Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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...oh look a little ant ! audience to hear my rant....

"and as my days go on...
My thoughts return to Juan,
he put me here, you know...
in this cell on old death row.
Just watching my hair grow." :rockon:

Goood Morning!!! I missed you all so much yesterday!! :heartluv:

I needed my Websleuths Fix! So thankful you all are here today!!

I didn't watch the interviews, until this morning, and saw this one on GMA!!

"I didn't know you were a hater" hahahaha OMG moment!

I just hope that the Jury comes back very early, I tend to think that they may have already made their minds up and were just sleeping on it. I really didn't want to make harsh judgement and just let the Jury decide, without my input, but I seriously thing that CFJA needs to see death row...Especially after all her BS in the last 24 hours.

Anywho!! So glad you all are here!!
The only one I have and will watch is the "hater" interview. It is truly hilarious.

Join the club! That was best interview ever... she says something like "I didn't know when I granted you the interview your were going to be a hater"

Jodi acts like this was all karma. It was supposed to happen so she could be a savior for the prison system.

I can't wait for her to check into the 'General Population Hilton'. Book clubs, recycling programs indeed! Yeah right. Right after morning spa/meditation sessions.


The one thing, and I mean the only thing that would put the universe right again is the day when Juan Martinez serving as governor of AZ rejects her pleas to stay her execution. Bested again by the nemesis of her own making. Talk about Karmic Retribution.

MFO (my fantasy only)
Jodi likes being the center of attention and when little sister came along the spotlight wasnt on her any more and she started acting out then. Im not sure what the parents could have done if anything with her. She was most likely always a defiant child. Obviously the wooden spoon did her no good and can you imagine what she would have said if they actually dropped her drawers and put an old fashion azz spanking on her which may have done her some good? I cant help it but I do feel sorry for her parents. She still deserves DP. I see no value in keeping her alive. She will trash TA until her last breath.
Arias speaks out about case in jailhouse interview

4 hours ago

PHOENIX (AP) — In a surprise jailhouse interview just hours after a jury began deliberating her fate, Jodi Arias spoke out Tuesday about her murder trial, her many fights with her legal team and her belief that she "deserves a second chance at freedom someday."

Arias spoke to The Associated Press as part of a series of interviews with media outlets. She repeated many of her claims from previous interviews, testimony on the witness stand and her statements to the jury earlier Tuesday as she pleaded for mercy.

But she provided some new information about her case and how she believed her lawyers let her down by not calling more witnesses who could have bolstered her claims that she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Travis Alexander...
Join the club! That was best interview ever... she says something like "I didn't know when I granted you the interview your were going to be a hater"

She kept her cool but looked like she wanted to jump up and throw him out.
I agree with you completely Hatfield. Jodi's father was the first to speak about Jodi's mental issues as he went before her mother in the interrogation room. He acts appropriate in the court room. His face, holds a lot of emotion in my opinion. He seems like a kind but sad man who tried to provide for a family who has fallen around him. Even the business he created is failing becuase of Jodi. There has been absolutely nothing hinky in his behavior before her arrest like the mother (moo) and nothing since then.

I hope that his grandchildren bring him some kind of peace. I hope they turn out better then Jodi sans the problems her sister had. I don't beleive Jodi has genuine emotion even for her family. I've heard her talk about her Dad's illness like it's in his head. "He "thinks" he is going to die and has thought so for a long time and is still here". The man can't even be sick in peace. Nothing is sacred.

For Jodi's father I hope the same as I hope for the Alexander family. Jodi shuts up, the attention moves away from her and he can take the life he has left and find some kind of happiness with the family he has left.

I may be alone in my opinion but why should her mom get all the blame? Her dad was there all these years too. He had an equal amount of responsibility when it came to raising his family. We don't know what really went on in their household but even if he chose to stay in the background & allow his wife to be in charge he is still part of the problem.

BBM: Once again, attempting to blame the victim. Travis Victor Alexander did nothing to "precipitate" his murder. The Jury has spoken and this was not a "crime of passion". Jodi Ann Arias is a narcissistic, cunning, sociopathic murderer who premeditated the vicious killing of Travis Victor Alexander with guile, contempt and reckless abandon. She is completely incapable of experiencing and expressing any semblance of normal human emotions.

Aside from her defense lawyers, I find it utterly revolting that people want to make illogical excuses ( crime of passion, Travis"'precipitated it") for her heinous actions. The woman is a calculating, cold-blooded killer period. There is no excuse for the crime that she committed and now she will answer for her actions. I have every confidence that this jury will uphold their oath of duty and mete out the appropriate punishment. An eye for an eye.

As far as crossing one's eyes, I highly doubt if such a thing will engender censure. I do believe, however, that subversive, thinly veiled attempts at trashing the victim, at any point in time, will be dealt with as appropriate.

A jury also found Casey Anthony not guilty. So much for that!!
Jodi likes being the center of attention and when little sister came along the spotlight wasnt on her any more and she started acting out then. Im not sure what the parents could have done if anything with her. She was most likely always a defiant child. Obviously the wooden spoon did her no good and can you imagine what she would have said if they actually dropped her drawers and put an old fashion azz spanking on her which may have done her some good? I cant help it but I do feel sorry for her parents.

She was a monster child like that girl in the 'The Bad Seed'.
Yes, you would. And I think that is what is missing consistantly. Her unspoken message to others is do what you gotta do because it won't be your fault. I have never met a survivor yet who has not said first thing, leave and go..find a safe place.
In reality, anyone with compassion and remose, imho, would be yelling from the rooftops to leave, get help, don't go where I went you can't go back.




All the documentation in the world isn't going to get your life back when he/she kills you!
I just went through JM's closing. Does anyone wonder why we can't stand this defense team? His closing was a hair over 35 minutes, over 9 of which was spent on 6 sidebars and 7 objections w/o sidebars. In 35+ minutes, he was never allowed to speak for as much as 5 minutes without interruption.

On the other hand, JW went just over 31 minutes and I don't believe she was ever interrupted by JM.
while being Dissed her parents are like two blocks of ice? maybe one time a tear from her Mom?
Oh I would have gotten her makeup but I would have made sure the blush had a orange hue to it. The eyeshadow was baby blue and umm maybe bright coral lipstick. And maybe I'd throw some clumpy mascara in too.

The Tammy Faye Baker look would become her personality.

I do believe Tammy Faye would object to having her look stolen by the murderer.:floorlaugh:
Posted this on the legal thread, but will also post here in case anyone has insight into what might have been happening in court yesterday morning. It was nail biting time!

It started off with almost 2 hours of meetings in chambers and court observers were tweeting like crazy, especially when DT counsel left the courtroom for more than 10 minutes (tweets below). Any buzz from the legal community in terms of best guess for what was happening?

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Valerie just called the defense team back into chambers. Mike B. is there waiting. Jodi is in all black, she goes back as well. 9:41 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Also, Juan, Flores and Steven and Samantha head back into chambers as well. 9:42 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial DP Mitigation Specialist just took #JodiArias' mother out side of the courtroom. Interesting. 9:43 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial DP Mitigation Specialist and #JodiArias' mother just came back in. Errone else is in chambers sippin dom and listening to Manilow I assume? 9:48 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Prosecution and two Travis' sisters just came out. Flores and Juan went into side room by me. He was moving fast. 10:05 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Juan and Samantha just came out of side room. Juan is talking to both sisters. 10:08 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Juan and Flores are seated. SIsters didn't look upset to me from what others seem to be saying. Defense and #JodiArias are still in chambers 10:10 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Mike B. and #JodiArias just came out of chambers. She is speaking with DP Mitigation Specialist now. 10:33 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Deputy just took #JodiArias into the side room. :::yawwnnn::: 10:34 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial #JodiArias father just left the courtroom. Jodi didn't look happy or sad, just complacent as she went by. Nurmi just returned. 10:35 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Mike B placed a paper on the attorneys desk. Nurmi read it, handed it to WIllmott then he left the courtroom. Didn't look happy. 10:36 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Willmott took the paper, grabbed her maroon/salmon bag and also left the courtroom. Can someone please just tell me what's up? 10:36 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Valerie just handed a stack of papers to each attorney table. Possible jury instructions? 10:40 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Multiple sherrif deputies just came in and talked to Valerie and left. 10:41 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Two official looking sheriff type guys just went into the side room where #JodiArias is held. Very suspenseful in here! SUP?!?!? 10:43 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial #JodiArias' mother just left out the back of the courtroom. I don't see any more of her family in the front row now. 10:44 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial It's so quiet in here you can hear a chicken wing move from nurmi and he left the courtroom mintues ago.

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Defense team just came back into the courtroom. 10:47 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial Nurmi just bolted out the courtroom, he has the stride length of OJ Simpson. 10:50 AM - 21 May 13

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial #JodiArias just came back into the courtroom. We are all present now. Judge is here, waiting for Jury. 10:51 AM - 21 May 13
Is there anything in JA's past that indicates she's going to take on a cause like recyling or literacy in prison? If she didn't do such during the past 5 yrs. when it could have been used in mitigation, why should she start now? She won't.

Her green days include growing pot on the roof of her mom and dads house.

However as far as anything else, just more lies as she used disposable diapers in her home and her dog tore them all up, she went to starbucks and tossed the cups in regular trash. Killed a man and threw the weapons in dumpsters and did not separate materials.

Books? she'll have inmates reading "Decorate on a Dime" and "Decorating for Small Spaces"
This bears repeating throughout the day! Don't fall for the Troll Bait!

All this talk of trolls keeps making me think of one of my favorite sitcoms, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. This episode was hysterical. I will have this in my head all day. Every time Mac busts out his karate moves makes me wanna pee my pants.

Troll Toll.

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