Perez Hilton Claims Rapper Will.I.Am Of Black Eyed Peas Assaulted Him

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I don't condone violence, but while I wouldn't have encouraged to punch Perez, I do sometimes think that karma can find a way to smack you a good one.

I think that might have been the case here.
Perez admitted to purposely calling him the "f" word to get a reaction out of him. Well what did he expect would happen? He got what he wanted but is now crying about it. tsk tsk, can't have it both ways.:snooty:
Perez worked very hard to get what he asked for, much deserved I might add. In my fifty plus years I've come to the conclusion that some people want it, need it, ask for it, just got to have it; and sometimes you just got to give it to them................
Perez Hilton got exactly what he deserved. He can dish it out but not take it. I have a feeling this wont be the last time for him either.
Even Ghandi would have wanted to take a swing at Perez. And Mother Teresa would have kicked his shins.
Even Ghandi would have wanted to take a swing at Perez. And Mother Teresa would have kicked his shins.

Dr. Doogie... without reading this entire thread... I say :clap: :clap::clap: :clap::clap: :clap::clap: :clap:

I think even the Girl Scouts of America would enjoy lining for this person.

Wheres my mamamamamamaaaaaaaaa? It's okay to dish it and say slurs to others but have it come back at yah?? YAH PH - TIME FOR U TO apologize - not the other way around. :rolleyes:
I strongly dislike this guy. From his childish website (I prefer even more immature Dlisted if I'm bored enough to read about "celebrities") to his hypocritical, downright asinine attacks on Carrie Prejean... Yeah, if I had the chance, I'd deck this overgrown-little-boy, hippopotamus-sized ***hole.

I didn't think it was that punched him. I thought it was the manager.
I strongly dislike this guy. From his childish website (I prefer even more immature Dlisted if I'm bored enough to read about "celebrities") to his hypocritical, downright asinine attacks on Carrie Prejean... Yeah, if I had the chance, I'd deck this overgrown-little-boy, hippopotamus-sized ***hole.


Dlisted is pretty immature, but at least MichaelK is funny. Crass and cringe-inducing, sometimes, but I know I can always get a good laugh out of some of his posts. Perez is just mean-spirited. At least with Dlisted, you can see that the guy behind it has occasional bouts of compassion.

Even Ghandi would have wanted to take a swing at Perez. And Mother Teresa would have kicked his shins.

LOL, I really do think so.
No one should be assaulted - that is a crime, and of course Perez Hilton could press charges. But, having said that, I also strongly feel that Perez Hilton is a man full of anger, and mean spirit. Anyone who exists primarily to blog in a truly nasty way has long-standing issues. He needs a good psychologist to help him deal with the issues and anger he carriess inside of himself. It is a very difficult way to live life - and I truly feel sorry for him. Sorry for him not because he was punched but because of his anger, and mean-spirit that rules him and keeps him from truly enjoying life and having meaningful relationships with other people.

Lady Gaga appears to be holding a very large black bird. :confused:

(Seriously? That's the *first* time PH has been punched?)

He said that he called 911 after being punched and was given an expected time of arrival that he wasn't happy with, and an explanation that the police were responding to more urgent calls. (He was in a yelling match and was sucker-punched.)

Then he *tweeted* about it.

He was in a club with bouncers, and Lady gaga had security with her - and he *tweets* asking for help which prompted a flood of calls to the Toronto Police switchboard (he has thousands of followers on twitter). PH should be charged for mis-use of the 911 system. I hate to think of his fans who called Toronto EMS tying up the lines while real emergencies were being dealt with.
If you watch any news you hear about Perez Hilton. I haven't quite understood how we got to a point where people such as Hilton feel it is Ok to make such nasty, cruel, cutting, mean, etc. comments about other people. I don't agree with hitting this guy but for a man that loves to dish it out he sure is a baby when peole differ with him or fight back.
Well I could be politically correct and say that I don't condone violence (normally I don't)..

but I'm glad he got a smack in the face! I can't help it. I think he wanted to be hit.

Who gets in someone's face .... provokes them and expects a wag of the finger?
This guy is a publicity you know what and will sue..........I saw his barely there black eye and his fake tears and just spare me..........I'd like to pop him in the face and I'm a girl (so it would be even). Maybe I need anger management.

All in is funny. It would have been better if Fergie had opened up a can on him though........
If there is a point where someone is trying to verbally humiliate and push me to the edge (because... he/she knows I can't hit them) I'm going to lay one one them. (and I'm not talkin about no kiss either)

I have a very mild temper till I am pushed. Then I am a raging b*tch. Perez Hilton is a jackass. He makes his money by making fun of celebrities. I'd probably punch him in the face too. Then I'd twitter about it. What a cry baby. Take it like a man.
I agree I think he provoked it. Its GREAT press! I am honestly surprised that more people haven't attacked this idiot.

Sometimes the verbal spew that comes out of his mouth can hurt someone just as bad as a punch in the face.
This guy is a publicity you know what and will sue..........I saw his barely there black eye and his fake tears and just spare me..........I'd like to pop him in the face and I'm a girl (so it would be even). Maybe I need anger management.

What do you mean by that?

Perez is certainly crude and obnoxious and an instigator, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean he deserved to be hit. If everyone in the world went around hitting anyone who offended them or pissed them off, then imagine what would happen.

We have created this culture of building people up and tearing people down. Perez is a shrewd business man who capitalizes on exploiting others. I wish everyone would just ignore him and maybe he would go away. His negativity isn't healthy, and I truly think he was originally a snarky outsider who wanted desperately to be liked by who he deemed the cool kids. Now he has all the power and if the celebs want to play the game, they have to abide by his rules. It's a vicious circle that won't stop until the public decides not to indulge this nonsense.
Too bad he must have been in the way. I don't like violence but he should have shut his trap on this one or take it like a man.

I'm confused............aren't we talking about Perez? :waitasec:

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