Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #4

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The phrases "possibly assaulted" and "incarcerated in Oklahoma" don't necessarily make one feel confident here.

The incarcerated factor doesn't surprise me at all-- Sandusky's victims were all "at risk" kids. I wonder if the "possibly" is about a confusing shower in a public facility where he was bear hugged by an excited Sandusky? I mean, how much news and detail would he be privy to inside prison? Surely not like we've had-- the warden, however, yep, and he sent it forward.

Where is Sandusky? Why aren't we seeing/hearing about Sandusky sightings, or reporters hounding him for "on the street" interviews? I remember all of the speculation related to Casey Anthony and her Starbucks/Old Navy venture. The hounding/tracking for those pictures of Casey Anthony, but nada for this guy?

I think this guy warrants a steady stream of attention until he's had his day in court.

However, and of course this is my opinion only, the same culture that protected him in his predatory behavior is still offering him a blanket of protection today.

It has been reported that Sandusky called the police on Nov 23 about the media following him.

Edit to add: I guess he called about someone following him. He might have been unaware it was a member of the media. Considering that State College is so isolated, I doubt there is much media presence to follow him around.

Just In: SCPD confirm Jerry Sandusky called police, felt he was being followed to and from his house today. Believed to be unmarked media.!/BillWadell/status/139433870499127296

SCPD = State College Police Department
I am hoping to read Sandusky has been remanded. It is the only thing to do, but I am not a judge.

IIRC A certain judge is the reason he wasn't remanded in the first place and the reason he is still FREE to do whatever he chooses to do....JMHO.
The incarcerated factor doesn't surprise me at all-- Sandusky's victims were all "at risk" kids. I wonder if the "possibly" is about a confusing shower in a public facility where he was bear hugged by an excited Sandusky? I mean, how much news and detail would he be privy to inside prison? Surely not like we've had-- the warden, however, yep, and he sent it forward.


I agree. Wondered that, too, on the "possibly" part. Perhaps I have a skewed view of the levels of truthfulness of those incarcerated in this state. As for being privy to news and detail, it would depend on which prison he's in. Serving max security time? Probably not so much. Medium or minimum? Opportunities are there.
The incarcerated factor doesn't surprise me at all-- Sandusky's victims were all "at risk" kids. I wonder if the "possibly" is about a confusing shower in a public facility where he was bear hugged by an excited Sandusky? I mean, how much news and detail would he be privy to inside prison? Surely not like we've had-- the warden, however, yep, and he sent it forward.

Not only were they high risk to start with, they were really high risk for all kinds of serious problems after Sandusky raped them.
Are you really suggesting Big Oil is behind this? That fails the test of Occam's razor: "simpler explanations are, other things being equal, generally better than more complex ones."

The simplest explanation is that the cover-up is a result of the culture Paterno created.

:floorlaugh: No. Not even remotely close.

Point was that all gas companies COMBINED only donated $1M to the gov. Gas companies that are fracking (no I'm not cursing, that's what it's called) the crap out of Marcellus shale had a lot to gain if this guy was elected.
Not only were they high risk to start with, they were really high risk for all kinds of serious problems after Sandusky raped them.

He77 to the yeah. At this point if the Pope came out and said Sandusky assaulted him, I would believe it.
Thank you BigCat! YES! Exactly my point!

I have been so troubled, and frustrated that this man hasn't been stopped by the judicial system, and the public's main source of keeping an eye on the situation is nowhere to be found. I am puzzled by the lack of the major news agencies there.

Would he be the first of this ilk to commit the same crime while awaiting a hearing? I don't think so - which is the idea behind electronic monitoring.

Just my opinion - and always thankful I am able to express it!

It has been reported that Sandusky called the police on Nov 23 about the media following him.

Edit to add: I guess he called about someone following him. He might have been unaware it was a member of the media. Considering that State College is so isolated, I doubt there is much media presence to follow him around.

SCPD = State College Police Department
Second Mile is not the "fruit of Penn State",<modsnip> Tomorrow try to remember that an employee of Penn State started Second Mile he and deceived a countless number of people including the committee that chose Pres. Bush's 1000 Points of Light. There were only 5 individuals at Penn State that made the very poor and cowardly choice to not report Sandusky. Yes, lots of people in Pennsylvania are Penn State graduates and some helped to operate the SEVEN branches of Second Mile and one affiliate branch located all over Pennsylvania not just and the one branch in State College. Thousands of kind and generous volunteers (some of them Penn State grads) assisted almost 100,000 underprivileged children in some way every year from Second Mile. These volunteers had no way of knowing that a pedophile would taint their positive actions/hard work or that they would be considered to be a pedophile enabler by some. Many will feel hesitant and discouraged for years about volunteering in other charity organizations.

To Concerned Papa: Yes, that is what I was saying. Joe Pa likely can't play any part in the upcoming trials. It is clear by anyone who has paid any attention to JoePa over the last decade that his mental acuity is slipping and he is now on chemo. Whether his inability to testify will hurt or help Sandusky, Curly and Shultz, we can't know at this time.
pensfan: What is the source of your speculation that Paterno has small cell lung cancer? I have not seen that in any of the articles I've read.

Small cell lung cancer = bad, bad, bad
Regarding Second Mile...It is the fruit of the poisonous tree. You can't say the same thing about the other charities you listed, most of which are national and have little relevance to Penn State.

I'm proud to be an Illini...Their losing football team had no impact on the great education I received.
Respectfully shortened
Yes, I truthfully can. This is the real "fruit of Penn State" which started at Penn State: Penn State THON, is a yearlong effort to raise funds and awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer Since 1977, THON has raised more than $78 million for Hershey Children's Hospital.

Last year, the students raised $9.8 million. The goal this year is to raise over $10 million. The students are organized into committees and each committee is given a weekend where they drive to specific parts of Pennsylvania paying for their gas and hotels with their own money. They stand in the cold or freezing drizzle starting in November and collect donations. Other students call the generous benefactors who give to many charities in Pennsylvania. Some of these same generous benefactors likely gave to Second Mile because they did not know that a scamming pedophile used that organization to find his victims or that they would be falsely implicated as a pedophile enabler.

The weekend that Penn State students were collecting in my part of PA, was the week after the Sandusky grand jury report was released. Blessedly, the students raised $10,000 which was $2,000 above last years donations in this area even with haters blaming all of Penn State for Sandusky's evil behaviors. I hope that those who implicate all of the Penn State volunteers and generous benefactors will not impact the total donations that assist with for pediatric cancer treatment/research to a patient base of over 1,000,000 individuals.
This isn't about hate. The same man who created Second Mile destroyed it. Having experienced this type of torment for the first 7 years of my life, I am biased in that I feel anything that originates from something as dirty as this crew adds something dirty to the outcome. Second Mile is tainted, and there isn't any hating or PR that will ever change that.

There's always going to be innocents attached to anything of this nature, but nonetheless, and unfortunately for those innocents, Second Mile needs to RIP. If I weren't part of this scandal, I would have no issue moving on to another charity. My heart is about what I'm there to do, not what I can get out of it in personal gain/ego. I don't see an issue for other child advocates making the same choice. Others will back off, and choose a new direction.

<modsnip> It's this very hero worship that created the environment for these kids to be set up and preyed upon. They've enjoyed their days in the sun much longer - about 30 years too long - if we're honest. Sandusky/Penn State/Football were the equivalents to the "Want to see my new puppy?" tactics that others of Sandusky's ilk use to prey upon kids.

<modsnip> respect all of the effort you've put forth in exposing this scandal. <modsnip> I admit that I'm biased, but my heart hurts when I see the posts that glorify an environment that was a prime feeding ground for this predator.

All of this is just my opinion. I am grateful for the opportunity to express it.
Second Mile is not the "fruit of Penn State", <modsnip>. Tomorrow try to remember that an employee of Penn State started Second Mile he and deceived a countless number of people including the committee that chose Pres. Bush's 1000 Points of Light. There were only 5 individuals at Penn State that made the very poor and cowardly choice to not report Sandusky. Yes, lots of people in Pennsylvania are Penn State graduates and some helped to operate the SEVEN branches of Second Mile and one affiliate branch located all over Pennsylvania not just and the one branch in State College. Thousands of kind and generous volunteers (some of them Penn State grads) assisted almost 100,000 underprivileged children in some way every year from Second Mile. These volunteers had no way of knowing that a pedophile would taint their positive actions/hard work or that they would be considered to be a pedophile enabler by some. Many will feel hesitant and discouraged for years about volunteering in other charity organizations.

To Concerned Papa: Yes, that is what I was saying. Joe Pa likely can't play any part in the upcoming trials. It is clear by anyone who has paid any attention to JoePa over the last decade that his mental acuity is slipping and he is now on chemo. Whether his inability to testify will hurt or help Sandusky, Curly and Shultz, we can't know at this time.
pensfan: What is the source of your speculation that Paterno has small cell lung cancer? I have not seen that in any of the articles I've read.

Small cell lung cancer = bad, bad, bad
3 decades as a nurse practitioner
This is assumed because Joe Pa didn't have a lobectomy. Small cell is a rapidly growing widely metastatic cancer, but can respond well to chemo. Obviously, chemo produces more frequent and serious complications in very old patients.
This isn't about hate. The same man who created Second Mile destroyed it. Having experienced this type of torment for the first 7 years of my life, I am biased in that I feel anything that originates from something as dirty as this crew adds something dirty to the outcome. Second Mile is tainted, and there isn't any hating or PR that will ever change that.

There's always going to be innocents attached to anything of this nature, but nonetheless, and unfortunately for those innocents, Second Mile needs to RIP. If I weren't part of this scandal, I would have no issue moving on to another charity. My heart is about what I'm there to do, not what I can get out of it in personal gain/ego. I don't see an issue for other child advocates making the same choice. Others will back off, and choose a new direction.

Some of your posts bother me in that they deflect from the real horror that was done here. I'm not saying it's your intent, but the "yeah, Sandusky is a monster, but hey Second Mile contributed to 100,000 kids' lives" posts, and the "look how much Penn State has contributed to children cancer" posts make my heart hurt. "Aw, poor Sue Paterno didn't get to use the pool". It's this very hero worship that created the environment for these kids to be set up and preyed upon. They've enjoyed their days in the sun much longer - about 30 years too long - if we're honest. Sandusky/Penn State/Football were the equivalents to the "Want to see my new puppy?" tactics that others of Sandusky's ilk use to prey upon kids.

I'm not attacking you, and respect all of the effort you've put forth in exposing this scandal. I also want you to know that your intent isn't in question. I just wanted to express this for you to ponder for bit. I admit that I'm biased, but my heart hurts when I see the posts that glorify an environment that was a prime feeding ground for this predator.

All of this is just my opinion. I am grateful for the opportunity to express it.
Respectfully stated: I spent 3 decades as a mental health professional treating and caring for individuals that developed serious and sometime life-threatening mental illnesses caused by sicko abusers. I am saddened that you are still experiencing emotional pain.

Blaming all of the generous benefactors and volunteers for the evil of one man and the coverup by 5 (that we know of ) is wrong.

Pedophiles get away with molesting dozens and sometimes hundreds of children because few recognize what the pedophile is doing to the children. Bashing all the benefactors and volunteers at Penn State who thought they were doing a positive thing to help underprivileged children and had no idea about Sandusky's evil is wrong. Sadly, it will contribute to their hesitance (perhaps forever) in volunteering for other charity organizations. Some of these charity organizations that they will be hesitant in helping (financially or by volunteering) may benefit sexual abuse victims.
Respectfully stated: I spent 3 decades as a mental health professional treating and caring for individuals that developed serious and sometime life-threatening mental illnesses caused by sicko abusers. I am saddened that you are still experiencing emotional pain.

Blaming all of the generous benefactors and volunteers for the evil of one man and the coverup by 5 (that we know of ) is wrong.

Pedophiles get away with molesting dozens and sometimes hundreds of children because few recognize what the pedophile is doing to the children. Bashing all the benefactors and volunteers at Penn State who thought they were doing a positive thing to help underprivileged children and had no idea about Sandusky's evil is wrong. Sadly, it will contribute to their hesitance (perhaps forever) in volunteering for other charity organizations. Some of these charity organizations that they will be hesitant in helping (financially or by volunteering) may benefit sexual abuse victims.

I feel terribly sad for all the well meaning people who have volunteered their time on behalf of children. I also feel bad for the kids at PennState. This crap has got to leave them very disheartened. Who would want their college years marred by this type of scandal. I look at Sandusky and those who turned a blind eye to his monstrosities as taking the innocence of many more than his child victims. They stole the innocence of a college, a city, well meaning volunteers and also the nation. I am sickened that humans could perpetrate such evil. It in no way takes away from anyone's sacrifice that this charity dissolve and start fresh. I think the charity could use a new start.
Second Mile is not the "fruit of Penn State", but you guys can believe that it you must get your hatin' on today. Tomorrow try to remember that an employee of Penn State started Second Mile he and deceived a countless number of people including the committee that chose Pres. Bush's 1000 Points of Light. There were only 5 individuals at Penn State that made the very poor and cowardly choice to not report Sandusky. Yes, lots of people in Pennsylvania are Penn State graduates and some helped to operate the SEVEN branches of Second Mile and one affiliate branch located all over Pennsylvania not just and the one branch in State College. Thousands of kind and generous volunteers (some of them Penn State grads) assisted almost 100,000 underprivileged children in some way every year from Second Mile. These volunteers had no way of knowing that a pedophile would taint their positive actions/hard work or that they would be considered to be a pedophile enabler by some. Many will feel hesitant and discouraged for years about volunteering in other charity organizations.

To Concerned Papa: Yes, that is what I was saying. Joe Pa likely can't play any part in the upcoming trials. It is clear by anyone who has paid any attention to JoePa over the last decade that his mental acuity is slipping and he is now on chemo. Whether his inability to testify will hurt or help Sandusky, Curly and Shultz, we can't know at this time.

Pen, unless we&#8217;ve been lied to by a lot of MSN, Jerry Sandusky cut a wide swath through State College, PA. Many people knew and interacted with him on a regular basis. I find it very difficult to believe that only FIVE people in that town and University knew about his perversions. He didn&#8217;t exactly go out of his way to hide it.

ASIDE FROM a grand jury investigation for child molestation in 1997, ASIDE FROM a report of oral rape of a child in a WIDE OPEN SHOWER in 2000, ASIDE FROM a report of anal rape of another child IN THE SAME WIDE OPEN SHOWER in 2002, let&#8217;s take a look at decades worth of clues left by this monster.

Humor me if you will and consider it to be a very serious game of connect the dots. At the end, I&#8217;d like to ask you a question.

Consider these FACTS about Sandusky:

-Never dated in high school or throughout college

-Young boys regularly with him at charity functions

-Young boys regularly with him at Penn State football games

-Young boys regularly with him at preseason practices

-Young boys regularly with him at home game bus trips from the practice facility to the stadium

-Young boy with him at the 1998 Outback Bowl

-Young boy with him at the 1999 Alamo Bowl

-Young boys with him at various Philadelphia Eagles games

-"Retired" from college coaching and became a constant presence as an unpaid coach of young boys at an area high school

-This book title:


-This video and image:


-Purchase of, and residence at, a house backed up to a school playground

The question I would like to ask you is this. If you exchanged the images and words of &#8220;young boys&#8221; in the above, and replaced them with &#8220;beautiful, young, voluptuous, blondes&#8221;, how many people at Penn State would be convinced he was having sex with these girls?

And only FIVE of these TSM board members who were captains of industry, or University officials who were intellectual scholars had a clue about this monster?
I'm sorry you misunderstood my post. Please send blessings and compassion for those who have to gather the courage, and testify in court. I'm neither victim nor survivor - I'm a mountain climber who made it to the top of the mountain, if not, pretty darn close, but thank you!

My heart hurts, because these posts/stories are defending an institution that is more than powerful enough to defend itself. The very thing you are promoting/reminding is the very fabric of the blanket of protection covering up Sandusky's behavior.

The time for PR for Penn State/Second Mile is AFTER all of the rats are in the trap. Pedophiles are not still walking among us just because those of this ilk are difficult to identify. They walk among us in these situations, because the almighty dollar is a pretty powerful silencer. "Fear of ... " is another excuse. I will never believe only 5 people were in the know about Sandusky. I don't think any reasonable person would buy that either.

As far as blaming the entire Penn State system, someone explain to me when these concerned citizens are going to have a riot in the name of the victims? When is the gentleman (John Matko his name?) who stood up for the victims going to receive his apologies for the abuse he took at the Nebraska visitors game? When are the good folks at Penn State going to rally the prosecutors, to have a new hearing on bail to get a monitor on Sandusky? When are the good folks of Penn State going to rush through new enforceable rules that WILL protect the children from the moment they step onto that property, until they step off the property?

While blaming all of Penn State wouldn't be and isn't usually the way my mind works, I can see someone going there.

Again, if a cause is one's passion, that person WILL research charities and find one that fits their passion. Those who are hesitant will step back for a while. It's a natural consequence of these situations.

All of this is just my opinion. I am grateful for the opportunity to express it.

Respectfully stated: I spent 3 decades as a mental health professional treating and caring for individuals that developed serious and sometime life-threatening mental illnesses caused by sicko abusers. I am saddened that you are still experiencing emotional pain.

Blaming all of the generous benefactors and volunteers for the evil of one man and the coverup by 5 (that we know of ) is wrong.

Pedophiles get away with molesting dozens and sometimes hundreds of children because few recognize what the pedophile is doing to the children. Bashing all the benefactors and volunteers at Penn State who thought they were doing a positive thing to help underprivileged children and had no idea about Sandusky's evil is wrong. Sadly, it will contribute to their hesitance (perhaps forever) in volunteering for other charity organizations. Some of these charity organizations that they will be hesitant in helping (financially or by volunteering) may benefit sexual abuse victims.
Pen, unless we&#8217;ve been lied to by a lot of MSN, Jerry Sandusky cut a wide swath through State College, PA. Many people knew and interacted with him on a regular basis. I find it very difficult to believe that only FIVE people in that town and University knew about his perversions. He didn&#8217;t exactly go out of his way to hide it.

ASIDE FROM a grand jury investigation for child molestation in 1997, ASIDE FROM a report of oral rape of a child in a WIDE OPEN SHOWER in 2000, ASIDE FROM a report of anal rape of another child IN THE SAME WIDE OPEN SHOWER in 2002, let&#8217;s take a look at decades worth of clues left by this monster.

Humor me if you will and consider it to be a very serious game of connect the dots. At the end, I&#8217;d like to ask you a question.

Consider these FACTS about Sandusky:

The question I would like to ask you is this. If you exchanged the images and words of &#8220;young boys&#8221; in the above, and replaced them with &#8220;beautiful, young, voluptuous, blondes&#8221;, how many people at Penn State would be convinced he was having sex with these girls?

And only FIVE of these TSM board members who were captains of industry, or University officials who were intellectual scholars had a clue about this monster?
Argue with the medical literature facts about pedophilia. You will find that at this time, few individuals know the characteristics of pedophiles and would suspect someone of being a pedophile.

The facts are that pedophilia is only a recently studied topic (since 1980s). Pedophiles, like other criminals, try to operate in secrecy and this is why fixated pedophiles are able to molest/rape dozens and sometimes hundreds of children by they are caught (if they are caught). Fixated pedophilia are rare (occurring in less than 1-4% of adults) and because they are rare individuals do not know any pedophile and they don't recognize pedophiles' patterns of behaviors. Because 96-99% of adults are not sexually attracted to children, most can't begin to imagine that another adult is sexually attracted to children. Few people are mental health professional and few people spend hours reading about pedos on crime forums. It is also a fact that the human mind frequently tries to avoid repulsive topics and pedophilia is considered to be a very repulsive topic.
Second Mile is not the "fruit of Penn State", but you guys can believe that it you must get your hatin' on today. Tomorrow try to remember that an employee of Penn State started Second Mile he and deceived a countless number of people including the committee that chose Pres. Bush's 1000 Points of Light. There were only 5 individuals at Penn State that made the very poor and cowardly choice to not report Sandusky. Yes, lots of people in Pennsylvania are Penn State graduates and some helped to operate the SEVEN branches of Second Mile and one affiliate branch located all over Pennsylvania not just and the one branch in State College. Thousands of kind and generous volunteers (some of them Penn State grads) assisted almost 100,000 underprivileged children in some way every year from Second Mile. These volunteers had no way of knowing that a pedophile would taint their positive actions/hard work or that they would be considered to be a pedophile enabler by some. Many will feel hesitant and discouraged for years about volunteering in other charity organizations.

To Concerned Papa: Yes, that is what I was saying. Joe Pa likely can't play any part in the upcoming trials. It is clear by anyone who has paid any attention to JoePa over the last decade that his mental acuity is slipping and he is now on chemo. Whether his inability to testify will hurt or help Sandusky, Curly and Shultz, we can't know at this time.
BBM That makes no sense to me.
Argue with the medical literature facts about pedophilia. You will find that at this time, few individuals know the characteristics of pedophiles and would suspect someone of being a pedophile.

The facts are that pedophilia is only a recently studied topic (since 1980s). Pedophiles, like other criminals, try to operate in secrecy and this is why fixated pedophiles are able to molest/rape dozens and sometimes hundreds of children by they are caught (if they are caught). Fixated pedophilia are rare (occurring in less than 1-4% of adults) and because they are rare individuals do not know any pedophile and they don't recognize pedophiles' patterns of behaviors. Because 96-99% of adults are not sexually attracted to children, most can't begin to imagine that another adult is sexually attracted to children. Few people are mental health professional and few people spend hours reading about pedos on crime forums. It is also a fact that the human mind frequently tries to avoid repulsive topics and pedophilia is considered to be a very repulsive topic.
BBM People have known about the creeps that attack little kids for eons. It is nothing new.
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