Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

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Jerry Sandusky prosecutors leave the jury to mull a mountain of strong evidence over the weekend

........Other than that, Amendola has been forced to seemingly concede that Sandusky was present when the alleged acts occurred. The line drawn in the argumentative sand occasionally was about whether there was actual penetration or just naked rubbing of private parts. It's not a promising place for a defense to operate.

..........Toward the end of Monday's session, deputy attorney general Joe McGettigen paced in front of the jury box and asked jurors to remember something they'd heard as they broke for the day:

"The showers, the showers, the showers."

By Thursday, he could have added "the basement, the basement, the basement" and "the hotels, the hotels, the hotels" and who knows how many other locations. Then he could have shifted to at least a dozen gasp-inducing phrases and moments from the rest of the week.............

...........Maybe that's the only way to possibly save a conviction, the accused trying to explain the seemingly unexplainable.

As Amendola strolled out of the Centre County Courthouse on a brilliant, sunny afternoon in this picturesque town, all that was certain is that he has three days to think up something.

And it better be good. Real good.

:rocker: Sums it up quite nicely....the showers, the basement and the hotels could be the one line in closing argument that trumps everything else.
"Dottie" is guilty also. No one could be that stupid!! A boy in the basement screaming for help??????????? Guess she enjoyed her lifestyle!! Gross to the max!!!!!!!!!:maddening:

I am guessing that she is going to take the stand and testify that there was NO SCREAMING coming from the basement, and no blood found on any sheets, and that she did all of the laundry. Just sayin....
What I find interesting as well is that in the past couple of decades, the level of violent crimes and previously unheard-of behaviors has increased; meanwhile the friends, relatives and neighbors of the perpetrators always cry: But he seemed like a normal, nice guy!!!

or you will get "i knew something was off about him/her but i just couldn't place what it was.."
I wonder how many mothers of adults in their twenties are now asking their children if there is ANYTHING that ever happened to them that they could have missed???? I remember before I'd allow my sons to attend school roller skating parties or activities to theme parks, etc., I'd tell them to make sure they went to the bathroom first....try not to go into a public bathroom...and have to explain to them the kinds of people who lurk in those places and what they might do. Never ingest anything given to them by a stranger, etc. This is such a form of ... terrorism ... it causes you to suspect the most inocuous people; the middle school basketball coach, the chorus teacher, the parents of friends with whom they ever spent the night....

I had a boss who sexually harassed me in the most disgusting way, and I LOVED my every other way he was the best boss I ever worked for. I could take care of myself. I put up with it and ignored him, he kept on with others as well and when he started on my assistant I stood up for her. Long after I had left two other women sued him and won. When the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas trial was on people said she was lying and I said NO SHE IS NOT...I knew better. It's just so twisted, devious, and insidious. Remembering, that I was an adult and these victims were small boys.
That's disconcerting. I hope the jury is discriminating and does not believe every excuse they hear.

Every defendant in USA is entitled to a vigorous defense, it's the law of the land. Disgusting, but true. That's why we depend so much on the intelligence and common sense of a mixture of average strangers who have nothing to gain to make the decisions.
That's disconcerting. I hope the jury is discriminating and does not believe every excuse they hear.

Well, I think the "money defense" can be tossed because of the time frame and earlier reports, i.e. Victim 6.

I will be interested in JKA's testimony, if Amendola calls her. She has stated that she doesn't know the reason why RFG didn't prosecute and praised Schreffler prior to his statement that there should have been charges.

Further, there may be another rebuttal witness.

Victims 2, 8, and 5(?) might be attacked successfully, but that still leaves 7 victims.
Well, I think the "money defense" can be tossed because of the time frame and earlier reports, i.e. Victim 6.

I will be interested in JKA's testimony, if Amendola calls her. She has stated that she doesn't know the reason why RFG didn't prosecute and praised Schreffler prior to his statement that there should have been charges.

Further, there may be another rebuttal witness.

Victims 2, 8, and 5(?) might be attacked successfully, but that still leaves 7 victims.

I hope the jury can understand why a kid might stay in contact with his abuser over the years. I hope they can bring in an expert later if necessary to explain why that might happen. This pedophile chose them specifically because they were 'needy.' He preyed upon them because they craved love and attention. he treated them wonderfully and generously---except for the pesky molestation part.

That's disconcerting. I hope the jury is discriminating and does not believe every excuse they hear.

P2, Sandusky says... P3, ...says attorney Joe Amendola, P17, Amendola says... P24, Amendola, says..., P25, Amendola also points..., P26, In addition, Amendola says..., P28, Amendola says..., P32, Amendola has said..., P53, Amendola has also repeatedly said... blah, blah, blah,...

Not disconcerting to me whatsoever - Sounds to me like the same old - same old "classic" defenses every pedophile uses/used before - won't work IMO.
I hope the jury can understand why a kid might stay in contact with his abuser over the years. I hope they can bring in an expert later if necessary to explain why that might happen. This pedophile chose them specifically because they were 'needy.' He preyed upon them because they craved love and attention. he treated them wonderfully and generously---except for the pesky molestation part.

He also cut them off whenever they finally had enough.
My bet is that Jerry made the boys strip the bed and put the sheets in the washer- more hygiene lessons. And if the place smelled, well, boys do stuff and have dreams. No reason for her to think it was her (probably not very often active with her) husband.
Dorothy won't be charged but she'll continue losing her lifestyle. I think they'll just list her as the last witness to be called so she won't be in court to hear anyone's upsetting detials.

Regarding Dottie and what line he was giving her for all those years he was spending intimate time with young boys-- when I heard his statement about his victims' hygiene I immediately thought this was his long standing cover story for showering with them, as well as the explanation for soiled towels and sheets (perhaps even, uh, deeply soiled :blushing: ) that I'm betting he most certainly left for her to clean up. :what:

And, regarding the "histrionic" defense-- does anyone else find this entirely laughable?! Old Jerry, the defensive coach, the backbone behind Linebacker U-- is suddenly an entirely flappable, hissyfit throwing, ninny? Doesn't the term histrionic completely contradict an individual who's sporting? Are we really supposed to believe that? If so, I hope they have some footage of him dissolving into tears when he lost a game, when JoPa decided he was NOT going to retire and put Sandusky into his most coveted coaching spot! Certainly friends and neighbors and colleagues and players will be able to tell of ridiculous overly emotional moments when Jerry just lost his marbles over stuff that didn't go his way... right? A public figure like that would have many many instances to reveal such a personality disorder...

Bah!! It's going to fall flat as a week old soda. mo :moo:
And, regarding the "histrionic" defense-- does anyone else find this entirely laughable?! Old Jerry, the defensive coach, the backbone behind Linebacker U-- is suddenly an entirely flappable, hissyfit throwing, ninny? Doesn't the term histrionic completely contradict an individual who's sporting? Are we really supposed to believe that? If so, I hope they have some footage of him dissolving into tears when he lost a game, when JoPa decided he was NOT going to retire and put Sandusky into his most coveted coaching spot! Certainly friends and neighbors and colleagues and players will be able to tell of ridiculous overly emotional moments when Jerry just lost his marbles over stuff that didn't go his way... right? A public figure like that would have many many instances to reveal such a personality disorder...

I've known some public figures like that. One I've read about was Admiral "Bull" Halsey, who had a hissy fit when the thought Ninitz sent him a message with a nasty comment. It is often compared to Marylin Monroe's actions.

Yes, I think Sandusky is that narcissistic. That doesn't excuse his actions, and it has a sexual element.
Regarding Dottie and what line he was giving her for all those years he was spending intimate time with young boys-- when I heard his statement about his victims' hygiene I immediately thought this was his long standing cover story for showering with them, as well as the explanation for soiled towels and sheets (perhaps even, uh, deeply soiled :blushing: ) that I'm betting he most certainly left for her to clean up. :what:

And, regarding the "histrionic" defense-- does anyone else find this entirely laughable?! Old Jerry, the defensive coach, the backbone behind Linebacker U-- is suddenly an entirely flappable, hissyfit throwing, ninny? Doesn't the term histrionic completely contradict an individual who's sporting? Are we really supposed to believe that? If so, I hope they have some footage of him dissolving into tears when he lost a game, when JoPa decided he was NOT going to retire and put Sandusky into his most coveted coaching spot! Certainly friends and neighbors and colleagues and players will be able to tell of ridiculous overly emotional moments when Jerry just lost his marbles over stuff that didn't go his way... right? A public figure like that would have many many instances to reveal such a personality disorder...

Bah!! It's going to fall flat as a week old soda. mo :moo:

Summarily, as disgusting and reprehensible as it is, there are more that 2 potential body fluids involved here. The shower was really convenient compared to the bed in the basement, but I'd conclude that Dottie has been habituated to it for at least 20 years. It's certain that when she is called as defense witness she will strongly deny everything, as she has been denying it to herself because what would the alternative have been? Apparently she has "settled", the benefits of staying outweighing the consequences of confronting it. She's no different than any other enabler in this situation.

Probably nobody is even going to bring up the subject of laundry. It's so tempting to go into these particulars and have to drag oneself back to the horrible truth of what these boys endured, but one has to do it...or everything they've been through up on that stand will be just one more "guidance counselor" (doesn't want to believe it) situation.
Remember the disasterous Bob Costas interview? If Jerry takes the stand, IMO it's going to be a train wreck.
Remember the disasterous Bob Costas interview? If Jerry takes the stand, IMO it's going to be a train wreck.

EXACTLY what I was thinking. I hope he tells us again how much he LOOOOVEEES 'spending time' with young boys. Oh, and he better explain again how he only showered with them to help them with their hygiene lessons.
I don't know how much laundry you have done but any woman who washes sheets and has been married for that long should be able to recognize dried semen stains on a sheet. It isn't exactly invisible to the naked eye.

I think more than seeing it, semen has a very strong, distinctive odor. If its on your sheets, you know. She ignored it. She assumed Jerry was her ticket to the big time.
Defense's motion for expert rebuttal:

Judge John Cleland ordered that Sandusky would also have to be available for a psychiatric examination by a prosecution expert. It wasn't immediately clear whether the examination would delay the trial, but as of late Friday afternoon, court was still scheduled to resume Monday at 9 a.m. ET after prosecutors presented their case this week.
Sandusky trial testimony of boys without fathers in their lives strikes nerve on Father’s Day

..........The young men who testified last week said Sandusky started out by taking them to work out on Penn State’s campus and that their mothers gave their permission, thinking it’d be good for their sons to spend some time with a man who was well-respected in the community as both an activist for kids through The Second Mile and a popular defensive coach for the Nittany Lions.

Experts say predators work to groom the families of their victims as much as they work to groom their victims for abuse.

"These single mothers, these parents, were essentially conditioned to believe that they were making good parenting decisions by turning their children over to The Second Mile and Jerry," said State College attorney Andrew Shubin, who is representing alleged victims No. 3 and No. 7 with another local attorney, Justine Andronici..............

"They want to speak out and tell someone, but they don’t know who to turn to, and if the abuser is the only person in their life who is giving them any form of positive attention, oftentimes the options appear to the child to be put up with the pain, or walk away and suffer even worse deprivation and loneliness," said Chris Anderson, the executive director of the sex abuse survivor advocacy organization Male Survivor.

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