Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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OK, I can't afford to gain another pound.This needs to be over TODAY ...stress eating ain't pretty....I'm giving them until 3 PM...that gives them an hour to get everyone together....verdict will be announced...DEATH....everyone goes home at 4:30 PM...right on time.
storm coming like yesterday. will not be on WS much longer but hoping a verdict comes through soon.. be good guys! Catch ya all as JVM says
"On the other side" .
Her new thing to deflect attention from her is her family. For example, in the clip they just showed on HLN, he asks her how she felt after M1 verdict, she says she felt "unreality," then paused and said, "and I felt bad for my family, what they're going through." Her new thing is family. I think she got this from Stephen and Samantha's VIS, and how they were talking about importance of family and their family bonds. And so she got the idea, DING DING, oh wow, family is actually an IMPORTANT thing to people. Oh DING DING, ok, I can use that to get sympathy. DING DING instead of saying I feel bad, I'll say they'll feel bad, and then everyone will feel bad for me too. DING DING....thank you Stephen and Samantha, I got so many clues in your speeches as to how this species HUMAN BEING thinks.

Just as an FYI to anyone interested...I served as foreperson on a jury last summer. We sent a note twice to the judge saying that we were hung. After the second note, he called us back to the courtroom and went through instructions with us again. We finally reached a guilty verdict. The deliberations should have taken 5 minutes ( VERY clear evidence) but we had one holdout that had dug his heels in. It took us two days, but we got there. I'm holding out hope for these jurors as well.
Presumably, Jodi would remain incarcerated until a new jury is seated.

Could/Would Jodi request new attorneys if this happens?

Would the Judge allow one or both of her current DT (and mitigation specialist) to withdraw from the case?

If the current jury would agree to a Life sentence, would Juan encourage the family to accept this instead of moving forward with a new jury?

I agree. Could turn into a major cluster@#$%.

BBM. If the jury hands down a Life sentence, there is no consultation with anyone. It's the jury's decision, not the family's, or Juan's. The only thing following that is JSS deciding whether it's LWOP or life with the possibility of pareole.
I am choosing to believe that the jurors have decided and are yanking JA's chain to give her false hope so she can squirm for a while more.
no. you're bashing. go read the posts.

i'd love to know how you guys know that jc is ''bashing'' and therefore offending the alexander family.

people are obviously emotional here, but this is beyond the pale. seriously.

Seriously? I don't bash anyone. I don't like her style of embellishing, and it's not breaking the TOS to state, that she tells one story (with three versions) in a two hour period. She's an attorney, not a fifth grader, and she knows better. It's all about ratings with her. I loved her celebrating with Casey Anthony's attorneys though! Class? I think not. JMO.
In the immortal words of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, "I have a bad feeling about this".
So folks, what's your prediction:

1. Verdict today? YES/NO
2. DP/Life

1. Yes
2. Death

It's only 3:00 pm there, they cold go another two hours, as they set their own hours.

If they don't announce they've reached a verdict by 4:00, giving people time to get to the courtroom, then I'd say they'll come back and continue next week.

I still think they'll announce within the hour.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Two guards and some court rep are looking over maps of the courthouse it seems. Sup with that? #JodiArias
what's with all the jc bashing in here? she's an expert, a former attorney, and more often than not, her observations prove to be true. oh.....and another thing, i'd bet money beth k would agree with my assessment.

She's also a singer. I've seen her album, but can't find it again. I'm a horrible sleuther.

I did find on google how to make the Fortune Teller paper thingy's. Forgot how to after all these yrs.
If the jury gets a 4 day weekend while deliberations are in progress, can that be used as an appeal issue? Seems like it could.

Why would that be different than any regular weekend? Appeals are for errors of law, not things of this nature. :)
Thank you for asking.

Obviously, being civilized, I don't support murder or think it should go unpunished. But I don't support state-sanctioned murder, either. I am anti-death penalty. I do support justice.

I don't agree with the hyperbole and rumour concerning Arias' unique pathologies or powers. She's not that special, though the media have made her so. And, I don't see evidence that she--or anyone else on trial--is "playing" the justice system. Taking advantage of one's legitimate rights is not playing or manipulating anything. That's where this conversation started.

I will have to disagree with you. And heres why. I have a sister who has the exact look in her eyes that jodi does. I recoginize the tone in her voice to be exactly like jodis. When you have experienced the manipulation, the BS, the mind set, witnessing the enjoyment of trying to bring others down, creating situations in order to file law suits, renting a room from a NYC police officer and then calling IAD with false claims and having his gun taken away( this is according to her) trying to find a way to get my apt. and have me trown out. The list is endless. She could not get on bus without filing a false report against the driver. She would brag about the power of the pen and paper. Document BS. Says it holds up. I suspect that is what jodi is encouriging people to do. Its what she wishes she had done. When you personally experience people like this it does not take long to spot it in others. My mother died in Feb 2012. We could not bury her until Nov 2012. Take a guess why. I do not talk to my sister. I cut her out like a cancer years ago. I would see her at a wedding or other function. Not anymore. Noone talks to her now. Did I mention she NUTS?
Just more torture for the Alexander family to have to wait though 4 day weekend!!!! WOW.........F##@%$* WOW

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
I'm sure the Alexander family would take another four-day week (assuming they do not deliberate on Friday) over a HUNG jury.
Take a deep breathe and count to 10


OK better now. :)

My list is more like:
1. Read WS non-stop
2. Swig wine
3. Pace
4. Swig wine
5. Post some inanity on WS
6. Swig wine
7. Pace
8. Swig wine
9. Find a new candle and light it
10. Swig wine

I'll breathe when we get a verdict, lol.
As we move toward the consensus of Moon on its Node in Scorpio (16°), if a hold-out is blocking the foreman's pronouncement of sentence, that would be Pluto r. What is needed is a skilled interlocutor to draw that person out. Pluto not only stands apart, silent & detached from the jury, he harbors his real objection in private. If foreman or another talented juror can elicit what that is, we'll be home. The Moon reaches Node just before 4:00 p.m.
Lurker here! I have been reading this forum forever and wanted to address something that keeps running me around in circles. I hope it makes sense. I firmly believe JA is guilty. I look at Travis's picture and I get so mad and sad. (That's putting it mildly) I believe in the DP for killers such as these but I don't like the endless appeals process. With that said, since there was so much left out of the thousands of emails, texts, IM's, etc, how do we know for sure that some of what JA said about Travis is true? Everyone on this board is so absolutely sure about her lying and I do to; that is why I am so confused. How can she so emphatically state that the stuff is true without providing evidence? I am not one of those people that can watch JA in that courtroom and know that she is lying, seething, happy, sad. I am not made that way. How can you people read that about her? It is fascinating to read but I cannot see what you see.

So my question to anyone that wants to answer, how do you know? Give an example of something that has gone on that gives you that 100% feeling that she is lying. I have watched this trial for most of it, causing my mind to spin in every direction and that is why this post is so messed up. In one of her interviews, she says something about if you don't abuse me why should you be afraid....(paraphrasing), she says it with such conviction, how do we know that it is a lie what she has said about TA?

If you think I am approaching insanity, well, you are right. But I do wish someone could understand what I am asking and answer me.

Thank you to all WS people. You are absolutely the best. Travis and the Alexander family are so blessed to have you.
Not to neglect the portents in the murderer's natal chart, as the Scorpio Moon overhead moves to Node at 16° and then, finally opposition to Mars, the influences upon her could not be more drastic & adverse. Mars overhead opposes the Arias Uranus which is extremely dire in her chart because at the same degree as her natal Node, 21°49' Leo. We have to bear in mind that this has to affect her vile temper with an impact like none other. This year she confronts a solar eclipse by progression in her chart and her progressed Mars has come to conjunction of her Pluto at 18°59' Libra. More agitation and incitement of her vile temper, barely containable. No wonder she told Ryan Owen that she will not be a threat to others as long as no one abuses, attacks or threatens her life.

Downright scary!
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