Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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I only watched the ABC interview because from what Ive read on here, that was the only interview where tough questions were asked... great interview..then she called him a hater because he didn't bow to her.
Poor Jodi. She thinks that she's still "hot" and that all men want her. Even with the makeup, she's completely lost her youthful look.

She is absolutely vacant, hateful, contemptuous and devoid of a human soul. Not a pretty sight, inside or out.

I have a good feeling she's going to get the shock of her life today when she's whisked off to Death Row to rot in isolation.

I will do a victory dance, then I am going to forget all about Jodi Ann forever. :skip:

I prefer to remember Travis Alexander, his family, friends and the people who worked so hard in his case, Det. Flores & Juan Martinez. :loveyou:
Wow Jodi doesn't believe in capital punishment. A big LOL to her calling the reporter a hater.
how can I make the font larger on the screen (not in here when I type) but somehow last week, my screen makes this forum font appear about 6pt
I watched AZCentral's live stream coverage of the trial yesterday and kept noticing how haughty Jodi looked with her chin in the air while JW was speaking. Just a glance at the Fox link upthread and I see that same arrogant look. Jodi is so full of herself: It makes me :puke:
I didn't notice a mustache (I'll look harder on the next interview I watch) but, I DID see she is sporting another COLD SORE. This is getting to her way more than she's willing to admit.

Someone on the last thread said they hoped the AZ taxpayers paid for the cheapest makeup available. I thought they should have gone to Home Depot and bought her some SPACKLE and a magic marker and called it a day.:floorlaugh:

I did see the stache in one of the interviews where the lighting seemed particularly bad. Keifer's? Like I said last night:
Here is JA with a mustache and it isn't even MOvember :floorlaugh:

I think they should have told her to pound sand when she asked for makeup. Oh, you don't want to do an interview without makeup? Good, STFU and go to your cell you murdering liar! Why on earth are convicted killers allowed to make demands as pitiful and self-centered as makeup for an interview? Grrr...
Arias says she was "almost convulsing" during her worthless allocution she was shaking so much. Whatever.

I have social phobia. When I get up to talk in front of people my heart starts palpitating so hard that my voice starts shaking. My voice shakes so bad that I cannot even talk. I start sweating and my face becomes flushed and I just want to crawl away and die.

Yesterday, it was amazing to me. Jodi was begging for her life in front of the world and looked like she was giving a presentation at a business meeting. I mean, she was solid. She looked confident. She looked in her element. Even a normal person with no social phobia issues would have looked visibly nervous in some way.

More BS to make her seem human.
Good morning, you fine Websleuthers! :seeya:

I absolutely refused to watch any of the interviews, not only because JA doesn't deserve the attention (and any more of my energy!), but because it's so much more entertaining to read everyone's reaction here!

Arias really thinks she's some sort of rock star, that people are fascinated by her. Well, in a way that's true, because she's such a freak of nature, in the same league as the giant African snails that seem to be taking over South Florida (they're as big as a man's hand and eat everything, including CONCRETE and STUCCO...seriously!)

But I guess Troy Hayden must have gotten the memo: don't be such a weenie and a suck up, eh? JA gets angry when people don't play by her rules. Skeery.

Please, jury, come back with the DP today. Please. Thank you.

The only one I have and will watch is the "hater" interview. It is truly hilarious.
[B said:
sacrablue;9475783[/B]]There is no doubt in my mind something triggered the murder. Would she ever do it again? Who knows. Is she afraid to speak her mind? No, she has no filter. Do I think TA had something in any way to do with precipitating his murder? Yes I do.

If we can discuss this without all the innuendo I would appreciate it. I seem to get banned when I cross my eyes around here so I expect the same courtesy.

The point is this is not a random killer staulking fraternity houses looking for victims to kill. JA does not need to kill people for entertainment.
I believe it was a crime of passion coupled with the fact JA at that point of her life, could not except being vanquished. On top of that you add her mental version and you got trouble.

BBM: Once again, attempting to blame the victim. Travis Victor Alexander did nothing to "precipitate" his murder. The Jury has spoken and this was not a "crime of passion".

Jodi Ann Arias is a narcissistic, cunning, sociopathic murderer who premeditated the vicious killing of Travis Victor Alexander with guile, contempt and reckless abandon. She is completely incapable of experiencing and expressing any semblance of normal human emotions.

Aside from her defense lawyers, I find it utterly revolting that people want to make illogical excuses ( "crime of passion", Travis "precipitated it" ) for her heinous actions. The woman is a calculating, cold-blooded killer period. There is no excuse for the crime that she committed and now she will answer for her actions. I have every confidence that this jury will uphold their oath of duty and mete out the appropriate punishment. An eye for an eye.

As far as crossing one's eyes, I highly doubt if such a thing will engender censure. I do believe, however, that subversive, thinly veiled attempts at trashing the victim, at any point in time, will be dealt with appropriately.
I agree on the distastefulness of Jodi interviewing, but as I suspected they were great for putting the proverbial nail in the coffin for anyone that may have mustered up a shred of sympathy for her and thought maybe LWOP.

Watch the interviews and Death is too good for her.
Morning everyone...

I haven't watched any of CMJA's interviews, sort of curious and sort of not. Plus she made me so MAD during her jury speech with all her patronization of the other women she'll be in prison with. UGH.

Now, I'm really hoping and really excited to see the interviews with jurors after they give her the DP!

Mostly cause it will be very interesting to hear their take and also because what they say will probably make whosherdoodle mad.

NO...I take that back...that they will get any of HER attention is probably what will make her mad.

I say YAY!! I really hope we hear from them.

Honestly though, I woke up and said a little prayer for the jurors. It's got to be the hardest biggest decision they'll ever make. If they give her the DP, I really hope they are all clear that she really gave herself the sentence per the law.

I also hope to be able to see the jurors speak. I would like to know their thoughts on things as they unfolded. To see and hear testimony through my tv I was able to form certain opinions and then get on WS and voice them. They have had no one but themselves. What a task.

While I have never been an advocate of the DP per se, this case has changed my thinking on it for sure. I see what I couldn't see before...sometimes it is the only answer for some people. I really hope that the jurors are able to give the ultimate penalty and know that it wasn't their fault or feel guilt. JA did.

My heart and sympathy definitely was with the Alexander family as she waxed poetic during her allocution. I didn't feel sympathy for her. I felt badly that TA would not have a family or children. I felt badly that the family would not have holidays with them. She counterpointed just about every single thing the Alexanders brought up in their impact statements with her own renderings and her families holidays without her. She equated herself to the victim, not the perpetrator. The shirt did me in. Really did me in.

I am also hoping JM will speak for those 90 min. The reality is there are two sides to every story. It will be interesting to see what points he makes about her interview points with Troy about JM and his 'lying' in court. I still think it has to do with the pedophillia letters. But, it will be interesting to see what he says. There was plenty NOT brought in that would cast a bad light on the victim or the defendant. She had her rights covered from day one of the trial. Her attny's are in for a lonnnnng haul. She already is throwing them to curb.

Ready for today's drama? Sure hope things end today with a resounding thud for JA.
Is there anything in JA's past that indicates she's going to take on a cause like recyling or literacy in prison? If she didn't do such during the past 5 yrs. when it could have been used in mitigation, why should she start now? She won't.
We're there any female reporters that HRH the murderer granted interviews with or were they all men?
Ah yes, forgiveness. Did CMja forgive Travis for dumping her like the trash she now wants to sift through with her new neighbours?

"I'm not asking you don't sentence me to death for myyself, but please do it for my family" Did CMja give her family a second thought when she premeditated Travis' death? Did she consider the pain it would cause the Alexanders?

DP is too good for CMja, I could sugggest some less expensive ways to get rid of her biut I would get a TO for them all.

Agreed. She talks about forgiveness, mercy, grace in her interviews...
Really JA? Where was mercy, forgiveness and grace for Travis on June 4, 2008? Oh that's right - it is only about YOU. sick...
Oh I would have gotten her makeup but I would have made sure the blush had a orange hue to it. The eyeshadow was baby blue and umm maybe bright coral lipstick. And maybe I'd throw some clumpy mascara in too.

The Tammy Faye Baker look would become her personality.
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