Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #3

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When I think about Jerry Sandusky, he reminds me of these people in terms of psychology, personality, and motives.

Casey Anthony
Lori Drew
Betty Broderick
Gertrude Baniszewski
Eric Harris
Bernie Madoff
Fred Phelps
Charles Manson
Jim Jones
Osama bin Laden
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Saddam Hussein
Pol Pot

Sandusky most likely resembles someone who is extremely narcissistic (Baniszewski is not a narcissist) and obsessed with control and power (all of them list had issues with it). He is sociable and smooth talking, but does not fear rejection and abandonment (Drew is fearful of rejection and abandonment). I would not be surprised if he himself is a social climber (Broderick, Drew, and Madoff are social climbers).
And by red flags I mean this kind of thing:

---The Patriot-News has learned that, in 2008, Second Mile executive Katherine Genovese told a person in authority that the charity already had concerns about Sandusky and certain boys.

---When he was asked about any concerns expressed by Genovese about Sandusky in 2008, Woodle had no comment.

---When asked if he had ever heard allegations against Sandusky before 2008, Woodle, 56, said the full history will be detailed in (Lynne) Abraham’s investigation.

(All from the same link)
This evil was not perpetuated by the current 92,000 students or the 500,000 alums of Penn State. Penn Staters are outraged by little boys being raped on campus.

The 592,000 students/alums need to demand accountability for the victims and for themselves. IMO Penn State is at a crossroads certainly not by their choosing. They can do nothing and go down in shame spending years/decades trying to combat that or rise to the occasion and force change.

I would venture to say that the students themselves are the answer. How do they want to be remembered? They ARE Penn State. When it is written up in the books, what do they want the final chapter to say?
Pensfan- IMO nobody is saying or thinks everyone who goes to, attended, or does business with penn state knew about the abuse or was involved. But the general publics admiration for Penn state has been shattered. To hear that this monster did this and then to find out that paterno, mcqueary knew about it, and then to find out that even a few other people, who we had never heard of within the Penn state administration knew and then to find out that the charity was aware...first we threw up, then we were stunned speechless, and then we question EVERYONE! We, the general public, don't have an emotional tie to Penn state, we have emotional ties to children. Why should it offend, anger, bother anyone that we are questioning all ties and connections? If you are innocent you throw open the doors and say come on in. If I was a business that donated to the charity, or had anything to do with the charity or football at Penn state I would want my business' name cleared immediately!

This evil was not perpetuated by the current 92,000 students or the 500,000 alums of Penn State. Penn Staters are outraged by little boys being raped on campus.

You would find the last chapter of People of the Lie by Dr. Scott Peck informative. Please read about "group evil" and realize that Penn State alumni and entities affiliated with it are not the source of this evil. There are only a few known evil individuals in this discussion. There has been a HUGE amount of speculating and posting of rumors.

The unique atmosphere at Penn State is the same atmosphere that exists in other cohesive groups. There will be a few evil individuals at every campus, every church, every orphanage, every summer camp and etc... Sadly, there will be a few individuals that will not speak up to protect the innocent at each of these entities too.
The reason Sandusky was able to rape little boys for years was that so few individuals knew of his behavior and the few that knew were pathetically weak and immoral.
They had known connections to Second Mile which was touted as a wonderful organization for underprivileged children.

BBM Surely you don't believe that everyone on that board knew Sandusky was a pedo and they thought nothing of it.
Surely you don't believe I believe that do you?
They had known connections to Second Mile which was touted as a wonderful organization for underprivileged children.

Surely you don't believe that everyone on that board knew Sandusky was a pedo and they thought nothing of it.

I don't think anyone is saying that at all. :twocents:

But some people connected to Second Mile were drawing big salaries, and Sandusky was a big donor. One of those guys was talking to Vinnie Politan on HLN the other day and saying he never thought about Sandusky being a pedophile even though he showed up all the time with a boy who was with him day and night.

If bells didn't ring, maybe they should have, especially since the past twenty years people have become much more aware of child abuse. They were running a charity for children, for goodness sake, not just a fund-raising society.
The 592,000 students/alums need to demand accountability for the victims and for themselves. IMO Penn State is at a crossroads certainly not by their choosing. They can do nothing and go down in shame spending years/decades trying to combat that or rise to the occasion and force change.

I would venture to say that the students themselves are the answer. How do they want to be remembered? They ARE Penn State. When it is written up in the books, what do they want the final chapter to say?
LOL What would you like the students to do? March to Sandusky's house and execute him? Burn the homes of Shultz, Spanier, Paterno and McQueary? The students did not have anything to do with Sadusky, and the few people that covered for him, and the Second Mile. Did you blame all the Catholic parishioners when Catholic priests were found to have molested children?

The students that "go down in shame" are students that fail their final exams. Sandusky's evil has nothing to do with them.
Penn State special committee to hold press conference Monday
State College - Centre Daily Times
Posted: 7:50pm on Nov 20, 2011; Modified: 7:55pm on Nov 20, 2011

The Penn State Board of Trustees special committee will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. Monday in Philadelphia.


The press conference will stream online at

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This might be interesting. Maybe they are going to clear up the fired/retired confusion about the president of the school.
University police report another indecent assault

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- Penn State University police say they've referred another previous incident of indecent assault to the Attorney General's Office.

The Centre Daily Times reports Sunday that chief Tyrone Parham says the assault "by a known individual" took place in an outdoor swimming pool building sometime between June 1, 2000 and Aug. 30, 2000.

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This might be interesting. Maybe they are going to clear up the fired/retired confusion about the president of the school.

Could be.

The way I understand it he's still a tenured professor at PSU.

His wife is also a professor at PSU.
Penn State special committee to hold press conference Monday
State College - Centre Daily Times
Posted: 7:50pm on Nov 20, 2011; Modified: 7:55pm on Nov 20, 2011

The Penn State Board of Trustees special committee will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. Monday in Philadelphia.


The press conference will stream online at

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Oh I know what they are going to announce. They are appointing another committee to decide how this committee will investigate the problem.
Could be.

The way I understand it he's still a tenured professor at PSU.

His wife is also a professor at PSU.

From what I understand the incident occurred in 2000, but was just reported now.
Could be.

The way I understand it he's still a tenured professor at PSU.

His wife is also a professor at PSU.
The university has to follow its written policies regarding revoking his tenure. This will include hearings and it will take time. Please google "revocation of tenure".

By the Associated Press, Published: November*18
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. &#8212; Faculty members at Penn State on Friday called for an independent investigation of how the university handled allegations of child sexual abuse, and the school indicated that may be forthcoming.

The faculty Senate endorsed a resolution asking for an investigation to be led by a committee whose chair has no links to Penn State. The resolution also called for a majority of the group&#8217;s members to have never been affiliated with the university.

Seems to me the faculty is as concerned about nefarious connections as I am, and are proactively taking the precautions that would move the investigation into these matters out of any potential hands that may be involved.

Same concerns, imo. No spin.

I think the question is did they really fire him from the presidents job or did they let him resign from it.
Seems to me the faculty is as concerned about nefarious connections as I am, and are proactively taking the precautions that would move the investigation into these matters out of any potential hands that may be involved.

Same concerns, imo. No spin.

Well now that you mention it I have to agree!
"Pedophiles, who have no documented profile, aren't easily identified until a tragedy occurs. There's no kind of profile," said Crabtree (a professor at Washington & Jefferson College who has served as a forensic psychologist for Children and Youth Services).

Sanduskys long-time friends did not suspect that he was a pedophile. He fooled them.
A high school friend of Sandusky&#8217;s stated. &#8220;The hard part about all this is the person we knew and what's going on now is hard to put together.&#8221;

Said another classmate, Frank Steratore of Imperial: "He was a great fellow; he was the nicest person you ever wanted to meet. He was just like everybody else.

Another friend of Sandusky stated, "He wouldn't believe it if he saw it."

His friends say if there is one thing that seems odd, in retrospect, it might be this: Sandusky never dated in high school.
"Jerry was always kind of a loner," recalled Riggle. "He never dated in high school, and he didn't date throughout most of college. All he did was study in college. He didn't go out, didn't go to frat parties, while I was out doing things you were supposed to do as a college kid. It didn't seem odd at the time, but I remember in high school, we all had girlfriends, dated, went to dances, and Jerry was just never a part of that."

According to one Second Mile board member, most board members did not know Sandusky and weren't notified of the rape allegations.
&#8220;We in the south-central board were not notified of the existence of any allegations prior to the formation of the grand jury,&#8221; Schimmer said. &#8220;At that point, it was simply an allegation and everybody was in disbelief.&#8221; Schimmer knows the public perception of The Second Mile is that the organization was filled with people loyal to Sandusky and he stated that most people on the regional boards did not know Sandusky. They might have seen him at functions, but few had a close relationship with him. *

Every detail of Jerry Raykovitz's (the licensed psychologist who was the head of the Second Mile Foundation) life needs to be investigated, IMO. He testified before the grand jury so he knew of the allegations. He was interview by LE before he testified at the grand jury, but didn't tell the board members. He possessed knowledge to recognize that Sandusky was likely a pedophile, but he didn't warn others or block his activities. Why?

He is the author of a book about interviewing children, so he had the knowledge to be suspicious of Sandusky (psychologist) and the skill to obtain answers to his suspicions. He didn't try to remove Sandusky from volunteering for Second Mile. Why?
The university has to follow its written policies regarding revoking his tenure. This will include hearings and it will take time. Please google "revocation of tenure".

I understand tenure but thanks anyway. :)
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