ever believe and I won't indulge her with my time. I do think these reporters seem quite proud of themselves for "getting" these interviews. I much prefer to spend my time focusing on the victims, families, and survivors who deserve the time and attention.

Question? Why do you all think the jury came back after just a couple of hours saying that they could not come to a decision?

I still think they were going over the instructions, word by word, so there would be no misunderstandings in deliberations. They asked a question to clarify for some jurors how they should handle some hypothetical future event. I don't think they had even gotten to the meat of their discussions at that point. JMO
HLN isn't covering the tornado(es) (there were several others that same night and next day across several states), but other national MSM are going into overtime with it, thank goodness. Our local networks are really covering every aspect. Of course we are fairly close as the crow (and sadly as the tornado) flies. Our town was even mentioned on ABC this morning because we got so much damage from the remnants of the Moore storm. AND we have debris that no doubt got blown here from Moore. :(

As for HLN, they are dead to me and have been for awhile. They treat these trials as if they are just more versions of Real Housewives "reality shows," and it is disgusting.

HLN should really be renamed ENN for entertainment news network, because really that's all they do is jump on the crime du jour and format their programmes around it in an 'entertainment' type of way (HLN after dark anyone?)
I am getting so nervous: refreshing my iPhone every a few seconds for new tweets while reading here. I need some good distraction. is pretty good for time-wasting distraction
Jodi is utterly ridiculous!! What man is going to see her as an attractive woman when her soul is made up of Travis' crime scene photos? Does she really think that all men want her, but would be turned off by the jail pants, chains & socks? Are you kidding me, Jodi? You are repulsive and revolting--and that's just your insides. Don't get me started on your 3HW pics.

Sadly men will want her drives me nuts that I have been single forever!
This makes perfect sense to me, believe it or not! :seeya:

I'm going to go with your interpretation. :please:

Yes, this makes the most sense!! It explains why they'd come in so soon, how it was a question, and why they said "@ this stage."
I hate it when doctors ask such things.

Lol, this is me:

Doctor: Do you drink?

Me: No, I used to...Well, occasionally, on holidays....Sometimes on weekends.....I might buy a bottle of wine after a long day....Yes, I'm a total booze hound.
I'm confused

This morning when the Judge called the Jury in to read instructions, I heard somewhere (don't know where maybe HLN) that the Jury had NOT started to deliberate yet.

Then the Jury sends in a question soon after.

How could they have been hung if they were still going over jury instructions or not deliberating?

Very confusing....
I saw my doctor yesterday and he said, "you don't drink, right?" I said, "No. Well, wait I can have an occasional drink, right? Cause I have this brother-in-law visiting soon . . ." He said that was okay. So I didn't tell him about this trial.

That's funny..:floorlaugh:
This trial shall forever now be known as "that bother-in-law" who visited...:floorlaugh:
...for about four months or so...:floorlaugh:
Gotta love it!
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