Person of Interest Identified in Dylan Redwine case * MARK REDWINE ARRESTED**

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Definitely agree with your last sentiment.

I won't be surprised if they do eventually arrest him. But I won't be surprised if they arrest somebody else, either.

I will be surprised if the POI is not Mark, but I still entertain the reality that it could be someone else entirely. If it is not Mark, I will be humbled and owe him a bigger apology than I could ever provide.
If it is not Mark and we are all barking up the wrong tree then how can you explain away his actions ?!

I mean he claims he loved his son and wants justice yet all he does is hide , his actions are that of a guilty person IMO .

Elaine is how you act when a child you loved and adored goes missing . You never give up and you fight until your last breath to get justice . You knock on doors and you keep going until you physically can do no more .


Right. And what father uses a text message to contact the mother, who is miles away, to to tell her that her child has disappeared without a trace less than 24 hours after he was picked up from the airport?!! And then, after he drops that bomb, he blocks his own phone so that the child's mother can't call him or text him to find out WTH happened to her child?!

I don't care if she is your ex-wife. You don't do that unless you have a heart of stone. And MR has one of granite. These are the inhumane, malicious, and vindictive acts of someone who has been eaten alive by hatred and who isn't even a member of the human race anymore.

Who does that? Someone who is spiteful, with hatred and malice, who wants to bask in the glory of knowing that he has inflicted the worst possible pain that a mother can endure. Someone who hates his ex-wife more than he ever loved his own son. Someone capable of such despicable behavior is, in my opinion, as guilty as sin. (IMO and hopefully, a lot of others' as well.)
After watching this news clip my take-away is the profiler is putting it on Mark to go in, sit down & convince investigators that he is not the POI & they could clear him. The reporter said at the very end that the POI's name will be released in a few weeks. So Mark needs to try & get himself cleared within a few weeks. Not sure why there is any doubt who the POI is, Mark even thinks he is because LE has focused on him. [video=youtube;O6qaSpTtro8][/video]

Why would he do that if he has not been officially named as the POI? And if he is the POI, why would they clear him? It sounds like they want a confession. Is that all they have? That bothers me.
How did they determine this was a homicide case? Is it true that only 2% of his remains were found? If so, do we know what body parts? I don't want to be graphic just wondering how they came to that conclusion.

Right. And what father uses a text message to contact the mother, who is miles away, to to tell her that her child has disappeared without a trace less than 24 hours after he was picked up from the airport?!! And then, after he drops that bomb, he blocks his own phone so that the child's mother can't call him or text him to find out WTH happened to her child?!

I don't care if she is your ex-wife. You don't do that unless you have a heart of stone. And MR has one of granite. These are the inhumane, malicious, and vindictive acts of someone who has been eaten alive by hatred and who isn't even a member of the human race anymore.

Who does that? Someone who is spiteful, with hatred and malice, who wants to bask in the glory of knowing that he has inflicted the worst possible pain that a mother can endure. Someone who hates his ex-wife more than he ever loved his own son. Someone capable of such despicable behavior is, in my opinion, as guilty as sin. (IMO and hopefully, a lot of others' as well.)

I absolutely agree with both of you. This reminds me so much of Kyron Horman. Desiree And Kaine both will not give up; yet Terri continues to hide out. I know Terri is the step parent there, but she is vindictive and evil too. Any parent should be shouting from the rooftops trying to keep their child's case in the news and trying desperately to get answers.
Really now the waiting game continues but I'm so optimistic after all this time. Let's all hope LE has a strong case and naming the POI is a ploy to get some activity of some kind. I would think after all this time and clearly no ' rush to judgment' that they have good evidence lined up . :please:
Really now the waiting game continues but I'm so optimistic after all this time. Let's all hope LE has a strong case and naming the POI is a ploy to get some activity of some kind. I would think after all this time and clearly no ' rush to judgment' that they have good evidence lined up . :please:

What I don't like is that it looks exactly like a ploy and no lawyer is going to let his client talk to them with this. It is different if they name him and then have something to back that up.. But to me this looks like bad bait.
How did they determine this was a homicide case? Is it true that only 2% of his remains were found? If so, do we know what body parts? I don't want to be graphic just wondering how they came to that conclusion.

IIRC the sheriff's office said Dylan was murdered but didn't elaborate on what made them say that.

I was looking back through old threads to see if I could find a more definitive answer for you but a lot of old MSM links are expired now.

You might try the Media and Timelines thread for Dylan. His remains were found in June 2013.
What I don't like is that it looks exactly like a ploy and no lawyer is going to let his client talk to them with this. It is different if they name him and then have something to back that up.. But to me this looks like bad bait.

I hope you're wrong about that bad bait part but given his propensity to ' act out' in irrational and nonsensical ways, there' s a good chance he will do so . So I'd say it's not a bad gamble even if it's a bluff.
I hope you're wrong about that bad bait part but given his propensity to ' act out' in irrational and nonsensical ways, there' s a good chance he will do so . So I'd say it's not a bad gamble even if it's a bluff.

I think the difference is that before he was just a loud mouth not so smart Dad. If they are using the words POI that changes things and if he has an atty they are not going to let him speak to LE knowing he could be the POI. They are going to make them name him and then start a defense...
I think the difference is that before he was just a loud mouth not so smart Dad. If they are using the words POI that changes things and if he has an atty they are not going to let him speak to LE knowing he could be the POI. They are going to make them name him and then start a defense...

If he lawyered up that would be quite telling wouldn't it? I mean he hasn't even been officially named a "suspect". My understanding is there is a difference between POI and suspect even though some may disagree and say it's the same.
If he lawyered up that would be quite telling wouldn't it? I mean he hasn't even been officially named a "suspect". My understanding is there is a difference between POI and suspect even though some may disagree and say it's the same.

No. People get lawyers for all kinds of reasons. Just because someone retains one does not mean guilt. It gives you protected counsel and help navigating the justice system.
So someone getting a lawyer never says guilt to me. It says smart. Now following that lawyers advice is the trick. I think MR would be a horrible Client. Like JA.
If he lawyered up that would be quite telling wouldn't it? I mean he hasn't even been officially named a "suspect". My understanding is there is a difference between POI and suspect even though some may disagree and say it's the same.

BBM I totally agree with you and I think the average person on a jury will feel the same way like "if you have nothing to hide, hide nothing. It's a double-edged sword for Mark. I don't have the foggiest idea of what he is going to do. I'm curious what others think, whether he will go in & talk or not.
BBM I totally agree with you and I think the average person on a jury will feel the same way like "if you have nothing to hide, hide nothing. It's a double-edged sword for Mark. I don't have the foggiest idea of what he is going to do. I'm curious what others think, whether he will go in & talk or not.

That is a shame. Everyone has a right to counsel. A jury is not supposed to infer guilt because someone got counsel but on the evidence alone.
How did they determine this was a homicide case? Is it true that only 2% of his remains were found? If so, do we know what body parts? I don't want to be graphic just wondering how they came to that conclusion.


"This is an open ongoing homicide investigation. We’ve ruled out everything except foul play, and that left us with kidnapping or homicide," Bender said. "With the recovery of his body, that makes it from our perspective a homicide."

Mark said
"They found I think, they said two femurs, a shoulder blade, bone or something to do with the shoulder."
I could find anything other than Mark using the term "2%" of his remains found.
So reading along we need to remember that Mark loves attorneys. During the custody issues with Elaine he was always in court or sitting in an attorneys office. Remember the day Dylan went missing an appointment with his attorney was in his morning agenda.

Mark thinks he is clever but I have a lot of confidence in this PI the sheriffs office has hired. His record that I read somewhere in time is very good so I think he must be qualified.

As far as Mark not speaking I don't think he can help himself. Must drive whichever attorney he is using crazy.

He wouldn't speak to the person calling about the new info of a POI but called back and held quite a conversation. Then played his Mark games of wanting a phone interview.

Then I think back to the Dr. Phil show and how odd Mark acted and then how he got out of the Lie Detector test when it was offered with one of the countrys leading specialist in such tests.

The next time he failed to show up.

Mark thinks he is very smart and clever but there is an saying "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time"

Time's about up for Mark! Dylan, Elaine and Cory need some justice. I just hope what they are finding is real evidence.



VALLECITO — Dylan Redwine's father said he was "blindsided" Thursday by the news that his 13-year-old son's remains were found about 10 miles from his home north of Vallecito Lake.

Mark Redwine said investigators told him they had found only four or five of his son's bones and that they would continue searching. He said authorities told him his son was ravaged by wildlife.

Investigators also found a piece of the boy's shirt, one sock and his shoestrings but not the backpack or other items he had when he went missing, Redwine said.

"Ninety-eight percent of Dylan is scattered about the countryside," said Redwine, his voice trembling in an interview Thursday night.

Bender said the Colorado Bureau of Investigation positively identified bones as Dylan's on Thursday and notified Dylan's family.

Bender said Dylan's disappearance is being treated as a criminal matter, and he said the boy's parents are cooperating in the investigation.

Searches for the boy, which had been called off during the winter months, resumed in the spring.

The latest searches, through deep canyons, dense forest and extensive ground cover, were not the result of new information, Bender said. They were part of a series of follow-up searches conducted after the snow melted.
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