Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

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I am thankful that I was never sexually molested or abused, though almost raped twice (fought back). I recognize that the sexual drive is a basic human instinct, especially in young men. What nobody has discussed (to my knowledge) is that these deviants not only give needy children gifts and activities and friendship, they also "show their love" and establish great intimacy by flipping on that switch of pleasure - and these boys must, as a result, have lived incredibly conflicted lives with a strong element of self-loathing because of something that was not their fault.

The letters and stories and 'i love yous' were sick mind games to play with any child, especially a child that is already living a difficult life. It makes the abuse of these kids a thousand times worse, imo.
Understood. My point is not about the specifics, but rather than people like him who do their things in secret and who have carefully gained access to many victims would logically have LOTS of keys, lots of places, lots of plans and lots of opportunities to do what they wanted. It's a way of life, and an addiction. The addict will always ensure they will get their fix.

It is only one of ten victims, but I don't think this is the slam dunk everyone thinks it is.
The letters and stories and 'i love yous' were sick mind games to play with any child, especially a child that is already living a difficult life. It makes the abuse of these kids a thousand times worse, imo.

It's more henious that the children were introduced to sexual pleasure - their first sexual encounter at too young of an age - and at the hands of a deviant. The force of that must have been totally outrageous. How could they mentally cope with that????? This was done with oral sex and with Sandusky guiding the young person's hands.....there's no getting away from it. It's not talked about but to my mind it is the sickest aspect of the crime because the child is an innocent and is exposed to something that is supposed to be his at the appropriate age and under the appropriate circumstances, this is ....TWISTED....and I can't imagine how they coped with it, emotionally. Hope I am not offending anyone here.
The letters and stories and 'i love yous' were sick mind games to play with any child, especially a child that is already living a difficult life. It makes the abuse of these kids a thousand times worse, imo.

It's more heinous that the children were introduced to sexual pleasure - their first sexual encounter at too young of an age - and at the hands of a deviant. The force of that must have been totally outrageous. How could they mentally cope with that????? This was done with oral sex and with Sandusky guiding the young person's hands.....there's no getting away from it. It's not talked about but to my mind it is the sickest aspect of the crime because the child is an innocent and is exposed to something that is supposed to be part of his life, at the appropriate age and under the appropriate circumstances, and it is ruined forever....this is ....TWISTED....and I can't imagine how they coped with it, emotionally. Hope I am not offending anyone here.
I've had both while in bed.

Again, respectfully, I am not interested so much in the peripheral details as the big picture. The evidence is overwhelming that Sandusky perpetrated sexual acts against these children, whether it be one child or 8, in the shower or in the bed....I am not concerned with "slam dunk"; it is what it is.

The hypotheticals discussed are kind of repugnant to my mind when I think of what these children endured....shame on the parents, single or not, the caregivers, guidance counselors, Second Mile volunteers, people who knew this man was alone with little boys overnight, in beds, in showers, there is no way that is normal under any circumstances. But he was a big shot, a small-town celebrity, people were too busy, or they didn't believe these kids.....or they didn't want to lose their jobs, whatever. What this reminds me of is the concentration camps of WWII....the people in the surrounding towns who saw and smelled the smoke coming from the crematoriums and the cattle cars full of people, claiming they didn't know. The G.I.'s made them march into those camps and confront the heaps of dead, stinking bodies and made them bury them.

I understand reasonable doubt and innocence until proven guilty. Somewhere though there needs to be a drastic change to "err" on the side of the innocent, especially if they are children....entirely too much weight is put onto the civil rights of the defendants, when it's a case of a defendant arbitrarily removing all of the rights from his victims. There needs to be a redress of balance here.

So what does it take to end this now? Pedophilia is a disease with no known cure, the only remedy is to isolate the perpetrator from his desired objects - because that is what they are - and it's my sincere hope this happens, with a compensatory remedy for these victims, because he stole from them something that can never be given back. Just MO. Sorry if I preached on my soapbox.
Again, respectfully, I am not interested so much in the peripheral details as the big picture. The evidence is overwhelming that Sandusky perpetrated sexual acts against these children, whether it be one child or 8, in the shower or in the bed....I am not concerned with "slam dunk"; it is what it is.

I am, as the jurors should be. It doesn't strike me too odd that there isn't any forensic evidence, because it can the same evidence from normal stuff.

So what does it take to end this now? Pedophilia is a disease with no known cure, the only remedy is to isolate the perpetrator from his desired objects - because that is what they are - and it's my sincere hope this happens, with a compensatory remedy for these victims, because he stole from them something that can never be given back. Just MO. Sorry if I preached on my soapbox.

We are not talking about what Sandusky did, or didn't do. We are talking about proving it beyond a reasonable doubt. That is what will be decided in Bellefonte. If that doesn't happen, neither will any of your other hopes.
Unless she's using a black light, she probably wouldn't spot the semen.

I don't know how much laundry you have done but any woman who washes sheets and has been married for that long should be able to recognize dried semen stains on a sheet. It isn't exactly invisible to the naked eye.
I don't know how much laundry you have done but any woman who washes sheets and has been married for that long should be able to recognize dried semen stains on a sheet. It isn't exactly invisible to the naked eye.

All. It is almost invisible, especially since most of it will be contained, as it were. It's not like Sandusky left used condoms around.
Ummm, well I'd have to disagree with that too, without going into specifics. :blushing:
I can't see how there could be forensic evidence decades after the abuse occurred for so many victims. IMO perhaps not every count will be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but if the majority of the counts are, then a great "hope" of mine will, indeed, be fulfilled. Every defendant deserves to be represented, so Sandusky is having his day in court. Arrogant enough to plead "not guilty" to all counts. Unbelievable.
Maybe we can let Dottie off the hook with the laundry. On more consideration, it goes wth the M.O. that Sandusky would hide those sheets and wash them himself, like he hid all of his other activities. He had things well worked out, we can assume that.
Ummm, well I'd have to disagree with that too, without going into specifics. :blushing:

You can disagree, but you better tell me where all the physical evidence is. :)

I can easily understand why there is no physical evidence in this case. While there might be some blood, it wouldn't be a huge amount on the sheets, and there can be other explanations for it. And Dottie, like a woman whose husband cheats on her, may not know.

Look at people like Jim McGreevey. Gay, in the closet, his wife didn't have a clue.
Unless they have a maid, I am assuming Dottie did the laundry. One victim testified that with anal penetration there was blood. Was asked if his mother saw it. Whether or not his mother did or not, is not relevant to Dottie. If your husband disappears into the basement with young boys are there are body fluids on the sheets, you might suspect something, unless you just don't want to know.

Amendola questioned him twice about bleeding. So, I'm guessing if he gets really desperate, that he'll put Dottie on the stand and ask her if she saw blood on the sheets.

I'm seeing Dottie listed as a "potential witness" now by several sources.

Everybody needs to take their blood pressure medicine because next week is gonna darn near kill us all.
I can't see how there could be forensic evidence decades after the abuse occurred for so many victims. IMO perhaps not every count will be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but if the majority of the counts are, then a great "hope" of mine will, indeed, be fulfilled. Every defendant deserves to be represented, so Sandusky is having his day in court. Arrogant enough to plead "not guilty" to all counts. Unbelievable.

The last one was fairly close to it being reported. Why wasn't there anything with Victim 6, reported the next day. I can easily understand why there wasn't any, but I can understand why Dottie wouldn't find any.
Amendola questioned him twice about bleeding. So, I'm guessing if he gets really desperate, that he'll put Dottie on the stand and ask her if she saw blood on the sheets.

I'm seeing Dottie listed as a "potential witness" now by several sources.

Everybody needs to take their blood pressure medicine because next week is gonna darn near kill us all.

Well, there would not necessarily be any blood on the sheets.
You can disagree, but you better tell me where all the physical evidence is. :)

I can easily understand why there is no physical evidence in this case. While there might be some blood, it wouldn't be a huge amount on the sheets, and there can be other explanations for it. And Dottie, like a woman whose husband cheats on her, may not know.

Look at people like Jim McGreevey. Gay, in the closet, his wife didn't have a clue.

I would say the physical evidence has long since been washed away, or replaced with new sheets.

I think the argument was whether or not Dottie saw it, and, I don't see how she could not.
My bet is that Jerry made the boys strip the bed and put the sheets in the washer- more hygiene lessons. And if the place smelled, well, boys do stuff and have dreams. No reason for her to think it was her (probably not very often active with her) husband.
Dorothy won't be charged but she'll continue losing her lifestyle. I think they'll just list her as the last witness to be called so she won't be in court to hear anyone's upsetting detials.
I would say the physical evidence has long since been washed away, or replaced with new sheets.

I think the argument was whether or not Dottie saw it, and, I don't see how she could not.

As I pointed out, several were reported close to the time Sandusky was reported.
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