Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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Ok now that I have seen the actual question it sounds like they had indeed decided that they could not agree and juror 18 (foreman?) wanted to know how proceed. The judge calls them in and asks them to please try again and they go back and try harder, realizing how important it is that they come to a unanimous decision, seeing they may have given up too soon. They may now all be stating their reasons for why they have decided they way they have.

Either way, I hope they reach a verdict. It's just too important that all this ends and the Alexanders get back to their lives.
In Canada we don't have the option of a death penalty...
When I used to debate I always took the anti DP stance...
Then I was a victim of a horrible crime...and there was no remorse from the killers....

Like Jodi...

When I used to be anti DP I was not intimate with the gut wrenching pain/ the shattered lives and total loss of innocence and care freeness that those who have experienced a brutal awful theft of a cherished and innocent loved ones life feel....

The numbing reality of a sweet, dear one taken away forever by the selfish, evil acts of those that do not care...
Certain people cannot be rehabilitated- ever...
...certain people should not be shown any mercy.....ever....
Jodi is one of these...she is evil personified....
A small space and little interaction on death row is even too much...

I know I use humour often and I love and cherish all of you who does go on...I don't want the killers to win by making me forever bitter...
Our girl will be forever 20...Travis will be forever 30...they both died in 2008...

Jodi has already had 5 more years...
Jodi doesn't deserve another day....
She just doesn't....
And if she does have another day I pray that it will be a lonely, desolate cell on Death Row...
This is how and why I feel...
Come on Jury....


I haven't the words to say how much I admire your strength. God bless.
OP cites AZCentral with this information...

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”
It was signed by juror No.18.

I wonder if anyone is reading the above quote like I am...

If I read the above quoted information right, it looks like the question may be related to confusion as to the forms anddocumentation process in the EVENT they cannot reach a unanimous decision, RIGHT?

I mean it just doesn't fit with this jury giving up after just a couple of hours. IDK
There's no reason for this Jury to hang. But the DP people will have to come down to life. Because anyone who wants life is not going to budge.

So I predict life or hung jury.


I agree. It will either be life or a hung jury. But my bet is that it will be a hung jury. Unfortunately I hope I'm wrong on both counts.
I hope if it is only one or two juriors and if they wont consider dp or the other way around they get off this jury like in scott Peterson trial 2 juriors replaced during penality phase
Does anyone know the court schedule??? I will be driving all day tomorrow (to Toronto) and heading home on Tuesday. Are deliberations scheduled for tomorrow if the jury proceeds until hopefully a verdict?? Are they planning on deliberating Friday if they are still discussing it among themselves?? Monday, for sure a day off. Just hoping I won't be driving when and if this jury returns with a verdict.

Shout out to any Canucks - I will be staying near O'Connor and Woodbine Roads. Anyone close to that area???

10:00am - 4:30pm AZ time

No court on Friday or Monday
Agreed. Completely agreed. There were NO mitigation factors. None. You weigh that against the cruelty of the murder and there should be a verdict of death. Someone on that jury isn't comfortable with the DP.

In your opinion. What if there is in one or more jurors opinion?
The note sent to the judge said, 'they were unable to come to an unanimous decision'....not a question...a statement....Keifer is WRONG....go back and listen to it. I wish it was a what if...but it was not.
I did not care...:seeya:

Now that we've discussed pronouns, I could tell you stories about my friend from Bosnia and all the problems he had with a, an and the, but then I suppose I would be booted over to the sidebar and I can't leave here. :floorlaugh:
Oh Lord.

Got home from work, went on Facebook and heard.

Great. if they cannot come to a unanimous decision...another jury...and if they can't decide...then the judge does.

This is the never ending trial.

Wonder how many for and how many against.

I pray THIS jury can come to a decision.
I cannot even imagine the process and how long it would take to impanel a new jury for this penalty phase.

It's been so long already ... Too long of the JA freak show.
I cannot stand the thought of JA having possibly weeks/months more time while a new jury is set - to keep granting TV interviews and keeping her face in the public eye.

For the Alexander family this must be pure torture.
Steven said he doesn't want to see his brothers murderer anymore.
PLEASE jury ... Send her to PRISON today. No more interviews, no more of JA thinking she runs the show.
Sheriff Joe for all his hot air ... really disappoints me in allowing these interviews.
JA goes from jail to PRISON ... Life will dramatically change for JA.
I bet that at least one juror thinks she's mentally ill and so is against giving her death. There was nothing in the list of mitigators that any of these jurors could possibly have found compelling. JW's bringing in mental illness at the last minute must have stuck with someone.

i hope you're wrong. if you're right, someone is making up their own case in there and not considering what they were actually given to work with.

i just have this feeling there's one or two women who feel bad for her mom or something like that.

i just wish they'd resolve their differences one way or the other so the circus can leave town!!
Trying to distract myself....Watching some tv and posting here.

I feel like a fool. Why do I assume that most everyone on here is male? The few that I assume are female turn out to be male. :waitasec::dunno:

I assume everyone is female. Called a male poster on another thread a she. I was quickly (but nicely) corrected. :blushing:

I am a female.
Can a juror quit? Like say... one juror refuses to issue a death penalty verdict and all the rest want to do that, what would happen if that juror just said forget it and walked out?

I asked same question on other (closed thread). Am very curious if it would be allowed. Let those rest with their convictions re: death verdict and replace with another that won't have any problem voting to put this waste of oxygen to death.
OP cites AZCentral with this information...

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”
It was signed by juror No.18.

I wonder if anyone is reading the above quote like I am...

If I read the above quoted information right, it looks like the question may be related to confusion as to the forms anddocumentation process in the EVENT they cannot reach a unanimous decision, RIGHT?

Seems like they just wanted to make sure but the Judge made an assumption? Why did they not say 'We are unable to reach a verdict. What do we do?'
Oh! About Jodi stating thT she will never have children of her own. Bull crap! I promise svery last one of yous (yes, I said "yous") that Jodi will become pregnant by one of those correctional officers. She will then sue the State and get a lot of money. We will never hear the end of Jodi if she doesn't get death. Please don't think that Jodi will not be able to squeal like a cat with a man again.

Oh, I would think she has been the past 5 years doing just that...(the cat part).:facepalm: She will adapt fine in prison and admitted that yesterday in court, I also predict she will be a mother, she will have friends (if a nutjob can have friends), she will create and star in her own delusional drama world she creates for herself in prison and she will keep giving television interviews for all eternity and keep saying "Travis's name" and keep haunting his family forever...

Unless there is a DP sentence...
Hard to believe at this point the jury who have spent all these months on this case would decide on letting another jury make the final decision.
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