per Art Harris source: Misty offered complete Immunity

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To believe this, I would need someone to corroborate that this offer has been made. It wouldn't have to be LE although that would be great, as long as it was on video and not by way of media attempting to report what LE said. I would settle for a taped statement from Fields as corroboration.

If this really did happen, LE wants more than what they originally wanted from Misty. In the early days, they wanted information--a detailed factual timeline. From there it went to a deal for information that would lead to recovery of evidence that would hold up in court. Now it seems they want nothing less than verifiable facts that lead to where Haleigh is. Let's face it--even if Misty talked and told the truth now, how would any of it be verified? Is it possible any real evidence still exists? Maybe, maybe not.

If Misty ever talks she would be wise to talk with an attorney and no one else. And it would have to be an attorney who would take the proper steps to verify anything she said prior to approaching LE.

I believe Misty has information but the operating word here is "verifiable." I am not sure that with so much time having passed she can provide that anymore.
What I don't get is ... She was offered immunity from prosecution for murder ... but offerred no adjustment to the 20 some years on the drug charges... so she'd still serve time ... and serve it as a rat if she squeaked ...

Not that I have much experience ... but this does not seem like a terribly aggressive nor timely offer.

Why would such an offer motivate Misty to rat on Ron or Timmy? (assuming she had info.)

How would it change her immediate problem (long sentence she already has).

These folks gave up nothing on each other and from what I can tell ... why should they?

Misty never told Robert Fields that she had something to trade for a deal either.

JMHO...and I could be missing something here...just let me know. :crazy:

The most logical conclusion is that they all know what happened and are equally guilty, and know that serving time on drug charges is better than serving time for murder.

I agree, and Misty would be more at risk in prison as a rat than as a murderer, even with the victim being a child. I agree with your other points also.

If LE has made Misty an offer of complete immunity for murder, they can certainly throw in a sentence commutation. I want the Haleigh case solved as much as everyone else, but I would hate to see Misty settle for anything less than her freedom. Giving Misty all that she needs is what will be required of LE if they expect her to give them all that they need. (This, or course, is assuming Misty has all of what LE needs.)
This looks like, IMO, LE thinks Misty was involved , but not the murderer. Maybe they believe she was in on the disposal. I don't remember which test, but one of her failed questions dealt with Haleigh's location, so I think she can give them that information. It's hard for me to visualize this as all play acting on LE's part, in an attempt to trick Ron. & I don't think they'd offer a deal, (Ron's), or ammunity, (Misty's), to murderers. I've been wondering why they don't file charges against Tommy...anything & everything they can think of. He gave them plenty of reasons with that story.,,but maybe, they're 'this close' to solving the case & don't want to settle for anything less than murder charges. If they filed charges for interfering with an investigation & so forth, and get a conviction, but later get the proof they need for murder, some kind of double jeopardy might kick in. The jail conversations & the LVA test all point away from Misty, IMO, & on to Tommy. I know we weren't privy to Ron's tapes, so MOO is lacking, but honestly, none of these people seemed too concerned with him. Misty seemed to go along with whatever, as long as she had phone minutes & money, & Tommy's main concern seemed to be that everybody keep their mouths shut. Whatever happened must have involved the days leading up to the murder, & this IMO, explains Ron's inconsistencies, & his willingness to cover Misty's part...& I'm thinking she had a big part, or LE wouldn't have offered her ammunity. Some of you are wondering what Misty's incentive to talk would be. That's easy. If she doesn't talk, she'll be charged & could have a lot of years stacked on, & never get out of prison. MOO.
This looks like, IMO, LE thinks Misty was involved , but not the murderer. Maybe they believe she was in on the disposal. I don't remember which test, but one of her failed questions dealt with Haleigh's location, so I think she can give them that information. It's hard for me to visualize this as all play acting on LE's part, in an attempt to trick Ron. & I don't think they'd offer a deal, (Ron's), or ammunity, (Misty's), to murderers. I've been wondering why they don't file charges against Tommy...anything & everything they can think of. He gave them plenty of reasons with that story.,,but maybe, they're 'this close' to solving the case & don't want to settle for anything less than murder charges. If they filed charges for interfering with an investigation & so forth, and get a conviction, but later get the proof they need for murder, some kind of double jeopardy might kick in. The jail conversations & the LVA test all point away from Misty, IMO, & on to Tommy. I know we weren't privy to Ron's tapes, so MOO is lacking, but honestly, none of these people seemed too concerned with him. Misty seemed to go along with whatever, as long as she had phone minutes & money, & Tommy's main concern seemed to be that everybody keep their mouths shut. Whatever happened must have involved the days leading up to the murder, & this IMO, explains Ron's inconsistencies, & his willingness to cover Misty's part...& I'm thinking she had a big part, or LE wouldn't have offered her ammunity. Some of you are wondering what Misty's incentive to talk would be. That's easy. If she doesn't talk, she'll be charged & could have a lot of years stacked on, & never get out of prison. MOO.

Double jeopardy only comes into play for the same charge. If the SA charged any of them with obstruction or disposing of a body or anything like that, it would not prevent them from later charging the same person(s) with murder should evidence become available.

Unfortunately, murderers do get offered immunity. It is usually in a case where more than one person is involved--typically they offer immunity to the person they think is least inviolved, but not always. In the Haleigh case, either they believe Misty is the least culpable, or they believe she has the most valuable information.

In the Zahra Baker case, a deal was made guaranteeing no first degree murder charge to the very person who may be the most culpable. At least in my eyes she is, if not the most culpable, equally culpable. Such a heinous, despicable crime against a child being charged as only 2nd Degree Murder says a lot about what LE and the SA have to do sometimes to get sufficient evidence.

Basically, the SA was willing to settle for a 2nd Degree charge over no charge at all for Zahra, and in Haleigh's case could very well be willing to offer immunity to a guilty party if doing so will solve an otherwise unsolveable crime. But that's JMO.
What am I missing guys...LE cleared Ron I thought?

Misty however, she was good for this from the very beginning. I think Ron may have some kind of deficit that makes him eager to marry young women, as well as live the lifestyle he lived. I took him off the table because LE did.

Did Misty do this alone? I think she had one or more guys at the house with her and OD'd the little angel on something to prevent her from waking and seeing the action. JMVHO. I hoped, hoped, hoped that the urine on the blanket would give some idea if she was in metabolic crisis when she died...which is what I believed for a while. That whatever she was given led to her death.

As for Ron, maybe he helped dispose of her, but for some reason that doesnt resonate with me. Marrying Misty protected his lifestyle if he was peddling drugs and selling guns and she knew all about it-maybe he believed her for a while...I dont know. These folks do not behave like the people I know. :(
The deal was offered because whether or not you believe MC was responsible or you think others were, we can all agree this girl is in the thick of the events that night. She is involved, no matter what each of us believes about her level of involvement.

I agree with Emma tho, this was certainly not a timely offer, if they were gonna offer her a deal like this, there would have been way more incentive to accept it BEFORE the drug sentencing came down.

I do not know what would motivate LE to offer such a deal at this particular time, unless they have more evidence suddenly that makes Misty look good for it and they are offering her an out in an effort to get Haleighs remains, at long last. Perhaps the time she has already been handed is comfort ot Haleigh's mom and the deal seems like the only way to finally bring Haleigh hom to a final resting place. Perhaps Haleighs mom hasn't even been consulted about her thoughts.

and perhaps Art Harris' "source close to the investigation" is full of bull.

We shall have to see how this plays out, if it even does.
I agree with Tlcox's last line-that the source is full of bull. Because to me this defies reason.

We will see, I guess.
Yes, immunity is offered to murderers sometimes, but I don't think this LE would be willing to do that. They pressed on Ron to tell the truth with his deal, & it seems they tried to press on Misty, with a deal. IDK why she won't talk. She may never tell what she knows. In a 1st year anniversary article, AS talked about how Misty had changed since Haleigh's disappearance, & how unreachable she had become. Either she has the self preservation skills of a trapped animal, or she was so traumatized that she learned to compartmentalize those events & detach herself from them. Wherever she stored those memories, is a place I don't think she visits very often...if at all. Her lawyer said that she's in a very dark place & I believe that. Based on personal experience, I can understand choosing to live a messed up life, rather than dealing with a traumatic truth. Being able to detach, is a way to keep from losing your mind. Telling her story, might involve 'reliving' that night, & she may not be able go there. So, when I read reports where LE calls Misty cold, heartless & evil I get defensive for her. She was just a kid!But, by the same token, there may be more to her than I'm picking up. She may be covering for herself. MOO.
The deal was offered because whether or not you believe MC was responsible or you think others were, we can all agree this girl is in the thick of the events that night. She is involved, no matter what each of us believes about her level of involvement.

I agree with Emma tho, this was certainly not a timely offer, if they were gonna offer her a deal like this, there would have been way more incentive to accept it BEFORE the drug sentencing came down.

I do not know what would motivate LE to offer such a deal at this particular time, unless they have more evidence suddenly that makes Misty look good for it and they are offering her an out in an effort to get Haleighs remains, at long last. Perhaps the time she has already been handed is comfort ot Haleigh's mom and the deal seems like the only way to finally bring Haleigh hom to a final resting place. Perhaps Haleighs mom hasn't even been consulted about her thoughts.

and perhaps Art Harris' "source close to the investigation" is full of bull.

We shall have to see how this plays out, if it even does.
from rereading the article, I think the deal was offered before her sentencing. If it was, I would guess LE is still willing to negotiate. Prisoners snitch from inside all the time, to help themselves, so I'm sure something could be done in regards to her drug sentences. I wonder what Art was alluding to, regarding HS & DH?
from rereading the article, I think the deal was offered before her sentencing. If it was, I would guess LE is still willing to negotiate. Prisoners snitch from inside all the time, to help themselves, so I'm sure something could be done in regards to her drug sentences. I wonder what Art was alluding to, regarding HS & DH?

According to Art the deal was offered prior to the Putnam County Sentencing. I don't see a real deal here at all. If this is true, then all LE did was to tell her that they would not charge her with the murder of Haleigh if she offered up information about the murder and lead them to where Haleigh was located. Nothing was offered for the twenty-five years she received in St. Johns' county. I can understand why Misty hasn't offered up any new information if she wasn't offered up a deal on her twenty five years. :waitasec:

BTW: HS is Hope Sykes, right? Who is DH? I'm having a blank moment. TIA.
What am I missing guys...LE cleared Ron I thought?

Misty however, she was good for this from the very beginning. I think Ron may have some kind of deficit that makes him eager to marry young women, as well as live the lifestyle he lived. I took him off the table because LE did.

Did Misty do this alone? I think she had one or more guys at the house with her and OD'd the little angel on something to prevent her from waking and seeing the action. JMVHO. I hoped, hoped, hoped that the urine on the blanket would give some idea if she was in metabolic crisis when she died...which is what I believed for a while. That whatever she was given led to her death.

As for Ron, maybe he helped dispose of her, but for some reason that doesnt resonate with me. Marrying Misty protected his lifestyle if he was peddling drugs and selling guns and she knew all about it-maybe he believed her for a while...I dont know. These folks do not behave like the people I know. :(

LE can't clear people when a crime is unsolved, unless they were known to be hours away.
According to Art the deal was offered prior to the Putnam County Sentencing. I don't see a real deal here at all. If this is true, then all LE did was to tell her that they would not charge her with the murder of Haleigh if she offered up information about the murder and lead them to where Haleigh was located. Nothing was offered for the twenty-five years she received in St. Johns' county. I can understand why Misty hasn't offered up any new information if she wasn't offered up a deal on her twenty five years. :waitasec:

BTW: HS is Hope Sykes, right? Who is DH? I'm having a blank moment. TIA.
yes & DH should've been DB. sorry, but all this initializing confuses me, lol. If Misty's plan is to just wait it out, she may be in for a world of hurt, down the road. LE may get the proof they need without her help, & she'll be charged as an accessory... & never see the light of day again. MOO.
IMO, Misty and the gang know there is no evidence. They got rid of it all and unless one of them speaks up, this case is stone cold. Even if one speaks up at some point, if evidence is gone forever, nothing will be done. A person could confess!! but without evidence there would be no conviction.

If an offer was made that did not include reducing or elminiating all of Misty's prison time for the drug charges, she would be an absolute fool to have accepted such offer.

Now personally, I do not think an immunity offer was made. I agree that all that was done was the SA tried one more time to convince Misty it was in her best interests to come clean...and one more time she did not agree. And if her 25-year prison sentence already on the books at the time was never mentioned, and would thus remain intact, an offer of immunity for an unrelated crime is of no benefit to Misty, especially if she is fully aware that no evidence can ever be found in the crimes against Haleigh.
from rereading the article, I think the deal was offered before her sentencing. If it was, I would guess LE is still willing to negotiate. Prisoners snitch from inside all the time, to help themselves, so I'm sure something could be done in regards to her drug sentences. I wonder what Art was alluding to, regarding HS & DH?
this may have been when Misty told LE to go ask Tommy, because he knows everything. But, Tommy had already made it plain as day, that he was finished talking. Wow, after all his wild tales, he was done. Never mind that he claimed Haleigh was murdered. He just left LE hanging. Every time I think of his horrible stories, I get a knot in my stomach. MOO.
Dodie's post reminded me of the fact that Werter stated that Tommy would talk in exchange for full immunity.

It looks like they really do have to go ask Tommy.
IMO, Misty and the gang know there is no evidence. They got rid of it all and unless one of them speaks up, this case is stone cold. Even if one speaks up at some point, if evidence is gone forever, nothing will be done. A person could confess!! but without evidence there would be no conviction.

If an offer was made that did not include reducing or elminiating all of Misty's prison time for the drug charges, she would be an absolute fool to have accepted such offer.

Now personally, I do not think an immunity offer was made. I agree that all that was done was the SA tried one more time to convince Misty it was in her best interests to come clean...and one more time she did not agree. And if her 25-year prison sentence already on the books at the time was never mentioned, and would thus remain intact, an offer of immunity for an unrelated crime is of no benefit to Misty, especially if she is fully aware that no evidence can ever be found in the crimes against Haleigh.
I think there is evidence & that's why they haven't blamed an accidental overdose. They know, IMO, that when they lead LE to her body, something will give them away. I can think of a few morbid possibilities. MOO.
Dodie's post reminded me of the fact that Werter stated that Tommy would talk in exchange for full immunity.

It looks like they really do have to go ask Tommy.
the thing about Tommy is...he lies to minimize his own involvement. Now, there's someone, IMO, with the self preservation skills of an animal. He had his chance & blew it. He claimed he was telling the truth, & I don't know how they determined it, but LE said 'no go'. I don't expect Tommy to ever tell the truth. MOO.
I'm waiting to see what happens in a few years--after all appeals have been exhausted and they have nothing to do but sit there.
What am I missing guys...LE cleared Ron I thought?
Misty however, she was good for this from the very beginning. I think Ron may have some kind of deficit that makes him eager to marry young women, as well as live the lifestyle he lived. I took him off the table because LE did.

Did Misty do this alone? I think she had one or more guys at the house with her and OD'd the little angel on something to prevent her from waking and seeing the action. JMVHO. I hoped, hoped, hoped that the urine on the blanket would give some idea if she was in metabolic crisis when she died...which is what I believed for a while. That whatever she was given led to her death.

As for Ron, maybe he helped dispose of her, but for some reason that doesnt resonate with me. Marrying Misty protected his lifestyle if he was peddling drugs and selling guns and she knew all about it-maybe he believed her for a while...I dont know. These folks do not behave like the people I know. :(

How could LE possibly clear Ron when they do not know when or where the incident occured. Also they just released a statement last week stating they knew both he and Misty have not told the truth about what happened. No way has he ever been cleared. He never will be either..JMHO
yes & DH should've been DB. sorry, but all this initializing confuses me, lol. If Misty's plan is to just wait it out, she may be in for a world of hurt, down the road. LE may get the proof they need without her help, & she'll be charged as an accessory... & never see the light of day again. MOO.

Thank you. I almost assumed that it should have been DB but I've learned not to assume on this case. You are correct in that Misty could wait too long but I can't blame her if she holds out until she is offered immunity in Haleigh's death as well as a reduced sentencing on both St. Johns and Putnam county drug charges. Twenty five years is a lifetime for her.
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