Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

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Sandusky, Schultz draw hefty pensions from PSU
November 13, 2011
Sandusky accepted a lump sum payment of over $148,000 from the State Employees upon retiring from Penn State in 1999. Since then, Sandusky has been deriving monthly pension payments that total $58,898 annually.

As for Schultz, upon his first retirement, he accepted a lump sum of $421,847, and currently draws a pension of $27,558 per month -- enough for an annual income of over $330,000 in pension.

If Schultz is convicted on his charges, however, he stands to forfeit that pension. Under Act 140 of Pennsylvania state law, there are several types of actions related to public trust that could trigger a forfeiture of pension. There is an entire Section of Act 140 relating specifically to perjury, which is one of the charges Schultz faces. And even if he is innocent of the perjury charge, he may also be subject to forfeiture under Section 5101, which relates to, among other things, obstructing administration of law.
Not only was Sandusky collecting his pension from PSU, he was also collecting from Second Mile as well.
The very success of The Second Mile meant there was plenty of money for Sandusky to lavish on boys. A review of tax forms filed by The Second Mile shows that out of almost $3.3 million in revenue during the 2008-09 year, salaries, wages, and payments to directors totaled almost $1.4 million, along with $190,000 for "camp food" and $288,000 for "other expenses."

Sandusky is no longer on the payroll; his last payment was $57,000 in 2007-08, according to tax records. Over the years the payments to Sandusky totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I'm glad Penn State didn't win, only because they were going to march the game ball to Joe P's house. Sick. This man had the power to save children and he chose to look the other way for his own gain. There should be a black eye on this institution who put football over the lives of vulnerable children. McQuery needs to go now.
You know, I'm to the point where I don't care what the "laws" of Pennsylvania were, or what the policies of this university were. :maddening: And that goes for any other state where people aren't technically forced by the law to report abuse.

I took education classes back in the early 80s and we were told that teachers and coaches have a moral imperative to protect children. I thought that was a universal belief, and yet somehow in this case grown men were afraid to intervene in the rape of more than one child, and were able to keep going back to this athletic department to draw a paycheck.

I can understand the janitors being afraid to report a coach, but I still think they should have intervened when they saw an adult and a young boy. How difficult is it to yell "Stop!"

I also see lots of articles and hear comments (such as Dr. Drew the other night) stating that McCreary was a "boy" but come one - he was 28 years old - not a boy - and he continues to work for Paterno's football program to this day. How does he sleep at night?

The irony is rich that in trying to protect the reputation of the football program, they have ruined the reputation of the entire school for years to come. I don't feel sorry for JoePa one bit. He knew that nothing was done for these victims. He knew that his friend got off scot free. :twocents:
From the Grand Jury Presentment (bottom of Victim 7 page 21)
Could this attempted contact be construed as 'tampering with a witness'??? Any attorneys able to weigh in on this?


Come on, the fact the Sandusky's called victim 7 repeatedly is just a little misunderstanding. I'm sure Mr. & Mrs. S were just contacting "victim 7" to see what his plans were for Thanksgiving and to get his Christmas list. And to see if a wire deposit could be made to his checking account. That's it. Nothing nefarious. Mr. Sandusky is a kind and loving child protector. Just read his book. Just ask Dottie from the Second Mile.

Good for Victim 7 to not call them back! This makes me wonder how long Mrs. S was in the know about all of this.
You know, I'm to the point where I don't care what the "laws" of Pennsylvania were, or what the policies of this university were. :maddening: And that goes for any other state where people aren't technically forced by the law to report abuse.


I can understand the janitors being afraid to report a coach, but I still think they should have intervened when they saw an adult and a young boy. How difficult is it to yell "Stop!"

Ya know, this is the one person, I'm willing to give a little leeway to. He was an elderly temporary worker (from the Korean war, right?). Here is a person who REALLY needed a paycheck and was scared to death. Of course he should have done the right thing. No question. But the fact he was later institutionalized with dementia makes me wonder if it had anything to do with what he witnessed. Still, he should have protected the child for sure. Of course, but it's a very sad situation regardless. I felt pity when I read it though.
Earlier this past week, the head of the Pennsylvania State Police, Commissioner Frank Noonan said:

"I don't think I've ever been associated with a case with this type of eyewitness identification of sex acts taking place where the police weren't called",0,6706442.column

Fifty million dollars a year in profits from a football program prevented that call.......

THEY WERE JUST LITTLE BOYS, you pieces of <self snipped>. (Never mind Mods, I saved you the trouble)
Question for everyone:

When you hear the words "Kent State", what do you think of?
The opening guitar chords of Crosby Stills Nash & Young's "Ohio."

The songs Penn State's debacle will inspire promise to be mawkish, air-brushed, soft and forgettable - nothing so sinister as the sound of the song above. No one will, in the future, think of a piece of music when they hear the words Penn State. Instead they may recall the ever more sinister image of a large grown man raping a ten-year-old boy in the showers of Penn State University.

A song about the turned-deadly protest of an unpopular war can be the stuff of art; there is nothing that will mitigate the grand jury presentment in this case. It delivers an irredeemable moment which will remain, always, the stuff of nightmare.
Earlier this past week, after being fired, Joe Paterno said:

"With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more."

You just couldn't see past $50,000,000.00 per year in profits, could you Joe?
Each and every one of these brought-to-light "scandals" are just the tentacles of the giant octopus, and the people caught up in these so-called "scandals" are nothing more than the suckers on the tentacles.

In my humble opinion, child rape, pedophilia, and child *advertiser censored* go a LOT deeper, or higher, if you will. Yeah, we can castigate a sucker (the victim holders) on the tentacle, think Boy's Town, whatever, but you never really touch the giant octopus lurking deep under the water.

Yeah, they all need to go, too many accidents, too much suicide, too many rumors, missing children, and documented rapes. Yo! People! These are OUR children that are being raped and abused. You ever hear of someone in high places having a child raped? I will bow to the Percy case, of course, that was weird.

Let's get real, this case isn't simply about Penn State, Sandusky, or Paterno. I believe it goes a LOT deeper than that. Do some digging, it's ugly, very ugly, and OUR children are the victims. The body of the octopus needs to be hunted down and disposed of, in a humane, politically correct way, of course.

My opinion only
6'3" tall, 230 lbs, in the prime of his life physically, and Mike McQueary did NOTHING to stop a washed up old has been from inflicting the horror he witnessed on a 10 year old child.

Earlier this past week, the head of the Pennsylvania State Police, Commissioner Frank Noonan said:

Fifty million dollars a year in profits from a football program prevented that call.......

THEY WERE JUST LITTLE BOYS, you pieces of <self snipped>. (Never mind Mods, I saved you the trouble)

I agree. And that's why the headline about 'healing' beginning at Penn State may push me over the edge here. Sure, they've lost some coaches/staff, had their reputation scarred, but - they know nothing about 'healing'. Leave that word for the victims.

I STILL don't think Penn State gets it.
6'3" tall, 230 lbs, in the prime of his life physically, and Mike McQueary did NOTHING to stop a washed up old has been from inflicting the horror he witnessed on a 10 year old child.


I'm going to take this one step further. IF McQueary has any decency inside of himself, any feeling for humanity, or care even for the INSTITUTION of Penn State, he would RESIGN and save everyone a lot of grief. Since he hasn't done so, I can only surmise he's hanging onto his lucrative job by the skin of his teeth and a little boy's pain, hoping this will go away. WELL, IT WON"T.

My opinion only
I agree. And that's why the headline about 'healing' beginning at Penn State may push me over the edge here. Sure, they've lost some coaches/staff, had their reputation scarred, but - they know nothing about 'healing'. Leave that word for the victims.

I STILL don't think Penn State gets it.

Healing can't begin until the sickness is rooted out. I don't believe we are there yet.
Two paragraphs stand out from the following PA AG press release….the 2nd paragraph is particularly intriguing. I wonder why “officials” came across as so “uncooperative”…..especially in a case(s) that involved sexual abuse of a child/children? All bbm:
Courtney ‘apparently’ rebutted the GJ claim that he was representing PSU and the Second Mile at the same time. According to Courtney, he didn’t begin as legal counsel for Second Mile until early 2009. Although the time frame is not clear at this point, the PA Attorney General Office began their investigation into the Sandusky allegations in early 2009 as well. There’s quite a bit of other interesting info in the following link:

Another thing that isn’t too clear at this point is who knew what when. From the link above:
Did the Second Mile honchos have ANY knowledge of the 1998 allegation prior to learning of the 2002 incident with Sandusky? Courtney was aware of the 1998 allegation….was the 2002 incident kept from him?

According to Courtney’s credentials, listed on the McQuaide Blasko website,, Mr. Courtney's primary area of focus in labor and employment law is human resources counseling, with an emphasis on prevention and resolution of employment related problems, and collective bargaining negotiations.

Was he involved in Sandusky’s ‘retirement’ details in ’99 I wonder or were university officials able to handle that ‘exit’ without legal counsel??

One more note of interest (to me at least). Courtney was replaced as Penn State counsel in Jan 2010. Penn State hired Cynthia Baldwin as the university’s FIRST full-time general counsel and chief legal officer.

Wendell Courtney appears to be at the heart of this horrific debacle. He was the one giving "legal counsel" on how to contain this mess. He was also sitting on both fences, Penn State and The Second Mile. Too much of a coincidence to me. The entire Penn State administration was relying on legal advice, and trust me, it carries a lot of weight on how "issues" are resolved.

And then there is the personal relationship Courtney shared with Sandusky. . . people with stronger stomachs than mine will have to investigate that.

In my humble opinion.
Wendell Courtney appears to be at the heart of this horrific debacle. He was the one giving "legal counsel" on how to contain this mess. He was also sitting on both fences, Penn State and The Second Mile. Too much of a coincidence to me. The entire Penn State administration was relying on legal advice, and trust me, it carries a lot of weight on how "issues" are resolved.

And then there is the personal relationship Courtney shared with Sandusky. . . people with stronger stomachs than mine will have to investigate that.

In my humble opinion.

BBM Yep, there is a L O T going on here that people with stronger stomachs need to delve into. It's like a cesspool letting go and what we are seeing here are a few rotten fish, old and young, swimming for their lives, trying to keep their heads above the chit. For once, dear God, could someone with legal power hold their heads under water until they spew the truth? If not, all we can do is rant and rave while they spend their millions, lick their lips, and saying "we have done no wrong".

My opinion only
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