Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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JC's speculation of the jury is bordering on ridiculous. She just said (paraphrasing) "The juror who looks like Jodi's mom had her hands folded and looked defiant because she wasn't speaking. But none of them were speaking." For real?
If the jury follows jury instructions, IMO they hae to come back with death verdict. I just don't see any way possible if they read and follow the instructions. So if it is hung, then someone just doesn't want to give death. And if its' life....well then I am just gonna go in hiding.
As the jury should be. The media and the Internet are not the justice system. At least, they are supposed to be separate. One has to wonder, in this case, if they really are.

Now you're qualifying "the system" to mean justice system.

Someone forgot to tell the lying torture murderess who has not missed an opportunity to manipulate media and to savage her victim and his family.

Sheriff Joe first defended his actions in letting her conduct her Nine-Ring Torture Murderess Circus.

But just as suddenly he pulled the stakes and packed up the media tents.

So sad for the lying Butcher-Slaughteress™.
No, but here's one I did for you:


What a great resource!! (I linked to the website. Very cool)
one, the woman with the white dress with wide stripe I think. I only know because I saw HER get interviewed as I didn't watch the actual interview but she discussed the question when being interviewed about the interview!

Earlier today, someone mentioned one of the recent press interviews where CMja says something to the effect that she has not yet thought about her possible execution BUT she HAS thought about the moments when her sentencing verdict is announced? (pardon me if I interpreted it wrong)...I'd like to find the video of her saying that so I can look closely at her facial expression. Anyone remember which reporter she was speaking to?
TIA for any info
OK, I know I'm losing it but your post gave me the image of Jodi lining up COCKroaches and forcing them to listen to her sing. If they try to walk away...well you know what happens if Jodi doesn't get the attention she wants!

Sorry, I'll go back to lurking again.

Omg!!! I love it!!!!
What a visual:floorlaugh:

JC's speculation of the jury is bordering on ridiculous. She just said (paraphrasing) "The juror who looks like Jodi's mom had her hands folded and looked defiant because she wasn't speaking. But none of them were speaking." For real?

If they have their arms folded it's probably because there is a creepy journalist staring at them trying to read their body language and writing notes :stormingmad:
O/T, on HLN is the woman who got JM's siggy on her cane. Am I bad if I want to steal it??

Funny because I bet there are many Juanettes who covet that including me, but if I were Cane Lady I'd serilously keep a safe distance away from JVM! :hills:
Vinnie on HLN it...solitary life just like death row without death....I have said that for years

I could go for this "life row" in several cases. Honestly, I don't really care if the little murderer is ever executed as long as she is locked away from everyone for the rest of her life. Although I do view her as I would a rabid skunk. No more interviews, no one to prey upon, no one to manipulate, no one to ply with bs or to try to impress. Just the little murderer and her merry band of roaches, maybe some of those spiders will come and visit her.
JC now drumming up suspicion about juror body language seen in the cafeteria today.
She is a piece of work. No news so invent something.

Why HLN?
Enough of JC ... Always a gossip-monger and always a downer.
Beth Karas is there too ... People would MUCH prefer to hear observations from Beth.
Beth doesn't speculate or twist things ... Just reports facts.
My faith is being seriously challenged at this point. It just seems they wouldn't need this much time to come to a decision; I really don't want to believe it but I am beginning to think that no verdict will be reached today.

The question for me is, is this a good thing--I mean I can hardly stand the feelings I have about this. So the Alexanders suffering must be intolerable during this time.
Will we ever learn what the jurors' questions were today?
HLN believe the juror that looks like JA's mother is the hold up......

on and on and on

that's JC. and i don't put any stock in a word she says. nobody in this trial has reported more inaccuracies than she has.
Earlier today, someone mentioned one of the recent press interviews where CMja says something to the effect that she has not yet thought about her possible execution BUT she HAS thought about the moments when her sentencing verdict is announced? (pardon me if I interpreted it wrong)...I'd like to find the video of her saying that so I can look closely at her facial expression. Anyone remember which reporter she was speaking to?
TIA for any info

It was with a female interviewer--maybe the first interview? I didn't see the entire interview (no way am I going to watch any of them in their entirety), just a clip from it on HLN.

BTW: It's funny that we all hate HLN (except for Mark Eiglarsh), yet we watch it!
Jean C's over-dramatization sometimes makes me think of JA....sorry Jean C.
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